it will never make it to the midterms , if the DEMS dont debunk this shit on the internet / news , it will become fact for the trump base. for the 17 thousandth TIME WHERE THE HELL ARE THE DEMS !!!!!
I suppose he will scoop money from the country to buy private planes for his monkeys.
And how can anyone be so stupid to think the pilot could have moved?? How could he believe that planes are like driving a car??? He just killed people and business. What an evil man.
I have been wondering too, are they looting the treasury for themselves and Putin? Where is the money that pays all these programs? Is anyone investigating? Reporting?
Very little if any reporting as the billionaires' boys club own all the corporate news media and propaganda is all that the masses get to hear. And remember lying Trump has vowed to harass and even imprison those that don't tow the party line. Welcome to our failing banana republic.
Trump spent and still spends much time blaming the democrats for everything. Biden was treated like shit endlessly, literally everyday by the mainstream news and the trump supporters. And now so many are bashing and blaming the democrats. trump would be so PROUD of all of you.
trump has had many years to put his plan in place backed by endless money and corruption. He has buddied up to Nazi groups to say the least. Violence against the people is his game. Remember all that has happened.
Remember that things have to be done legally which is a big drawback when up against a group of people with few morals and a thirst for power and control. Remember or keep blaming Dems and continue making trump proud.
Yes the fact that they demonized Joe Biden didn't give him any credit for anything he did just really pisses me off even more than I want to well grab some Republican by the balls and squeeze really tight. Haaa
I don't think the solution is going to end up being legal.Trump and now more and more of the Oligarchs live by the Ayn Rand quote: "The question isn't who is going to **let me**, it's who is going to **stop** me?" Every day they go a little farther, and it gets a little harder for us. Now that we've handed him the power, we're in a chokehold. It's not going to be easy, and like you pointed out, it's never going to be a fair fight if one side rejects the rules.
Lawsuits are slowing him down, but I don't think paperwork will stop him. Using only the legal system is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Dems seem to think if we wait 2 years, maybe we'll get enough Dem senators at the midterm elections to get a 2/3 vote to impeach. I don't think we have that long. They won't stop until they are forcibly stopped, and it's not looking like the government is going to do it.
I see a lot of stormclouds forming over "we the regular people". 🤔🤨
CALL, CALL, CALL,CALL, CALL‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ five alarm 🚨 🚨🚨🚨🚨 this is more than a five alarm fire 🔥. I was a firefighter and an EMT…Please don’t just sit on this thread on any platform and just gripe… use your voice!
We are the Dems! Keep getting busy. Jack we talk like “ they” are standing over there. We are the Democrats! Get angry and be furious and keep putting it everywhere !!! Many are getting busy and getting in their ( maggas ) face! Make it hard to lie!!!!!!
Yep I sent like three emails to my three reps in the state of Colorado and rarely they get back to me I consider the government not representative of my needs or wants
Don't forget that you also have to be a sexual predator, accused of sex crimes, or convicted of sex crimes. That is a very important qualification in the felon in chiefs book.
You give the worthless Democrats way more credit than they deserve. They just cower in Washington trying to figure out how to keep their plum jobs and benefits.
It works on my device and I'm not a techie, I'm sorry. Maybe if you try on a laptop or tablet? I believe it is originally some type of Google doc so maybe it functions best in a Google app
2 weeks and blaming the Dems?? 🙄 Look at the countries standing up to this pitiful man. Those voting him in will react as probably close to none know what is going on. It isn’t happening to them so it doesn’t matter to them….. yet.
It is happening so stop with the dems bashing. That is unless you are a trump supporter.
Probably right on the number of people saying the same you do. Try Meidas Touch would be my first recommendation. I spend hours everyday reading mostly because I was so angry. The rage I felt is not good for me or any of us. There are numerous groups and individuals fighting against all of this BS. Yes people are at work. Meidas Touch will let you know what is going on. They are an independent Media supported by us. No sponsors no big money. I am not concerned with what their plans are for the next years right now. I am more concerned with NOW! The “thief in chief” has tried to sue them already. He is trying to shut them and any other independent media down. Meidas gets death threats daily. These guys are brave and working nonstop to keep us informed and updated. Trust me, I am still livid but know people are working. Countries are standing up to him.
Have as good a day as you possibly can. It isn’t easy.
i just realized something , if you look at ANY article that musk or trump have generated, 1st its generally Fiction, then they act on it , the important piece is THEY NEVER PROVIDE PROOF . like musk "this is organization has terrorists in it " no proof , then trump say we are going to shut it down. and like USAID , 10k people out of a job, because of the lie Musk told and provided ZERO proof , or the media didnt share it , either way its WRONG on a 100 levels
They don’t have to prove it. More people than not, know nothing more than “they won” and would still believe anything he says and react to it. As long as “it” isn’t affecting them, it doesn’t matter. BUT the crooked creep’s “its” will affect them sooner or later but probably sooner. (They buy eggs!)
It's debunked on the Internet by our Dem independent media sources. The legacy media is owned by Repub billionaires, who tell them what they do or don't cover. I think there's been difficulty finding other places to access. If you have other ideas, I'd love to spread them around. Maybe for right now, ideas are the role you play in the resistance. 🤔😃
I don't have any other ideas I just think that the Republicans are a hundred times more organized than we are and it's showing and our Democratic Leadership just has not stepped up and made any bold long-term organized plans
Yeah they speaking out on the house floor I'm talking about debunking every time Trump opens his mouth and stands in front of a Podium and if you don't debunk this stuff immediately not five days later not eight days later it becomes the factual truth it's bullshit and they missed this the entire four years and that's one of the components of why we lost
well that's a certainty, hes done much more than that lately....but that does not excuse the dems from getting in the news cycle. the reality is MAGA lives & traffics in FICTION. we live in non fiction , Truth has a cost ( a big one research validation of sources etc) that takes time , when musk & trump just say some garbage and we dont debunk it , well thats the firehose of falsehoods, fascist tactic. and equally important is the fact we are on the same side presumably, and we are doing this back N forth. that exactly what Vladimir PUTIN WANTS, he wants us to destroy ourselves from the inside, and we are.
Yes, it is written 2017. The fact one must consider is the Trump administration was restrained then. 8 years later he got another swing and this is the result. Every day that goes by allows for more destruction of the infrastructure of our country. The infrastructure is the framework of our daily lives as many if not most Americans enjoy it but not necessarily consciously know it … until tragedy takes the lives of 60+ lives. It’s long past time to wake up and realize our demise as a Democracy is fast approaching unless we stop it now.
Keep this MeidasTouch post. Remember these names who make decisions that can affect anyone of us and eventually will. Decisions made only because that’s how their told to vote, not because they considered for a moment the danger to not only their family, their constituents but to our entire country.
I'd love to read this, but I refuse to give a dime to WAPO. Any credible journalist should start writing for an independent news organization that isn't owned by corporations and oligarchs.
yup another bezos sinkhole, unfortunately about 4 years from now there will be like 6 people in this country running the entire show for 350 million peeps
Well yeah. Government actions have long term consequences. That's one of many things Orange Pell ha no ability to envision. He is just there to create chaos and destruction.
President Trump’s support for a plan to lop more than 30,000 Federal Aviation Administration workers from the federal payroll gives fresh momentum to an effort that stalled in Congress last year.
The proposal is included in Trump’s 2018 budget, which would cut funding for the Transportation Department by 13 percent.
yup heard it , all a move to concentrate power under the executive, as if this traitor is smart enough to handle any concerns for those depts. he IS NOT.
Sorry, most of your fellow citizens won't even know this happened or care. They just vote Republican to fight imaginary socialism/communism that the billionaire owners of mass media and the internet whose propaganda is the only thing that occasionally breaks through their wall of ignorance. There are too many football, baseball and wrestling matches to watch instead of nerdy boring politics. It's going to be almost impossible to get back to where we were pre-lying Trump so face just it, we are totally screwed.
The article states it was actually 180 Republicans who voted against FAA funding in 2019. Trump has promoted 8 of them to positions in his 2nd Administration.
These murderous toadies must be run out of office. They are cowards kowtowing to a corrupt and despicable dictator and have violated their Constitutional oaths by serving only themselves and the dictator in chief. How many more must die before this assault on our democracy and our country ends?
God forbid another one happens anytime soon. But, if it does, it’ll be Chump and anyone else who falls in line to support him, on their heads. Hopefully it won’t come to that.
I'm not sure when this was posted, but there was another plane crash in PA last night 1/31/25. Funny that the DEI hires managed to keep the skies safe for 2 decades without a major crash. Less than two weeks in the felon in chief's term and already two crashes.
Send letters to Congressional REPUBLICANS! Ask Sen. Tim Scott whether the elimination of DEI is really the elimination of Blacks from government.
Same for Representative Byron Donalds of Florida, Representative Burgess Owens of Utah. Representative Wesley Hunt of Texas, and Representative John James of Michigan about the rejection of DEI as a pretext to discriminate on the basis of race.
How can they be Republicans?
Didn't they hear that the plane crash was caused by DEI? Did that mean the boogeyman did it?
We have three (3) Batistiano MAGATs here in Baghdad By the Sea, representing a Democratic majority electorate. Cubanos also happen to be beneficiaries of DEI. Some are Black.
Trump would send 30,000 deportees to Git-mo, which, even to MAGAT Cubans, should not be in US hands.
I keep sayin' that one size does not fit all. We need all kinds of Democrats. Biden and especially Bernie Sanders said stuff that was taken here to support a totalitarian dictatorship and the word on the street was that Harris was a communist. We could not rebut it. Due to effective psy ops, even Democrats voted for Trump.
Same should go for Republican members who oppose a Russian takeover. MAGA Mike Johnson fired the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Ohio congressman Mike Turner, who supported Ukraine. How many others strongly oppose Russian imperialism?
They don't care about Americans! Think about it. WHO in their right mind would be so callous and cruel as to pull the rug out from underneath infants, small children, disabled veterans, and home bound seniors?Removing non-citizen brown-skinned people is just the first draft. Why do you think that they are reopening GITMO? It's going to be for political prisoners who disagree with their agenda.
They're catching up brown-skinned citizens too - a woman, her small son, and her grandmother were picked up in a store in NY(?) because they were speaking Spanish. They're from Puerto Rico. They weren't allowed to prove they were citizens until they got to a dention center. I'm sure the woman, her toddler, and her GRANDMOTHER definitely looked like MS-13 gang members (that's sarcasm.) They were swept up because they SPOKE SPANISH.
This is the prison playbook. When i was visiting my then husband in solitary confinement in California, Hispanic visitors were subject to far greater harassment. One boy called his uncle “tio” behind the bulletproof plexiglas, and he and his mother were hauled out for speaking gang talk and denied visits for a year. This is not a new playbook; it’s just outside the prison walls now. America is becoming incarcerated and the wardens are in the Oval Office. Lock em up is about all of us who are not bending the knee.
I teach ESL to a lot of Latino people and they are all scared to death to even go to the store. I tell them all, to keep your papers on you at all times. These people are here legally, but they don't care. Next thing you know, they be requiring people who speak Spanish to wear emblems on their clothes, like the Nazi's
Dumbo doesn’t care about the safety for the American people. He only cares about making money for himself! Guantanamo sound like the perfect place for him including the ass kissers that have allowed him to do this!!!
Thanks for the 'Wizard' reference, Marijane. Anyone who is led by drumpf has lost their mind long ago. The only decent Republicans left are the ones like A. Kinzinger and L. Cheney who were exiled from herr drump's rethug party for standing up to him.
Thank you for posting this! As a retired but 40 year pilot I know how important the funding is for aviation safety….
The men and women who voted against should never be allowed on board again! They are simply too stupid to understand the dangers of what they are doing.
This should be broadcast far and wide over every broadcast that isn’t compromised! More importantly it should be out on social media and podcasts because that is where a lot of people are getting their information. We need to be pushing back digitally on these irresponsible politicians.
Side note hot take: if a member doesn’t vote they should be fined for not doing their elected job. Or have their salary based on how many times they vote versus how many times they don’t vote.
All this needs to be kept in people's brains for the midterms. Vote. Them. OUT.
it will never make it to the midterms , if the DEMS dont debunk this shit on the internet / news , it will become fact for the trump base. for the 17 thousandth TIME WHERE THE HELL ARE THE DEMS !!!!!
I suppose he will scoop money from the country to buy private planes for his monkeys.
And how can anyone be so stupid to think the pilot could have moved?? How could he believe that planes are like driving a car??? He just killed people and business. What an evil man.
I have been wondering too, are they looting the treasury for themselves and Putin? Where is the money that pays all these programs? Is anyone investigating? Reporting?
Very little if any reporting as the billionaires' boys club own all the corporate news media and propaganda is all that the masses get to hear. And remember lying Trump has vowed to harass and even imprison those that don't tow the party line. Welcome to our failing banana republic.
He’s a animal monster!
You are too kind. We need a whole new language.
Reptile monster
Trump spent and still spends much time blaming the democrats for everything. Biden was treated like shit endlessly, literally everyday by the mainstream news and the trump supporters. And now so many are bashing and blaming the democrats. trump would be so PROUD of all of you.
trump has had many years to put his plan in place backed by endless money and corruption. He has buddied up to Nazi groups to say the least. Violence against the people is his game. Remember all that has happened.
Remember that things have to be done legally which is a big drawback when up against a group of people with few morals and a thirst for power and control. Remember or keep blaming Dems and continue making trump proud.
THIS‼️ ⬆️
Yes the fact that they demonized Joe Biden didn't give him any credit for anything he did just really pisses me off even more than I want to well grab some Republican by the balls and squeeze really tight. Haaa
😂🤣😂 Me too!
I don't think the solution is going to end up being legal.Trump and now more and more of the Oligarchs live by the Ayn Rand quote: "The question isn't who is going to **let me**, it's who is going to **stop** me?" Every day they go a little farther, and it gets a little harder for us. Now that we've handed him the power, we're in a chokehold. It's not going to be easy, and like you pointed out, it's never going to be a fair fight if one side rejects the rules.
Lawsuits are slowing him down, but I don't think paperwork will stop him. Using only the legal system is like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Dems seem to think if we wait 2 years, maybe we'll get enough Dem senators at the midterm elections to get a 2/3 vote to impeach. I don't think we have that long. They won't stop until they are forcibly stopped, and it's not looking like the government is going to do it.
I see a lot of stormclouds forming over "we the regular people". 🤔🤨
I agree that's a correct analysis authoritarianism doesn't come in one big wave it's little trickles one at a time
Don’t lose hope. Things will pick up.
Fiction is instantaneous. Truth has a big cost, of research
My sentiments exactly!! Where are they and why aren’t they doing something now!!!
50 protests at 50 State Capitols
2/5/2025 at noon local
State by state Details here - spread the word
Can i share this to Bluesky?
Yes, and everywhere else you can!
Done :)
Oh thank you!! Also … i think it’s legit.
CALL, CALL, CALL,CALL, CALL‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️ five alarm 🚨 🚨🚨🚨🚨 this is more than a five alarm fire 🔥. I was a firefighter and an EMT…Please don’t just sit on this thread on any platform and just gripe… use your voice!
We are the Dems! Keep getting busy. Jack we talk like “ they” are standing over there. We are the Democrats! Get angry and be furious and keep putting it everywhere !!! Many are getting busy and getting in their ( maggas ) face! Make it hard to lie!!!!!!
What do you propose
Exactly! Why?
Speak out with this info. My reps have not and I am not going to vote for them again.
Yep I sent like three emails to my three reps in the state of Colorado and rarely they get back to me I consider the government not representative of my needs or wants
They should be getting the message out! This is a hostile takeover!
With Musk, they are not using legislation… the coup is on.
Don't forget that you also have to be a sexual predator, accused of sex crimes, or convicted of sex crimes. That is a very important qualification in the felon in chiefs book.
You give the worthless Democrats way more credit than they deserve. They just cower in Washington trying to figure out how to keep their plum jobs and benefits.
50 protests at 50 State Capitols
2/5/2025 at noon local
State by state Details here - spread the word
Thanks Rachel.
I can't find anything but the instruction doc.
It works on my device and I'm not a techie, I'm sorry. Maybe if you try on a laptop or tablet? I believe it is originally some type of Google doc so maybe it functions best in a Google app
I completely agree! Democrats need to get in front of the cameras and go on Fox and OAN
Real asf tbh!!
I have no faith in voting any longer. It is so compromised, and too many of those voted in do not work for us. Spineless.
Never stop voting!
2 weeks and blaming the Dems?? 🙄 Look at the countries standing up to this pitiful man. Those voting him in will react as probably close to none know what is going on. It isn’t happening to them so it doesn’t matter to them….. yet.
It is happening so stop with the dems bashing. That is unless you are a trump supporter.
Hello, ? Show me some evidence of
A) them standing up and telling the constituents their entire base what in the hell a happened during the election
,B)what their plan is for 26 in terms of trying to recover a majority in Congress
C) what their plan is for 28 and what they would like us to do to assist with that initiative because I haven't seen it.
so if you have please share it !
otherwise yeah keep your opinions to yourself but remember this we're on the same side.
yes they're failing miserably and I think if you asked 100 people 75 of them would say the same thing I just did which makes you the minority
Probably right on the number of people saying the same you do. Try Meidas Touch would be my first recommendation. I spend hours everyday reading mostly because I was so angry. The rage I felt is not good for me or any of us. There are numerous groups and individuals fighting against all of this BS. Yes people are at work. Meidas Touch will let you know what is going on. They are an independent Media supported by us. No sponsors no big money. I am not concerned with what their plans are for the next years right now. I am more concerned with NOW! The “thief in chief” has tried to sue them already. He is trying to shut them and any other independent media down. Meidas gets death threats daily. These guys are brave and working nonstop to keep us informed and updated. Trust me, I am still livid but know people are working. Countries are standing up to him.
Have as good a day as you possibly can. It isn’t easy.
The dems have finally woken up, damn that took way too long
i just realized something , if you look at ANY article that musk or trump have generated, 1st its generally Fiction, then they act on it , the important piece is THEY NEVER PROVIDE PROOF . like musk "this is organization has terrorists in it " no proof , then trump say we are going to shut it down. and like USAID , 10k people out of a job, because of the lie Musk told and provided ZERO proof , or the media didnt share it , either way its WRONG on a 100 levels
They don’t have to prove it. More people than not, know nothing more than “they won” and would still believe anything he says and react to it. As long as “it” isn’t affecting them, it doesn’t matter. BUT the crooked creep’s “its” will affect them sooner or later but probably sooner. (They buy eggs!)
It's debunked on the Internet by our Dem independent media sources. The legacy media is owned by Repub billionaires, who tell them what they do or don't cover. I think there's been difficulty finding other places to access. If you have other ideas, I'd love to spread them around. Maybe for right now, ideas are the role you play in the resistance. 🤔😃
I don't have any other ideas I just think that the Republicans are a hundred times more organized than we are and it's showing and our Democratic Leadership just has not stepped up and made any bold long-term organized plans
They’re collaborators like the Vichy government
Do some reading
Haa, yup, read everything comprehended everything .
it's just a big screaming match at this point all created by Maga Christian nationalist white supremacist traitors
What do you want that isn’t being done. Democrats are speaking out.
Yeah they speaking out on the house floor I'm talking about debunking every time Trump opens his mouth and stands in front of a Podium and if you don't debunk this stuff immediately not five days later not eight days later it becomes the factual truth it's bullshit and they missed this the entire four years and that's one of the components of why we lost
I disagree. Musk engineered a coup more like.
send this to your states AG ( SAG)
and mention Scott Bessent , he is the other criminal here, he allowed the access
well that's a certainty, hes done much more than that lately....but that does not excuse the dems from getting in the news cycle. the reality is MAGA lives & traffics in FICTION. we live in non fiction , Truth has a cost ( a big one research validation of sources etc) that takes time , when musk & trump just say some garbage and we dont debunk it , well thats the firehose of falsehoods, fascist tactic. and equally important is the fact we are on the same side presumably, and we are doing this back N forth. that exactly what Vladimir PUTIN WANTS, he wants us to destroy ourselves from the inside, and we are.
Vote ALL Republicans OUT!
NOT one cares for Americans, NOT FKG ONE!
Same with Dems
Not true. How many Democrats advocate slashing the federal government to a skeleton?
How many Inspectors General did Biden fire during his first week in office?
Did Biden have public trades defaming entire groups?
Stop with this.please
Sane Democrate bonkers Republicans - this is I can agree with :@
You’d be very wrong.
No doubt.
Yes, it is written 2017. The fact one must consider is the Trump administration was restrained then. 8 years later he got another swing and this is the result. Every day that goes by allows for more destruction of the infrastructure of our country. The infrastructure is the framework of our daily lives as many if not most Americans enjoy it but not necessarily consciously know it … until tragedy takes the lives of 60+ lives. It’s long past time to wake up and realize our demise as a Democracy is fast approaching unless we stop it now.
Keep this MeidasTouch post. Remember these names who make decisions that can affect anyone of us and eventually will. Decisions made only because that’s how their told to vote, not because they considered for a moment the danger to not only their family, their constituents but to our entire country.
I'd love to read this, but I refuse to give a dime to WAPO. Any credible journalist should start writing for an independent news organization that isn't owned by corporations and oligarchs.
yup another bezos sinkhole, unfortunately about 4 years from now there will be like 6 people in this country running the entire show for 350 million peeps
Posting a link to a paywall paper I boycott at the this time. How about a brief summary, for example.
This is an article from 2017!!
yes and live in the now , though many 2017 things are relevant, like the pubs defunding the FAA in 2019
Well yeah. Government actions have long term consequences. That's one of many things Orange Pell ha no ability to envision. He is just there to create chaos and destruction.
Hey Marty -- please do NOT link to WaPo bc their $$$$ firewall PREVENTS anyone other than SUBSCRIBERS from reading said article.
INSTEAD, I recommend that you start posting links to INDEPENDENT media sources, there are plenty of them out there.
Remember, MSM is no longer 100% reliable, but instead an oligarch-owned funding source, please no longer support them.
Thank you.
wapo stuff is paywall man
President Trump’s support for a plan to lop more than 30,000 Federal Aviation Administration workers from the federal payroll gives fresh momentum to an effort that stalled in Congress last year.
The proposal is included in Trump’s 2018 budget, which would cut funding for the Transportation Department by 13 percent.
yup heard it , all a move to concentrate power under the executive, as if this traitor is smart enough to handle any concerns for those depts. he IS NOT.
Sorry, most of your fellow citizens won't even know this happened or care. They just vote Republican to fight imaginary socialism/communism that the billionaire owners of mass media and the internet whose propaganda is the only thing that occasionally breaks through their wall of ignorance. There are too many football, baseball and wrestling matches to watch instead of nerdy boring politics. It's going to be almost impossible to get back to where we were pre-lying Trump so face just it, we are totally screwed.
I'm so sad to say this is not surprising. Fake outrage and lies from all of them. We have got to get them out of office.
The hundred people that voted against the FAA should be on the next plane
The article states it was actually 180 Republicans who voted against FAA funding in 2019. Trump has promoted 8 of them to positions in his 2nd Administration.
These murderous toadies must be run out of office. They are cowards kowtowing to a corrupt and despicable dictator and have violated their Constitutional oaths by serving only themselves and the dictator in chief. How many more must die before this assault on our democracy and our country ends?
I'm not buying the coward excuse any longer. I know Dan Crenshaw. He's a wannabe dictator.
All hat.
All ass-hat ....And the eye-patch for that extra villainous look
God forbid another one happens anytime soon. But, if it does, it’ll be Chump and anyone else who falls in line to support him, on their heads. Hopefully it won’t come to that.
I'm not sure when this was posted, but there was another plane crash in PA last night 1/31/25. Funny that the DEI hires managed to keep the skies safe for 2 decades without a major crash. Less than two weeks in the felon in chief's term and already two crashes.
Send letters to Congressional REPUBLICANS! Ask Sen. Tim Scott whether the elimination of DEI is really the elimination of Blacks from government.
Same for Representative Byron Donalds of Florida, Representative Burgess Owens of Utah. Representative Wesley Hunt of Texas, and Representative John James of Michigan about the rejection of DEI as a pretext to discriminate on the basis of race.
How can they be Republicans?
Didn't they hear that the plane crash was caused by DEI? Did that mean the boogeyman did it?
We have three (3) Batistiano MAGATs here in Baghdad By the Sea, representing a Democratic majority electorate. Cubanos also happen to be beneficiaries of DEI. Some are Black.
Trump would send 30,000 deportees to Git-mo, which, even to MAGAT Cubans, should not be in US hands.
I keep sayin' that one size does not fit all. We need all kinds of Democrats. Biden and especially Bernie Sanders said stuff that was taken here to support a totalitarian dictatorship and the word on the street was that Harris was a communist. We could not rebut it. Due to effective psy ops, even Democrats voted for Trump.
The letter from super MAGAT Elvira Salazar, below, should give the Democrats an opening .... I remember when Congressman Mario Diaz Balart's brother Lincoln, flipped from a Dade County Young Democrat to the Republican Party. Republican MAGAT Congressman Carlos Gimenez had once been a Democratic county mayor.*uo1jgf*_ga*MDMwMjhjMzctZTFlNy00YzExLWE3NTEtZGUxMmY1OGY0YjEw*_ga_14T5LGLSQ3*MTczNzc0NTk1My4zLjEuMTczNzc0Njg2Ny44LjAuMA..
FL 26th Mario Díaz-Balart (Miami)
FL 27th María Elvira Salazar (Miami)
FL 28th Carlos A. Giménez (Miami)
Same should go for Republican members who oppose a Russian takeover. MAGA Mike Johnson fired the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Ohio congressman Mike Turner, who supported Ukraine. How many others strongly oppose Russian imperialism?
Maybe Hakeem Jeffries can convince them to flip
50 protests at 50 State Capitols
2/5/2025 at noon local
State by state Details here - spread the word
There has been another plane crash today
What is wrong with them??? This is a matter of safety for the American people! I am so distraught over everything that is going on 😞😞😞
They don't care about Americans! Think about it. WHO in their right mind would be so callous and cruel as to pull the rug out from underneath infants, small children, disabled veterans, and home bound seniors?Removing non-citizen brown-skinned people is just the first draft. Why do you think that they are reopening GITMO? It's going to be for political prisoners who disagree with their agenda.
They're catching up brown-skinned citizens too - a woman, her small son, and her grandmother were picked up in a store in NY(?) because they were speaking Spanish. They're from Puerto Rico. They weren't allowed to prove they were citizens until they got to a dention center. I'm sure the woman, her toddler, and her GRANDMOTHER definitely looked like MS-13 gang members (that's sarcasm.) They were swept up because they SPOKE SPANISH.
This is the prison playbook. When i was visiting my then husband in solitary confinement in California, Hispanic visitors were subject to far greater harassment. One boy called his uncle “tio” behind the bulletproof plexiglas, and he and his mother were hauled out for speaking gang talk and denied visits for a year. This is not a new playbook; it’s just outside the prison walls now. America is becoming incarcerated and the wardens are in the Oval Office. Lock em up is about all of us who are not bending the knee.
I teach ESL to a lot of Latino people and they are all scared to death to even go to the store. I tell them all, to keep your papers on you at all times. These people are here legally, but they don't care. Next thing you know, they be requiring people who speak Spanish to wear emblems on their clothes, like the Nazi's
Unfortunately, I think you are right and it is soooo distressing
Dumbo doesn’t care about the safety for the American people. He only cares about making money for himself! Guantanamo sound like the perfect place for him including the ass kissers that have allowed him to do this!!!
You and me both Chile. I want to fly to some places this year for backgammon tourneys. No I’m on pins and needles about it.
They don't give a sht
I know, and now I am afraid to fly and I have a trip in April😞
I bet no republicans are flying now! Criminal charges are coming!
WTF!!!!! Do they even have brains? Did they get lost on the yellow brick road? All I can say,"what goes around, comes around."
Thanks for the 'Wizard' reference, Marijane. Anyone who is led by drumpf has lost their mind long ago. The only decent Republicans left are the ones like A. Kinzinger and L. Cheney who were exiled from herr drump's rethug party for standing up to him.
I’m interested in hearing about the republicans who voted for funding it. I want them to be highlighted and applauded.
WHY would any thinking, feeling person think it is okay to defund the FAA!
Why isn’t the airline industry speaking up!
Thank you for posting this! As a retired but 40 year pilot I know how important the funding is for aviation safety….
The men and women who voted against should never be allowed on board again! They are simply too stupid to understand the dangers of what they are doing.
This will turn ugly, very fucking quickly, get ready!!
4 crashes later…
There have been four deadly plane crashes in the United States in 2025.
Before 2025, the most recent deadly plane crash involving a U.S. airliner was in 2009.
In total, 85 people have died in the 2025 plane crashes.
Over the course of 12 days, starting on Jan. 29, 2025, a total of 85 people have died in four major U.S. aviation incidents.
Thanks, dumpster. The bodies are piling up again.
This should be broadcast far and wide over every broadcast that isn’t compromised! More importantly it should be out on social media and podcasts because that is where a lot of people are getting their information. We need to be pushing back digitally on these irresponsible politicians.
and THIS is exactly the kind of Ammo dems need to go on the news feeds and tell the americans THIS stuff, just read it . holy fck they are useless !!
The problem is, the corrupt corporate media won't let Dems on or won't allow them to tell the truth.
I love the post. Simple. Clear. Names. Links. Very helpful.
I’m questioning if it’s even safe to fly in these next 4 years!!! This is outrageous
Side note hot take: if a member doesn’t vote they should be fined for not doing their elected job. Or have their salary based on how many times they vote versus how many times they don’t vote.