By Ben Meiselas
Hi Joy,
It’s your friends and massive supporters at MeidasTouch. We heard the news about your show, and it made us very upset. We wanted you to know how much we all admire you and look to you as a legend who understands what fearless reporting is all about.
We want you to know that you will always have a spot at the MeidasTouch Network. We may not have the resources of corporate media, but our audience is now bigger than corporate media’s. We don’t know what your contract allows or doesn’t allow, but we just wanted to put it out there—because the future of independent media needs you.
You are loved and respected by millions across America and throughout the world, including me, my brothers, and all the Meidas Mighty. We will always stand by your side.
Thank you for doing this. We need her voice.
I would love to see Joy Reid in here! We have so many dedicated, powerful voices and we need yours!!!