Arkansas has four Congressional Districts with all four Republicans facing Democratic challengers. Let’s run the table and turn my home state BLUE. Then, in two years let’s retire Senator Cotton (a real credit to stupidity) and the Sanders’ Administration!

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The list looks like a ship of fools. Am hoping you get a less divided government and people vote for common sense over there come November 5th.

Furthermore, should that happen and your democratic people hold the reigns of power in all houses, the knock on effect will be superb for us ordinary folk over here. It might even inspire our politicians to pull their fingers out from their complacency.

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Why doesn’t the DNC make this an ad to promote down ballot voting???

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We have to take back the House to insure that the American people are getting what they need instead of a beholden hijacked party that is now a cult loyal to one extremely flawed, narcissistic psychopath, aka donald trump.

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Yeah, Dem voters puleeze get Congress off this hamster wheel! So much House cleaning to do. Garbage has been piling up!

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Vote them out!

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Every accusation from Republicans and Republican network's is a confession of what they want to do to the country.

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Thanks 🙏 for the brutal score!!! Horrendous performance

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Thank you for this list! Wow!

With Hurricane Helene, I feel Mother Nature is tapping voters on the shoulder and saying "Republicans do NOT have your interests at heart. They want to rule - not represent - you."

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PresBiden's concern is genuine. His response for help is immediate. There will still be AH who believe trump's lying response to the 'little hurricane'. His photo op in Valdosta acting like he is president. Swarming in midst rescue efforts claiming he brought aid. Why didn't someone put him in a leaking boat near the biggest waterfall?

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Quick correction: in Kansas, the slime buckets are Tracey Mann and Ron Estes, not Tracey Estes and Ron Mann. Thanks for putting this list together.

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I am proud to point out that not one New England state is on the list. If the MAGA nuts succeed in their mission to destroy America, New England can become a nation. The first Revolution started here. That spirit is alive and well.

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I sent this list of errant Republicans to my sister, a closeted MAGA supporter and she has yet to respond to me. She has an opportunity here in California to vote out MICHELLE STEEL but she will probably vote for the Republican incumbent regardless of her House voting record. Republicans are such HYPOCRITES!! My sister is otherwise a good person less her ridiculous political disposition but I've grown accustomed to her foibles. Go figure...

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Still confounds me so many million voters voting 'against themselves' every time the vote Repug. Do they not listen when their own politicians tell the world what their (destructive)plans are? Cancel ACA, vote against everything that helps working folks, vote against vet care, gut Mcare, not feed school children, use public school funds and give it to private?.....WTH!

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Please do a,campaign ad displaying their names. They are all traitors .

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Hurricane victims would be out of luck if they depended on Republicans to provide help! 🤨

Wake up from your MAGA induced coma people. 🧐

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They all f’ing suck!!! The are the furthest things from PATRIOTS (besides the Oompa Loompa)! Such hypocrites! Vote to save DEMOCRACY 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙 and our sanity, liberty, freedom, lives,etc!

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Send them ALL packing. Hypocrits, liars, MAGAs.

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The majority of states needing and asking for FEMA help are Republican held states.

Several have their hands our for aid now and they will get it this time, but if the keep voting Republican they can soon kiss that help goodbye.

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