Reuters is reporting that Elon Musk is attempting to get access to the $6 trillion Social Security funds in the treasury through a couple of his lackeys - we need to get musk and anybody associated with him out of the treasury department and our government

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This is my worst fear - Trump isn't going to drain the swamp, he's going to drain the country of money. Those Maga kiss-asses won't be happy until USA is really a third world country and they are laughing at the peons as we starve to death.

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The Word is a Verb

Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.

All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.

Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.

Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."

demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.

demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.

It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.

The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.

I AM Got this:


666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures

I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.

Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.

These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.

6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);

6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;

Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter

18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.

Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;

Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;

Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;

Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.

Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.

My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.

The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.


Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;

It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;

The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.

Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.

He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.

The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never judewst a formality.

Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.

The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.


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I appreciate his push back on Patel but seriously? "Don't worry we'll get through this"???? At what cost? The damage already done, the fear he has put into people, the worrying about what comes next, will I be targeted next? I'm sure financially Schiff has no concerns for himself and his family but most Americans cannot say the same! Don't worry? I'm plenty worried and we are only 2 weeks into this! Thanks for nothing!

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I agree completely

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We've got it please stop repeating it over and over send it to Cons you tube comment site Tony!

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The thing is all his supporters will starve too. This is gonna self-destruct. Maybe then, and only then, will they realize he is a CON ARTIST

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Maybe but too late. He has what he wanted and now his supporters can go pound salt as far as he is concerned because he doesn’t need them anymore. Remember he said it not too long ago, vote for me this time and you won’t ever have to vote again. Now we all get to suffer.

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Never happen because blame will always be believed if it comes out of the mouth of their god.

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I was coming here to ask about that, too. SO concerning! More and more like a coup. And Congress is non-existent.

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It's a coup. I've been calling Republicans and Democrats all week. They don't give two fucking shits if we live or die. Now, King Shitpants is telling all air traffic controllers to quit. Republicans have declared war on the citizens of this country. The Vichy/Jim Crow fuckwads are in charge. No one will help us. That SOB Elon is an enemy of the state. Our political system is broken. Fucking broken. How is any of this legal???

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I was just thinking the same thing 🤔

Who is going to take control of the craziness?

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I have no clue. Hopefully they're reading a book on 'how to deal with a malignant narcissistic psychopath on drugs.'

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But we the people still need to fight back. Maybe we need to call Nato and ask them to help us. Denmark was jokingly saying that they were starting a Gofund me to buy America.

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I hope they do. I'm in Minnesota. Shitpants wants to sell it to Canada. I'm in. We sound like Canadians. We play a lot of hockey. We drink a lot. We love winter sports. We can do this;).

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We Canadians are pulling together.......

We are standing up to Deplorable Donald


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You've got more balls than we do.

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Do you think Dumpster would consider selling Ohio to Canada? Probably we are red and getting redder every day.

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Yes — exactly! I wanna know too!!

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"You shouldn’t trust Trump or Musk.

Trump has a long history of stiffing workers and contractors. So, for that matter, does Musk. During the pandemic, Musk gave Tesla employees permission to remain at home, if they didn’t feel comfortable reporting to the factory. Then he sent them termination notices alleging “failure to return to work.”

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I quit trusting all republicans after Reagan. Reagan started project 2025 and lied about trickle down economics. Never believe them ever they all lie.

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He is doing that to government workers. I have posted everywhere I can not to fall for that.

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Yep cause he's autistic. Or impulsive? Or an ass hole!

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Scott, please don't lump him in with being autistic. My 32 year old granddaughter has autism, and is nothing like him. Also, impulsive and asshole are not synonymous with autism. Thank you.

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Thanks for letting me know. My intention was not to reinforce the stigma, my intention was to emphasize the excuse he and his daughter use to explain his behavior! My girlfriend works in a autism day facility in Rochester NY. They are all very worried about their fed. Grant funding. The leadership there most all have children with that challage. I got the vibe Elon and his. Daughter were using that disorder he has to explain his impulsive behavior like the double salute he did a couple days ago? What an oxymoron that is with him of all people advising pulling or delaying funding for that disorder? I'm sorry not intentionally offended you! Hope my explanation helps?

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Thank you so much, Scott. - Barb

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SSA and Disability retirement is paid from the trust fund. Last year about $ 22 billion. Doesn't come from general revenue. SSI, on the other hand does. Incredibly even many members of Congress are ignorant and do not recognize that the trust funds are a separate entity.

I've been trying to send the following to the WH.

Use charitable deductions to save the SSA retirement Trust Fund.

The default of Trust Funds is supposed to apex in 2033 due to the increase of birth rates of baby boomers. After 2033, birth rates of later generations flatten and the funds can be solvent.

Social Security is the greatest anti-poverty program in US history. Social Security protects workers, widow(er)s, orphans and disabled people and is a major investment for many of us. Donations can flatten the default curve, extending the apex.


Why doesn't SSA advertise that donations can flatten the curve and extend the default date beyond 2033?

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The Word is a Verb

Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.

All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.

Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.

Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."

demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.

demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.

It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.

The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.

I AM Got this:


666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures

I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.

Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.

These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.

6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);

6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;

Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter

18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.

Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;

Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;

Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;

Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.

Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.

My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.

The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.


Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;

It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;

The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.

Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.

He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.

The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never judewst a formality.

Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.

The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.


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How can we get him out?

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Join your local Indivisible group.

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how do I do that? I'm bombarding my shithead GOP congressman with emails, both my senators are Dems...

I'm terrified!

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Look up Indivisible.org and look for a group in your area or go online to one of their virtual events.

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Me too, but so far TN Hagerty is resting on his laurels and will be on Musks slash and burn team, TN just a big red state.

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Maybe legal protest outside his golf courses he uses all day for his executive time? Maybe by having a produce party? Dumping California rotted vegetables upwind from his golf courses? Mar loco beach wash up? The real rotted ones there!!

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Please go after this. Let everyone know that while trump golf we are being robbed

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Why not a major lawsuit over Musk?

He is exerting powers that are not in his authority

He is being given obviously social security numbers and data that he has no power or right to have

His, whatever it is dodge(sp) is not an official government agency

He has not been vetted

Nor approved by the house or senate

Why is no one filing a lawsuit over all of this ?

He has no right to treasury or HR information.

Otherwise if lawsuits don’t work, we know he is a ketamine abuser.

Right there should deny him clearance.

I can’t I am not a lawyer

Someone do this!

Musk is also here illegally.

Deport him and confiscate his billions

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They need to arrest him and his accomplices for identity theft

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Kash Patel is obviously a power hungry yes man who intends to violate our rights as citizens and human beings. He’s dangerous. We must call ALL of the Senators to demand that they don’t confirm him.

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The Word is a Verb

Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.

All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.

Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.

Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."

demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.

demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.

It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.

The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.

I AM Got this:


666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures

I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.

Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.

These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.

6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);

6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;

Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter

18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.

Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;

Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;

Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;

Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.

Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.

My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.

The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.


Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;

It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;

The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.

Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.

He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.

The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never judewst a formality.

Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.

The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.


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Adam Schiff is a hero! Glad he is part of mighty Meidas. What are he and other democrats going to do to protect civil servants from fascist firings? https://democracydefender2025.substack.com/p/dei-public-servant-fired

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President Schiff next time ? - hopefully...

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The Word is a Verb

Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.

All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.

Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.

Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."

demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.

demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.

It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.

The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.

I AM Got this:


666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures

I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.

Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.

These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.

6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);

6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;

Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter

18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.

Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;

Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;

Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;

Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.

Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.

My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.

The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.


Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;

It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;

The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.

Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.

He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.

The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never judewst a formality.

Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.

The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.


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Thank you Adam!! 👏👏💙💙

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Appreciate Schiff's determination regarding Patel. But that said, WHERE THE FU€K is feckless Chuck Schumer?? Where is the Democratic "Leadership" in Congress?? It is well past time for congressional Dems to stand up to Chump's lawless (and unconstitutional) behavior and to stall his nominations of absurdly unqualified cabinet picks. If Tommy Tuberville could stall military promotions for months, then Schumer (and others) could throw sand in the gears for the hearings of these abhorrent nominees. I'm sick of the Dems acting like they need to find common cause with those who seek to destroy our democracy!! FIGHT!!

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Please find out what Schumer is doing. He is busy.

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Trump has "CONMAN CENTS", not "COMMON SENSE"!!!

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Yes I recall Don Jr used to use godfather jargon alot? Doesn't now? Their filth low life, entitled losers. They need to go! Do we need to go to DC and protest?? I mean as long as the Donald doesn't decide for a photo shoot at his favorite church across the street? Or should we dump unpickedCalifornia produce upwind to him? In Jersy, Miami, DC trump tower main lobby?? Doral Scotland?

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I am so discouraged of all his picks because they are all getting confirmed one by one. Do we have any safeguards against them once they are in there???

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He'll get tired of them& fire them ,he went through more staff than any president.If they cross him or say no they know he'll axe em that's why he got all yes men& women who want what he wants,total control.MAGGAS didn't figure on a king coming in& letting his minions run the show while he fiddles & golfs.

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The Word is a Verb

Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.

All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.

Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.

Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."

demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.

demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.

It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.

The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.

I AM Got this:


666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures

I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.

Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.

These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.

6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);

6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;

Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter

18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.

Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;

Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;

Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;

Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.

Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.

My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.

The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.


Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;

It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;

The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.

Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.

He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.

The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never judewst a formality.

Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.

The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.


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Patel retweeted a disgusting video meme of himself beheading American citizens with a chainsaw. Imagine what must be going on in the mind of a person who would retweet a video of themselves committing this heinous crime. He is the most dangerous pick and should not be confirmed. Pull out all stops to block him.

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I wish they had shown that video in the hearing.

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I believe one of the senators did play it. One also showed screenshots.

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Really? That's not ok!!

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Adam Schiff and other well-spoken Dems need to form a shadow cabinet to respond to every big issue/big news event, just like Trump did from Mar-a-Lardo over the past few yrs; to help steer the narrative & to be less reactionary. It'd continually model for the public what competent & truthful responses should look like. Timothy Snyder on his Substack in December has a great writeup of this idea & also spoke with Maddow about it recently. THIS is the way forward for Dems. Can you please please help to get this message through to top ranking folks like A. Schiff??!

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It's clear he would never think it's necessary. We're just all going to get through this. Disappointing.

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What are we doing?

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Apparently top Dems are just waiting to get through this. Yes there are lawsuits, there will be hundreds of millions of dollars spent on them. But is that what we tell people being shaken down by ICE to just get through the next 4 years? They need to push impeachment then let the Republicans hang on their own. The least they can do is stop voting across party lines for all of his nominees. We're in a constitutional crisis.

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My idea is to go after ICE for not arresting employers for breaking the law and hire them. If employers need more workers, they should make Congress give them a way to quickly bring temporary workers across the border.

We must get ahead of the Felon and blame him for everything.

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To Adam Schiff and other Democrats in the Senate: Please ask your republican colleagues if they are being blackmailed by Trump? Why would they let him turn our country to a dictatorship?

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We shouldn't have to get through it for 4 years. Trump is breaking laws and violating the constitution he swore an oath to uphold. What is impeachment for? Why is Musk still here after making a huge "campaign donation" illegal for a government contractor? And was he so confident about his power purchase because of election interference?Investigations have finally begun, partly because of Trump's comments about Musk and vote-counting computers, and "we won".

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That's one good thong about the Donald. He tells us how bad he is!! And the next overt thing he's gonna do!! Did he fire the post master general yet?? He wants to goof up mail in voting again!! Last time he defunded the post office! and placed an apointee to run it! Didn't work. The slime fool!

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The Word is a Verb

Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.

All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.

Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.

Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."

demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.

demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.

It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.

The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.

I AM Got this:


666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures

I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.

Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.

These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.

6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);

6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;

Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter

18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.

Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;

Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;

Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;

Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.

Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.

My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.

The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.


Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;

It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;

The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.

Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.

He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.

The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never judewst a formality.

Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.

The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.


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They will all do what Trump wants, that’s what’s so dangerous.

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This was the overarching theme of Project 2025. They all demanded fealty to the President first, not to the Constitution first and the people of America.

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I love my Senator and the way he has always stood up to the corrupt and crazy Trump and all his dishonest actions! Senator Schiff is strong and unafraid. We will continue to support him and praise him for sticking up for us and speaking truth to power at the expense of his own safetly.

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( MTN). I know it means so much to have you here with us in weathering what we know is to come under ALL THE CULT OF MAGA & ITS LAME DUCK/S.

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The Word is a Verb

Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.

All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.

Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.

Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."

demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.

demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.

It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.

The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.

I AM Got this:


666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures

I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.

Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."

It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.

These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.

6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);

6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.

Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;

Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter

18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;

It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.

Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;

Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;

Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;

Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.

Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.

My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.

The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.


Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;

It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;

The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.

Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.

He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.

The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never judewst a formality.

Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.

The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.


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Is there a way to mute people here?

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On a positive note; Psalm 91.

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It's nice to see Senators come together, and have discussions about our Futures, and our children's futures.

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Go Adam!!!

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