Thank you for having me. It's "we the people," not "they the oligarchs." Onward together!

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Your suggestion of people in the community to get together so you don't feel alone is exactly what we are doing. Thank you for a great interview and I look forward to following you.

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Yes, he's suggesting the formation of a grass roots social movement.

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Great perspective and information! Thank you so much!

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You are so easy and fun to listen to, so please be a regular on Meidas.

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I had a dear friend who spent his "retirement" years instructing classes all over the world about the dangers of Fascism. You may be interested in some of his videos: https://www.markhancock.com/ Sadly, he passed last year.

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Thank you for impeccable journalism!!

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Yes, Sir. Thank you!

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Thank you for having on Anand! I am a member of The Ink, as well, and can't recommend it enough. Love seeing the crossover. Thanks for giving us hope guys... solidarity!

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FREE AMERICA! Thank you for this conversation.

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How 'bout it, MTN merch?

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Anand has been killing it for a long time. I have received a profound amount of courage both personally and professionally from his writings. These alliances are really important. Independent talking heads are what we are counting on right now. Thank you.

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Voters who want true democracy have two enemies to deal with; oligarchs on the right and Corporatists on the center left!

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Excellent interview and I whole-heartedly agree with Anand about what MTN is doing for this country! These interviews, the knowledge, the sharing... It's about like minded people coming together.. IN THE KNOW! Let's do this together and remind Americans that we already beat a King, and damn sure a rent willing to give it up to another! #INTHEKNOW

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You are all doing amazing work. 🙏

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Good to see Meidas and Anand Giridharadas having this conversation - seeing the work of a diverse, fact -based, brave media force that understands that now is the time to unite to push back. And media was key to this moment. We don't need 100% agreement on every issue. We just need to understand the threat that is here now. It grew out of capitalism, but it has warped into neoliberalism's Thatcher's "there is no society, there is only the individual". Laid the path to the unwitting agreement - there is no "public good" there is only the individual making oneself into a piece of capital. Onward and thank you all.

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My 22 year old daughter understands this concept about the corrosive impulse of individuality and not understanding we are all in this world together.

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No one will ever understand the power behind what voter suppression can do. It will come out we need to be vigilant and protect the vote

Several states have passed laws that allow anyone to challenge a voters right to vote (True The Vote) has been passing out lists of people’s name to challenge in SWING STATES

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We need to call our representatives and tell them to stop the save act - it will really interfere with our elections if they pass it! There is a great app called 5 calls - it helps you make the calls to your representative- you pick the issue - they supply the phone numbers / the script and it’s very quick- it takes like two minutes!

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Symbolism is so key... FREE AMERICA! That is brilliant. Need tees, hats, bags, buttons etc.

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Loved this idea about tee shirts to Free America. Let’s do it!!!

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Trumps whole plan is to be the dictator because he likes people to be in pain and starving and dictators will never stop.

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They can be stopped.

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trump is mentally ill and I don't say this lightly. He is also a manipulator and narcissist. He reminds me of my dementia patients. They are not mentally able to process, so to argue with someone like that is a losing battle. So as a caregiver- I would avoid conflict with them, or distract them, or just go along with it until they changed gears or mindset. This relates to Trump's behavior flipping and flopping around and his handlers reaction to it. He is not mentally stable and especially as president. Btw there is a documentary from 2020 about him called Unfit-- worth watching.

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Thank you…I’m heading to a gathering of Johnson County (Kansas City) Democratic Women now!

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Keep this going. I just passed on a bunch of info, Substacks, etc., to people in my dance class who, it turns out, were desperate for information about what they could do. This is going to be increasingly important. I'm in a book group with Faithful America, learning about autocrats and how to resist them. When I mentioned Substack, nobody had heard about it, and they were grateful for the information. You never know where you can help get information out.

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Free America 🇺🇸

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This is a keep and rewatch many times sort of episode. Thank you.

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Very much agree

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