I πŸ’™ President Biden! He’s a decent, caring, down to earth person. History will remember him as the most consequential President since FDR. Thank you for all you do and have done, President Biden, for dedicating your life to the good of our country! You will be missed! (Jill, too!)

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It appears as though our local radio station will be giving Meidas a shout out tonight on the 9pm show. Would love to see the number of subscribers soar as the truth must be spread across the globe πŸ™πŸΎ

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Listen to WOMR (you can get the app) at 9pm this evening and djmalcontent should share the information. We need everyone in this fight and that means at every local level possible.

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I'm so glad that he said that he's not going away. I have hope something is being worked on behind the scenes. Like he said, "that's not America. That's not who we are.".

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Felt exactly the same way when I heard the President say he wasn’t going away!! Relief… yay

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I'm so with you.

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That was great to hear!

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So excited for this interview! Great job...as always...Ben!

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I am so happy for the MTN. You are the future of Independent media. Thank you so much for all you do to keep us informed and sane.

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Agreed 100%

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Yes, you all are setting the β€œGold Standard” in independent media. I’d rather have truth than silver and gold.

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Great score! Awesome that President Biden recognizes the need to share himself with an independent (read: NOT oligarch-owned) news organization!

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I hope that Biden does something to save our Democracy and stops trump and his cronies and cabinet.

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He's doing what he can but those 89,000,000 (give or take) folks that coulda voted but decided to sit this one out are the ones that need a stern "talking to."

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I know, I also hope that there was evidence of election interference this year and Trump and his cronies end up in prison before the year ends or before the inauguration. I also wish that those damn 89 million people (give or take) had learned their lesson the first time around back in 2016 when they pulled this same crap, but they did not. When you talk to them they come up with pathetic excuses instead of taking responsibility. Even more pathetic is that they desire a revolution, when they cannot get themselves off of their own asses to vote blue. They do not have the fucking self awareness to recognize logic or consider rational realities when they try to help those that they empathize with. Logic and empathy are both good qualities, but focusing on one to the exclusion of the other is just arrogance and a trap that leads to destruction to themselves and others.

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Harris needs to file for the recounts. There are procedures that need to be followed and for some reason it’s not happening.

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At least not that’s been reported on my feeds here on substack.

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I personally think, with no sound information, that the Democrats are once again modeling "appropriate behavior" and won't ask for any kind of recounts. We will go into this administration with no concrete proof that the interference did not produce the result. I don't think it did, but it certainly would be nice to know! Recounts are legitimate. What is WRONG with the Democratic party?

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Agreed πŸ’―

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Well done, Ben! I was so proud to see you and your brothers at the White House.

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Looking forward to seeing this interview with President Biden! I have nothing but love for this man, he's given so much to this country. What an accomplishment for the entire MTN Team! What a holiday gift for your subscribers!! Thank you.

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I just love you guys!! I never dreamed that this would happen!! You Meiseles guys do such a great job!! Let’s go!! Merry Christmas!! ❀️

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This is so exciting! A real interview with a real reporter who actually cares!

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This looks like a great interview based on the preview. I can’t wait to watch it.

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I can't wait to see the interview!

Thank you President Biden. Your steady hand, soft spoken yet firm voice, your honesty, compassion, intellect and decency, will not be forgotten. You will fill a big space in the world's history books ❀️

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So proud of you Ben! This is incredible. Can't wait to see the full interview. Meidas Mighty strong! I hope this brings even more folks to your network.

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Damn, I love that man. So decent, so honest, so humble. Damn, I'm going to miss him so much.

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Thank you Ben, for doing this, and my thanks to President Biden for agreeing. I wish it was true, that he wasn’t going anywhere. We know MAGA/republicans are going to ruin all the good he and VP Harris have done for America. This seems to be the pattern though, President Obama built it up, donOld tore it down. President Biden built it up (better than ANY OTHER PRESIDENT in history, might I add) and now here comes donOld again….☹️😀🀬

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Can't wait to see this

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