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It’s absolutely incredible how brainwashed the Republican voters are!

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They’re ignorant. Fascism relies on the ignorance of its population.

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Yup. They're also outnumbered.

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Jan 30Edited
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what IS with that "brain fog" thing, your link I don't even dare to click 'cause it looks virus-like and your obvious spamming every single comments section with the identical, out-of-context copy-pasted sentence?? what's your point, Tara Sanders, for a month already?

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Vel ... She was trying to steer people to a product she's selling or (worse) lead folks to click on a link that contains a virus. I saw it earlier and my spidey antennas went code red/avoid!

Creeps like her show up everywhere. Once you get used to the way dummies try to hijack a thread they'll stick out like a sore thumb.

Stupid, dumb interloper who had the temerity to think the Meidas Mighty were gullible. Well, her fancy fanny got canned! LOL 😂

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it's what I thought - yet she got more likes than an average genuine Meidas Touch Network commentator and/or subscriber!!!!!!!!!!! that is NOT funny - it's obvious that Substack is sabotaging The Meidas Touch Network if Substack is allowing, and, most unfortunately - Substack is allowing, these eVIlon-musk-oid cyber crimes.

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Report any post. You have the option to alert MeidasTouch or SUBSTACK. You can also go to the person's profile and Block Them. Excellent decision not to click on the link. Stay vigilant.

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Have been doing it since day 1. Before anyone needing to tell me. (sorry if I sound short, since nov 6th 2024 on I've been in horribly ruined mood, reasons known by entire galaxy, not only world).

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Thank you for this link.

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What are you feeling now

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who were those that upvoted her spam?? gosh.....

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Vel ... likely accomplices. Creeps like her are like roaches. If you see one there are others nearby.

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so, Substack is hijacked by eVIlonmusk-oid cyber criminals, too. that is a horrific developing situation.

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Not to worry. Between Meidastouch Admins and Substack Admins they'll not be long for this environment. Even if they change a name or profile once their pattern is recognized they'll be banned 'n booted. They look for attention. Ignore them.

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I'd like to share your optimism. I wish I could trust Substack after what they've done to me on the night of Monday-Tuesday. First they said in technical help chat they'd restore my, by misunderstanding and accidentally, deleted account and all my comments (something I had NO idea would happen when I clicked for, what I thought was, a Break or Pause button from Substack because I'm exasperated by the Democrats' lack of real resistance), and, then, once they asked me and heard what my subscriptions were (all Democratic and Progressive), Substack's representative turned around saying my account "couldn't be restored". So all of my comments and content that I've had since last summer has been gone since Monday night onto Tuesday.

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And it's so hard to understand why my siblings are in the cult. We were raised with the same morals & values.

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Omg. My family used to be super close. Now we have two rebels in our life my brother and my sister my brother is not only a trump supporter but you know he's in the cult of Mormonism and I don't care what say it is a cult. My sister well she was never the smartest person in our family. She moved to Oakdale California and when I went in and visited her I couldn't believe what I was hearing this is way before Trump she's sitting there they are sitting there talking about Hispanics but they're doing the whatever people call people when they're ignorant anyway they were calling them wet backs and I don't even know I used to know them all because I would hear it but you know basically every horrible thing you could talk about Hispanics. I lost all respect for them at that point. But they continued and now my sister is a full-on 100% Fox News viewer 100% Trump and now she's got her kids and her grandkids sucked up in that idiocy. My mother I guarantee you is rolling in her grave. Oh no I'm going to be fighting this s*** okay I'm not done I'm almost 70 but I'm not done. This is not going to happen an hour country

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FOX should be taken down - off the air —

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As an enemy of the Constitution. Can't say government, because the government IS an enemy of the Constitution!

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It tis now. Wasn't a few months ago.

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What do you mean-the government is the enemy of the people?

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I assume meaning tRumputin's-eVIlonmusk's reign of terror sequence 2.

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Yep "state" run propaganda... always was and always will be... we need to give MUCH more serious thought before we allow foreigners to establish businesses like this in OUR country... sometimes the "freedom of speech" thing is so problematic!

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FOX doesn’t call themselves State Run Propaganda. It’s a private Corporation

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When they get in trouble, they claim they are an Entertainment Network. I would have to say that's very true. A total show of clowns and nutcases! They are a NEWS OUTLET that does the felon Trumps bidding every single day! You can call yourself an Entertainment Network BUT we ALL know what you really are!

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I know

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They aspire to be the "For Hire" State Run Media.

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Are you referring to FOX?

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Don't waste your time trying to understand them. Just make sure you've put up healthy relationship barriers so as to avoid falling into the black hole they've dug for themselves. There is no help and no amount of understanding that can cure their willful ignorance. Leave them be. Steer clear and align yourself with the growing resistance.

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I just blocked my lifetime friend on fb and my phone. It was a long time coming, but I had to because...toxic. 69 years + we were friends.

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Nowadays "blood ain't thicker than water," and we're in a whole new world of weirdness. We are having more "funerals" than ever.

Families and good friends becoming strangers and it's heartbreaking. Survival is important so just because a loved one decides to forge a new path is no cause to adopt a permanent state of mourning.

I adopted a strategy years ago that has served me well: "I don't chase. I replace." When someone decides to be contrary to what I've known them to be I simply let them! When someone distances themselves I respect (and uphold) their decision ... in silence!

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right wing media and propaganda. my brother has had fox on his tv since gw's administration. in the car it was limbaugh until he died and no doubt it's someone else spewing the same lies.

I am convinced this non-stop consumption of propaganda has changed something in their brains, rearranged cells or synapses or something, and changed them fundamentally. #MassSociopathy it's a sickness.

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It’s toxic. I’ve read about a family who literally turned the cable off to detox their father, who’d. become insane

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I am so sorry

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It’s a question worth finding an answer to.

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You are just giving them an excuse by saying they are brainwashed. They are quite simply as horrific as human beings as he is. They are morons, they have no morals or values or decency or empathy, they are shameless, they are ignorant and racist, they pretend to be things they are not (for instance, Christian), they are pleased by all of this! They are simply disgusting people.

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EXACTLY......this is who they always were and DT just allowed them to finally say out loud in public what that they used to say only behind closed doors......

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Maybe not all

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I know

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Agree. Their stupidity is on full display. Unfortunately, the price they're going to pay when TSHTF is going to destroy them. Sleeping with the enemy is the epitome of ignorance and delusion. They're bait for their pimp MAGA cult followers. Beyond help.

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But it takes us all down as a country

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I know I shouldn’t break my head over it, but I really don’t get it. They view us the exact same way we view them. They think we are the ones who aren’t facing the facts, that we are the ones uneducated. That or that WE are sheep. The people who wear MAGA hats and blindly follow an orange bitch. It’s wild to me.

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There’s far less of “them” than there is of “us”

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That used to be true. It's hard to be sure now. In this last election many Democrats and left leaning Independents voted for Trump (why? I don't know. still have racist and misogynist problems themselves and couldn't vote for a minority woman for President, or blaming Biden/Harris for Gaza, as if Trump, of all people would be better for the Palestinians?!! or foolishly believing that Trump is better on the Economy). Those people are just as uneducated and ignorant as Trump MAGA supporters and became Trump MAGA supporters. And too many voters stayed home and did not vote. If they were Democrats, what was their excuse?!! They handed the Presidency to Trump and might as well have voted for him. So are there really more of us than them, anymore? I don't know. I think it may be about equal now. They used to be only about 30% of voters at a guess, but this last Election makes it about equal. People not voting means they didn't care if Trump became President again, that doesn't exactly put them on our side.

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I am not even surprised - and that's scary!

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