what IS with that "brain fog" thing, your link I don't even dare to click 'cause it looks virus-like and your obvious spamming every single comments section with the identical, out-of-context copy-pasted sentence?? what's your point, Tara Sanders, for a month already?
Vel ... She was trying to steer people to a product she's selling or (worse) lead folks to click on a link that contains a virus. I saw it earlier and my spidey antennas went code red/avoid!
Creeps like her show up everywhere. Once you get used to the way dummies try to hijack a thread they'll stick out like a sore thumb.
Stupid, dumb interloper who had the temerity to think the Meidas Mighty were gullible. Well, her fancy fanny got canned! LOL 😂
it's what I thought - yet she got more likes than an average genuine Meidas Touch Network commentator and/or subscriber!!!!!!!!!!! that is NOT funny - it's obvious that Substack is sabotaging The Meidas Touch Network if Substack is allowing, and, most unfortunately - Substack is allowing, these eVIlon-musk-oid cyber crimes.
Report any post. You have the option to alert MeidasTouch or SUBSTACK. You can also go to the person's profile and Block Them. Excellent decision not to click on the link. Stay vigilant.
Omg. My family used to be super close. Now we have two rebels in our life my brother and my sister my brother is not only a trump supporter but you know he's in the cult of Mormonism and I don't care what say it is a cult. My sister well she was never the smartest person in our family. She moved to Oakdale California and when I went in and visited her I couldn't believe what I was hearing this is way before Trump she's sitting there they are sitting there talking about Hispanics but they're doing the whatever people call people when they're ignorant anyway they were calling them wet backs and I don't even know I used to know them all because I would hear it but you know basically every horrible thing you could talk about Hispanics. I lost all respect for them at that point. But they continued and now my sister is a full-on 100% Fox News viewer 100% Trump and now she's got her kids and her grandkids sucked up in that idiocy. My mother I guarantee you is rolling in her grave. Oh no I'm going to be fighting this s*** okay I'm not done I'm almost 70 but I'm not done. This is not going to happen an hour country
Yep "state" run propaganda... always was and always will be... we need to give MUCH more serious thought before we allow foreigners to establish businesses like this in OUR country... sometimes the "freedom of speech" thing is so problematic!
When they get in trouble, they claim they are an Entertainment Network. I would have to say that's very true. A total show of clowns and nutcases! They are a NEWS OUTLET that does the felon Trumps bidding every single day! You can call yourself an Entertainment Network BUT we ALL know what you really are!
Don't waste your time trying to understand them. Just make sure you've put up healthy relationship barriers so as to avoid falling into the black hole they've dug for themselves. There is no help and no amount of understanding that can cure their willful ignorance. Leave them be. Steer clear and align yourself with the growing resistance.
Nowadays "blood ain't thicker than water," and we're in a whole new world of weirdness. We are having more "funerals" than ever.
Families and good friends becoming strangers and it's heartbreaking. Survival is important so just because a loved one decides to forge a new path is no cause to adopt a permanent state of mourning.
I adopted a strategy years ago that has served me well: "I don't chase. I replace." When someone decides to be contrary to what I've known them to be I simply let them! When someone distances themselves I respect (and uphold) their decision ... in silence!
right wing media and propaganda. my brother has had fox on his tv since gw's administration. in the car it was limbaugh until he died and no doubt it's someone else spewing the same lies.
I am convinced this non-stop consumption of propaganda has changed something in their brains, rearranged cells or synapses or something, and changed them fundamentally. #MassSociopathy it's a sickness.
You are just giving them an excuse by saying they are brainwashed. They are quite simply as horrific as human beings as he is. They are morons, they have no morals or values or decency or empathy, they are shameless, they are ignorant and racist, they pretend to be things they are not (for instance, Christian), they are pleased by all of this! They are simply disgusting people.
EXACTLY......this is who they always were and DT just allowed them to finally say out loud in public what that they used to say only behind closed doors......
Agree. Their stupidity is on full display. Unfortunately, the price they're going to pay when TSHTF is going to destroy them. Sleeping with the enemy is the epitome of ignorance and delusion. They're bait for their pimp MAGA cult followers. Beyond help.
I know I shouldn’t break my head over it, but I really don’t get it. They view us the exact same way we view them. They think we are the ones who aren’t facing the facts, that we are the ones uneducated. That or that WE are sheep. The people who wear MAGA hats and blindly follow an orange bitch. It’s wild to me.
That used to be true. It's hard to be sure now. In this last election many Democrats and left leaning Independents voted for Trump (why? I don't know. still have racist and misogynist problems themselves and couldn't vote for a minority woman for President, or blaming Biden/Harris for Gaza, as if Trump, of all people would be better for the Palestinians?!! or foolishly believing that Trump is better on the Economy). Those people are just as uneducated and ignorant as Trump MAGA supporters and became Trump MAGA supporters. And too many voters stayed home and did not vote. If they were Democrats, what was their excuse?!! They handed the Presidency to Trump and might as well have voted for him. So are there really more of us than them, anymore? I don't know. I think it may be about equal now. They used to be only about 30% of voters at a guess, but this last Election makes it about equal. People not voting means they didn't care if Trump became President again, that doesn't exactly put them on our side.
Top 8th grade level, most 6th. They’re taught what’s given to them which is by systematic underfunding education creating the very ignorance which suits the politicians just fine, it’s their creation. It’s also voter suppression in its most basic form. Give them a tv set, a couple of fake (but pretty, all about the looks) news anchors with Trumps blessing and voila, you have created the most dangerous people in the world, insurgents at your disposal. It’s how authoritarian’s and republicans roll.
I suspect another issue is that with only a 6th grade reading level they might have problems comprehending what they read. Then, unless a history book or any book for that matter, is written for a 6-8th grade level all the "big" words would be a problem. My mother only had a 4th grade education. Her family saw no need for anymore than that since she was a girl and was only going to stay home and make babies.
My mother could read a newspaper, she read the crime magazines, the tabloids and on rare occasion she read a pocket novel. Her tv was on all of the time!
How she came to be a Democrat I don't know. She seldom ever talked politics. She liked "Ike" for some reason and thought Mussolini was stupid, quote "that stupid Mussi". She voted and probably told me it was important to vote for Democrats. Why? -- I don't know, when I was young I just did it. I know why I do it now!
Many books for adults are written at a 7th-8th grade level. "Big words" themselves aren't a problem if one knows how to use a dictionary. It's often the concepts that make a piece of writing hard to understand. When the former Yugoslavia blew up more than three decades ago, I struggled to understand the news reports because my knowledge of that part of the world was sketchy. Once I read up on the history, I understood a lot more.
I (German 71 ) met during my 17 years in the US, a really special coworker. If I had a question, was he the only person in the manufacturing company who could answer me. I asked him if has been such a good student in school.
No, he said, my teachers told me that I was to stupid. So I decided to teach myself using books. Another young coworker had problems with math. She also was told not being able to learn how to do math. So I sat down with her several hours to teach her simple math. She did so well, that she had been able to quit the boring manufacturing job and found a better one. The problem is mostly the teacher , not the money. I have met a few teachers and I am sorry to say, they were not the brightest.
Yes. But not everyone sticks within the lines. Some people are self taught. I think a great deal of it can actually reside in someone’s upbringing. I mean, If there’s even 1 person there speaking intelligently and offering a book to a young person, that makes all the difference. One good teacher can make a big difference. I guess we should wonder why there’s not at least one good influence to these MAGAS, before they became MAGAS.
Of course. I understand. My dad was a bad father and not educated. He was a WW2 Vet. He had horrible experiences there. He was an Italian American, first generation as I am, 2nd gen. His parents believed in work from a young age. Not books. My mother on the other hand lived the same experience. But she was soo intelligent. I do wonder how environmental vs. inherited intelligence come into play sometimes. It’s said the South has mostly bad schools. Yet many of our greatest American novelists comes from the south. Mark Twain went to school till age 12.
2nd generation here also. Mother was Italian and she was very independent and a smart business woman. She started working early stomping grapes :-) I always had to work at whatever business she started. She wanted me to quit school after the 8th grade so I could work full time for her. Fortunately, I went to a Catholic school and the principal called me in to ask what I wanted to take in High School. I told her that I couldn't go because my mother said I had to quit. She said that I could compete for a scholarship that would pay my tuition and books. I said okay. I won and told my mother so she said okay. Looking back I really doubt there was any scholarship contest; but, once I was in high school I kept going. At 16 years I got my first paid job, $1.00 per hour! I paid for my own last two years of HS.
I'm asking out of sincere curiosity, and not to be a smart ass: The gesture Elon Musk did on Jan. 20th: Was that or was that not a nazi salute? (And I don't capitalize nazi on purpose.)
Yep. eVIlonmusk is full of evilly spiteful gleeful caprice. Why did the world esp. USA allow that that ugly pos has all the socio-political powers 'cause he's the richest billionaire on this planet - is beyond me!! Therein is the tragedy of USA!
My Dad fought in WWII too, definitely without a doubt it definitely was ! Did you check out Capitol Police Officer Jan. 6th Insurrection fighter Hero Harry Dunn’s Substack immediately after that happened? There were actual Republicans on it denying that it was a Nazi salute! They kept making excuses (like we are all stupid) 🙄 😒 saying that it was just a “friendly salutation gesture” depicting respect for Donald Trump and that Musk touched his ear and then only held his arm extended with his hand outstretched ! 😱🤯 I was like OMF’ngG!!! Thank God that they got run off!!!
Absolutely right! Trump is criminally insane, drunk with power and surrounded by oligarchs who live on the suffering of individuals they feel are beneath them. Well, history has shown time and time again that evil may persist for a while but, in the end these so-called dictator-kings fall to a tragic end. Americans for MAGA have resurrected Ahab and Lilith. The wife and I and our family are waiting to see what God Almighty does to humble and destroy these snakes and cannibals! God Bless America, our Democracy, MTN and the Meidas Mighty! 💙
Note: Since Trump is obsessive about optics somebody should show him the photo of Mussolini and his mistress as they were put on display after their demise. It is a horrific photo but it depicts how the high and mighty can be reduced to nothing.
The same goes for Hitler who it is assumed escaped to South America to live out his days. Whether he did or not his end was far from the glory he envisioned as leader of Germany.
MAGA has chosen idolatry over God and the Constitution. They have put themselves on the pathway to doom.
You are at the tip of the spear my friend. Please stay safe, we value your work. Your points about the sensitivity of the Jewish population should be obvious to anyone but here we are. Thank you!
As a 25% Jewish myself, why did Jonathan Greenblatt of ADL (whose mailing list I am on; but also on Bend The Arc Jewish Social Justice mailing list) refuse to condemn eVIlonmusk?? I think 'cause he's in cahoots with the criminal netanyahu-kahanist regime that occupied Israel since 2022.
I am a Jew and I say: *ANY* & *EVERY* Jewish person who still supports the Republican party may as well wear a Nazi armband. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for a Jew to support the fascism, racism and misogyny of the Republican/Trump/Musk party.
I am Jewish. I also found quite difficult to believe with our long history of persecution and more recently the Holocaust - one of humanity’s darkest times that a Jewish individual would be a GOP and now a MAGA loving Trump. The main excuse I hear is “his policies”. Oy vey. They are based on lies.
Most unfortunately yep. In certain parts of Jewish Community such as the right-wingers, there is an inexplicable cult-worship of hugely wealthy money. that is one thing that Jewish Community really needs to tackle face-on!!
I love what Van Jones said a few days ago in his Substack about Jewish and Black people especially coming together to fight racial hate and antisemitism. He talks about a town in Ohio predominantly Jewish where a Nazi group came recently to bully the townspeople and people joined forces and drove them out !!! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
I live in the red state of Florida, where Trump the Devil, and his minion, Ron DeSantis, and others reside. I'm from Ohio, where it's more of the same.
Brainwashing kids is evil. These women are twisted and evil. Call it out for what it is! Evil! They probably all wear crossed around their necks. Is this a Christ like message? Good Lord, no. 🙏🇺🇸
Not sure how much more of this I can take. I KNOW these hateful people have always existed but I MUCH preferred when they knew their place...mouths shut and beneath a rock where they bbelonged. I swear to christ if I could turn back time and stop social media somehow I'd do it in a heartbeat. As much as I love having the knowledge of all mankind at my fingertips, it's not worth it. We haven't advanced society we've set it back.
That's what I've always said. They need to go crawl back under their rock. This country is so much more dangerous with people out there who feel that their hateful words and actions are acceptable now that we have a president who acts just like them.
Dems passed a law in the ‘90’s allowing as many people or politically affiliated groups to purchase as many on air radio station air space with no limit on how many per entity. Guess who took major advantage of that in the 2020 year and forward? You guessed it MAGA motormouths who brainwashed people to death and negative talk radio is a huge reason why we lost. Maybe it’s time to repeal it ?
sadly, it looks like USA in this shape and form won't be able to survive unless an ideological and practical split happens - it should be peaceful and negotiated because America is a very large country (similar to china, russia which also must be partitioned!!) but tRumputin's reign of terror must be chased away from Washington DC because Washington DC is the most Democratic-voting American Territory and because tRumputinists have already committed terroristic aggression on Washington DC on Jan 6th 2021 - they should have NO business being in Washington DC!! tRumputinists have destroyed the US Constitution many times already, it's fait accompli i.e. done deed committed by the 6 insurrectionists on the so-called "scotus".
this election showed its colors, all of you/us who like BLUE must hold on to what we have (counting from the County-level up!!), cut away from red and run with majority of Canada to create a United North America. I don't see any other solution and our one and only lifetime flies away very fast. the sadist tRumputinists must NOT be allowed to have any right to rule our BLUE lives, rights and interests, ONLY their own voters'!! Let's really respect Freedom and Choice for both sides of the divide, at long last!!
As Popok says it like this- don't react to the garbage out there. That's just a "weapon of mass distraction" just said to get us running off in another direction so we will ignore what he's doing.
Yes, underscore the purpose is both distraction AND destruction amid chaos. Has to be the first chapter in Heritage's workbook behind 2025 - do D&D and all else will be easier.
We must not get sucked in, yet it is difficult to ignore for all kinds of good reasons.
Outrage alone won't pave the path to building what we will have to call a New America after this administration gets thrown out.
It’s absolutely incredible how brainwashed the Republican voters are!
They’re ignorant. Fascism relies on the ignorance of its population.
Yup. They're also outnumbered.
what IS with that "brain fog" thing, your link I don't even dare to click 'cause it looks virus-like and your obvious spamming every single comments section with the identical, out-of-context copy-pasted sentence?? what's your point, Tara Sanders, for a month already?
Vel ... She was trying to steer people to a product she's selling or (worse) lead folks to click on a link that contains a virus. I saw it earlier and my spidey antennas went code red/avoid!
Creeps like her show up everywhere. Once you get used to the way dummies try to hijack a thread they'll stick out like a sore thumb.
Stupid, dumb interloper who had the temerity to think the Meidas Mighty were gullible. Well, her fancy fanny got canned! LOL 😂
it's what I thought - yet she got more likes than an average genuine Meidas Touch Network commentator and/or subscriber!!!!!!!!!!! that is NOT funny - it's obvious that Substack is sabotaging The Meidas Touch Network if Substack is allowing, and, most unfortunately - Substack is allowing, these eVIlon-musk-oid cyber crimes.
Report any post. You have the option to alert MeidasTouch or SUBSTACK. You can also go to the person's profile and Block Them. Excellent decision not to click on the link. Stay vigilant.
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/films/nazi-town-usa/. This is scary, real, happened here.
Thank you for this link.
What are you feeling now
who were those that upvoted her spam?? gosh.....
Vel ... likely accomplices. Creeps like her are like roaches. If you see one there are others nearby.
so, Substack is hijacked by eVIlonmusk-oid cyber criminals, too. that is a horrific developing situation.
And it's so hard to understand why my siblings are in the cult. We were raised with the same morals & values.
Omg. My family used to be super close. Now we have two rebels in our life my brother and my sister my brother is not only a trump supporter but you know he's in the cult of Mormonism and I don't care what say it is a cult. My sister well she was never the smartest person in our family. She moved to Oakdale California and when I went in and visited her I couldn't believe what I was hearing this is way before Trump she's sitting there they are sitting there talking about Hispanics but they're doing the whatever people call people when they're ignorant anyway they were calling them wet backs and I don't even know I used to know them all because I would hear it but you know basically every horrible thing you could talk about Hispanics. I lost all respect for them at that point. But they continued and now my sister is a full-on 100% Fox News viewer 100% Trump and now she's got her kids and her grandkids sucked up in that idiocy. My mother I guarantee you is rolling in her grave. Oh no I'm going to be fighting this s*** okay I'm not done I'm almost 70 but I'm not done. This is not going to happen an hour country
FOX should be taken down - off the air —
As an enemy of the Constitution. Can't say government, because the government IS an enemy of the Constitution!
It tis now. Wasn't a few months ago.
What do you mean-the government is the enemy of the people?
I assume meaning tRumputin's-eVIlonmusk's reign of terror sequence 2.
Yep "state" run propaganda... always was and always will be... we need to give MUCH more serious thought before we allow foreigners to establish businesses like this in OUR country... sometimes the "freedom of speech" thing is so problematic!
FOX doesn’t call themselves State Run Propaganda. It’s a private Corporation
When they get in trouble, they claim they are an Entertainment Network. I would have to say that's very true. A total show of clowns and nutcases! They are a NEWS OUTLET that does the felon Trumps bidding every single day! You can call yourself an Entertainment Network BUT we ALL know what you really are!
They aspire to be the "For Hire" State Run Media.
Are you referring to FOX?
Don't waste your time trying to understand them. Just make sure you've put up healthy relationship barriers so as to avoid falling into the black hole they've dug for themselves. There is no help and no amount of understanding that can cure their willful ignorance. Leave them be. Steer clear and align yourself with the growing resistance.
I just blocked my lifetime friend on fb and my phone. It was a long time coming, but I had to because...toxic. 69 years + we were friends.
Nowadays "blood ain't thicker than water," and we're in a whole new world of weirdness. We are having more "funerals" than ever.
Families and good friends becoming strangers and it's heartbreaking. Survival is important so just because a loved one decides to forge a new path is no cause to adopt a permanent state of mourning.
I adopted a strategy years ago that has served me well: "I don't chase. I replace." When someone decides to be contrary to what I've known them to be I simply let them! When someone distances themselves I respect (and uphold) their decision ... in silence!
right wing media and propaganda. my brother has had fox on his tv since gw's administration. in the car it was limbaugh until he died and no doubt it's someone else spewing the same lies.
I am convinced this non-stop consumption of propaganda has changed something in their brains, rearranged cells or synapses or something, and changed them fundamentally. #MassSociopathy it's a sickness.
It’s toxic. I’ve read about a family who literally turned the cable off to detox their father, who’d. become insane
I am so sorry
It’s a question worth finding an answer to.
You are just giving them an excuse by saying they are brainwashed. They are quite simply as horrific as human beings as he is. They are morons, they have no morals or values or decency or empathy, they are shameless, they are ignorant and racist, they pretend to be things they are not (for instance, Christian), they are pleased by all of this! They are simply disgusting people.
EXACTLY......this is who they always were and DT just allowed them to finally say out loud in public what that they used to say only behind closed doors......
Maybe not all
I know
Agree. Their stupidity is on full display. Unfortunately, the price they're going to pay when TSHTF is going to destroy them. Sleeping with the enemy is the epitome of ignorance and delusion. They're bait for their pimp MAGA cult followers. Beyond help.
But it takes us all down as a country
I know I shouldn’t break my head over it, but I really don’t get it. They view us the exact same way we view them. They think we are the ones who aren’t facing the facts, that we are the ones uneducated. That or that WE are sheep. The people who wear MAGA hats and blindly follow an orange bitch. It’s wild to me.
There’s far less of “them” than there is of “us”
That used to be true. It's hard to be sure now. In this last election many Democrats and left leaning Independents voted for Trump (why? I don't know. still have racist and misogynist problems themselves and couldn't vote for a minority woman for President, or blaming Biden/Harris for Gaza, as if Trump, of all people would be better for the Palestinians?!! or foolishly believing that Trump is better on the Economy). Those people are just as uneducated and ignorant as Trump MAGA supporters and became Trump MAGA supporters. And too many voters stayed home and did not vote. If they were Democrats, what was their excuse?!! They handed the Presidency to Trump and might as well have voted for him. So are there really more of us than them, anymore? I don't know. I think it may be about equal now. They used to be only about 30% of voters at a guess, but this last Election makes it about equal. People not voting means they didn't care if Trump became President again, that doesn't exactly put them on our side.
I am not even surprised - and that's scary!
I'm from Tennessee and I'm not at all surprised. Lots of willful ignorance.
Willful ignorance.? How so?
They “will” not open a book because they “will” not learn how to read.
I imagine they know how to read at some functional level. Are they literally refusing to read history?
Top 8th grade level, most 6th. They’re taught what’s given to them which is by systematic underfunding education creating the very ignorance which suits the politicians just fine, it’s their creation. It’s also voter suppression in its most basic form. Give them a tv set, a couple of fake (but pretty, all about the looks) news anchors with Trumps blessing and voila, you have created the most dangerous people in the world, insurgents at your disposal. It’s how authoritarian’s and republicans roll.
I suspect another issue is that with only a 6th grade reading level they might have problems comprehending what they read. Then, unless a history book or any book for that matter, is written for a 6-8th grade level all the "big" words would be a problem. My mother only had a 4th grade education. Her family saw no need for anymore than that since she was a girl and was only going to stay home and make babies.
My mother could read a newspaper, she read the crime magazines, the tabloids and on rare occasion she read a pocket novel. Her tv was on all of the time!
How she came to be a Democrat I don't know. She seldom ever talked politics. She liked "Ike" for some reason and thought Mussolini was stupid, quote "that stupid Mussi". She voted and probably told me it was important to vote for Democrats. Why? -- I don't know, when I was young I just did it. I know why I do it now!
IF your mother grew up during the Depression and benefited from any or all of FDR's policies, THAT would be why she was a Democrat.
Many books for adults are written at a 7th-8th grade level. "Big words" themselves aren't a problem if one knows how to use a dictionary. It's often the concepts that make a piece of writing hard to understand. When the former Yugoslavia blew up more than three decades ago, I struggled to understand the news reports because my knowledge of that part of the world was sketchy. Once I read up on the history, I understood a lot more.
Your mother sounds like a smart lady.
I (German 71 ) met during my 17 years in the US, a really special coworker. If I had a question, was he the only person in the manufacturing company who could answer me. I asked him if has been such a good student in school.
No, he said, my teachers told me that I was to stupid. So I decided to teach myself using books. Another young coworker had problems with math. She also was told not being able to learn how to do math. So I sat down with her several hours to teach her simple math. She did so well, that she had been able to quit the boring manufacturing job and found a better one. The problem is mostly the teacher , not the money. I have met a few teachers and I am sorry to say, they were not the brightest.
One good teacher can make all the difference for a student.
Yes. But not everyone sticks within the lines. Some people are self taught. I think a great deal of it can actually reside in someone’s upbringing. I mean, If there’s even 1 person there speaking intelligently and offering a book to a young person, that makes all the difference. One good teacher can make a big difference. I guess we should wonder why there’s not at least one good influence to these MAGAS, before they became MAGAS.
Brando has a great video about his journey to becoming a "blue dot in a red state".
Sorry I can't find it to post the link. Maybe someone else knows the title.
They don't have to "literally refuse to read history" because the idea of reading history has probably never occurred to them. They just don't do it.
Of course. I understand. My dad was a bad father and not educated. He was a WW2 Vet. He had horrible experiences there. He was an Italian American, first generation as I am, 2nd gen. His parents believed in work from a young age. Not books. My mother on the other hand lived the same experience. But she was soo intelligent. I do wonder how environmental vs. inherited intelligence come into play sometimes. It’s said the South has mostly bad schools. Yet many of our greatest American novelists comes from the south. Mark Twain went to school till age 12.
2nd generation here also. Mother was Italian and she was very independent and a smart business woman. She started working early stomping grapes :-) I always had to work at whatever business she started. She wanted me to quit school after the 8th grade so I could work full time for her. Fortunately, I went to a Catholic school and the principal called me in to ask what I wanted to take in High School. I told her that I couldn't go because my mother said I had to quit. She said that I could compete for a scholarship that would pay my tuition and books. I said okay. I won and told my mother so she said okay. Looking back I really doubt there was any scholarship contest; but, once I was in high school I kept going. At 16 years I got my first paid job, $1.00 per hour! I paid for my own last two years of HS.
Brando, THANK YOU for this reveal!! Daughter of Holocaust victims here!!
I'm asking out of sincere curiosity, and not to be a smart ass: The gesture Elon Musk did on Jan. 20th: Was that or was that not a nazi salute? (And I don't capitalize nazi on purpose.)
Absolutely zWAS!
It was--and the traitor did it twice!
And people applauded.
Sadly, yes.
The gesture was done with verve and gleeful emotion. Seems to me that Musk was very comfortable doing it.
I certainly got the impression that he wasn't stressing over it
Yep. eVIlonmusk is full of evilly spiteful gleeful caprice. Why did the world esp. USA allow that that ugly pos has all the socio-political powers 'cause he's the richest billionaire on this planet - is beyond me!! Therein is the tragedy of USA!
Without a doubt, Elon Musk’s gesture was a nazi salute…all of them. He made that gesture more than once!!
It was definitely a Siegheil : a Nazi salute.
Yes it was.
Definitely was!!
That WAS a N@zi salute, my grandfather fought in WWI, Dad in WWII. That ILLEGAL ALIEN did that shite TWICE.
My Dad fought in WWII too, definitely without a doubt it definitely was ! Did you check out Capitol Police Officer Jan. 6th Insurrection fighter Hero Harry Dunn’s Substack immediately after that happened? There were actual Republicans on it denying that it was a Nazi salute! They kept making excuses (like we are all stupid) 🙄 😒 saying that it was just a “friendly salutation gesture” depicting respect for Donald Trump and that Musk touched his ear and then only held his arm extended with his hand outstretched ! 😱🤯 I was like OMF’ngG!!! Thank God that they got run off!!!
Nazi salute, unmistakable musk is a full on Nazi supporter. He has been in Germany to support the dfa? I think its called. Nazi resurgence.
It most certainly was the "yahtzee" salute. Heinous.
Are you speaking to me?
Yes. I'm curious to know what you, as the daughter of Holocaust victims, thinks of that gesture.
Despicable !! We will never forget Germany WW11, we will never forget 911, we will never forget Jan 6th, we will never forget Muskrat's salute !
Absolutely right! Trump is criminally insane, drunk with power and surrounded by oligarchs who live on the suffering of individuals they feel are beneath them. Well, history has shown time and time again that evil may persist for a while but, in the end these so-called dictator-kings fall to a tragic end. Americans for MAGA have resurrected Ahab and Lilith. The wife and I and our family are waiting to see what God Almighty does to humble and destroy these snakes and cannibals! God Bless America, our Democracy, MTN and the Meidas Mighty! 💙
Note: Since Trump is obsessive about optics somebody should show him the photo of Mussolini and his mistress as they were put on display after their demise. It is a horrific photo but it depicts how the high and mighty can be reduced to nothing.
The same goes for Hitler who it is assumed escaped to South America to live out his days. Whether he did or not his end was far from the glory he envisioned as leader of Germany.
MAGA has chosen idolatry over God and the Constitution. They have put themselves on the pathway to doom.
What do you think?
Alarming, gross, horrendous, mortifying, despicable, deplorable, dreadful, frightful!
YES!!! A blantant Salute. He beat his chest so hard, then saluted twice...
Son, here.
Xzz xx ZzzSzq was n l
Disgusting- this woman’s group needs to make a trip to Auschwitz’s!
They're monsters. It wouldn't affect them like it would normal people.
Or at least the Holocaust Museum in DC
Shall we buy them tickets?
You are at the tip of the spear my friend. Please stay safe, we value your work. Your points about the sensitivity of the Jewish population should be obvious to anyone but here we are. Thank you!
As a 25% Jewish myself, why did Jonathan Greenblatt of ADL (whose mailing list I am on; but also on Bend The Arc Jewish Social Justice mailing list) refuse to condemn eVIlonmusk?? I think 'cause he's in cahoots with the criminal netanyahu-kahanist regime that occupied Israel since 2022.
Shocking that Brando Has to do this. Putting Hitler as an example of leadership. This is really amazing..
There are jackasses EVERYWHERE!
It’s certainly an embarrassment to women.
Pardon me but any Jew who is Republican and voted for the Criminal, needs to be called out to their face!
I am a Jew and I say: *ANY* & *EVERY* Jewish person who still supports the Republican party may as well wear a Nazi armband. There is absolutely NO EXCUSE for a Jew to support the fascism, racism and misogyny of the Republican/Trump/Musk party.
$$$$$$$$$$$$ Money, money, money, the song from Chicago !
That’s to 2The7thGen
I am Jewish. I also found quite difficult to believe with our long history of persecution and more recently the Holocaust - one of humanity’s darkest times that a Jewish individual would be a GOP and now a MAGA loving Trump. The main excuse I hear is “his policies”. Oy vey. They are based on lies.
Their lying it is ALL about MONEY !
So glad my parents aren’t alive because all of this would surely kill them.
Sadly I know some Jews who voted for Dump. Why, because they are fifthly rich and like the tax cuts. Bottom it's all about money, & greed !!
I do too and that’s why it is so alarming but there were Jewish Nazis in Germany also who turned others in to the SS.
abvraham shtern (spelled as abraham stern) and his movements were hitler-like during WW2. after that - kahanism.
Most unfortunately yep. In certain parts of Jewish Community such as the right-wingers, there is an inexplicable cult-worship of hugely wealthy money. that is one thing that Jewish Community really needs to tackle face-on!!
I love what Van Jones said a few days ago in his Substack about Jewish and Black people especially coming together to fight racial hate and antisemitism. He talks about a town in Ohio predominantly Jewish where a Nazi group came recently to bully the townspeople and people joined forces and drove them out !!! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏
Thank you for speaking up, Brando!
I lived in Knoxville for a bit. Beautiful mountains and my dear friends, wonderful and gracious people.
I live in the red state of Florida, where Trump the Devil, and his minion, Ron DeSantis, and others reside. I'm from Ohio, where it's more of the same.
Meidas Mighty = Truth, Facts, Empathy, Compassion, Strength, Sanity, Inclusiveness, Resilience, Diversity, Understanding, Intelligence, Morals, Values, Support, Determination, Patriotism, Community. TRUTH TO POWER.
May I copy & paste ?
Of course!
MOron deaMOn desaTAntis is the satan himself.
🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 I am furious at so many of my southern brothers and sisters.
Brainwashing kids is evil. These women are twisted and evil. Call it out for what it is! Evil! They probably all wear crossed around their necks. Is this a Christ like message? Good Lord, no. 🙏🇺🇸
Not sure how much more of this I can take. I KNOW these hateful people have always existed but I MUCH preferred when they knew their place...mouths shut and beneath a rock where they bbelonged. I swear to christ if I could turn back time and stop social media somehow I'd do it in a heartbeat. As much as I love having the knowledge of all mankind at my fingertips, it's not worth it. We haven't advanced society we've set it back.
That's what I've always said. They need to go crawl back under their rock. This country is so much more dangerous with people out there who feel that their hateful words and actions are acceptable now that we have a president who acts just like them.
Dems passed a law in the ‘90’s allowing as many people or politically affiliated groups to purchase as many on air radio station air space with no limit on how many per entity. Guess who took major advantage of that in the 2020 year and forward? You guessed it MAGA motormouths who brainwashed people to death and negative talk radio is a huge reason why we lost. Maybe it’s time to repeal it ?
I know what you mean.
It wasn't the eggs, it was the racism. They make me puke.
racism and misogyny.
sadly, it looks like USA in this shape and form won't be able to survive unless an ideological and practical split happens - it should be peaceful and negotiated because America is a very large country (similar to china, russia which also must be partitioned!!) but tRumputin's reign of terror must be chased away from Washington DC because Washington DC is the most Democratic-voting American Territory and because tRumputinists have already committed terroristic aggression on Washington DC on Jan 6th 2021 - they should have NO business being in Washington DC!! tRumputinists have destroyed the US Constitution many times already, it's fait accompli i.e. done deed committed by the 6 insurrectionists on the so-called "scotus".
this election showed its colors, all of you/us who like BLUE must hold on to what we have (counting from the County-level up!!), cut away from red and run with majority of Canada to create a United North America. I don't see any other solution and our one and only lifetime flies away very fast. the sadist tRumputinists must NOT be allowed to have any right to rule our BLUE lives, rights and interests, ONLY their own voters'!! Let's really respect Freedom and Choice for both sides of the divide, at long last!!
As Popok says it like this- don't react to the garbage out there. That's just a "weapon of mass distraction" just said to get us running off in another direction so we will ignore what he's doing.
Yes, underscore the purpose is both distraction AND destruction amid chaos. Has to be the first chapter in Heritage's workbook behind 2025 - do D&D and all else will be easier.
We must not get sucked in, yet it is difficult to ignore for all kinds of good reasons.
Outrage alone won't pave the path to building what we will have to call a New America after this administration gets thrown out.