As an American I am ashamed of our Nation. We do not all like Trump. He is a POS.

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As an American, I am ashamed that Biden cared more about protecting his legacy than he did about protecting democracy.

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WTF? Biden couldn’t stop Trump because too many Americans without common sense wanted a president ads bigoted & racist as them.

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You are correct: Biden could not stop Trump. But what Biden could have done is keep his promise to be a "bridge" president so there could have been a primary and an actual nominee chosen by the people rather than one anointed by Biden. That could have given Americans a candidate not so connected to Biden and given the candidate an opportunity to set a real policy. None of this inchoate stuff that came out as Harris's policy, which was just as bad as having "a concept of a plan." Trump may still have won -- can't go back and run the control. FYI: I voted for Harris even though I knew Trump would win and my vote wouldn't be of any help. It was the right thing to do for MY conscience.

Re: the common sense of other Americans. I have enough common sense to know that plenty of people I'm acquainted with have both common sense and a different value system to mine. Without knowing the motives of ALL those who voted for Trump, I won't throw the common sense thing into the mix. I do agree with you about Trump being a president as "bigoted & racist as them."

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You are correct that the Dems ran an awful election and Biden should have stepped down much earlier. But that has nothing to do with the fact that we now have a Hitler-lite and a cabinet of some very compromised people. America lost in this election.

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I don't know what you mean by that. You might want to look at trump who stole and sold top secret documents to the highest bidder. What a load of crap you posted. Are you a foreigner, a bot or a troll>

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First off, I am not a bot or a troll. Are you MAGA, worrying about me being a "foreigner" -- whatever that means to you? Posting an unproven conspiracy theory about Trump selling documents makes me think you must be MAGA. But what Trump did has nothing to do with Biden caring so much about his legacy.

Second, I have looked at Trump, and that's why I voted for Harris even though I knew Trump would win. I did it for my conscience.

Third, regarding what I meant, please read my reply to Gemini Swan.

Finally, I'm sorry you don't understand or care to research the basis behind what someone else thinks. If it makes you happy to diss someone else's opinion by calling it a load of crap, go for it. Just makes me even more certain you are MAGA.

FYI: I'm an American, born in California, Dem father/Repub mom (and a real Republican, not the RINOs in MAGA-land), Indy myself. Two doctorates (sci and law), but a rancher for over 30 years 'cause I like working with my hands as well as my brain. So sorry if it disappoints you that I am a REAL American.

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I'm ashamed of both. The American people who support trump and tbe fact they even let him run. They should have had those reports on J6 BEFORE he even ran for office. But they kept pushing it off.

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California,Oregon and Washington should take Canada’s offer to become provinces of Canada. Free medical care and other things would be nice and the red states would have to find someone else to fund them.

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that's a boneheaded comment. blame the American voter.

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I'm so proud of Canada. I'm thinking about moving there because Donald Trump's toilet is in my face everyday every hour and it makes me sick!!

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I’m so sorry you have to go through this

Maple Mighty are praying for you

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Love that expression Barb..the Maple Mighty 🍁.. I'm a born and raised Canadian and believe when I say Thank You, it's Great to know we have the Meidas Mighty 🇨🇦❤✌

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Maple Mighty! LOVE IT!

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Many of us will be fighting this, we are building our revolution. We are not going to sit by and let this oligarchy steal our country from us! Thank you Mighty Maple for your support for those of us who consider Canada our friends and neighbors. We love you.

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I am now sooo embarrassed to say that I am a citizen of the USA! We, USA citizens will suffer as well. The trump MAGA contagious virus infects many minds that I used to think were reasonable. I DON'T GET IT!! WHAT IS THIS HOLD THAT THIS A-HOLE HAS OVER MINDS?? Canada, hold fast and tariff back! Make tRump look as bad as he can. The reasonable factions here in the US seem to be unable to quell this idiot!!

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Maple mighty are here for you

I pray for the USA

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Thank you!

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I live in a tiny part of the US, called Kern River Valley (California). Here you can hear a waitress calling out loud to her coworkers, while you dine (or try to) on fine table settings, yelling, "I SLAPPED HER IN THE FACE!" Someone around her must've asked Why, because she added, "SHE DESERVED IT!" I didn't look to see who'd said that.

That's just one of several shocks received here. There's the guy at a meeting of Keepers of the Kern, a volunteer cleaning crew for picking up trash along the River. He announced he'd like to wait at a certain sharp curve in the road and shoot the people who dump trash there. Huhh???

That was the end of that group.

I've wondered endlessly how this valley came to be. I'm confident that widespread illiteracy has been a big force here. But it's much more. Hollywood filmed here for several generations. Their example surely fired up the loudmouth bravado that crime thrives on. And the gossip! Without any reading public to counter it, gossip creeps into insanity.

"Next door" is CLNAWS, China Lake. I was in a Danny's (solo) directly behind a booth of 4 men, apparently officers of CL. Couldn't escape their conversation. One asked, "When the epiphany comes, what's going to happen to all those preachers who lied to us?" EMBARRASSED SILENCE ALL AROUND. I waited, then left.

I wonder, does ignorance fester in an atmosphere of blind authoritarianism? (Uh, it's maybe the same question as what bears do in the woods?)

If that's the main contributor to ignorance, what can we do to counter it? I'm for parents helping out by volunteering in their kids' classrooms, and re-upping the American PTA organizations. They've all but vanished here. Home "schooling" has taken over.

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In my youth (I'm 67 now), I was an L.A. kid and used to visit some people in the Kern Valley who had left our circle of friends and were trying to fit in. I am not sure they ever did, but they were there for work. So, my heart is with you.

I now live in a purple area of Oregon, which is slowly going more blue. But some of the crap that I hear people say in public is mind-blowing.

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Russia has infiltrated American inter webs with false information for upwards of 20 years. They prey on those who either choose not to, or don’t have time to, or won’t be bothered to look up accurate information. Top that off with extreme right hollering “fake news” etc., and here we are.

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36 years that I know of. I remember reading a magazine article back in 1989 of how the KGB was grooming Donald Trump. I guess it was another "catch and kill" article because I cannot find it anywhere now. I hate what the magas stand for and how they are blindly following a wannabe dictator! I truly believe our elections are in fact compromised by big tech.

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I remember reading the same. I’ve also dug deep to find it but it has disappeared!

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…and China now too with TikTok! They use the same algorithms to sway peoples minds to believing what they see as Twitter or (X) does. They also have all information about anyone who has downloaded the app. From Social Security numbers to medical records, they have access to our phones and are able to track us! That’s why DOJ wants to ban it so badly. And now tRump suddenly changed his mind and wants it back up?

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Simply because he wants to be the savior of tic tok. He wants people to praise him and thank him for saving their way of life even though he is the one that put this all in motion years ago.

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Nah, Musk wants to buy it. So tRump will support the sale. That would make TikTok a Russian asset I believe. And Don the con thinks he will have more power... Musk has already made a bid to the owners.

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Absolutely we are with Canada. Trump and his grifter friends won’t last long if they start to push the American people too much. Democracy is not going to die on our watch. 💙🇺🇸🇺🇸

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Sal, democracy is dead already. None of the rules of law or social norms apply

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Says who? The “Republican Party”? So you think tyranny wins?? Quite a lot of people who voted for that moron were hoodwinked, dumb, but will wake up. If you think the military is going to listen to the orange messiah if he tries something stupid, than you’re just as crazy as him. This is all because of one man, who’s an idiot. That’s not the words I’d really describe him as but I have respect here on Meidas’s Substack.

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Thank you Sal and no democracy is not dead! We need to fight in any way we can!

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VP Harris received 75 million votes. 20 million did a protest vote and stayed home. The ones that did vote for him and Musk and The Heritage Foundation, and the ones we call MAGATs will wake up because it is not what they voted for. Mitch McConnell created this monster (a failed business/TV show host) and that’s all he his and that’s all he will be. I don’t have children but many of you do and millions of Americans. This is not what they want for their kids. This is not what I want either. Americans were pissed off before the election, wait until he starts with his stunts. The ones that voted for him are in for a rude awakening.

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Don't forget about the FAKE white christian nationalists that have been working on this for decades! A good documentary to watch is "Bad Faith" (free on Tubi). Ronald Reagan was wrapped up in sin! This has been brewing for decades! I believe in Christ, I will never believe any "white christian nationalist".

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Hey, don't throw all Christians in the same boat! I know you are just frustrated like the rest of us. Time to fight back against CN with bible verses. Let them their path to heaven has a huge roadblock in it!

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Yes we do!

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“That doesn't mean Trump won't try, but he's got a couple of brick walls to get through: first, Congress, and then Military leaders who are loyal to the Constitution.” I am counting on this, and I hope you’re right. Of course trump, bannon and the rest know this very well. Which is why I expect to see the GOP pushing for changes to gain control over the military. Trump has been pretty clear about that. The Heritage Foundation have made no secret that they’re in this for the long-haul, not just 4 years.

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The military dies not like Trump or Musk

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Sal, with Hegseth in charge I’m afraid the military will totally listen to the orange messiah. Hope I’m wrong.

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Hegseth has no control over what the military will do. Hegspeth is the nominee for head of Dept of defense, and if approved will supposedly manage the various military resources as defined by Congress. It is a lot of money and a lot of people, but he has no power to tell the military to do anything.

Military leaders report to Trump, who IS the Commander in Chief under our Constitution. Trump does not have the respect of military leaders, who have let it be known that their oath is to the Constitution, and that they will not follow any order that is illegal. That doesn't mean Trump won't try, but he's got a couple of brick walls to get through: first, Congress, and then Military leaders who are loyal to the Constitution.

It was the folks like them on the inside who served as guardrails during Trump's first term. A lot of them are gone now, and he has ensured that unqualified sycophants are in high level positions now. But there are still dedicated public servants in place, and I think Trump is going to find it a lot harder to break the civil service system than he thinks.

His thinking is disordered and he frequently indulges in magical thinking. So I am hopeful that enough of the safeguards will remain in place long enough for us to stay the worst that Trump thinks he is going to do. He has made too many conflicting promises to too many people, and there's going to be some blowback that should provide some satisfying entertainment, Though it will be a bitch to clean up after.

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I hope you are right! It was shocking to read how many of those that were in attendance on J6 were military, i was shocked.

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They will not listen. They take an oath to the constitution, not the president. Presidents come and go.

Hegseth is a moron and they will not follow orders that are illegal. I don’t care what the Republican Party says or what the orange messiah says. They will not round up immigrants and they will not attack sovereign nations who are our allies. That’s not things you should be worry about. I have plenty of family in the military and I’ve spoken to them about that. You might have some rogue ones that are Trump supporters but the majority of them will not.

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This is encouraging! I have heard also that ..the military is made up largely of the populations that the new administration is NOT supportive of , to say the least...to think that they would listen to criminals and disgusting mean Hegseth and the felon elect....I would think hope not.

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The immigration roundup has already begun! In Kern County, CA ICE raids grabbed 100’s of law abiding hard working people. My son in law who is a US citizen, born and raised in CA was stopped in his semi truck. 2 unmarked black cars stopped him while he was trying to leave a truck stop. They demanded he get out of his truck and he refused. Words were exchanged and he just drove off. This is trumps new america.

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You need to report this asap to your Congressional delegation if you are in CA. Or the media. The effort is to stop the surprise factor.

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Sadly not shocked. Please make sure he reports this to his Congressional delegate. AND the media. Be really loud. Not Fox of course! BTC, Meidas, etc.

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God I hope you’re right! But I’m told Fox is played 24/7, and the GOP have plans for a new “trumpstitution” if you will, that will make the military loyal to the Commander in Chief rather than the constitution. I believe Project 25 has outlined various changes that would make that possible.

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I don’t care what the idiots that wrote project 2025 wrote. It doesn’t supersede the United States Constitution. Trumpstupidation sounds more about right. Even the Supreme Court won’t go along with that nonsense.

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If you think Pete Hegseth is going to do anything other than what Trump wants, then you're just as crazy as him. He wouldn't say that it's NOT OK to shoot people in the knees to end a protest. I watched him snake around every question, always giving the answer that Dear Leader wants.

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Pete Hegseth is a dirtbag and will do anything tRump tells him, but the generals may not follow. I understand their oath is to the Constitution. Most of them are men of honour I believe.

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He wants to replace the generals with "ones like HItler had"

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Yep. But the Generals may not follow a disrespectful criminal. It could be harder than Trump thinks. Like Panama...

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I hold this statement in my heart. I’m older and want to live long enough to see this era wiped off the history books… MAGA & Heritage foundation w Project 25

And all the perpetrators doing their Mar a Lago genuflections..

I want to see the Supreme Court flacceds (sp?) all dispersed to the winds.. such that our DEMOCRACY returns to her glory days and every citizen is proud to

march behind our flag to our many national anthems!

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This is not the stand of all of the US. He is taking office by a slim majority and I'm sure once his supporters realize how they have lost his ear, they will turn on him. I can only pray this is the case but in the meantime we will continue to fight, to resist. Apologies to our neighbors to the north (and Mexico as well) for any pain & struggle this will impose on your citizens.

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I join the apology to our neighbors; I'm so very embarrassed that DJT was elected-again! That said, I don't believe many of the MAGA people will turn. It's a cult, they cannot see him and his billionaire friends for what they truly are.

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I'm sure you are right about that. Judging from some comments I see time to time on posts elsewhere, I feel they think he's the bomb!

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I also join the apology.

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Trump's supporters will not turn on him. It isn't about "having his ear," it's about hating other people.

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MAGAts won't change but mainstream Republicans might. Hard to believe the entire right wing is fascist... When the stock market crashes they will object. If Trump manages even a tiny part of his plan, the economy will tank really quickly. With tariffs and deportations lots of his voters won't be happy. If the country can hold together until the mid-terms things could change really fast.

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Many thanks for your very well thought out comment. My fear is that even if these things come to pass, Trump's supporters will spin it into the Dems did it. After all, most MAGAts are past master at conspiracy theories, both in concocting them and believing them. And while I get that some MAGAts might be unhappy about the effect of tariffs -- if they can understand by then how they actually work -- why would they care about deportations?

In any event, I very much hope that you are correct about the mid-terms.

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From Aus my hope is that not all Trump voters are actually MAGA morons. MAGAts won't change (and of course they will blame Biden). The non-fascists may. We have an election later this year and I've seen our elections bought by Murdoch in the past. The subsequent damage is mind-blowing. It's happening again in Aus MSM. The tRump example should be enough to horrify voters here so I'm noisier than usual. Happily there are lots of facts available. But the world really is full of idiots and hate is contagious.

All I have is hope.

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Thank you Canada 🇨🇦!

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We all need a neighbor like Charlie Angus.

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I think I love Charlie Angus.

The NDP lost when he came second to PP.

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You and me both, sister 🍁🇨🇦

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I will be very pleased to see Chump get slapped in the face HARD! I have several "I told you so's" already lined up for some my family members. Thank you, Mr. Angus and MTN

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As a Canadian I appreciate your work.

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Another excellent interview. I really appreciate these Meidas interviews with Canadian voices.

Our politicians (with a notable exception in my home province,AB) are increasingly united — and 90+% of Canadians are clear (and Charlie Angus is amazing at distilling our tapestry of voices into his unique plain spoken eloquence) . We are nice. We wait in lines. We love our S neighbours — colleagues, families, friends. We are for getting along.


We do not tolerate bullies. It is anti-thetical to our national character. We do not confuse a corrupt US politician, for the great American people. We support the American people going through this wrenching change that challenges your ideals. We will support you; and we will defend our way of life.

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Your kind words mean a TON to us living south of you. We're so LUCKY to have you as our neighbors!!!

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We are lucky too. I’ve driven across a fair part of Washington, Oregon, Idaho in my youth. The friendliness of people always struck me. Places like Mississippi and Utah introduced me to cultures, histories and ideas so different than those I grew up with in Ontario and B.C. Seattle and LA are such diverse cities and make Vancouver the big city I grew up in look small. Manhattan and New York together feel like every-bodies idea of a city made real. Our family went to Disney world, Florida on a Make - a - Wish trip a few years back — I was a bit cynical; but the wonder in our twins eyes dissolved that. I love all these unique corners of the US — so much I have not seen of USA still on my bucket list: Boston, New Orleans, Alaska. And I am sure many Americans who have travelled to Canada feel the same way. Each Canadian Province is so distinct in character. But for each of us — Canuck or American — home is the community and land, and history we grew up in. Our nations are intertwined; mutually supportive ; with great history together. The longest peaceful border in the world speaks to the past and future trust between our nations; grounded in individual friendships and extended family.

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Seattle here! I love visiting Canada. I've been to British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, and Quebec. Beautiful country and Beautiful people! If I could, I would move there! I love the values of the Canadian citizens. I will never support Trump or MAGA threatening your country. I will always be an ally of Canada!

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Thank you! 🇨🇦

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I pray we can keep it that way, and get rid of that hideous and irrelevant wall and the ugly mile-wide bulldozed road that substitutes for the wall in places.

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Wow.. "the longest peaceful border in the world". That gives me chills. May it remain so! xo

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Yes thank you this means a LOT! I can't wait to return to your beautiful country and people!!

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Canada does not tolerate bullies and the proof is in the WWI and WWII history books, but then the idiot doesn't read. Go figure. 🇨🇦

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Australia has your back! Sincerely hoping our next election isn't hijacked by the same evil toads, Musk and Murdoch, as yours. BUT I love the USA, and Canada. My kid lives in S America with her wife and daughter, also beautiful. The world isn't ugly, Trump and MAGAts are ugly. United we stand. Europe, Britain, Denmark, Greenland, Panama, Mexico, all of us. We just have to weather the storm together. We will. Love Maple Mighty! 💙🇺🇸🇦🇺🇨🇦🇲🇽❤️

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We love us some Charlie!

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Thank you for all you do. This was great with Charlie Angus. We have to get involved. This is going to get worse with Trump and his oligarchs.

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Hey @MTN is there any way to start a lawsuit against META/X/ etc for being a national security threat. Didn't FBI already gather proof of Russian bots feeding misinformation to US citizens? In substance isn't that the reason that SCOTUS went along with the TikTok ban? It is time we started using their own tactics against them!! How can I and the millions like me start our own resistance? We are sick of our courts being used to take our rights away!!

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Talk to ACLU.

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It’s so exciting to see the Meidas Touch network branching out and trying to work with leaders of other countries! We need to let them know that most Americans are not happy with the situation we are experiencing right now (even those of us in red states that DID NOT vote for donOld) and really appreciate them working/talking with you about trying to stop/curtail what donOld is planning! Thank you!!!

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🇨🇦 As a long time member of the Meidas Mighty, it's heartening to have MTN in the fray, and giving a platform to great Canadian representatives, like Charlie Angus and others! Shout out to the MapleMighty 🍁

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