Wouldn't that be nice. However, that can only be done by the House of Representatives and the Senate which I'm sure you know. If this were the "olden days" we could tar and feather the felon and his minions and run them out of town on a rail. I'm sorry, just a little humor to keep from crying.
Shirley, if we can get rid of two GOP felons in the US House and replace them with Dems, we could facilitate the 'Dump Drump' show with a majority of votes there if I am correct. It would be a necessary start.
Saw a clip of him today yelling at pro-Russian trolls who were "trolling" the members of a pro-Ukranian protest at the Russian embassy in Canada. Told them to F-OFF, leave the Ukranian protesters alone - multiple times. I really like him!
There are 2 elections in Florida on 01APRIL. Dem's always do better at special elections. If we can flip those 2 seats, the house is tied at 217! There is NO TIE BREAKER in the house!!! Let's do EVERYTHING we can to support Gay Valimont & Josh Weil. Donate, sned letters, join call banks! We can STOP traitor #VonShitzInPantz and his criminal cabal!
There has never been a more incompetent, unqualified, deranged collection of individuals in government anywhere on the planet than the modern Republican Party and its MAGA extremists. These people aren’t just bad politicians—they are anti-qualified, utterly incapable of governing, and completely unfit to run so much as a public restroom.
What we are witnessing is not politics—it’s a full-scale psychotic breakdown masquerading as a movement.
These people are not rational actors. They are conspiratorial lunatics, power-hungry criminals, and sociopathic frauds who have no business anywhere near power. And yet, because millions of Americans have been brainwashed by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, and the entire right-wing disinformation machine, they continue to worship these lunatics as leaders.
Let’s not mince words: this is a cult. A violent, delusional, mass psychosis fueled by propaganda, fear, and ignorance.
In any sane country, these individuals would be sectioned under psychiatric observation. Their behavior is so unhinged, erratic, and destructive that it no longer belongs in the realm of politics—it is a public safety emergency.
If this were Britain, these people would be forcibly detained under the Mental Health Act. If this were any functioning democracy, they would be barred from public office and placed under psychiatric supervision. Instead, in the United States, we elect them to Congress, put them on the Supreme Court, and let them run for President.
This isn’t just a national disgrace—it is a civilization-level crisis.
The fact that millions of Americans actually believe the garbage spewed by Fox News and the Republican propaganda machine is proof of a nationwide mass delusion. These people have been programmed, manipulated, and brainwashed to such an extent that they can no longer distinguish fact from fiction.
There is no negotiating with cultists. There is no reasoning with the insane. There is no “both sides” to be had when one side has completely lost its grip on reality.
The only way forward is removal, by any means necessary.
The MAGA movement must be politically, socially, and institutionally dismantled.
Its enablers in the media must be held accountable.
Its leaders must be prosecuted, imprisoned, and removed from public life.
Its followers must be deprogrammed or, if they remain a danger to democracy, legally neutralized through bans on holding office.
What we are witnessing is not normal. It is not politics. It is a slow-motion coup by sociopaths, criminals, and the dangerously deranged.
This is not a drill. This is the fight for democracy itself. And there is no room for mercy, compromise, or hesitation.
'If this were Britain, these people would be forcibly detained under the Mental Health Act. If this were any functioning democracy, they would be barred from public office and placed under psychiatric supervision.'' I'm in London UK.
Yes, this is how it should be done... the US Constitution needs to be brought up to present day.
I have been watching the FOTUS shit show since 2016. The GOP have totally enabled trump to get to where you are today. It's mind-boggling and terrifying!
If this were the "olden days," just like now, the felon and his minions would have the sheriff and deputies in their pockets and absolutely nothing would happen.
The Articles of Impeachment are done on the House floor.
Then, if the Impeachment is passed in the House it is then passed over into the Senate. The Senate hears the evidence from a legal team from the House. The person who hears the case in the Senate is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. If the Chief Justice isn’t available the Vice President hears it. After all the evidence is heard the Senate votes and in order for it to pass it requires 2/3 of the Senate.
They have none, nor breasts either. The Repubs want to keep their jobs and will do so no matter what it takes. Come up with another "but first" and that might be a good starting point.
There has never been a more incompetent, unqualified, deranged collection of individuals in government anywhere on the planet than the modern Republican Party and its MAGA extremists. These people aren’t just bad politicians—they are anti-qualified, utterly incapable of governing, and completely unfit to run so much as a public restroom.
What we are witnessing is not politics—it’s a full-scale psychotic breakdown masquerading as a movement.
These people are not rational actors. They are conspiratorial lunatics, power-hungry criminals, and sociopathic frauds who have no business anywhere near power. And yet, because millions of Americans have been brainwashed by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, and the entire right-wing disinformation machine, they continue to worship these lunatics as leaders.
Let’s not mince words: this is a cult. A violent, delusional, mass psychosis fueled by propaganda, fear, and ignorance.
In any sane country, these individuals would be sectioned under psychiatric observation. Their behavior is so unhinged, erratic, and destructive that it no longer belongs in the realm of politics—it is a public safety emergency.
If this were Britain, these people would be forcibly detained under the Mental Health Act. If this were any functioning democracy, they would be barred from public office and placed under psychiatric supervision. Instead, in the United States, we elect them to Congress, put them on the Supreme Court, and let them run for President.
This isn’t just a national disgrace—it is a civilization-level crisis.
The fact that millions of Americans actually believe the garbage spewed by Fox News and the Republican propaganda machine is proof of a nationwide mass delusion. These people have been programmed, manipulated, and brainwashed to such an extent that they can no longer distinguish fact from fiction.
There is no negotiating with cultists. There is no reasoning with the insane. There is no “both sides” to be had when one side has completely lost its grip on reality.
The only way forward is removal, by any means necessary.
The MAGA movement must be politically, socially, and institutionally dismantled.
Its enablers in the media must be held accountable.
Its leaders must be prosecuted, imprisoned, and removed from public life.
Its followers must be deprogrammed or, if they remain a danger to democracy, legally neutralized through bans on holding office.
What we are witnessing is not normal. It is not politics. It is a slow-motion coup by sociopaths, criminals, and the dangerously deranged.
This is not a drill. This is the fight for democracy itself. And there is no room for mercy, compromise, or hesitation.
The Democrats are the minority party. They can't even start the proceedings, they can't bring the bill to the floor. It will never get out of committee. Not with the lickspittle MAGAts in control. But wouldn't it be nice?
I understand the minority party being unable to do anything in congress. That's a matter of numbers. What I don't understand about the Democratic Party is why, on day 1, they didn't have a plan? The race was close. Did Musk donating unlimited amounts of "free speech" -to the tune of a quarter BILLION dollars- catch them by surprise? If anything PINO Trump is a transactional personality. We know, and he knows that he owes the election to Musk. Why did we not have a line drawn in the sand for us to stand on. A plan for fighting, an electronic game plan for us to get behind and support (physically and monetarily) to impair and hobble PINO Trump and his chosen 'hit man of the presidency'. Why, after 5 weeks, are we still running in circles wringing our hands wondering when and what we can do about this disaster. I feel we are living a slow moving coup by purchase.
they need to make NOISE every single day to the American ppl just like the convicted does. He's somewhere every day spreading his hate, lies, on camera tv,or his failing LIAR SOCIAL Network. Messaging is EVERYTHING!
Oh? Were you caucusing on day 1 with the Democrats? Hind sight is such a thing to make an accusation on, isn't it? You know as much as the rest of us do and what was planned - by the way, have you missed all the states attorneys generals going to court day after day and filing case after case because that's what you do when you are blocked in Congress. You take it to court. Did you miss that? The Democrats knew what Musk was doing, too bad you weren't aware of it. Watching Fox? Reading Breitbart? Catching up with Truth Social?Why are you sowing the kind of doubt that MAGAts love? I feel like I just read the kind of comments I would expect from someone who isn't quite up to speed on what is really being accomplished.
Why is your response so caustic? Pretty sure if she's is a Meidas Touch follower, she isn't watching Fox, reading Breitbart or using Truth Social. Your abrasive response to a fellow resister is inappropriate, unnecessary and unwelcome. You sound more like a MAGA than anyone, so knock it off.
First back at you. Fellow resister? Resisting what? Playing the MAGA game of always, always whining about the "libs"? Did you volunteer and contribute in the last election? What are you doing now? Calling your representatives? Checking see if your state's attorney general is doing all that can be done to stop Musk? I don't sound like MAGA, I sound like a person who sick to death of reading all these bloody bar stool political analysts with their warmed over MAGA lite comments. Knock if off? When moaners and groaner find their cajoñes and stop sounding like the opposition. It was appropriate, necessary, and I don't need a welcome mat. No one appointed you Den Mother.
". . . find their cajoñes"? If you're going for the ethnic look, please at least use Google translate so you don't get it wrong. The word is COJONES. Sticking a tilde in a misspelled word doesn't make it Spanish.
No, accurate. I'm not attacking, I'm sick and tired of this nonsense. Remember Joe Biden? Yeah, him. The one who put the country right again in four (4) years. The one who brought killed inflation and did more public works projects hiring more people than back to the time of Bill Clinton. What causes tension is the rubbish about we had all this time to "fix" it. We did fix it. Amnesia running rampant. We all heard what the convicted felon kept saying. And you know what the response was? "Oh, that's just him. He won't do it." I'm not attacking except to say if y'all want to form a circular firing squad to prove the MAGAts right? Be my guest, but I'll continue to tell people to stop mewling about how bad the Dems are.......lowered medical costs, reduced student loan debt, repaired roads and bridges yup, the man did nothing - and debated a bit of scum while negotiating the release of hostages and with the flu. Oh, right, the Democrats were lazing about - no, they were governing.
Again I hear you. I am a Democrat. I vote Democrat and donate democrat. We are all angry and it is good to get the anger out so it doesn't eat us up. AND the Democratic party is not perfect and has not been up to fighting the aberration that is Trump. We can't fight him unless we improve and identifying areas of improvement is part of the resistance.
I hear you. You don't know me from Adam. But I am not MAGA. I am fully informed and long ago realized I needed to pay for and support actual news because corporate owned news agencies tell you what the owners/board want you to hear.
My venting was a moment of frustration that the American people do not have a clear path to fight Trump. I did not know the outcome of the election beforehand. But I certainly expected that the people whose job it was to plan for the contingencies of elections, and who had at their disposal all the resources and brain power of the Democratic party would have considered the possibility of his winning and had a game plan. A plan that at the minimum would have given hope that there was something to be done and which would have avoided the despair so many Americans now feel- and could have instead immediately united them.
You've really narrowed in on the problem with the Dems. They don't have a plan other than to cater to as many of their fringe groups as they can under the idea that "the tent is big enough for everyone." It isn't. There is a limited amount of money, and most Americans would rather see that money go to things like better healthcare for Americans than supporting gender-affirming surgery to inmates. There's also the Dems' love of "legacy" and whose turn it is to be the nominee rather than seeking the best nominee. Biden should never had been allowed to be the nominee. Rather, he should have been forced to keep his promise to be a bridge president, thus allowing for a chosen rather than appointed nominee. Still might have been Harris, Dems still might have lost, but at least it would have been fair. Anyone who saw how physically Biden had deteriorated or listened to the first debate knew he was past it. And Jill demanding loyalty? Well, that's just Trumpism at its core.
Mitch McConnel and the republicans had their chance and refused, if they had impeached Trump he wouldn't have been able to runfor president...they arenow in the FO stage
Yes! I wish more people would stop blaming the dems and start putting it where it belongs: on the red Nazi party. That's every single representative or senator who voted for his cabinet of frauds, perverts, grifters, oligarchs and drunks and who didn't defend the most honorable person in the Oval Office yesterday: Zelenskyy. Got that Rubio, you pathetic puppet. These spineless Nazis could stop the train from going off a cliff in one week.
Zelensky is a much bigger man than two thugs that wear more makeup than any woman. Two circus clowns who were putting on a show for their boy Hitler, two ZEROS and onr HERO!
Again with the makeup. What do you have against people who wear makeup? Reminds me of people in the '60s who condemned men who liked to wear their hair long, which both my father and uncle did. My dad was a Dem, my uncle was a Repub. Their moral centers/policy preferences had nothing to do with the amount of facial hair they sported.
When a man who wears clown makeup up every single day and belittles, makes fun of others, and calls them names needs to look at himself first in the mirror. Just as he was ridiculing President Zelensky for not wearing a suit, well usually bullies wear suits and wear more makeup than any women in fact it makes them weak and sad.
". . . wear[s] more makeup than any women . . . " Three words: Tammy Faye Bakker. But seriously, makeup has nothing to do with anything here. Moreover, I'm pretty sure Trumpty Dumpty takes a good look at himself in the mirror several times a day and loves what he sees. And ". . . usually bullies wear suits . . . " Does Musk wear a suit? Are there any leaders you like who wear suits? Please, stop looking at the superficials and look what's beneath them. I'd agree with your assessment if you said it makes them LOOK weak and sad, however.
Unfortunately, with the GOP majority in both the House and Senate right now... it would go now where like HIS last administration. 😓
However, things have already begun to change with more Democrats being elected in State elections! 🙂
I pray, upon the Democrats regaining the majorities back in both the House and Senate again, they'll reinstitute the DEATH penalty for TREASON and all these other illegal activities they've all began to destroy our Country!
I applaud President V. Zelinski's courage and Canada too for standing up to these corrupt representatives. No need to apologize to CHUMP since He owes President Zelinski that apology!! As yesterday's meeting was a blatant attempt to strong arm Ukranian's President which FAILED!! It's obvious that FELON CHUMP wants/needs both Canada and Ukraine's minerals to TAKE so CHUMP can afford to payoff HIS OLIGARCHS and billionaires.
Don’t assume there will be national elections in 2 years. Trump will declare a national emergency or some other excuse to delay elections “until further notice”. And our traitorous Supreme Court will rubber stamp it.
It’s so surprising (and frustrating) to me that so many pundits and writers, who are well informed, continue to talk about the next elections as if nothing has changed. It’s like the third rail of discussion topics; “don’t touch it!”. But I think it’s better to be prepared, and also by exposing it early there’s a better chance of preventing it.
Hey, wait. Trump tried to belittle Zelenskyy for not holding elections during a war. So, if Trump tries this move, we can show the MAGA-verse what he said about Zelenskyy.
Instead:Let’s get together here and now for the next 20 months to take back at least the House and maybe even the Senate as a block to Trump and all the authoritarian nonsense that he is spreading and sponsoring! There are only 25 “truly competitive” House Districts so the most effective &efficient way to win is to register progressive community college students in these 25 CDs so go now to www.TurnUp.US and contribute tax deductible to these brilliant Harvard students who are organizing in all 25 competitive districts!! Most effective &efficent way to get it done instead of wasting $$ on TV buys that no one pays attention to; correct? Please do it now?
Representative Nancy Pelosi in recent interview reminded us all that the critical months are March-September; work very hard in this zone to change the present slim lead of the R's in the House. She cautioned (again) to keep it focused and direct - paying attention to the House districts in play It takes a lot to achieve district-relevant focus in the Dems - but it's critical.
I think you are correct. After what we just witnessed in the Oval Office yesterday, how can anyone believe they will allow elections? No way. And the sooner we start talking about that risk, the better chance we have of preventing it.
Please review the Constitution. You know what happens if the president is impeached *and convicted*? The VP becomes president. You know who the VP is? JD Vance. So what if JD Vance is also impeached and convicted? Then the Speaker of the House becomes president. Know who the current Speaker is? The hapless Mike Johnson.
Totally agree! However, if we were only given one choice in that now, Mike Johnson would be the least evil of the three... so let's get on with impeachment, anyway. (Stupid, I know, because since the republiCRAPS have the majority, it won't ever come about.)
We still have a few good people in there. We have to work harder and faster getting our judges to fight back on this legal take over of our country. These people are nothing better than an organization crime family.
Not with Mitch Mc Connell having taught the philosophy of DoubleThink NewSpeak to the current and future Senate Majority Leaders. He condemned Trump for January 6th and then refused to impeach. Letting Trump off - knowing the courts would take too much time for it to matter.
It's going to take more than just hope and a LOT OF PRAYERS ASKING GOD TO PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON OUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. By the way--even if you're an atheist, it won't hurt to do just that. (And no, I'm NOT going to force you to become a Christian like the Dictator Psycho and the republiCRAPS would. Irony there, though. The Dips@@t in the Oval Office isn't even Christian. He only lied and claimed to be anti-choice so he'd get elected the first time....and it worked. It's kept millions of republiCRAPS to think he's the living end. Too stupid to think of the whole picture.
No, WE cannot instigate 25th amendment proceedings. Please read Section 4 of the Amendment. In short, the VP and a majority of one of two specific groups must send a written declaration to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives stating that the President is unable to discharge his office’s powers and duties.
If I'm incorrect and, as you state, someone other than VP can do it, please cite the appropriate law. I'd be over the moon if you are correct and would immediately move to invoke the 25th.
that or just pull a s korea on him. the ppl ousted 3 wannabe dictators already. the military and the ppl just decended on the palace and drug em out them they impeached em. sounds good to me
Geeze!!!!!!!!!!!! Put the all together like that and it's more sickening and terrifying than ever. However, it's too bad we can't get that on billboards or whatever--ads on TV(?). It might wake people up who don't think these a**holes are that bad--and help us DO something.
Doesn't matter. Canada can't revoke Musk's citizenship. Under Canadian law, someone's citizenship can only be revoked if it can be proven that they committed fraud or misrepresentation to obtain it. Musk's mother was born in Canada, which gives him the right to Canadian citizenship. Where's the fraud or misrepresentation?
Charlie Angus has his own Substack. Very very informative on the daily. Recommended reading if you want a perspective on what's NOT really being said in our mainstream media. Rallying to take back our country! Thank you MEIDAS+ for this news source!!
When are we going to start flying our American flag upside down? My dad, and his dad, WW1 and WW11 vets, if alive, would NOT recognize this government today. America sides with Russia? A president now is above the law? Our Allies are belittled? Our democracy, what’s left of it, is in distress!
My Dad wouldn't, either. He served in the navy in the Pacific in WWII. Can't remember the specifics, but he did tell me (& the rest of the family) one time when he was there that he and his shipmates REALLY didn't think they were going to make it home alive. He would be appalled to see what the Psycho in the Oval Office and his chums are doing now. He'd probably say, "What did I ever risk my life for?"
Unfortunately many Americans really don't care about the quality or even type of government. They are more concerned with the price of gas, eggs and their personal comfort. They have sports, a lottery and alcohol to keep them happy and content.
Maybe put it on this site? Or email (or however it's done) to him and his brothers and they can put it on here? I don't think I'm the only one who would like to see that list!
Russian people have sports and alcohol to give them comfort. That's why Putin is still in power. He had his billionaires like Trump does. This is a sign of where we are heading if we do not rise up. We rose up during the Vietnam War and TET caused Johnson to not run again for President. Then Nixon started the getting out process. It all started with "hell no we won't go!"
It is not impossible to rise up again and take our Democracy back. Stay positive and talk to all you can about what is happening in our country. Turn off the TV and put away the popcorn for a few minutes and listen to Meidas and all that they know .
GOP leaders are scared of MAGAs coming for their families. I suspect that’s a bigger fear than getting primaried. Mit Romney said so, to his biographer.
I am utterly and totally disgusted by Trump and Vance's behavior. No way in hell will I NOT fight back. Born and raised in Canada as well. So I have more than enough reason to poop on Trump, Musk, and Vance's parade.
I just contacted TMobile letting them know I’m angry about their partnership with StarLink, and that I’ll leave if they don’t break that partnership in the next couple months.
Can you maybe get that information out to the public somehow? It would be great if those who have Mobil threaten them also.........just might have an effect.
I actually heard about it from Scott Galloway’s podcast. I read a lot of news but haven’t seen it anywhere; it’s easy to imagine they are not publicizing it and prefer keeping it quiet. I’m not sure how to spread the word other than forums like this. Maybe I’ll try to get the attention of some popular podcasters to highlight it.
I might be ignorant, but HOW? I've contacted my representative (Democrat) and two Senators (live in Washington State so we're REALLY blessed there). Aside from the few friends I have (getting the word out), I don't know what else to do! Wish I could really do something to make a difference.
Go on a local Womens Day march......March 8........there will be many groups their...lots of activists..........hang out........meet new people like yourself!!!
there are a lot of countries in the British Commonwealth of Nations that have the British monarch as head of state and commander in chief whom the USA would have to deal with.
OMG! I forgot about that. But to answer your question--of course he's going to do that. After all, he is the Dump. Wish we could put him in a boxing ring and have someone fight him who would knock him out.....for good, that is.
During the American Civil War, England sent troops to over to Canada to strengthen the border.
We were in WW2 2 years before Pearl Harbour.
Trump is picking a fight with the entire EU........which is forming a new commited alliance in the face of the new Axis of Evil........USA/Russia/North Korea
If Trump is picking a fight with the UK, the UK will fold. Do you know how much of the UK is owned by Russian oligarchs? King Charlie isn't going to do anything to alienate the Russians who support Putin.
They have caved just like the German media did in the 1930s in Germany. MSNBC is also caving. Stick with independent media or if you want to subscribe, know what it is you are subscribing to and post your comments!!
The only 2, other than Meidastouch, that I listen to!! Only I can't listen to them at night when they're on. I get too worked up. I record them and watch the next morning.
What's happened to ALL the (regular?) stations that aren't emphasizing enough as to what the Dictator Psycho Criminal and his Boyfriend muskRAT are up to? It seems like (the major networks: ABC, NBC, and CBS) don't emphasize/go into detail (when they broadcast the news) the treasonous acts/evil that they're actually doing?
I think Ben covered this a few weeks' ago, when pointing out part of MTN's strategy: All the conventional media have all kinds of regulatory pressures upon them -- FCC licences, SEC investor requirements, etc. So since Voldemort & Deatheaters have taken over the Ministry, there's all kinds of pressures now being exerted (or expected to be exerted) on them -- "Go too far with your FAKE (meaning "real") news, and we pull your broadcast licence" -- stuff like that. So it's not that they can't do some of the real stuff for now but they have to pick & choose and not go too far into showing the extreme. Oh, and then there's all of Dump's and others' frivolous lawsuits, which just tie up everything (hmmm, maybe there's a whole bunch of recently-resigned US attorneys that might want to go on a vendetta against Dump lawyers . . . . ).
Can we the people start impeachment proceedings against an incompetent president?
Wouldn't that be nice. However, that can only be done by the House of Representatives and the Senate which I'm sure you know. If this were the "olden days" we could tar and feather the felon and his minions and run them out of town on a rail. I'm sorry, just a little humor to keep from crying.
Shirley, if we can get rid of two GOP felons in the US House and replace them with Dems, we could facilitate the 'Dump Drump' show with a majority of votes there if I am correct. It would be a necessary start.
Ben, please keep bringing back MP Angus. Belying his modest Canadian tone, he packs a wicked punch.
Saw a clip of him today yelling at pro-Russian trolls who were "trolling" the members of a pro-Ukranian protest at the Russian embassy in Canada. Told them to F-OFF, leave the Ukranian protesters alone - multiple times. I really like him!
Indeed he does. Calm, direct, honest, not threatening, not yelling.
Thank you Ben and MP Angus!
There are 2 elections in Florida on 01APRIL. Dem's always do better at special elections. If we can flip those 2 seats, the house is tied at 217! There is NO TIE BREAKER in the house!!! Let's do EVERYTHING we can to support Gay Valimont & Josh Weil. Donate, sned letters, join call banks! We can STOP traitor #VonShitzInPantz and his criminal cabal!
There has never been a more incompetent, unqualified, deranged collection of individuals in government anywhere on the planet than the modern Republican Party and its MAGA extremists. These people aren’t just bad politicians—they are anti-qualified, utterly incapable of governing, and completely unfit to run so much as a public restroom.
What we are witnessing is not politics—it’s a full-scale psychotic breakdown masquerading as a movement.
These people are not rational actors. They are conspiratorial lunatics, power-hungry criminals, and sociopathic frauds who have no business anywhere near power. And yet, because millions of Americans have been brainwashed by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, and the entire right-wing disinformation machine, they continue to worship these lunatics as leaders.
Let’s not mince words: this is a cult. A violent, delusional, mass psychosis fueled by propaganda, fear, and ignorance.
In any sane country, these individuals would be sectioned under psychiatric observation. Their behavior is so unhinged, erratic, and destructive that it no longer belongs in the realm of politics—it is a public safety emergency.
If this were Britain, these people would be forcibly detained under the Mental Health Act. If this were any functioning democracy, they would be barred from public office and placed under psychiatric supervision. Instead, in the United States, we elect them to Congress, put them on the Supreme Court, and let them run for President.
This isn’t just a national disgrace—it is a civilization-level crisis.
The fact that millions of Americans actually believe the garbage spewed by Fox News and the Republican propaganda machine is proof of a nationwide mass delusion. These people have been programmed, manipulated, and brainwashed to such an extent that they can no longer distinguish fact from fiction.
There is no negotiating with cultists. There is no reasoning with the insane. There is no “both sides” to be had when one side has completely lost its grip on reality.
The only way forward is removal, by any means necessary.
The MAGA movement must be politically, socially, and institutionally dismantled.
Its enablers in the media must be held accountable.
Its leaders must be prosecuted, imprisoned, and removed from public life.
Its followers must be deprogrammed or, if they remain a danger to democracy, legally neutralized through bans on holding office.
What we are witnessing is not normal. It is not politics. It is a slow-motion coup by sociopaths, criminals, and the dangerously deranged.
This is not a drill. This is the fight for democracy itself. And there is no room for mercy, compromise, or hesitation.
'If this were Britain, these people would be forcibly detained under the Mental Health Act. If this were any functioning democracy, they would be barred from public office and placed under psychiatric supervision.'' I'm in London UK.
Yes, this is how it should be done... the US Constitution needs to be brought up to present day.
Two words: Boris Johnson.
I'm all for killing them as most are. It's all just waiting on the first shot and who is going to do it.
I disagree, they need to be treated like fascist nazis and dealt with the same way we did in WW2. Some were killed on the spot some were imprisoned.
I'll be sure to tell my Floida family about the candidates
It's for districts 1 & 6 - used to be Matt Gaetz & Mike Waltz.
There's also one in New York. We could possibly flip it
I have been watching the FOTUS shit show since 2016. The GOP have totally enabled trump to get to where you are today. It's mind-boggling and terrifying!
If this were the "olden days," just like now, the felon and his minions would have the sheriff and deputies in their pockets and absolutely nothing would happen.
The Articles of Impeachment are done on the House floor.
Then, if the Impeachment is passed in the House it is then passed over into the Senate. The Senate hears the evidence from a legal team from the House. The person who hears the case in the Senate is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. If the Chief Justice isn’t available the Vice President hears it. After all the evidence is heard the Senate votes and in order for it to pass it requires 2/3 of the Senate.
But first… the republicans need to find their balls!
That is if they have any to begin with…
They have none, nor breasts either. The Repubs want to keep their jobs and will do so no matter what it takes. Come up with another "but first" and that might be a good starting point.
We need to dump the GOP fascists first.
No longer the GOP it’s now the POP, party of Putin.
How about "Party Of Oligarchs & Putin" - POOP!
That's so funny!!! LOL.
Good one, Leah! We NEED to start saying (out loud in particular) whenever we're referring to that republiCRAP party.
true, but we must chip away with the clown circus shitz show little by little.
There has never been a more incompetent, unqualified, deranged collection of individuals in government anywhere on the planet than the modern Republican Party and its MAGA extremists. These people aren’t just bad politicians—they are anti-qualified, utterly incapable of governing, and completely unfit to run so much as a public restroom.
What we are witnessing is not politics—it’s a full-scale psychotic breakdown masquerading as a movement.
These people are not rational actors. They are conspiratorial lunatics, power-hungry criminals, and sociopathic frauds who have no business anywhere near power. And yet, because millions of Americans have been brainwashed by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, and the entire right-wing disinformation machine, they continue to worship these lunatics as leaders.
Let’s not mince words: this is a cult. A violent, delusional, mass psychosis fueled by propaganda, fear, and ignorance.
In any sane country, these individuals would be sectioned under psychiatric observation. Their behavior is so unhinged, erratic, and destructive that it no longer belongs in the realm of politics—it is a public safety emergency.
If this were Britain, these people would be forcibly detained under the Mental Health Act. If this were any functioning democracy, they would be barred from public office and placed under psychiatric supervision. Instead, in the United States, we elect them to Congress, put them on the Supreme Court, and let them run for President.
This isn’t just a national disgrace—it is a civilization-level crisis.
The fact that millions of Americans actually believe the garbage spewed by Fox News and the Republican propaganda machine is proof of a nationwide mass delusion. These people have been programmed, manipulated, and brainwashed to such an extent that they can no longer distinguish fact from fiction.
There is no negotiating with cultists. There is no reasoning with the insane. There is no “both sides” to be had when one side has completely lost its grip on reality.
The only way forward is removal, by any means necessary.
The MAGA movement must be politically, socially, and institutionally dismantled.
Its enablers in the media must be held accountable.
Its leaders must be prosecuted, imprisoned, and removed from public life.
Its followers must be deprogrammed or, if they remain a danger to democracy, legally neutralized through bans on holding office.
What we are witnessing is not normal. It is not politics. It is a slow-motion coup by sociopaths, criminals, and the dangerously deranged.
This is not a drill. This is the fight for democracy itself. And there is no room for mercy, compromise, or hesitation.
Trump is the puppet for all of this craziness. We need to chop off the heads of all of the fascist now before our democracy falls us.
he and that JD fool wear more makeup than any woman😁 bevis and butt head.
So what? Wearing makeup doesn't make you a felon, fascist, or anything other than someone who likes to wear makeup.
There needs to be a petition here in the US to strip Musk's citizenship. If there is one floating around on the internet somebody post the site.
The Democrats are the minority party. They can't even start the proceedings, they can't bring the bill to the floor. It will never get out of committee. Not with the lickspittle MAGAts in control. But wouldn't it be nice?
there r 3 special elections right now if we can flip those seats in the house!
3 specials and midterms to make an even better margin for ridding us of 47, Musk and others.
I understand the minority party being unable to do anything in congress. That's a matter of numbers. What I don't understand about the Democratic Party is why, on day 1, they didn't have a plan? The race was close. Did Musk donating unlimited amounts of "free speech" -to the tune of a quarter BILLION dollars- catch them by surprise? If anything PINO Trump is a transactional personality. We know, and he knows that he owes the election to Musk. Why did we not have a line drawn in the sand for us to stand on. A plan for fighting, an electronic game plan for us to get behind and support (physically and monetarily) to impair and hobble PINO Trump and his chosen 'hit man of the presidency'. Why, after 5 weeks, are we still running in circles wringing our hands wondering when and what we can do about this disaster. I feel we are living a slow moving coup by purchase.
they need to make NOISE every single day to the American ppl just like the convicted does. He's somewhere every day spreading his hate, lies, on camera tv,or his failing LIAR SOCIAL Network. Messaging is EVERYTHING!
Oh? Were you caucusing on day 1 with the Democrats? Hind sight is such a thing to make an accusation on, isn't it? You know as much as the rest of us do and what was planned - by the way, have you missed all the states attorneys generals going to court day after day and filing case after case because that's what you do when you are blocked in Congress. You take it to court. Did you miss that? The Democrats knew what Musk was doing, too bad you weren't aware of it. Watching Fox? Reading Breitbart? Catching up with Truth Social?Why are you sowing the kind of doubt that MAGAts love? I feel like I just read the kind of comments I would expect from someone who isn't quite up to speed on what is really being accomplished.
Why is your response so caustic? Pretty sure if she's is a Meidas Touch follower, she isn't watching Fox, reading Breitbart or using Truth Social. Your abrasive response to a fellow resister is inappropriate, unnecessary and unwelcome. You sound more like a MAGA than anyone, so knock it off.
First back at you. Fellow resister? Resisting what? Playing the MAGA game of always, always whining about the "libs"? Did you volunteer and contribute in the last election? What are you doing now? Calling your representatives? Checking see if your state's attorney general is doing all that can be done to stop Musk? I don't sound like MAGA, I sound like a person who sick to death of reading all these bloody bar stool political analysts with their warmed over MAGA lite comments. Knock if off? When moaners and groaner find their cajoñes and stop sounding like the opposition. It was appropriate, necessary, and I don't need a welcome mat. No one appointed you Den Mother.
". . . find their cajoñes"? If you're going for the ethnic look, please at least use Google translate so you don't get it wrong. The word is COJONES. Sticking a tilde in a misspelled word doesn't make it Spanish.
The Dems gave had 10 years to come up with something to fight MAGA so this isn't hindsight, it's asking why they're still doing nothing.
MESSAGING Is EVERYTHING, every single day the entire party should be loud and making noise, trust me if they do it enough people wake up.
That's very snarky of you. This is the kind of comment that creates tension. Why don't we try to find solutions instead of attacking?
No, accurate. I'm not attacking, I'm sick and tired of this nonsense. Remember Joe Biden? Yeah, him. The one who put the country right again in four (4) years. The one who brought killed inflation and did more public works projects hiring more people than back to the time of Bill Clinton. What causes tension is the rubbish about we had all this time to "fix" it. We did fix it. Amnesia running rampant. We all heard what the convicted felon kept saying. And you know what the response was? "Oh, that's just him. He won't do it." I'm not attacking except to say if y'all want to form a circular firing squad to prove the MAGAts right? Be my guest, but I'll continue to tell people to stop mewling about how bad the Dems are.......lowered medical costs, reduced student loan debt, repaired roads and bridges yup, the man did nothing - and debated a bit of scum while negotiating the release of hostages and with the flu. Oh, right, the Democrats were lazing about - no, they were governing.
Again I hear you. I am a Democrat. I vote Democrat and donate democrat. We are all angry and it is good to get the anger out so it doesn't eat us up. AND the Democratic party is not perfect and has not been up to fighting the aberration that is Trump. We can't fight him unless we improve and identifying areas of improvement is part of the resistance.
I hear you. You don't know me from Adam. But I am not MAGA. I am fully informed and long ago realized I needed to pay for and support actual news because corporate owned news agencies tell you what the owners/board want you to hear.
My venting was a moment of frustration that the American people do not have a clear path to fight Trump. I did not know the outcome of the election beforehand. But I certainly expected that the people whose job it was to plan for the contingencies of elections, and who had at their disposal all the resources and brain power of the Democratic party would have considered the possibility of his winning and had a game plan. A plan that at the minimum would have given hope that there was something to be done and which would have avoided the despair so many Americans now feel- and could have instead immediately united them.
You've really narrowed in on the problem with the Dems. They don't have a plan other than to cater to as many of their fringe groups as they can under the idea that "the tent is big enough for everyone." It isn't. There is a limited amount of money, and most Americans would rather see that money go to things like better healthcare for Americans than supporting gender-affirming surgery to inmates. There's also the Dems' love of "legacy" and whose turn it is to be the nominee rather than seeking the best nominee. Biden should never had been allowed to be the nominee. Rather, he should have been forced to keep his promise to be a bridge president, thus allowing for a chosen rather than appointed nominee. Still might have been Harris, Dems still might have lost, but at least it would have been fair. Anyone who saw how physically Biden had deteriorated or listened to the first debate knew he was past it. And Jill demanding loyalty? Well, that's just Trumpism at its core.
Mitch McConnel and the republicans had their chance and refused, if they had impeached Trump he wouldn't have been able to runfor president...they arenow in the FO stage
Yes! I wish more people would stop blaming the dems and start putting it where it belongs: on the red Nazi party. That's every single representative or senator who voted for his cabinet of frauds, perverts, grifters, oligarchs and drunks and who didn't defend the most honorable person in the Oval Office yesterday: Zelenskyy. Got that Rubio, you pathetic puppet. These spineless Nazis could stop the train from going off a cliff in one week.
Zelensky is a much bigger man than two thugs that wear more makeup than any woman. Two circus clowns who were putting on a show for their boy Hitler, two ZEROS and onr HERO!
Again with the makeup. What do you have against people who wear makeup? Reminds me of people in the '60s who condemned men who liked to wear their hair long, which both my father and uncle did. My dad was a Dem, my uncle was a Repub. Their moral centers/policy preferences had nothing to do with the amount of facial hair they sported.
When a man who wears clown makeup up every single day and belittles, makes fun of others, and calls them names needs to look at himself first in the mirror. Just as he was ridiculing President Zelensky for not wearing a suit, well usually bullies wear suits and wear more makeup than any women in fact it makes them weak and sad.
". . . wear[s] more makeup than any women . . . " Three words: Tammy Faye Bakker. But seriously, makeup has nothing to do with anything here. Moreover, I'm pretty sure Trumpty Dumpty takes a good look at himself in the mirror several times a day and loves what he sees. And ". . . usually bullies wear suits . . . " Does Musk wear a suit? Are there any leaders you like who wear suits? Please, stop looking at the superficials and look what's beneath them. I'd agree with your assessment if you said it makes them LOOK weak and sad, however.
We can't look back, we need to move forward and fight.
We need to do both. We CAN learn more from our failures than our successes IF we examine both critically.
If we haven't learned from our failures by now, why move forward?
Unfortunately, with the GOP majority in both the House and Senate right now... it would go now where like HIS last administration. 😓
However, things have already begun to change with more Democrats being elected in State elections! 🙂
I pray, upon the Democrats regaining the majorities back in both the House and Senate again, they'll reinstitute the DEATH penalty for TREASON and all these other illegal activities they've all began to destroy our Country!
I applaud President V. Zelinski's courage and Canada too for standing up to these corrupt representatives. No need to apologize to CHUMP since He owes President Zelinski that apology!! As yesterday's meeting was a blatant attempt to strong arm Ukranian's President which FAILED!! It's obvious that FELON CHUMP wants/needs both Canada and Ukraine's minerals to TAKE so CHUMP can afford to payoff HIS OLIGARCHS and billionaires.
Stand strong against this corrupt regime!
Thanks to Canada 🇨🇦 for standing strong.
Don’t assume there will be national elections in 2 years. Trump will declare a national emergency or some other excuse to delay elections “until further notice”. And our traitorous Supreme Court will rubber stamp it.
That's what I'm terrified of--and I know I'm not alone. You and I are not the only ones who are scared to death of that.
It’s so surprising (and frustrating) to me that so many pundits and writers, who are well informed, continue to talk about the next elections as if nothing has changed. It’s like the third rail of discussion topics; “don’t touch it!”. But I think it’s better to be prepared, and also by exposing it early there’s a better chance of preventing it.
Hey, wait. Trump tried to belittle Zelenskyy for not holding elections during a war. So, if Trump tries this move, we can show the MAGA-verse what he said about Zelenskyy.
As if that ever stopped him or his Nazi supporters. But I wish you were right.
If trxmp is going to make a trillion dollars grom selling gold cards to ruskies, why does he need tariffs?
Because like most bullies and psychopaths, it's not just a matter of getting what he wants -- others have to suffer for him to feel complete.
Instead:Let’s get together here and now for the next 20 months to take back at least the House and maybe even the Senate as a block to Trump and all the authoritarian nonsense that he is spreading and sponsoring! There are only 25 “truly competitive” House Districts so the most effective &efficient way to win is to register progressive community college students in these 25 CDs so go now to www.TurnUp.US and contribute tax deductible to these brilliant Harvard students who are organizing in all 25 competitive districts!! Most effective &efficent way to get it done instead of wasting $$ on TV buys that no one pays attention to; correct? Please do it now?
Representative Nancy Pelosi in recent interview reminded us all that the critical months are March-September; work very hard in this zone to change the present slim lead of the R's in the House. She cautioned (again) to keep it focused and direct - paying attention to the House districts in play It takes a lot to achieve district-relevant focus in the Dems - but it's critical.
You are dreaming. The USA is now a dictatorship for life. There is NO more midterms and NO more 4yr voting.
You are wrong.
I think you are correct. After what we just witnessed in the Oval Office yesterday, how can anyone believe they will allow elections? No way. And the sooner we start talking about that risk, the better chance we have of preventing it.
Please review the Constitution. You know what happens if the president is impeached *and convicted*? The VP becomes president. You know who the VP is? JD Vance. So what if JD Vance is also impeached and convicted? Then the Speaker of the House becomes president. Know who the current Speaker is? The hapless Mike Johnson.
We really are in a pickle, with succession getting progressively worse.
Totally agree! However, if we were only given one choice in that now, Mike Johnson would be the least evil of the three... so let's get on with impeachment, anyway. (Stupid, I know, because since the republiCRAPS have the majority, it won't ever come about.)
We still have a few good people in there. We have to work harder and faster getting our judges to fight back on this legal take over of our country. These people are nothing better than an organization crime family.
Impeach! He was impeached twice before, what good did it do?
Third time's a charm 😁
Not with Mitch Mc Connell having taught the philosophy of DoubleThink NewSpeak to the current and future Senate Majority Leaders. He condemned Trump for January 6th and then refused to impeach. Letting Trump off - knowing the courts would take too much time for it to matter.
It's going to take more than just hope and a LOT OF PRAYERS ASKING GOD TO PLEASE HAVE MERCY ON OUR COUNTRY AND THE WORLD. By the way--even if you're an atheist, it won't hurt to do just that. (And no, I'm NOT going to force you to become a Christian like the Dictator Psycho and the republiCRAPS would. Irony there, though. The Dips@@t in the Oval Office isn't even Christian. He only lied and claimed to be anti-choice so he'd get elected the first time....and it worked. It's kept millions of republiCRAPS to think he's the living end. Too stupid to think of the whole picture.
No, but we can instigate 25th amendment proceedings. Someone other than VP can do it.
No, WE cannot instigate 25th amendment proceedings. Please read Section 4 of the Amendment. In short, the VP and a majority of one of two specific groups must send a written declaration to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives stating that the President is unable to discharge his office’s powers and duties.
If I'm incorrect and, as you state, someone other than VP can do it, please cite the appropriate law. I'd be over the moon if you are correct and would immediately move to invoke the 25th.
that or just pull a s korea on him. the ppl ousted 3 wannabe dictators already. the military and the ppl just decended on the palace and drug em out them they impeached em. sounds good to me
We MUST impeach Shitler. Impeach, impeach, impeach!
more like, 5150 psych hold
Oh Ya!
Canadians don’t want what Elon/Trump/Vance/Vought/Putin are selling.
Hell, neither do we!
Well my grandfather escaped Ukraine 100 yrs ago.
My other side are United Empire Loyalist ancestors from 250 years ago.
They owned a farm in NY NY.
I think it was Manhattan Island.
I think it's a park now.
I am so going to disrupt Americaca and tename if Wayne's world.
Geeze!!!!!!!!!!!! Put the all together like that and it's more sickening and terrifying than ever. However, it's too bad we can't get that on billboards or whatever--ads on TV(?). It might wake people up who don't think these a**holes are that bad--and help us DO something.
We can get that on billboards or ads on TV. Just get someone with the money to pay for it.
Trump is a TRAITOR to the United States!!! He should be removed!!
Yep. Treason big-time crime. Se nd Trump to Gitmo.
Canada! There are now 352506 signatures removing Fellon Musk's Canadian citizenship. This is a huge, huge middle finger for Musk.
Man that would be a good move just do it
My sharing at 20,000 worked.
Doesn't matter. Canada can't revoke Musk's citizenship. Under Canadian law, someone's citizenship can only be revoked if it can be proven that they committed fraud or misrepresentation to obtain it. Musk's mother was born in Canada, which gives him the right to Canadian citizenship. Where's the fraud or misrepresentation?
Charlie Angus has his own Substack. Very very informative on the daily. Recommended reading if you want a perspective on what's NOT really being said in our mainstream media. Rallying to take back our country! Thank you MEIDAS+ for this news source!!
Uh oh president Dementia Don is going to FAFO
OH! Thanks so much for ANOTHER(?) nickname for Dictator Criminal Psycho. Love it! Hope you won't copyright it as I intend to use it...............(!)
When are we going to start flying our American flag upside down? My dad, and his dad, WW1 and WW11 vets, if alive, would NOT recognize this government today. America sides with Russia? A president now is above the law? Our Allies are belittled? Our democracy, what’s left of it, is in distress!
My Dad wouldn't, either. He served in the navy in the Pacific in WWII. Can't remember the specifics, but he did tell me (& the rest of the family) one time when he was there that he and his shipmates REALLY didn't think they were going to make it home alive. He would be appalled to see what the Psycho in the Oval Office and his chums are doing now. He'd probably say, "What did I ever risk my life for?"
A good place to start is when you are marching in the next Womens Day......March 8.
Where ever you are......there will be one. Simple as that.
Why can't our Republican elector leaders stand up for what's right? And why as we as Americans aren't being louder about what's happening
Unfortunately many Americans really don't care about the quality or even type of government. They are more concerned with the price of gas, eggs and their personal comfort. They have sports, a lottery and alcohol to keep them happy and content.
I care very much and I also care about my life and my family's life and anybody that is vulnerable
I take on my local dysfunctional government.
I assembled the 300 issues/concerns of the poor elderly disabled and vulnerable.
I was at a public i lut meeting today.
They were ashamed to see the list and want a copy.
Maybe put it on this site? Or email (or however it's done) to him and his brothers and they can put it on here? I don't think I'm the only one who would like to see that list!
Not all Americans, all the people I know are embarrassed and ashamed of our government that we did not vote for.
Russian people have sports and alcohol to give them comfort. That's why Putin is still in power. He had his billionaires like Trump does. This is a sign of where we are heading if we do not rise up. We rose up during the Vietnam War and TET caused Johnson to not run again for President. Then Nixon started the getting out process. It all started with "hell no we won't go!"
It is not impossible to rise up again and take our Democracy back. Stay positive and talk to all you can about what is happening in our country. Turn off the TV and put away the popcorn for a few minutes and listen to Meidas and all that they know .
Trump is a Russian asset! https://youtu.be/YsIntuxmXf0
Until their first and second amendment is taken from them
From what I see the US is really into their pow POWs
Don’t be absurd.
GOP leaders are scared of MAGAs coming for their families. I suspect that’s a bigger fear than getting primaried. Mit Romney said so, to his biographer.
republicans are SCARED of drump! He threatens them with God knows what.
Because they don't care about what's right. They care about keeping their jobs.
I am utterly and totally disgusted by Trump and Vance's behavior. No way in hell will I NOT fight back. Born and raised in Canada as well. So I have more than enough reason to poop on Trump, Musk, and Vance's parade.
Haha! I lived in the States all my life and I have plenty of reasons to poop on the 3 stooges! Trump, vance and musk.
Love me some Charlie Angus 👏👏👏 Canada Strong
Thank you so much to our Canadian friends! Hopefully your push back against the Muskrat will spread southward.
I just contacted TMobile letting them know I’m angry about their partnership with StarLink, and that I’ll leave if they don’t break that partnership in the next couple months.
Can you maybe get that information out to the public somehow? It would be great if those who have Mobil threaten them also.........just might have an effect.
I actually heard about it from Scott Galloway’s podcast. I read a lot of news but haven’t seen it anywhere; it’s easy to imagine they are not publicizing it and prefer keeping it quiet. I’m not sure how to spread the word other than forums like this. Maybe I’ll try to get the attention of some popular podcasters to highlight it.
Thank you I have t mobile and I’ll switch networks.
Pushback often starts with one person.........how abou you???
I might be ignorant, but HOW? I've contacted my representative (Democrat) and two Senators (live in Washington State so we're REALLY blessed there). Aside from the few friends I have (getting the word out), I don't know what else to do! Wish I could really do something to make a difference.
Go on a local Womens Day march......March 8........there will be many groups their...lots of activists..........hang out........meet new people like yourself!!!
Good for you Canada! Stand strong! 💪🏽
Donald Trump is always gonna be a pos
He'll never even be THAT good............
I bought a bottle of Canadian Maple Syrup today too in support.
the monarch of the United Kingdom is also the monarch of Canada. Is trump trying to pick a fight with the UK?
I don't think Donald the college course purchaser knows that. I do think Charles might want to mention it in passing the next time they get together.
there are a lot of countries in the British Commonwealth of Nations that have the British monarch as head of state and commander in chief whom the USA would have to deal with.
OMG! I forgot about that. But to answer your question--of course he's going to do that. After all, he is the Dump. Wish we could put him in a boxing ring and have someone fight him who would knock him out.....for good, that is.
During the American Civil War, England sent troops to over to Canada to strengthen the border.
We were in WW2 2 years before Pearl Harbour.
Trump is picking a fight with the entire EU........which is forming a new commited alliance in the face of the new Axis of Evil........USA/Russia/North Korea
If Trump is picking a fight with the UK, the UK will fold. Do you know how much of the UK is owned by Russian oligarchs? King Charlie isn't going to do anything to alienate the Russians who support Putin.
What the hell has happened at CNN?
They have caved just like the German media did in the 1930s in Germany. MSNBC is also caving. Stick with independent media or if you want to subscribe, know what it is you are subscribing to and post your comments!!
Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell of MSNBC will NEVER cave or bend a knee. NEVER!!
Lawrence O' and Maddow are "UNBREAKABLE"
The only 2, other than Meidastouch, that I listen to!! Only I can't listen to them at night when they're on. I get too worked up. I record them and watch the next morning.
I thought it was just me.
What's happened to ALL the (regular?) stations that aren't emphasizing enough as to what the Dictator Psycho Criminal and his Boyfriend muskRAT are up to? It seems like (the major networks: ABC, NBC, and CBS) don't emphasize/go into detail (when they broadcast the news) the treasonous acts/evil that they're actually doing?
I think Ben covered this a few weeks' ago, when pointing out part of MTN's strategy: All the conventional media have all kinds of regulatory pressures upon them -- FCC licences, SEC investor requirements, etc. So since Voldemort & Deatheaters have taken over the Ministry, there's all kinds of pressures now being exerted (or expected to be exerted) on them -- "Go too far with your FAKE (meaning "real") news, and we pull your broadcast licence" -- stuff like that. So it's not that they can't do some of the real stuff for now but they have to pick & choose and not go too far into showing the extreme. Oh, and then there's all of Dump's and others' frivolous lawsuits, which just tie up everything (hmmm, maybe there's a whole bunch of recently-resigned US attorneys that might want to go on a vendetta against Dump lawyers . . . . ).