Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett...I hope they give her consideration to be on the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee. We need her there. As for Nancy Mace, she's simply disgusting...nothing more to say...

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I admire your courage and determination. 💕💙🇺🇸

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Love 💙 Rep. Jasmine Crockett!

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Dude, it's CONGRESS, not "Mean Girls"! 😤 I am so sick of the immature antics of the MAGA elite.

Fight for things that really affect a lot of Americans. Stop these "LOOK AT ME" showdowns and get laws passed (like the budget, gun safety, etc) that really matter. Most people in this country won't ever MEET a transperson in their lifetime, let alone in the bathroom! 👿 SHEEESH!

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Exactly. I don't even look at other people when I'm in the bathroom, they could be aliens dressed up as people for all I know because I just do what I came to do and get out. This old lady is cray.

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You are correct 💯. It's really just laugh 😂 to me for such concern over a toilet and there could be aliens and I wouldn't notice either. Criminal after criminal who doesn't know their ass from their elbow are being recommended for positions in our country actually concerning the safety of the United States of America. Saturday Fox TV host with a $800 BILLION BUDGET TO OVERSEE THE PENTAGON!! WHAT THE FUCK BIG-TIME!! JOYRIDES WITH MCDONALD'S HAMBURGERS ON PRIVATE PLANES? BUILDING GOLF COURSES IN SAUDI ARABIA -- AGAIN WHAT THE FUCK BIG-TIME!! AND for everyone who wanted these people to lead our country -- congratulations. Great job. Please please please tell it from the rooftops when your own personal bank account is overflowing with cash ( or at least the price of a big Mac!!)

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Well said!!!!!💙💙💙💙

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Politics is performative for these R-holes! They have no interest in actually doing the work of governing.

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If they would seek to pass gun legislation to stop the slaughter of kids and teachers in schools, pass immigration reform legislation, which by the way, the R’s voted against so they could campaign on that issue, that could be some positive attention. I swear these performative idiots like Nancy Mace, bullying a brand new member of Congress is just a whole new level of disgusting, disgraceful juvenile behavior.

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Congresswoman Crockett is a true champion and #patriot for standing up for #lgbtq members!

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Mace is her name & distraction & damage is her game

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To Nancy Mace and her ilk, cruelty is the point. Her soul must be very dark. Women’s restrooms have private stalls with a door to latch closed when in use. No other person’s genitals to be seen.

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How knuckleheads get elected is beyond me .

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People are just ignorant. Since I was a child, I thought that ignorance and racism were our two biggest problems. I am seeing that be borne out.

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So very true . And it also leads to voting against your own interests . Boink !

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And don't forget the gerrymandering...birds of a feather scenario 🙄

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Knuckleheads get elected by knuckleheads.

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Well we sure got a lot of knuckleheads in America anymore. I just hope like hell they wake up real soon and when they start bitching and complaining I'm going to be laughing my butt off

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she's an astute student of the --greene method..

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This McBride is really smart and work circles around Mace... Mace is a grandstaner, like most RepublicSCAMS. It's what they do, because most are USELESS to the American people. Put a damn bathroom in her office and move on. Who cares? Stop falling for the RepublicSCAM bullshit.

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So Sarah McBride and transgender women can now go to the men’s bathroom and make them uncomfortable as hell and transgender men will show up in women’s bathrooms. Cue the screaming.

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They really don't understand what they're doing

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Republicans don’t have the critical thinking skills, or even common sense skills, to understand this.

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MAGA Mike Johnson is such a jerk.

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Don't you mean "Trump's Little Johnson?" LOL

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Actually, I say "Trump's OTHER little Johnson"...as we know he has the first one...handled 😉

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He is a snake, of the highest order, and claims to be christian. , what a joke.


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I love this Woman thank you Jasmine Crockett for all you do. This is one person I can say is standing up for the American people. Especially black people and black women like me. She represents all people and she tells it like it is she doesn’t sugar coat a damn thing. While alot of Democrats were talking about Biden and wanted him not to run again. She stuck by him. She is definitely going somewhere big one day. She is not only smart, intelligent, educated and beautiful. But Actually cares about every American. Thank you Jasmine every little girl should look up to you.

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Rep. Crockett is a national treasure, smart, logical, cogent and with a great sense of humor.

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This Mace s**t (pun intended) is the kind of stuff we have to look forward to with the Dump propaganda machine in full swing. Someone needs to mace her. Thanks, Ben, for MTN and news we can rely on.

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Shakespeare’s words have stood the test of time, “ The lady doth protest too much, methinks.” Mace might want to see a therapist for her obsession with bathrooms and seemingly unresolved issues related to her assault. Rep Crockett, on the other hand continues to remind us of the need to focus on their constituents and how the work in Congress should be done. Is Mike Johnson’s refusal to allow McBride the ability to use a bathroom worthy of a lawsuit or does he seriously have the power to enact his stupid bathroom ban?

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Just throw overly ripe banana peels. That'll cure 'em! LOL

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Mace is such a fraud she doesn’t know herself!

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Definitely sounds like Mace needs a port-a-potty!

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in which to wash her hair. ;-) LOL

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Jasmine Crockett knows when shit's spending too much time in the shitter. 😎

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Representative Jasmine Crockett is a bright star and champion in congress. Nancy Mace and Mike Johnson are both disgusting dark spots who need to be banished.

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