He’s finished, done. It may take some time to get him and the others out, but after all the damage he’s done and capped off with last Friday’s sh-t show, his boat is starting not to float.
Da.....I truly believe D will have Putin give some speech in Congress....and the Russian cargo planes will be flying into Andrews Air Force base. I see many other things I can't write here...but it ain't gonna be pretty
Call your legislators, email them, leave comments on their websites. Bug them as .much as possible. Find people who are as disgusted as you, regardless of party, and get them to do the same. You'd be surprised how many feel the same way.
Do not be quiet. Rattle their cages. Do what you can by calling or sending emails. I let Senators Gillibrand and Schumer know how disappointed I am by them not voicing out loud their anger.
Me too. I'm a blue dot in a very red state and I'm considering moving overseas. Seriously, lots of Americans are doing that very thing. I've never seen anything like this is my 62 years.
Do what you can by calling and emailing everyone. You can only email those who represent you but you can call them and leave voicemails. Join Country First where you are with like minded people who are fighting for this country and democracy.
Hate to admit it, but I totally agree with you. My cousin in England, whom I've never actually met (met her through a cousin of mine HERE who did ancestry research years ago), has asked me several times these questions: What is going on? What has happened to your country? How did that guy ever get elected? He's so disgusting. She knows that most Americans despise the s**thead in the Oval Office and she and those in her country are appalled--and really feels for us. I hate telling her that there isn't much we can do, but we're trying. I'm so embarrassed for all of us Americans (well--not trumpliCRAPS). So ashamed. Can't believe that this is what our country has come to.
Don't hate. Rattle cages. Call your representatives. I have also called Jamie Raskin and Jasmine Crockett to let them know I support them. Join Country First where you will be with like minded individuals who have action plans on what we the people can do.
I don't believe he won either because I've been seeing this man named Greg Palast who is a mathematical genius and has done many audits of elections and he has been saying the numbers aren't adding up. I saw him on several Progressive independent media platforms. He believes there were 10s of thousands purged from the voter roles who normally vote Democrat. This happened in the race here in NC with a Democrat and Republican who ran for Supreme Court Justice. The GOP candidate tried to get 66,000 votes tossed after they had been cast. It has been a fiasco. Greg Palast has some interesting things to say, but I'm not sure where it will lead. Check it out. I imagine you can find him by Googling his name and go from there. It's worth taking a listen.
I saw a video on YouTube Election Truth Alliance last week and they said the same thing. Can you just imagine how bad he actually lost? That’s why he repeatedly says ( I won in a landslide) ooh I actually said that in his weirdo voice
Are we not surrounded by idiots ? I work in steel mill and these guys are the biggest crybabies. We’ve lost thousands in our 401 and they still think it’s somebody else’s fault but his. They all know I voted for Kamala and the minute I walk in the room they quit their bitchn. That part I’m loving.
I’m 57 and I will never call it that. I bought a bunch of post cards with the Gulf of Mexico on them from every truck stop I could fine (36 so far) I’m mailing every single one out on the 14 to the clown.
Holy shit. That’s bad. I work in Axis and I just glare at em wanting to shake some sense into them. Well it’s great to meet another blue dot surrounded by idiots. If you hear of any protest drop me some info please. I was planning on going downtown yesterday but it was Mardi Gras. If I’m going to pick a fight I’d prefer them to not be 2 cases into their coors light(because bud light is too woke)
Mobile here. So happy to hear from fellow blue dots. This is the best news I’ve had since nov.5. Awe to know I’m not crazy. This is really happening right? A hostile government takeover?
Unfortunately, yep! My entire family is MAGA!!! I grew up in rural NC in a very conservative family, but I never shared their views. I left NC and went into the military where I was stationed on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Massachusetts is a melting pot of different ethnicities and culture. I have always been fascinated about the world around me and I made friends with those I served with in the military as well as the people in the great state of Massachusetts. I loved the city of Boston. Its awesome. These friends from all scopes of life gave me a unique perspective about how other people live; their family values, and beliefs. I got an education many people rarely are exposed to when you stay within the closed minds and borders of your own state. This is the problem my own family has. They don't know about anything other than the people in their own orbit. This is a big world. I've been very fortunate to see so much over the course of my lifetime. I feel very fortunate for that. Unlike the same ole tired viewpoints many members of my family have. I've always cared about other people and those things which affected us all, but my family seems to only care about those things which are going on in their immediate lives. I love them, but they have very narrow and limited viewpoints about most things. I've always been curious and adventurous, and I think about things from a very different perspective. I would love to live in a society that advocates and works for each and every one of us instead of the value placed on few. I'm talking about the elite class. We would all be better off if we lived as a collective family who loved and nurtured each other, as well as our planet. My family hates talking about the climate and actual scientific evidence which shows we are living on a dying planet. It makes me sad and furious. I know my ideas are just a pipe dream, but maybe one day we will all wake up and come to the understanding we share this big ole planet together, and to make it all work, we need and should work together for the good of us all. Right now, it is a dog eat dog world and sometimes we're the dog. It breaks my heart. I was cut from a different cloth than my other family members it seems. I don't know how it happened, but I've just always been different. I know many of you feel the same. It makes me feel better knowing this is something many of us share. Maybe this country will rise to the occasion, but in order to do that, we will first have to value each other, as a whole, and work together to find a practical solution for us all. Let's fight for that. I'm in!
All those republicans defending him need to be removed from office and barred from ever taking office and have all the perks (medical and pension) removed from them!
What would help mitigate our decline in the eyes of the world is if freaking Congress would band together and an impeach him and his lackeys. They have the power to stop this. Some Congressmen would have to bite the bullet and risk blackmail or other consequences. In the long run that is way better than how this is going to turn out if left unabated.
Blackmail is exactly what they are afraid of. Or of being primaried by the muskrat. If you're standing up for what's right, blackmail is impossible. The russian operatives have a "naughty" tape of you with someone other than your spouse? Have some backbone! The logical consequences of your behavior are going to happen anyway. I would forgive someone a lot faster for a "naughty" tape that for selling our country to the russians.
It still boggles my mind that there aren't at least a few of them who would stand up and say "Fuck it. I don't care if I'm re-elected. I don't care if they smear my name.
This is just plain wrong." Hundreds of thousands of people have DIED fighting for our country and defending democracy and these twats won't even speak up??? Fucking cowards.
I believe the pee pee tape does exist and it is much worse than we can imagine…there is no other sane explanation, elon knows and he is also a very sick person
No he knew what he was walking into. The cards were revealed so long ago where the felon is concerned. So Pres. Zelenskyy should be applauded because it absolutely put it out in the open public display. So Pres. Z is my hero
Zelenskyy is currently the 'leader of the free world'. A title previously held by the POTUS, but no longer, not since Trump decided to openly join what W Bush called the "Axis of Evil".
To other Meidas Mighty I’m going to boycott the Trump Rally before the Congress tonight. I would love to see that no one tunes in so the Rump can’t say most watched address in history. Let the numbers speak for themselves.
Never will watch/listen to anything that Deranged Satan Psycho Mentally Ill Dingbat occupier of the Oval Office says. I hope ALL the Democrats--and the few republiCRAPS who have the courage to--not go to this tonight.
Paid troublemakers is rich coming from a man who gladly took 200 million from Musk which coincidentally means “sickly odor emanating from orange brown sticky substance secreted from genital sac of a species of ungulate”
Trump is a disgusting POS Russian sycophant!!! Trader in chief!!!! JD Vance is even worse. I am so ashamed of my country right now and I'm a Veteran. That's saying a lot. I saw a WW2 Veteran last night crying on a YouTube video as he doesn't recognize our country anymore. It's just awful what we're seeing and hearing. God help us all. God bless the United States of America.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you for your service. I can't imagine what a grotesque betrayal this must be for all Vets. So disgraceful. You all were willing to give your lives for our country and this is how you're repaid? And, no Republicans push back or stand up to him? It is sickening. My relatives fought in the Revolutionary War and this is definitely not what they were fighting for. It is so heartbreaking. As many people as possible need to keep speaking out.
I don't know why anyone would want to serve today. Its obvious how they feel about active duty military and Veterans. When the people you are counting on to hold the line are constantly berated and sold down the river, I can see the day coming the draft will be reinstated for sure. I volunteered and I loved it. It was a different time back then. 😭🇺🇸✌
Thank you for your support and kind words. I appreciate them more than ever right now. We all must stand together just as your own family members answered the call so many years ago. We owe them much and we can not cower to these new challenges our country is facing now. We will rise to meet this challenge too. Have a wonderful day.
Project 2025 is the American version of what Schickelgruber and company did to Germany around 1933. One people, one nation, one leader. Hail victory! (In current American English that translates to make America great again.)
I don't think most Republicans care about their families; they only care about money and power, which is why it's easy to make them fold. If they truly cared about their families, they would realize they have take this short-term risk in going against Trump and work to save the future of this country.
Not hard to see how Trump projects EVERYTHING he does wrong onto other people in order to deflect accountability. Need to send this back into his face and attack his ego to get him to start slipping up and exposing his true hand to the world.
He's a classic Narcissistic Sociopath!!!! Has absolutely no accountability for anything even when there's evidence to the contrary. I remember about 35 Psychiatrists from all over the country during his first term coming forward and explaining in their professional opinions, he is a nut job, yet he's sitting in the White House right now!
I’m very puzzled by why Dems are even attending this address tonight. I’m so sick & tired of Dems & their need to be the “adults in the room”, to behave with “dignity” and “decorum.” Where has that gotten us? I believe that there can be dignified anger and fury - when you know you’re watching deep injustice happening all around you. I’m ready to see Democrats play hardball and not apologize for taking no prisoners.
Call Drumpf out every chance you can.
He’s finished, done. It may take some time to get him and the others out, but after all the damage he’s done and capped off with last Friday’s sh-t show, his boat is starting not to float.
He will close tonight with dos vi danya.
Da.....I truly believe D will have Putin give some speech in Congress....and the Russian cargo planes will be flying into Andrews Air Force base. I see many other things I can't write here...but it ain't gonna be pretty
Some Congressional Republicans acknowledge it. The antidote is to impeach the bastards. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/to-stop-the-coup-impeach-the-traitor
I totally agree
Wtf are the other Republicans waiting on?? Very disappointing that not one of them has a spine.
I hear that. And I live in a very red state that I have grown to despise.
Call your legislators, email them, leave comments on their websites. Bug them as .much as possible. Find people who are as disgusted as you, regardless of party, and get them to do the same. You'd be surprised how many feel the same way.
Do not be quiet. Rattle their cages. Do what you can by calling or sending emails. I let Senators Gillibrand and Schumer know how disappointed I am by them not voicing out loud their anger.
Me too. I'm a blue dot in a very red state and I'm considering moving overseas. Seriously, lots of Americans are doing that very thing. I've never seen anything like this is my 62 years.
Do what you can by calling and emailing everyone. You can only email those who represent you but you can call them and leave voicemails. Join Country First where you are with like minded people who are fighting for this country and democracy.
I doubt most friendly countries are really wanting to embrace any of us at this point. 🙁
Hate to admit it, but I totally agree with you. My cousin in England, whom I've never actually met (met her through a cousin of mine HERE who did ancestry research years ago), has asked me several times these questions: What is going on? What has happened to your country? How did that guy ever get elected? He's so disgusting. She knows that most Americans despise the s**thead in the Oval Office and she and those in her country are appalled--and really feels for us. I hate telling her that there isn't much we can do, but we're trying. I'm so embarrassed for all of us Americans (well--not trumpliCRAPS). So ashamed. Can't believe that this is what our country has come to.
Canada welcomes nice, intelligent Americans - but definitely no MAGAs!!
Exactly -- that my usual term for them - MAGAots ......
Alabama here and I damn near hate everyone. Mostly because they defend these fuckrs. It’s exhausting
Don't hate. Rattle cages. Call your representatives. I have also called Jamie Raskin and Jasmine Crockett to let them know I support them. Join Country First where you will be with like minded individuals who have action plans on what we the people can do.
I’ve called every damn day since January 6th when they conceded. You’ll never convince me he won.
I don't believe he won either because I've been seeing this man named Greg Palast who is a mathematical genius and has done many audits of elections and he has been saying the numbers aren't adding up. I saw him on several Progressive independent media platforms. He believes there were 10s of thousands purged from the voter roles who normally vote Democrat. This happened in the race here in NC with a Democrat and Republican who ran for Supreme Court Justice. The GOP candidate tried to get 66,000 votes tossed after they had been cast. It has been a fiasco. Greg Palast has some interesting things to say, but I'm not sure where it will lead. Check it out. I imagine you can find him by Googling his name and go from there. It's worth taking a listen.
I wouldn’t be surprised. Voter suppression and Gerry meandering has always been their game. And Trump said ‘Elon won me the election’!
I saw a video on YouTube Election Truth Alliance last week and they said the same thing. Can you just imagine how bad he actually lost? That’s why he repeatedly says ( I won in a landslide) ooh I actually said that in his weirdo voice
Me too. Alabama
Are we not surrounded by idiots ? I work in steel mill and these guys are the biggest crybabies. We’ve lost thousands in our 401 and they still think it’s somebody else’s fault but his. They all know I voted for Kamala and the minute I walk in the room they quit their bitchn. That part I’m loving.
Mobile. Right near the GULF OF MEXICO. I just had to do that.
It will ALWAYS be the Gulf Of Mexico no matter what a convicted felon calls it.
I’m 57 and I will never call it that. I bought a bunch of post cards with the Gulf of Mexico on them from every truck stop I could fine (36 so far) I’m mailing every single one out on the 14 to the clown.
I'm in Dothan. Redneck Rivera. Lol
Holy shit. That’s bad. I work in Axis and I just glare at em wanting to shake some sense into them. Well it’s great to meet another blue dot surrounded by idiots. If you hear of any protest drop me some info please. I was planning on going downtown yesterday but it was Mardi Gras. If I’m going to pick a fight I’d prefer them to not be 2 cases into their coors light(because bud light is too woke)
I here you Alabama!
Mobile here. So happy to hear from fellow blue dots. This is the best news I’ve had since nov.5. Awe to know I’m not crazy. This is really happening right? A hostile government takeover?
Unfortunately, yep! My entire family is MAGA!!! I grew up in rural NC in a very conservative family, but I never shared their views. I left NC and went into the military where I was stationed on Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Massachusetts is a melting pot of different ethnicities and culture. I have always been fascinated about the world around me and I made friends with those I served with in the military as well as the people in the great state of Massachusetts. I loved the city of Boston. Its awesome. These friends from all scopes of life gave me a unique perspective about how other people live; their family values, and beliefs. I got an education many people rarely are exposed to when you stay within the closed minds and borders of your own state. This is the problem my own family has. They don't know about anything other than the people in their own orbit. This is a big world. I've been very fortunate to see so much over the course of my lifetime. I feel very fortunate for that. Unlike the same ole tired viewpoints many members of my family have. I've always cared about other people and those things which affected us all, but my family seems to only care about those things which are going on in their immediate lives. I love them, but they have very narrow and limited viewpoints about most things. I've always been curious and adventurous, and I think about things from a very different perspective. I would love to live in a society that advocates and works for each and every one of us instead of the value placed on few. I'm talking about the elite class. We would all be better off if we lived as a collective family who loved and nurtured each other, as well as our planet. My family hates talking about the climate and actual scientific evidence which shows we are living on a dying planet. It makes me sad and furious. I know my ideas are just a pipe dream, but maybe one day we will all wake up and come to the understanding we share this big ole planet together, and to make it all work, we need and should work together for the good of us all. Right now, it is a dog eat dog world and sometimes we're the dog. It breaks my heart. I was cut from a different cloth than my other family members it seems. I don't know how it happened, but I've just always been different. I know many of you feel the same. It makes me feel better knowing this is something many of us share. Maybe this country will rise to the occasion, but in order to do that, we will first have to value each other, as a whole, and work together to find a practical solution for us all. Let's fight for that. I'm in!
So do I.. I loved growing up here but I don't like the Politics.
This is what happens when you elect an idiot.
And the republiCRAPS sure did. It's a big reflection on THEM. Hateful and disgusting.
So true
Pressure Congressional Republicans.
All those republicans defending him need to be removed from office and barred from ever taking office and have all the perks (medical and pension) removed from them!
and who do you think is going to do this?
We the people will have stand up and demand accountability for the trauma about to engulf our nation. Or - the DOJ!
Lost their spines many years ago
What would help mitigate our decline in the eyes of the world is if freaking Congress would band together and an impeach him and his lackeys. They have the power to stop this. Some Congressmen would have to bite the bullet and risk blackmail or other consequences. In the long run that is way better than how this is going to turn out if left unabated.
Blackmail is exactly what they are afraid of. Or of being primaried by the muskrat. If you're standing up for what's right, blackmail is impossible. The russian operatives have a "naughty" tape of you with someone other than your spouse? Have some backbone! The logical consequences of your behavior are going to happen anyway. I would forgive someone a lot faster for a "naughty" tape that for selling our country to the russians.
It still boggles my mind that there aren't at least a few of them who would stand up and say "Fuck it. I don't care if I'm re-elected. I don't care if they smear my name.
This is just plain wrong." Hundreds of thousands of people have DIED fighting for our country and defending democracy and these twats won't even speak up??? Fucking cowards.
Me too
It was a pleasure meeting you today.
Am Ava
The republicans never had a spine, it was all about show and they were never interested in governing. They folded faster than a cheap suit.
Trump is an agent of Russia!!!
I believe the pee pee tape does exist and it is much worse than we can imagine…there is no other sane explanation, elon knows and he is also a very sick person
I think it's that or Trump has some major financial deal in the works....it's all always and only about power and money with him
Come on investigative journalists, don’t hang on to this for a blockbuster book after North America is destroyed.
Well remember what happened to the investigative journalists who exposed the Panama papers and to Epstein
they are bought and sold by the billionaires
Gabbard is a Russian agent also
No spines and no political courage! Disgusting and disgraceful!
yellow bellies, shame of Lil Marco Rubio!
Zelensky is so shocked at the betrayal
No he knew what he was walking into. The cards were revealed so long ago where the felon is concerned. So Pres. Zelenskyy should be applauded because it absolutely put it out in the open public display. So Pres. Z is my hero
Zelenskyy is currently the 'leader of the free world'. A title previously held by the POTUS, but no longer, not since Trump decided to openly join what W Bush called the "Axis of Evil".
Mine too
Mine too! I believe you're exactly right. He was ambushed but he stood up to them. I can't believe this happened in the highest office in the world!
We all were
To other Meidas Mighty I’m going to boycott the Trump Rally before the Congress tonight. I would love to see that no one tunes in so the Rump can’t say most watched address in history. Let the numbers speak for themselves.
Never will watch/listen to anything that Deranged Satan Psycho Mentally Ill Dingbat occupier of the Oval Office says. I hope ALL the Democrats--and the few republiCRAPS who have the courage to--not go to this tonight.
Same no way ! Ⓜ️Ⓜ️
Not watching! You couldn't pay me to listen to that jackass! I will learn all I need from you on YT! Thank you for everything you do!
No Way we're watching.....disgusting to watch or even hear his voice!
Paid troublemakers is rich coming from a man who gladly took 200 million from Musk which coincidentally means “sickly odor emanating from orange brown sticky substance secreted from genital sac of a species of ungulate”
Trump is a disgusting POS Russian sycophant!!! Trader in chief!!!! JD Vance is even worse. I am so ashamed of my country right now and I'm a Veteran. That's saying a lot. I saw a WW2 Veteran last night crying on a YouTube video as he doesn't recognize our country anymore. It's just awful what we're seeing and hearing. God help us all. God bless the United States of America.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you for your service. I can't imagine what a grotesque betrayal this must be for all Vets. So disgraceful. You all were willing to give your lives for our country and this is how you're repaid? And, no Republicans push back or stand up to him? It is sickening. My relatives fought in the Revolutionary War and this is definitely not what they were fighting for. It is so heartbreaking. As many people as possible need to keep speaking out.
Perhaps there will be an exodus of serving military people now ! I sure would be out, Running for the Rockies! 🇨🇦
I don't know why anyone would want to serve today. Its obvious how they feel about active duty military and Veterans. When the people you are counting on to hold the line are constantly berated and sold down the river, I can see the day coming the draft will be reinstated for sure. I volunteered and I loved it. It was a different time back then. 😭🇺🇸✌
Thank you for your support and kind words. I appreciate them more than ever right now. We all must stand together just as your own family members answered the call so many years ago. We owe them much and we can not cower to these new challenges our country is facing now. We will rise to meet this challenge too. Have a wonderful day.
Their hats should read, "Making America Shit"
Their hats should say TRAITOR
Can't write here what they REALLY should and NEED to say. I know all of you know what I mean and agree with me.
This whole situation is certainly not funny, but I had to chuckle at that. LOVE that "new" logo for the Dictator Deranged Psycho Dingbat.
I like that😂
Two Words
Is it too late to stop the barreling train?
Project 2025 is the American version of what Schickelgruber and company did to Germany around 1933. One people, one nation, one leader. Hail victory! (In current American English that translates to make America great again.)
I don't think most Republicans care about their families; they only care about money and power, which is why it's easy to make them fold. If they truly cared about their families, they would realize they have take this short-term risk in going against Trump and work to save the future of this country.
Not hard to see how Trump projects EVERYTHING he does wrong onto other people in order to deflect accountability. Need to send this back into his face and attack his ego to get him to start slipping up and exposing his true hand to the world.
He's a classic Narcissistic Sociopath!!!! Has absolutely no accountability for anything even when there's evidence to the contrary. I remember about 35 Psychiatrists from all over the country during his first term coming forward and explaining in their professional opinions, he is a nut job, yet he's sitting in the White House right now!
I remember that vividly, too.
I’m very puzzled by why Dems are even attending this address tonight. I’m so sick & tired of Dems & their need to be the “adults in the room”, to behave with “dignity” and “decorum.” Where has that gotten us? I believe that there can be dignified anger and fury - when you know you’re watching deep injustice happening all around you. I’m ready to see Democrats play hardball and not apologize for taking no prisoners.
Elbows out Dems! Get a hockey stick !
Dems actually are gonna have a Vet who voted 3 times for Trump and he was fired thanks to Trump and Elon…