I just came here to comment EXACTLY what you did! It’s disgusting. He was “assigned”. with no training at ALL?!? SURELY there must be an antidote to the Trump contagion that our country’s been stricken with?!? What’s NEXT? Please, GOD, help us!!
GET OUT THERE and get everyone to vote for KAMALA! tell them, it doesn't mean you're a Democrat doesn't mean you even like Kamala, it just means you're voting for democracy and not for Putin to be up your ass! Because that's what will happen as Trump is up his.
So he can arrest people who don't support his filthy father, for being too melanated, or if a woman doesn't want to provide sex on demand? Spare me with this family! America, for the love of GAWD, can we PLEASE send them packing?!?!? But first we must 🗳💙 to save 🇺🇸. Otherwise, we will no longer be the USA - we will become Trumplandia, ruled by a dictator and oligarchs. A place I DO NOT wanna live!
Absofrikenlutely! As the mother of a REAL deputy sheriff I am disgusted. Why is it ok to grant this kind of power to an unskilled, undeserving brat? Does he get to carry a badge and gun too? Grossly dangerous. Also incredibly offensive. 😤😡🤬
St. Lucie county represents Florida at its finest : corrupt judges, a corrupt Sheriff supported by corrupt deputies who reports to a corrupt governor. If you ever want to get a better look at Florida’s politics, look no further than the state’s alligator filled swamps.
I live in Florida, WPB has a significant black community and has been a Democrat stronghold. Thanks to Jeb Bush, these people have been able to make ground in the state. Someone should really take a good look into DeSantis and his connections to Trump, Project 2025 & the Federalist Society.
I'd absolutely LOVE to see a house fall from the inside of an intensely swirling tornado, just like in The Wizard of Oz and fall directly on top of both "sheriff" keith pearson's head and eric trump's one braincelled head!!!
Just imagine if they grant sheriff arresting powers to the faithful MAGA "poll watchers"! 😳 The chosen song is troubling. Taking care of what kind of business? 😒🙄🤢🤬
I've worked elections before but it's hard for me to be there for that long of a day due to back problems but I could certainly watch the poll watchers! I mean, poll watch. Lol. 😏
I feel like vomiting right now!🤮🤮🤮
I just came here to comment EXACTLY what you did! It’s disgusting. He was “assigned”. with no training at ALL?!? SURELY there must be an antidote to the Trump contagion that our country’s been stricken with?!? What’s NEXT? Please, GOD, help us!!
GET OUT THERE and get everyone to vote for KAMALA! tell them, it doesn't mean you're a Democrat doesn't mean you even like Kamala, it just means you're voting for democracy and not for Putin to be up your ass! Because that's what will happen as Trump is up his.
Trump is up more than Putin’s!
I thought Eric lived in the Carolina’s?
Barney Fife of St Landia, but wait that's insulting to Barney who actually was a deputy
He's more of a stupid Warren.
I already puked🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮
I know. I loved Barney🤣
go ahead, you'll feel better.
Yes, but how many years in a row can ya puke every DAY!?
I live here, how do you think I feel?
So sorry! Feeling your pain🙏🏻
So he can arrest people who don't support his filthy father, for being too melanated, or if a woman doesn't want to provide sex on demand? Spare me with this family! America, for the love of GAWD, can we PLEASE send them packing?!?!? But first we must 🗳💙 to save 🇺🇸. Otherwise, we will no longer be the USA - we will become Trumplandia, ruled by a dictator and oligarchs. A place I DO NOT wanna live!
Absofrikenlutely! As the mother of a REAL deputy sheriff I am disgusted. Why is it ok to grant this kind of power to an unskilled, undeserving brat? Does he get to carry a badge and gun too? Grossly dangerous. Also incredibly offensive. 😤😡🤬
We MUST vote deep Deep DEEP blue! 💙
This is actually the county where Judge Eileen Cannon presides.
St. Lucie county represents Florida at its finest : corrupt judges, a corrupt Sheriff supported by corrupt deputies who reports to a corrupt governor. If you ever want to get a better look at Florida’s politics, look no further than the state’s alligator filled swamps.
I live in Florida, WPB has a significant black community and has been a Democrat stronghold. Thanks to Jeb Bush, these people have been able to make ground in the state. Someone should really take a good look into DeSantis and his connections to Trump, Project 2025 & the Federalist Society.
I’d love that of course but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves. First priority is honest cops and honest judges.
And I thought the rampant corruption was just in the movie plots.
Selected over more qualified candidates? Is this part of a DEI program for rich white guys?
What a POS! Just like his criminal POS 🍊💩 father.
WTF? Dirty sheriff, unqualified deputy. Magalicious.
They are a SCOURGE to our existence.
I want to be Glenda the good witch and have since childhood but, pretending to be a sheriffs deputy? Isn’t that what Hershel Walker was?
I'd absolutely LOVE to see a house fall from the inside of an intensely swirling tornado, just like in The Wizard of Oz and fall directly on top of both "sheriff" keith pearson's head and eric trump's one braincelled head!!!
This just shows how bat shit crazy the tRump family is. They're always taking things they haven't earned, haven't worked for or deserve.
So when does Pearson come up for election? Let's be right up front with the graft. 🤮🤬
So glad I don’t live in Florida. Imagine being confronted by that dufuss Eric🤢
That's a disgrace. 😡
I just vomited my lunch into my waste basket.
What are these people going to do when they lose next month?
Great question! Maybe they’ll all blow away & be gone by April!!
Puff, just like that.
We hope be facing jail sentences!
Just imagine if they grant sheriff arresting powers to the faithful MAGA "poll watchers"! 😳 The chosen song is troubling. Taking care of what kind of business? 😒🙄🤢🤬
I really dislike those MAGA Poll watchers. I am a supervise poll worker. Dems can be poll watchers too, please do it! https://www.eac.gov/election-officials/poll-watchers
I've worked elections before but it's hard for me to be there for that long of a day due to back problems but I could certainly watch the poll watchers! I mean, poll watch. Lol. 😏
Probably WHY he was able to finagle his way in!
At the very least !
Maybe BTO will follow the lead of most bands and file a cease-and-desist order to stop them from playing that song.
Deputy Dawg is alive and well and living the great life in Florida! Don’t forget to help with hurricane recovery!
My concern is what does it give him access to.
lol… but you do have a good point.
AND he can share them with his coke-head brother.
Counting the ballots
Hadn't thought of that one... good point.