Going to call Suozzi's office now to bow in deepest gratitude for his position and his VOICE!!!!

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Tell him it's a COUP. That might clarify his confusion.

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I used to think I would suffer from brain fog for the rest of my life..."𝐛𝐮𝐭" this changed everything.... https://t.co/e0PxPr0PtA

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He knows. He may not read emails from constituents- but I wrote him twice. My last email was pretty straight forward. First sentence “This is a Coup”!.

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Good. But it didn't sound like he got your message. 💙

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Crush the traitorous MAGAts and their sleazy little fascist MUSKrat.

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We have the brave Ukranians as our role models. They have been fighting for three years.

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YES 👏👏

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I think they DO have a plan. According to the Techno-autocrats, they want to tear down the government for their precious AI/crypto Brave New World. I've had the great displeasure of familiarizing myself with the writings of Curtis Yarvin and Peter Thiel. It's non-human.

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Yes! I was concerned that Souzzi kept saying he didn't understand why DOGE was doing what it's doing. The dems need to get up to speed and stop acting bewildered. Read about the Nerd Reich, Yarvin, Thiel, Sachs, and Musk's plan. It has NOTHING to do with "waste. fraud, or abuse"; that's a red herring.

Rather, they're shutting down ongoing and future investigations by multiple govt. agencies of Musk and the fake emperor so they can cheat taxpayers without accountability; they're trying to claim "savings" from the cuts (all of which have been inaccurately inflated "bigly"). Why? Not to pay down the deficit, but to justify giving those "savings" to billionaires to keep their tax cuts. The dems need to be shouting this from every internet platform and stop wringing their hands about how chaotic and cruel DOGE is. Musk and the red Nazis could care less about cruelty, democracy, or the U.S.; it's all about acquiring more money and power for them personally. Make that point to the public in places where they go for information.

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Yep. Gil Duran. It's all out there.

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Totally agree…This slashing of government jobs is a front for the real reason to weaken our government for hostile takeover…We must keep fighting to confront those (Trump and Musk) who are behind this consistently by every means

Possible….Some Judges can only stop them temporarily but we must insist that this is all against the Constitution…

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The budget proposal in the House is a complete disaster for the majority of Americans, and MUST be blocked. Although I am heartened to hear some Republicans say they won’t support it, I fear that threats to life and livelihood will compel them to change their minds. I am holding out hope that some will find their spines and their consciences and vote this proposal down. 🤞🏻

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You know the R Freedom Caucus doesn't want to approve it because they think they aren't cutting enough. They are downright nuts.

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Right now? We'll take the "nuts." The more time it is delayed, the better chance we have of derailing it all together.

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Nuts....but predictable.

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That's a good reason for the dems to call them out on their claims "savings" from cuts will reduce the deficit. They're trying to make draconian cuts palatable by implying they'll reduce the deficit instead of admitting to their real plan: to extend the billionaire tax cuts.

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If they can't find their spines, they ought to at least look out for their long-term interests. The entire economy will be ruined by their rampant corruption and theft of our tax dollars, and that will bring everybody down sooner or later.

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I agree, unfortunately, that many republicons fear for retribution from Don Trumpleone. Think of Paul Pelosi's fractured skull.

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I share your concerns that they are afraid of retribution from Don Trumpleone and the Magats. Think of Paul Pelosi and his fractured skull.

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The Repubs who are saying they won't support it are lying -- those statements are just for show. They will go along with whatever Trusk wants because they don't want to lose their cushy jobs.

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Excuse me? I am wondering then, how he voted on every single one of the Trump appointees, and how we got this far into autocracy and oligarchy if he was so pro constituent? While I appreciate someone finally standing up and calling all of this chaos out for what it is, he is no hero and is culpable in getting this country to this place where we will not easily be able to able to rectify the hate, bigotry and normalization of such.

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Representative Suozzi did not vote either for or against any of the Trump appointees. He is in the House of Representatives and those votes were in the Senate. I'm pretty sure he would have voted against most of those appointments.

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Paul I’m not saying I don’t appreciate his standing up and calling this irresponsible, but calling it what it really is he can’t seem to do. This is a coup. This is the beginning of setting the stage for a complete take over of our institutions, of the rule of law, of the very constitutional republic we’ve been protecting all these years. He needs to be able to say what it it really is and who the people are that are responsible for perpetrating this coup who don’t believe in the constitution and want to see it changed drastically in the power of the executive branch. Once that’s done, there isn’t any need whatsoever for the judicial or the legislative branch. All of the executive orders are clearly bent on leading to this and no one is challenging it, not even the courts. The truth is Trump and Musk and all the project 2025 club planned it this way because they knew that once the executive branch had all of the branches, there was nothing the courts could actually do to stop him. You can’t remove a president except with impeachment. At least not legally.

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I haven’t heard of his opposition to the GOP agenda until now. I don’t know if he voted for Trump, but…look where we are.

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Heard? Try reading, that might clarify a few things. Try the Congressional Record. Don't malign people when you don't have the facts.

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I’m not maligning. I’m lumping. He’s a Republican and it is because of Republicans looking the other way that we are in this mess. They had to give up some values and some integrity to allow this man in to our most sacred position in government, a man that has clearly shown us for years that he can’t be trusted. In any way.

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We are in this mess because of three things: Refusal to vote, racism, and misogyny. That's why we are in this mess. That makes all of those louts MAGAts.

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Agree, but I am going with better late than never. We now 78 million minus 1 to go.

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I just don’t agree with better late than never. Every Republican could see this coming in everything Trump said and did for years. They never should have let it happen by looking the other way and sacrificing their integrity because they were afraid to speak out. Speaking out now just doesn’t absolve what I consider to be a great travesty for our country.

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absolutely right. A major disappointment and shameful. What world is he and "them" living in?

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He is in the House. The Senate votes on cabinet nominees .

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Research, then post. It's that simple. Representatives in the House DO NOT GIVE ADVISE AND CONSENT. That is the Senate. Art. 2, Sec. 2, Clause 2. High School civics.

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None of this is about government efficiency or passing a budget. This is a deliberate power grab. Trump, Musk, Putin. Project 2025 is the vehicle. Dems need to stop acting like this can be handled in the house or the senate. They need to disrupt the destroyers. They need to start thinking as if they are at war - which they are. It may be too late already, but they need to start impeachment and they need to find a few BRAVE GOPs who will work with them.

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It's a government coup. Congress is no good. Republicans won't impeach. It will take a coup.

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Elon told us that he wants to rip agencies out by the roots so it can't be reformed easily. He wants to do it to the entire government. Only the world's biggest asshole would do this.

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Elon's ice gets thinner every day. His real $ comes from Tesla. The Sovereign Fund of Norway, one of the biggest share holders, if not the biggest - is on the verge of unloading it all. If they choose to do it all at once? Ta-ta Tesla. The Netherlands has already pulled the plug. The rest of the spawn of the devil's money is in USG contracts - and lots of them had oversight questions. He's a paper billionaire. Actually, he's a mendicant of the USG. Why do you think he is trying to destroy the government? To protect his illegal transactions.

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Yes, but it is more than money. He likes power and getting his paws into the every corridor of government Remember, He intends to unleash Grok bots to into every system they can access to suck all the information into a computer that learns. He will have the best marketing tool in the world. That data is worth an incredible amount. Control, to forever embed himself into the government. He is offering rebates to get people maga folks off of their backs. They stand to make hundreds of millions instantly and we would get $5k. We would be complicit in the grift and they would blame us when the economy crashes for running up the debt. When has Trump taken responsibility for anything. He knows he won't be alive in how every man years and since the high court gave him immunity, he is running wild.

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Won't work. He is universally despised. Musk is a liar and it is becoming more evident. He is, like the butt licking VP, without friends. And he has no cover. His citizenship is unlawful - he lied on his citizenship application. He can offer whatever he wants. Remember the Pennsylvania Lottery? The "winners"? Major problem most of them are still waiting for their money. That "bonus" will never happen - it's 5 years out or so......that's how many elections away? He's not a government official, he has no cover. The tide is turning, spring is upon us. The ice is cracking. He is an illegal immigrant who has contracts with the US that are about to be really taken to the cleaners. And who knows, if 2 of those baby mamas take him to court - state court, for lack of support or child support and he is convicted? The odious slug wallowing in the White House will not be able to pardon him. He can be deported, his accounts can be attached, he could do gate time....just like any other dead beat dad

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That’s why Germany kicked him out, they didn’t want another Hitler….However Trump loves Dictators…So if we make enough noise about Musk like Germany did…Can only hope…We have to do something…

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After Xcrement threatens to "primary him" he will change his tune probably. A government ruled by threats - Threatocracy.

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No he won't. He's in a secure district. Besides given the way they are going? They won't be able to primary a stick of butter. Their shill will melt under the glare and scorn of who ever the MAGAt goes against.

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My favorite things about MAGA Republicans is they cannot govern themselves and all their ideas are terrible

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They aren't interested in the integrity of how the government institutions work. I think the plan is to destroy our system and install their own, which will privatize as much a possible (the spoils go to the already really rich) and what is left will limp along. They aren't interested in democracy. Take a look at Curtis Yarvin and his ideas on democracy being dead. Oligarchs, tech is to run the world. We will be left with a 21st century feudalistic society, the really wealth and then the people struggling, no middle class. The middle class threatens the wealthy.

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Putin says he wants a "New world order" with more power in Russia and China's hands and less interference from the US. Appears Trump is giving him what he wants.

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Exactly what is happening. Not enough people see or comprehend their end game. Russell Vought, project 2025. We're on the precipice of Defcon 1.

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I don't think we have any allies any more😢Trump is alienating the US

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When we get rid of the traitor and put someone sane in office, they will reach out again....but with stipulations.

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That’s what he wanted because they don’t bow to him…We can’t bow to him either…Magats are their own and our worse enemies….We won WWII because we were allies fighting to destroy Hitler…It just doesn’t sink in with them…it will take a Recession or worse and some of them losing money and benefits to feel it…Wait for it👍

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Those MAGA Morons let them have Buyer's Remorse

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Apparently, being vetted for a security clearance is a thing of thd past. Long before I knew my husband, he was a 19 year old in the Air Force. He was assigned to a group that had top secret clearances on order to do their work. Government representatives were sent to hus very small hometown to vet him. I can only imagine his town wondered what sort of trouble he was in. No one now seems to care today what your background is. Scary.

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I posted this on another Substack but thought it appropriate to copy it here:

Trumphuk=Treasonous Traitorous Treachery.

With this latest affront by Trump it’s high time that the leaders of the opposition — Harris, Biden, Obama, Walz, Governors such as Newsome, Moore, Whitmer, and Hochul, leading Senators and Representatives — COME TOGETHER and STAND UP TOGETHER and denounce this horrible regime. Echo and amplify Maryland Senator Van Hollen’s recent speech eviscerating Trump and Musk. Denounce the threatening of the federal workforce. Denounce the craven selling out of Ukraine and NATO. Denounce the shredding of the programs and institutions that provide crucial benefits for the vast majority of Americans—Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. Denounce the idiocy of DOGE and Musk accessing our private data and stopping Congressionally mandated programs.

In my view this selling out of Ukraine and NATO is the big reveal and the last straw. Take off the gloves—the fight is on.

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Musk make a list of what he wants to cut? He’s a criminal. He doesn’t care! He’s a wrecking ball and isn’t trying to accomplish anything other than mayhem. Get Him OUT!!

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He is doing what Trump wants because if by chance it doesn’t work out Trump will put the blame on him….Trump is a criminal himself…

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This was excellent and Congressman Suozzi was truly magnificent!! Love his fire.

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