Please get all of our Democratic leadership on all media outlets. Scream from the rooftops! Thank you for being here.

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Excellent. PLEASE get Hakeem Jefferies. I see he is taking to social media and speaking out. We need him to be interviewed here and talk about these pressing issues with trump to counter trump false narratives.

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No he needs to go on Fox. Or Newsmax. I love this network that is providing so much great information but are the people that really need to hear this message hearing it. Wouldn’t he be preaching to the choir? I think the democrats need to be standing in front of the capitol every day calling out the current crap that’s being spewed from all the maga mouthpieces.

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I thoroughly agree! That's exactly what Pete Buttigieg does, and slays them on Fox.

And thank you Senator Tina Smith!

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I miss Buttigieg already.

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I hate to use an old Rush Limbaugh phrase but.... ditto!

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He can go there, too. But social media news is where many have flocked too since the election. Not many watch lame stream anymore. That’s the point.

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Ben keep the VOICE LOUD!

Every day Trump n his followers who follow w their jobs in thr line?

Can I just say this. I worked my life in thr OR. As “just “ thr nurse. If I told a surgeon he wasn’t “ sterile”( meaning his sterile gown , gloves or any other part of the surgical set up was not sterile. ) Guess what? We turned it over, replaced it and that surgeon doesn’t get to turn me in as a non player, or costing him time in his day.

My job one had to say NO, had to speak for the patient who was asleep under gen Anes.

Anyone sitting as a rep, senator. Has a job to say NO to everything NOM THAT IS NOT QUALIFIED w/o fear of being primaries.

Isn’t it time to stand up and do thr right thing?

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People in a position that Trump put them in are afraid to say "No!" He has threatened everyone from judges to common people. Fear is ruling the nation in the grip of an evil monster.

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Yes! Its telling a thin skinned mob boss! Narcist can not handle ANY type of critism! Donald goes to extremes targeting! Like sharing their cell phone number publically! his fans blind mob followers cheer it! Any one of us here would be outraged ! Does that warrant a quick jab to the nose? With an uppercut to the chin? Or better just a firm back slap? It needs to be handled with what he understands!!

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Judges are giving him losses which he reluctantly understands. He doesn’t own our courts despite his thinking otherwise. The guy is Looney Tunes.

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True! A 5th grade bully that doesn't get what he wants? Retribution towards that judge? He might just give out the Judges phone number? Or the Judges daughter s. He needs to be impeached!! In the mean time there is some serious.damage!! Did.Elon or Donald.publicly admit yet they goofed.with the u said condoms? Not shipped to Gaza they went to Gaza Province in Africa!! An excuse to dismantle it that was bogus!! Their fools.Ed!!

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Circus clowns for sure! They’d have been better off leaving town

with a traveling circus.

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Excellent interview. She's an amazing lady!

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Thank you, Tina!

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Hey Ben, how about posting a PETE HEGSETH SOBRIETY monitor…or is it already too late!?!

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Town drunks can't just quit. They would be showing signs of withdrawal! He's on his way to wet brain, another person the Donald can point at and humiliate! Oh did he write something in the 2025 plan ? Or was that Vance? Or both? Why isn't he recommending WWE Savage or Hogan Brother? ;-?

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Donald’s daily disasters… just like old times 🤪

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We The People, must not become immune to Chump and his tired ass tirades.

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You’ve heard of compound interest? Now we have incompetence, compounded daily.

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Being normalized HERE TOO!

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Being EXPOSED for the evil that it is. Meidastouch Network is the only place for truth and transparency.

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We'll see!

They keep interviewing politicians that serve the billionaires, which is too many!


We need to gather as much as we can. So many in our communities ate in danger!

I'm doomed without medicare/medicaid! So let's get going!

Fuck Trump and the evil politicians and billionaires cashing out my life!

I have a meeting place in RI!

Hopefully will be able to help, inform, and start our lives over again without the billionaires and their liars!

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Nice one Tina thanks

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Thank you Tina Smith! Grateful I live in Minnesota!

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Me too!

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Ask her what the fuck is leadership doing to respond to this chaos?

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Giving interviews with the enemies within!

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Enemies talk and in so doing reveal their secrets giving us a target to put in our sights.

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Thank you yes the Republicans need to work for their constituents not Trump. Great interview thank you Tina and Ben

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Senator Smith, if those letters about the potential resignations of federal employees were illegal, please start impeachment proceedings. Get Trump OUT.

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My excellent senator, Tina Smith! Trump always drones on about “common sense,” but Senator Tina Smith is intelligent, experienced, courageous, and kind—and all of those attributes are wrapped up in COMMON SENSE. The Golden Rule: do unto others as you’d like them to do unto you. THAT IS COMMON SENSE.

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Yes!! But the tRumputin&his quisling reign of terror are psychopaths, they are NOT humans like you and me, so where IS our self-defense and resistance against the psychopaths, sociopaths and terrorists??

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Cause if they don't admit, they believe they're not held accountable

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But that is why Trump picked him. He's not use to being challenged.

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