This man is an full blown alcoholic suffering with "blackouts". Blackouts are appearing to be fully functioning, but having no memory of what he is doing. I was the wife of an alcoholic for over 20 years. I spent 15 years in Al-Anon (the sister program of Alcoholics Anonymous) where I learned what blackouts were and it scared the hell out of me, realizing that he could have killed me in one of his many physical beatings and would not even remember doing it. In fact, shortly after finding out the definition of a blackout, a member of Al-Anon was coming home from church on a beautiful Sunday morning, with her 6 year old granddaughter hand in hand walking up to the door to her house where she was met with a shotgun blast to the face by her ex-husband. At trial he admitted that he had no memory of firing the gun that took the life of his ex-wife. With that being said, that is why I DEMAND that this man should not be anywhere near public office

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Thank you all for allowing me to share my thoughts/ experience in hopes of making a difference in whether or not this person is elected to one of the highest offices in our country. I shudder at the thought that he would be at the helm of the Department of Defense and would be in a blackout and not remember what he said/did. I understand he would be surrounded by others that would be sober, but this person does not need to be in that position.

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In other words, war crimes and crimes against humanity are just fine with him.

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Is anyone really surprised by Hegseth's complete disregard for human life? He is an alleged rapist, drunkard, and has a general misogynistic attitude.

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These are the kinds of information the FBI needs to know when investigating dt’s nominees.

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Oh they know.

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Just like Kavanaught they will sane wash these nominees as well.

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I think the investigators in the FBI will do their jobs. The republikkkan Senators will sanewash definitely.

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He has no business being nominated for anything. He is a war criminal in the making. Disgusting human.

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So if civilians in this country are perceived as enemies, they will kill us also?

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Thank you for sharing this enlightening information!

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Hegseth is the last man that should be making those kind of choices! He doesn't care about ANYONE unless they are WHITE and that is the wrong and worst attitude to have in combat decisions. He is just pure evil and makes me sick. Frankly, everyone in Trumps orbit in every way shape or form, including Trump make me sick. I hate where this country is headed and what the future could possibly hold

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He looks like he’s sweating and hammered in that photo at C-SPAN.

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Pecker Hogsex can fuck off to Mars with muskrat and pumpkin pussy ass bitch!

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Language! lol.

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He needs to get help for his alcoholism.

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He needs more than that! Doesn't include taxpayers support. He is scum

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Military causes trauma and returns honorable men and women as alcoholics and drug users. Ten Commandments: “Thou Shall Not Kill”. Veteran Budget cuts and military increases are presented by non military congress persons.

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Things just keep getting better and better in tRumpties' world.

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He's mentally ill!

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This guy is clueless, he doesn’t even deserve to sit behind the weekend Fox News desk!

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Ole drunky - by all means give him the nuke codes.

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And a smile at the end....

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Executive Administration appointments must not be: 1. Drama queens 2. Gamblers 3. Narcissists. Serious issues require serious thought, discussion and consensus. It’s not my way or the highway

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and must not be: 4. Rapists 5.Mass murderers 6. Alcoholics 7. there because Trump saw them on television

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