Trump is a complete and utter disgrace to our country

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How much longer—in the name of all that is rational and sane—do we have to endure this Trump cult? How many more public humiliations, blatant acts of treason, and outright displays of authoritarian groveling do we need before people wake up?

What happened in the Oval Office wasn’t just an embarrassment—it was a globally televised act of submission to Vladimir Putin.


Trump didn’t just insult Zelenskyy—he actively repeated Russian propaganda while the leader of a sovereign nation fighting for survival sat there.

JD Vance, a walking Kremlin press release, stood beside him, nodding like a bobblehead, reaffirming every single one of Moscow’s talking points.

Zelenskyy was forced to sit through a U.S. president demanding he stop criticizing Putin—the very dictator waging war on his country.

Let’s be absolutely clear: this was a planned spectacle, a deliberate humiliation of Ukraine for Putin’s benefit. And for what? So Trump could prove his undying loyalty to his real master in Moscow?

Then, as if his Oval Office debacle weren’t enough, Trump canceled his own press conference and “peace talks” like a petulant child throwing a tantrum. What kind of world leader—what kind of supposed “deal-maker”—simply shuts down diplomacy because he’s upset?

This isn’t politics—it’s madness. It’s criminal-level insanity.


None of this would be possible without the full-throttle brainwashing operation conducted by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, and the entire MAGA media industrial complex.

These networks don’t report news. They manufacture propaganda.

They don’t challenge power. They serve Trump’s fascist delusions.

They don’t educate their viewers. They radicalize them into paranoid, frothing cultists who can’t distinguish fact from fiction.

Every single night, Fox News and its ilk pump out a toxic stew of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and outright lies, reinforcing the same delusional alternate reality.

And what’s the end result? A massive portion of this country now blindly supports a criminal sociopath who openly humiliates America on the world stage.


The level of mental rot in the MAGA base is staggering. We are watching millions of people celebrate a man who is actively working against American interests, selling out to a dictator, and dismantling democracy one piece at a time.

How much longer do we tolerate these brain-dead, brainwashed, conspiracy-spewing cultists wrecking everything in their path? How much longer does America have to be held hostage by Trump’s criminal insanity and the staggering stupidity of his followers?

This isn’t normal. It’s not politics as usual. It’s not just another policy debate. It’s a full-scale authoritarian takeover, and Trump and his propaganda outlets are leading the charge.

This insanity has to end. And the only way it ends is by crushing Trump, his enablers, and his entire corrupt movement at the ballot box, in the courts, and in the media.

The free world cannot afford another second of Trump’s fascist lunacy.

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It is MY belief that Trump OWES Putin BIG TIME... and Putin demands Trumps loyalty and payback for getting him elected, first in 2016, and although it was never investigated AT ALL, in 2024! Trump has NEVER won ANYTHING HONESTLY in his entire life.... what makes you think that 2024 would have been anything different! Btw.... this is not sour grapes, as I have watched all this unfold from Australia, so I HAVE no skin in the game! Trump is, always has been, and always will be a SNAKEOIL SALESMAN, who has AMAZINGLY brainwashed millions of your citizens that he actually gives a crap about them..... Take it from me.... Trump does NOTHING, unless it benefits HIM, and HIM ALONE! WAKE UP! He's a walking disaster who is only motivated by POWER and GREED! Someone PLEEEASE trigger your 25th Amendment and have this LUNATIC REMOVED, and IMPEACH JD Vance post haste!!!

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The treason is so blatant at this point as to be a joke. The Republicans are all behind Trump. I keep hearing that the Democrats can’t do anything because we don’t have the House or the Senate— but surely we can do something?????

Surely we don’t just sit by while he actively sells our country to Russia????

I don’t work in politics. I don’t have any money. I’m just an average American citizen, watching this unfold in absolute horror. I don’t understand why the people in charge are letting this happen. I don’t understand why the whole country hasn’t revolted yet.

I don’t know what to do!!! I can’t leave—no money, nowhere to go. I don’t know what to do. I’m so scared. I don’t know what to do.

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I am so sorry -- and where would we go -- Europe is not safe nowhere seems to be a refuge -- but I want to run -- hold on and take care

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It's going to be a tough few years, I know. But you have to have faith - not in God, though you can do that if you want to, but in the real America. Read some history books. America has been through some horrendous things in the past - and still come out looking to do good. I believe people worldwide are NOT "MAGA" - they are looking for peace and goodwill - and will fight for it.

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Terrible statement. YES we must have faith in God!

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I have faith in God. However, as humans we have free choice. Unfortunately, evil is winning. So it is up to the rest of us to fight this insanity. Ukrainians have faith in God. And look at what is happening there. Americans need to unite and fight for good.

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Join Country First or 50501. Go to a rally. Thousands of rallies are popping up all over the country. I am attending the one in Buffalo on March 4th. You will be surrounded by people who have the same thoughts and want to fight.

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I was at one time a 45 year republican-- as of Jan 6 -- I became an Independant-- It, at one time meant something. Now it is a target for stupidity and betrayal

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Tamara, you are not alone in this. Please know that.

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While I cannot disagree with your impressions or your logical concern about those two twits in office, if both are removed, next in line is wacko right wing faux-Christian nationalist House Speaker Johnson. He’s no better and probably worse. A leader surrounding himself with incompetence in some ways has reduced the probability he will be removed in favor of one of those nitwits.

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They can all be dealt with, one at a time... you have to start somewhere; or you're done for.... which would be devastating for so many millions of Americans 😢😢😢

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No. I really believe that once trump is gone, the whole MAGA thing will splinter and split - and the GOP will collapse like the pack of cards it is. Trump is the focus, the glue that binds them.

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I agree. They’ll all start fighting for supremacy and cancel each other out. But musk has to be eliminated first as he’ll buy the one he thinks he can most control and we’ll be right back where we were.

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I agree. We need to get rid of Musk and Trump.

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Unfortunately, in regards to our 25th amendment, since the CORRUPT GOP currently has the majority in both the HOUSE & SENATE (for now), this would be a waste of time. 😓

However, in many more States more Democrats are being elected, or re-elected!....

The clock is ticking and various Federal employees who are not only investigating HIM and the TREASON he and HIS followers have committed being we are praying each day he'll be taken out VERY soon.....

[Especially since NY State took all HIS passports and with drones capable of firing bombs.. (Like in Ukrania) HE'S too chicken to play golf anywhere else except on HIS own golfcourse!!]


scheissköpf!! 🙂

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You confused the 25th Amendment process with Impeachment.

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Joe Biden could have transferred the office of Presidency to Kamala Harris with this amendment; seamlessly having her as acting President for Months before the Convention and subsequent election-----

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Unfortunately to get to the 25th, Republicans would have to vote for it as well.

And they are all such snivelling little cowards they don't want the Big Bully shouting at THEM!

Trump's performance last night showed just what he does behind closed doors to anyone who disagrees with him. His level of anger was because Zelensky wouldn't back down.

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PLEEEASE read the 25th Amendment so you understand who can "trigger" it before posting.

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Bullies are taken down by standing up to them. What a azz kizzing Putin sucking lover, he's a convicted felon who thinks he's a king but, he's a LYING KING.

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Not a king.

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Maybe it would be better for all of us if he were a king. Then he'd spend more time on the throne and stop soiling his diapers.

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Very, very funny

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Far from it shut up Lindsey

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Lesson learned—donnie never forgives. He asked Zelenskyy for a simple favor to lie about Biden’s son. All this chaos could have been avoided by repubs finding him guilty at first impeachment.

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Thank Mitch McConnell for that. And look where it’s gotten him.

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I agree with everything you've said with the exception of how this will be stopped. The Ballot Box has proven to be unreliable due to gerrymandering as well as election tampering etc. This Administration will only be eliminated in the same way that it operates-which is sabotage, violence and quite possibly death. I would not be surprised, nor unhappy should another country with extremist views decide they're going to Target the White House and the oval office. We as Democrats have failed in trying to root out the neo-christian groups, the Nazi groups,and many others, because we have soft-shoe'd around them- given them far too much freedom so that we've literally choked ourselves with them. They're like a malignant Vine, entrenched and wrapped within our political system now. The only way out of this will be violence. The American people may have to cut off their leg to save their life and by that I mean somebody is going to have to take out the trash. It may be an extreme patriot, and it may be an organization outside of the us, but that may be our only way out. Trump may have just lit a fuse to his own destruction. As embarrassing as this attack on President Zelensky was for this country, if that fuse has indeed lit- then I am here for it. I and millions upon millions of Americans are ready to see that Trinity of trash - Trump, Elon and Vance, be taken out.

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The felon rapist is a Russian asset. We have traitors not just in the white house but on the supreme court, the majority or the repubs are traitors who support this, a good portion of the maga cult are traitors to the constitution and to our country. I don't see the US surviving this. I think we will break up into several pieces, those woh still believe in the rule of law and those who are magats...the big question is who will get the nukes?

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we will have are our own "Minsk" accord -- and everyone will decide to give them to the bully -- as he will be the Boss- we will all get protection)

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Zelensky should be our president. He is the leader of the free world. Can Schiff put the orange menace in jail to save our sacred Democracy?

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It's up to all of us, no-one is safe under this administration.

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Trump is an utter disgrace to our country. His attack, along with Vance on Zelenskyy, who was trying to speak up for his war-torn country and those poor people in the Ukraine. Trump expected Zelenskyy to thank him again for what? It was a shameful display in the oval office. L Graham was wrong, it was a horrible display on national TV! Senator Adam Schiff was correct with what he said by 100%. Trump is a puppet to Putin and clearly proved that to everyone. Our allies are troubled because they all know where Trump, Vance & his cabinet stand and don't trust them. I feel like my country is lost now, unless we can come together and oust Trump and his cronies from office for good. Trump is not king, he doesn't deserve another term, it's not allowed, and it will be a long recovery when we can finally jail Trump for the convicted felon he is.

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Six months? He's been there 39 DAYS! - and look at the chaos he's caused!

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How the hell do we get Trump, Vance & his kids-ass parrots out of office. This is SOOOO horrifying.

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Question of the Century, Hoover. Drump did what he always does to get attention - lie, bluster, insult, treat his distinguished guest like an enemy, clearly with the objective to cement his standing with warmonger Putin. It would take a ten-ton Cat to drag his sorry ass out of the White House.

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It’s up to the people of this country and our courts to say NO!

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AND the 25th Amendment!!!

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Yvonne: the people who CAN invoke the 25th Amendment won't. There are very specific rules for doing so. Please read the amendment so you understand what it takes and why the 25th Amendment is a non-starter at this time.

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The sad part is the courts are hopeless in that many judges are right wing ideologues who really aren’t into democracy much, only when it benefits themselves and their mega donors (er bribe factories). If only the republicans could grow a spine but many are too drunk on popularity and power to do the right thing and oppose the illegality and anti constitutional EO’s /policies from the rapey felon. To many Americans voted to destabilize America and welcome the fascist regime into power. Unfortunately ,I think it’s going to get down and dirty for awhile, and maga cultists is will need to feel the pain of their actions before they realize they have been royally conned by their king of conmen.

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They have been but what happens if traitor trump simply ignores them?

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We can’t stop … we’ve only just begun!

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I don't disagree, but seriously, what happens if he does?

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Judges are currently 1/3rd of the branches of Government-- Michael Popok states Federal Judges possess the authority to have inturbidates of their rulings be taken into custody (US Marshalls - as well as being able to swear in Constables of the court)-- I would/ will volunteer for such duty if needed.

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He is already defying the courts. For every judge that imposes a ruling against him he appeals it to the Supreme Court, and we all know what that means.

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Hubby & chatting. Doesn’t happen often. trump was the MOST STUPIDEST ENITY I have EVER seen!

Good point, I didn’t see this. trump was so pulled TIGHT - one side his Russian LOVE is watching his performance, other side there’s the MONEY MAN & musk was the only one to assure his election with AI.

NOW! think about this …

Putin wants Ukraine SO bad, to START the take over Of Europe! Okay ..

Musk wants to make his TRILLION DOLLARS with OUR government contracts! WAIT …. And

Ukraine 🇺🇦 has ALL THAT RICH elements for his #1 Tesla & trips to MARS … what does he desperately NEED …?

FUEL ⛽️ = rocket 🚀 to mars!!!!

BATTERIES 🔋 = electric cars … $ $ $ $


Oligarchs are now very WEALTHY & VERY HAPPY.

MAY THEY ALL GO TO HELL …. Read psalm 109

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And Russia has the USA as their playground, the national park land will be sold to them.

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25th Amendment!!!

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Read it and understand!!!

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Do you want Vance?

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They both need to have their asses kicked to the curb--and the muskRAT also.

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yeah-- you know it--- Trump sent thousands and thousands of "Pat-roits" to stop the steal-- He was determined NOT to leave then-- and Now????

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We must all stand up together.

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With bug spray

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We Stand up and let them know we are strong in numbers. :)

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You don't.

You have offered your country a choice and they've decided, that the choice on the left is so bad, they went with fraking Trump. You don't get a mulligan. You have 4 years of consequences of your choice. Those who voted for Trump suffer consequences of their choice and those who offered, as alternative, a losing path suffer consequences of theirs. And the world suffers for its own choices.

Live with it. Learn something, although I doubt you will, but there is always hope. Next time do better. No worries, there will be next time. Although it would seem like it's a thousand years away.

P.S. At least people of Jan6 stood for what they believed in. I can respect that. Where is your shaman's outfit?

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Im a Californian. Thank you for doing this interview Senator Schiff. Yes I’m thinking of my father who enlisted in the Marines the day after Pearl Harbor. I’m thinking of my son who is active duty. Please someone find the details of Putin’s hold over Trump. Trump is clearly a traitor.

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The WHOLE WORLD knows what his hold over Trump is.... Trumps Election wins in both 2016 and 2024.... Plus, he owes Russia a shit ton of money!!!

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Tell us more. I would like to know.

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Unfortunately, Mueller didn't "follow the money." Trump himself declared that is was a "red line" and Barr wouldn't allow Mueller and his team to investigate that. But I think it's pretty obvious. Trump who has always bragged that he was "the king of leverage," and had very little of his own money tied up in his deals, suddenly pays cash ($200M) to purchase and renovate the Turnberry property in Scotland. Where did the cash come from? It's likely that he was laundering money for the Russsian oligarchs and they don't mess around. In fact, wasn't it Panama that accused him of that money laundering back in 2017 when they were trying to shut down his Trump building in Panama City. I think the same was gonig on with one of his properties in NYC. Shell companies were buying the condos at over-inflated prices. This has never been investigated, and NY Atty General James probably went after the more easily provable fraud of inflating and deflating property values to suit his purposes: inflating when wanting to use them as collateral, and deflating for tax and insurance purposes.

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Well put!

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I'm thinking of my Dad, too, who served in the navy in the Pacific. He'd be horrified by this dingbat shithead sitting in the Oval Office. During WWII, The Dictator Criminal Orange Buffoon Psycho Asshole would have been serving in Hitler's army.

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Lady Lindsey is full of crap!

The meeting was a setup to humiliate Zelensky. Fortunately he rose above it all, attempting to educate and correct false statements. It was truly shameful! 😡

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Zenelsky is a true leader. Trump and JD Vsnce are an embarrassment to the human race and the world. Trump and JD Vsnce are traders in the United States and all the free world.

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It was unconscionable.

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Horrifying to watch

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just imagine a child getting bullied but two cowards. We the people just can't stand by in shock and awe. Rise up Americans!

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The president and vice-president are traitors, as far as I'm concerned. They betrayed everything I believed about my country.

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How much longer—in the name of all that is rational and sane—do we have to endure this Trump cult? How many more public humiliations, blatant acts of treason, and outright displays of authoritarian groveling do we need before people wake up?

What happened in the Oval Office wasn’t just an embarrassment—it was a globally televised act of submission to Vladimir Putin.


Trump didn’t just insult Zelenskyy—he actively repeated Russian propaganda while the leader of a sovereign nation fighting for survival sat there.

JD Vance, a walking Kremlin press release, stood beside him, nodding like a bobblehead, reaffirming every single one of Moscow’s talking points.

Zelenskyy was forced to sit through a U.S. president demanding he stop criticizing Putin—the very dictator waging war on his country.

Let’s be absolutely clear: this was a planned spectacle, a deliberate humiliation of Ukraine for Putin’s benefit. And for what? So Trump could prove his undying loyalty to his real master in Moscow?

Then, as if his Oval Office debacle weren’t enough, Trump canceled his own press conference and “peace talks” like a petulant child throwing a tantrum. What kind of world leader—what kind of supposed “deal-maker”—simply shuts down diplomacy because he’s upset?

This isn’t politics—it’s madness. It’s criminal-level insanity.


None of this would be possible without the full-throttle brainwashing operation conducted by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, and the entire MAGA media industrial complex.

These networks don’t report news. They manufacture propaganda.

They don’t challenge power. They serve Trump’s fascist delusions.

They don’t educate their viewers. They radicalize them into paranoid, frothing cultists who can’t distinguish fact from fiction.

Every single night, Fox News and its ilk pump out a toxic stew of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and outright lies, reinforcing the same delusional alternate reality.

And what’s the end result? A massive portion of this country now blindly supports a criminal sociopath who openly humiliates America on the world stage.


The level of mental rot in the MAGA base is staggering. We are watching millions of people celebrate a man who is actively working against American interests, selling out to a dictator, and dismantling democracy one piece at a time.

How much longer do we tolerate these brain-dead, brainwashed, conspiracy-spewing cultists wrecking everything in their path? How much longer does America have to be held hostage by Trump’s criminal insanity and the staggering stupidity of his followers?

This isn’t normal. It’s not politics as usual. It’s not just another policy debate. It’s a full-scale authoritarian takeover, and Trump and his propaganda outlets are leading the charge.

This insanity has to end. And the only way it ends is by crushing Trump, his enablers, and his entire corrupt movement at the ballot box, in the courts, and in the media.

The free world cannot afford another second of Trump’s fascist lunacy.

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Lindsey Graham is pathetic. There is no defending or supporting what was done to Zelenskyy today.This was obviously planned by dump and vance. I am horrified and embarrassed to be an American.

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lady lindsey needs his secrets exposed

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Lindsay "Flip-Flop" Graham!

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I started to cry when President Zolensky told Fox, that he was thanking the American people.

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I’m SO embarrassed that anyone in our White House treated Zelenskyy in such a manner! The EU is going to walk away from us because of their behavior—and the MAGAts continue to kiss his freaking a$$!

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They suck dt's tiny mushroom!!!

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What are Americans going to do about how far the US has fallen into the sphere of Russia and Musk?

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How much longer—in the name of all that is rational and sane—do we have to endure this Trump cult? How many more public humiliations, blatant acts of treason, and outright displays of authoritarian groveling do we need before people wake up?

What happened in the Oval Office wasn’t just an embarrassment—it was a globally televised act of submission to Vladimir Putin.


Trump didn’t just insult Zelenskyy—he actively repeated Russian propaganda while the leader of a sovereign nation fighting for survival sat there.

JD Vance, a walking Kremlin press release, stood beside him, nodding like a bobblehead, reaffirming every single one of Moscow’s talking points.

Zelenskyy was forced to sit through a U.S. president demanding he stop criticizing Putin—the very dictator waging war on his country.

Let’s be absolutely clear: this was a planned spectacle, a deliberate humiliation of Ukraine for Putin’s benefit. And for what? So Trump could prove his undying loyalty to his real master in Moscow?

Then, as if his Oval Office debacle weren’t enough, Trump canceled his own press conference and “peace talks” like a petulant child throwing a tantrum. What kind of world leader—what kind of supposed “deal-maker”—simply shuts down diplomacy because he’s upset?

This isn’t politics—it’s madness. It’s criminal-level insanity.


None of this would be possible without the full-throttle brainwashing operation conducted by Fox News, OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, and the entire MAGA media industrial complex.

These networks don’t report news. They manufacture propaganda.

They don’t challenge power. They serve Trump’s fascist delusions.

They don’t educate their viewers. They radicalize them into paranoid, frothing cultists who can’t distinguish fact from fiction.

Every single night, Fox News and its ilk pump out a toxic stew of disinformation, conspiracy theories, and outright lies, reinforcing the same delusional alternate reality.

And what’s the end result? A massive portion of this country now blindly supports a criminal sociopath who openly humiliates America on the world stage.


The level of mental rot in the MAGA base is staggering. We are watching millions of people celebrate a man who is actively working against American interests, selling out to a dictator, and dismantling democracy one piece at a time.

How much longer do we tolerate these brain-dead, brainwashed, conspiracy-spewing cultists wrecking everything in their path? How much longer does America have to be held hostage by Trump’s criminal insanity and the staggering stupidity of his followers?

This isn’t normal. It’s not politics as usual. It’s not just another policy debate. It’s a full-scale authoritarian takeover, and Trump and his propaganda outlets are leading the charge.

This insanity has to end. And the only way it ends is by crushing Trump, his enablers, and his entire corrupt movement at the ballot box, in the courts, and in the media.

The free world cannot afford another second of Trump’s fascist lunacy.

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Not the first time Trump has “mentioned” WW3! He’s a sick old narcissist & Vance is a younger version.

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Vance is a very dangerous person!

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Reveled the depths of his evil today for sure

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How do we hit Trump with a left hook???

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Trigger the 25th Amendment!!! (and impeach JD Vance!)

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Read the 25th Amendment!!!

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Get the gutless red Nazi wonders in Congress to grow a pair.

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So what are you and the rest of the democrats going to about it?

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This interview was for to laid back.........sorry to say that, but where is the fire??

Where is an action plan???? Why not have Jasmine Crockett on the road with Bernie Sanders doing the town halls???? Thoughs and prayers are just not going to cut it.

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STFU. Are you a Russian troll trying to start shit. It literally just happened.

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No not at all........Nasty Woman

Your the one with the problem......

Someone asked for ideas.......

Chill out.....do something positive

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You're what????

Go for it........

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they all must speak out, not just one or two. It takes a team to be a bully.

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And that is quite literally all traitor trump is. He is rude, uncouth, uneducated and woefully weak. And all of his minions are exactly the same. I don't know how Repugnicans sleep at night.

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What do you suggest?

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Thank you. I'm an Independent, but there are several Democrats speaking out. AOC has been so out spoken, the Nazi looking border czar is threatening to investigate her. Chris Murphy, Elizabeth Warren, Jasmine Crockett and Bernie Sanders are speaking out. They don't have the votes to impeach so unless they want to do something unlawful, there's not a lot to be done. Biden was criticized at every turn. Trump pretty much got a pass. It's like go after the Jews for not combating the Nazis hard enough.

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Yes, I agree there are several democrats speaking out and I respect them for all of it. However, there are more than half a dozen elected democrats.

Every last one of them needs to speaking out. That’s how the republicans do everything-en mass.

I do not hear any strategy other than wait and see!

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I hear you, but Jeffries and other Dems were on the Capitol steps the other day slamming Trump and Musk. Their opposition just doesn't land as strong as Maga lies. Jasmine Crockett was asked what she would say to Musk. She replied "Fuck you". When Schumer tried to rally people, he was mocked. It is ingrained and reinforced by media that Dems are weak. Ultimately it is going to be up to us to be the voice. It sucks but it is what it is.

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amen, sorry to say most of them are afraid of their own shadows.

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Trump got a pass by democrats normalizing him and not speaking out every single day. They didn’t fight fire with fire so we looked weak and ineffective.

MAGA dictated the narrative then and it’s happening now.

We cannot wait and see.

We do not have two years.

It’s time for true leadership and a strategy and protest and

SHOCK & AWE from the democrats.


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That is not true......the MSM refused to air anything that was against dt, while at the same time sanesplaining dt's batshit crazy rants and ignorance.....for example, during a town hall meeting someone asked dt if he would sign a bill to ensure affordable childcare. His answer was "I have great numbers. My numbers are....I have........I have ...childcare is childcare and I have great numbers" and the MSM reported it as "trump lays out plans for affordable childcare".......

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Agreed Timothy! We need to support our dems!! Encourage them to stay on the steps everyday, not to regurgitate Musk/Trump/Vance and company’s daily misdeeds, but to spell out to Americans what this means for them and how they will be impacted, how their families, children, neighbors will suffer.

I am frustrated that there are seats up for grabs and no real effort from the DNC to get boots on the ground and get out there knocking doors for the dems in everyone of those districts-this needs to be happening now!!! We can’t sit this out and wait for 2026.

Call your county, state, national DNC leadership and buzz their ears on this every day!!

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Stand up and speak out.

They get paid to represent not attempt to pacify.

What is the strategy?

They need to get out to red districts and have town halls. MAGAs official policy is to NOT have anymore town halls.

This is an unprecedented opportunity to show them who is actually FOR THEM.

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What CAN they do, when MAGA GOP hold ALL THREE levels of Government??? MAGA GOP can pass ANYTHING THEY WANT TO, WITHOUT Democrats votes! What do you suggest they do? All they CAN do, is appeal to the Republicans in Congress who may not have competely removed their backbones, to vote AGAINST as much as they can, to minimise the harm to every day American people! However, Trump has been by-passing Congress with his DESPICABLE Executive Orders, which can only be appealed in the courts. So..... tell me what YOU think Democrats should do???

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I am not the enemy. This is not an argument and I’m sincerely glad you asked what could be done.

1 - Opposition Outreach. Republicans are being told not to have town halls and if they do have them, not to conduct them in person. Democratic representatives are missing out on a critical opportunity by not going out to the red districts and showing what they offer, how they can help and talk about all the accomplishments of the Biden administration. This includes the fact that the economy which was in the best shape in decades-though this message wasn’t spread. Democrats’ need effective messaging/sound bites and it needs to be strong and repetitive. FLOOD THE ZONE.

“Muzzle Loading” as Bannon calls it.

2 - Unified Opposition.

Senate and Congressional Democrats need to solidly stand together on all issues. No Democrat should have voted to confirm trump cabinet nominees. Here are the Senators that did:

John Fetterman (D-Pa.), Ruben Gallego (D-Ariz.), Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.), and Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.) supported multiple nominees. Additionally, Marco Rubio was UNANIMOUSLY confirmed as Secretary of State, e.g., receiving support from all Democratic senators. WTF.


3 - Never Appear Weak.

Admitting that Democrats are powerless is not a strategy. It’s not something democrats should ever say. Strategize, strengthen and encourage your constituents. We are not victims and we are not helpless. Polls show that a significant portion of the U.S. population disapproves of trump. Democratic Leaders need reach out to these voters and harness this asset.

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Dude stop trolling the dems, you are angry enough to move a mountain of protest yourself. What's stopping you? 🤷‍♀️

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I am not trolling dems.

I AM out there protesting, I am calling and writing my reps daily.

I am posting and reposting and forwarding resources. I am talking to people and sharing resources with them.

I don’t have the voice the elected reps have and feel that many of them are wasting valuable opportunities.

I don’t see a cohesive message.

No sound bytes.

MAGAs now have Facebook, Twitter, Truth Social, Fox, all the mainstream media.

Where is the democratic infrastructure?

I want us to overpower this illegal regime-but we are so ill equipped and lacking strong leadership.

I am truly terrified.

Our representatives need to present plans and strategies, support peaceful protests - while it’s still legal. Before peaceful protests become Tiananmen Square.

45 has already laid the groundwork in the Pentagon.

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I don't understand why you are waiting for their lead. WE are the Plan; the people have to devise a plan. I admit, none of us are equipped to handle this modern-day dictator and his nazi consultant, but I think AI is a good start.

We should all be consulting AI for ideas, as I am sure that's what the orange Mussolini and his nazi consultant are using for ideas on how to dismantle Democracy and create a fascist state.

Don't give in to fear and despair. That's part of their plan. Independent Journalists are killing it on Substack and podcasts now. I see my reps on Instagram every day. Protests are growing. Congress is feeling the pressure. Don't stop the work you are doing.

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Democrats seem like deer in headlights.

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See, there you go again, isn't this your fifth post?

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it takes All Of Them, I wish they could find their spines also. One lunatic is destroying our country as we watch from a distance.

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