This is a topic hushed up in too many Christian churches for far too long. Way too many skeletons in clerical closets.

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Damn straight!

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These men have been in the news numerous times and it helps explain why they support someone who's as morally bankrupt as Trump.

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I have been around Evangelicals for decades. Jesus Christ NEVER said that women were less than men. Jesus repeatedly stood up for women. These Evangelicals ignore the instructions of Jesus Christ Himself and instead go to “letters” written by disciples to specific churches at that time and insist the instructions to that particular church, 2000 years ago are still applicable now.

Do we still have slavery? Some Republicans want to bring that back to and have slaves obey their masters even if they are cruel.

Jesus Christ - whose resurrection is the basis of Christianity - said to treat others as you would want Him, Christ, to treat you.

Toxic masculinity is not healthy and not Christian.

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I mean, the very first page of the fairy tale book tells the sheep that women are less than, made from a man’s rib blah de blah. (And Santa comes down the chimney every year too.)

Whatever Jesus did or didn’t do, however anyone could even know that for certain, doesn’t change that the current premise of this man-made plagiarized religion teaches that women are subservient to men. They swallow the lie whole on page one then take it wherever they please from there.

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You have the right to not believe in Christianity or any other religion under our current democracy.

I wasn’t addressing your beliefs.

I was addressing the Evangelicals that I have listened to for years and their misquoting the very Biblical story they are attempting to force down our throats.

They use the excuse that you just did “woman was made from man’s rib”

To those Evangelicals - read your own Bible - God put Adam to sleep and took one of his ribs. Then God went off and made a woman.

The difference is that God didn’t create the first woman from dirt.

The MAGAs are attempting to install a theocracy in this democracy whose Constitution is based on the separation of church and State.

Hundreds of thousands of people - in Europe (where those who wrote the Constitution came from)were killed because of religion.

The framers of the Constitution specifically DID not want that religious bloodshed to happen again here.

But Trump and his backers are attempting to overthrow our democracy and install a Christian theocracy. A theocracy that doesn’t even conform to the TEACHINGS of Jesus CHRIST!

If one is going into a fight - then study your opponent and their beliefs.

I believe in the separation of church and state.

So I am not going to live under their messed up, Blasphemous view of Christianity, and obviously you don’t want to be forced to listen to so called Christians ordering you what to do.

But know your opponent.

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Amen Kay. I agree with you 100%. I am a Christian, but I don't believe in Christian Nationalism. I do agree that we are a democracy, and we should not enforce our beliefs upon people that are not Christian. It is our God-given right to make our own decisions, regardless of whether we're Christians or not. Practicing extremist Christian views make us no better than nations that practice radical religious ideologies.

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Oh I do. Very well.

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fwiw if you assume a materialist universe than equality between people, justice, moral imperatives to care for the marginalized, and human rights are all fairytales as well.

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I come from a Catholic background but am now of the Protestant faith. What you write here is not what most “Christian’s” experience and to throw a broad blanket over Christian’s is painting a wrong picture. Most Christian’s men I know and have come in contact with over my 65 years of life are not warrior types like you paint them to be. I wondered if you were a true believer (accepted Jesus as your Lord & savior) or are on the outside looking in.

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I agree with you, toxic masculinity is nothing tied to the character of Christ. It's sad to see Christians blindly backing up this man as if he's some kind of political savior. I'm looking at all these comments and it grieves me just to see how true it is, and how outsiders are looking into the faith, and how Christians have tainted the light of Jesus to the world.

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AMEN! These "Christians" who claim to love Jesus and follow him, truly do not know Him. The hypocrisy is unimaginable.

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These are not true evangelicals, they are eviltesticles.

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Leave my nuts out of this! 😁😉

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🤣 🤣 🤣

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Call me crazy, but why does "eviltesticles" look like a real evangelical word? "We have a reading today from Eviltesticles 2, verse 3..."

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Is that book part of the Old Testicle or the New Testicle?

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Gah! OMG, that is SO funny. Lolol! I bow to your one-upsmanship. 😝

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Christian Nationalists are neither Christian nor Nationalists.

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Oh I am both!

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Damn this is Scary Shit?! Thanks for your post today and will reStack ASAP 💯👍🇺🇸💙🌊

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I lived in NYC for 16 years in the 80s and 90s. Trump never set foot in a church, proclaimed to be a Christian or showed any sign of spirituality in his life. He is not an example of a good or bad Christian. It's ironic that he uses religion to boost his campaign and that his foolish followers believe him.

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If Pastafarians donated to Trump’s campaign and made him look good in photo ops, he’d be all about them.

… >Paging Sasha Baron Cohen to the white courtesy telephone<…

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I console myself with the belief that God's justice will be the last word.

Believe that some of that justice will be handed down this side of eternity.

IMO, DJT shows signs of being a miserably unhappy person now. The soul-eating evil within is being exposed via constant fear and hatefulness toward fellow Americans.

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It's not ironic. He's a master manipulator and he knows that's where his audience (i.e. voters) are to get him into power. That is all he cares about. And these people are following him like blind sheep.

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Kavanaugh. Not Cavanaugh. Can't wait for this movie.

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Magaland likes to point to liberals as the pedos, classic projection. Their pastors and priests are the real world abusers. Finally some accountability has occurred with outing the beasts and exacting financial consequences. However, it is horrible that the congregations still tacitly support girl and woman shaming abuse just by belonging to insidious religious groups.

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Don’t forget about the Boy Scouts. Over the years estimated 80,000 victims of sexual abuse by the hands of troop leaders etc. I had a good friend whose dad was a Boy Scouts of America top executive. He was very religious, but also helped cover up those abuses during his entire career. Like gym Jordan except worse.

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Thirty-five years ago, an Evangelical Christian accused me of running a child sex tour ring. He convinced his Evangelical Christian friends in the US Embassy in Bangkok to orchestrate my arrest and two-year imprisonment, ruining my corporate incentive tour business and destroying my career, yet he was the one who was abusing children and was later convicted of it. He used the story he created for a plea bargain in his trial for drugging and having sex with numerous children. Here is the full story:


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With those folks, their accusation is always a confession.

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Shades of Project 2025.

White men giving themselves permission to abuse females of any age in the name of religion.

Merely the Satanic work of fools with power.

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The REASON these people are dedicated as “evangelical” is because they seek power and control over others. They want to stand on their high horse and shame others to feel superior. And, yes, they rape. They are Men who rape. They are sadistic. Evangelical BULLSHIT is about SADISM: Control, RAPE, Oppression and Suppression. For Evangelicals, religion is just a facade and excuse for their beastly character. It has NOTHING to do with religion. This is true of ALL EXTREMIST CULTS, including MAGAt, Hamas, Opus Dei, Orthodoxy—all of them.

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Lying is NOT a “Christian” principle!

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This post was a tough pill to swallow because you are right. As a believer, I'd like to apologize to anyone here for your horrible experiences in Christianity. Christ would not tolerate this type of behavior. There are many things I am concerned about in the Christian community, as well. The way that White Nationalists and Trump have acted definitely doesn't resemble the character of Jesus. I also don't believe that Trump is a Christian, as he doesn't come close to resembling any traits of a believer. But I agree with your sentiments and concerns, and I am praying for this nation and against Christian Nationalism, which I am very against. Project 2025 is a concern for me, too, as I do not support these laws from being passed. And even though Trump says he has nothing to do with it, his policies show some similarities to what Project 2025 will look like.

On a lighter note, I will say that, without a doubt, I am a witness that there are multitudes of believers rising up to deconstruct their faith and address these issues that have caused a stain on our beautiful Christian faith.

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The absolutely worst thing we could do for our daughters is elect Donald John Trump, felon and sexual preditor. Vote BLUE! 💙🇺🇸🌊

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You are right about the men but does that mean endorsing a woman who believes in open borders and abortion on demand just because she is a woman and she’s not Trump. Is endorsing a godless woman who slept her way to the top the answer. Both candidates are unsuitable to lead this nation. At least if she wins we will have another 4 years of Obama calling the shots, so he can continue to destroy America to remake it into his vision.

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