This is a duel of bottom feeders going down on each other (and not in the fun way). Blah blah blah

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Greene, Loomer and Floyd are of questionable character. Their dear orange leader is a racist, misogynistic, authoritative, incendiary rapist and that is who they are defending? They all need to leave us alone and go back to school for real and accurate history lessons.

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I know I'm not the only one. I don't believe anything coming from Harrison Floyd, Loomer or MTG. They all deserve each other. And, Floyd will be in jail in GA as soon as that case gets heard.

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What a strange post. Are we to think that Laura Loomer is some hero in this story? She's appallingly racist and if she somehow pointed out some racial inequality, you can bet it was for some kind of propaganda or self-promotion.

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Clutch my pearls! Madge Trailer Park Greene is a racist??

Hey dipshit, who did you think you were working for Uncle Tom??

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This is rich considering that Floyd was apart of a scheme to falsely accuse two Black women of election crimes on Mango Mussolini’s behalf.

This is what happens when you scheme & lie to harm others.

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Serves him right! Boohoo what the hell do u think that cult is YOU IDIOT!

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What grade are these people in? 3rd?

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Based on the spelling and lack of proof reading - yes.

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As my father used to say "what a bunch of loose horses" no offense to horses 🐎 🐴

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What did they expect? Anyone who craves to be cozy to known verifiable racists to be 'accepted' needs to take responsibility for whatever comes their way. The idea of color-blindness is foolish. Tolerance ('to tolerate") is insulting and does not build bridges. Acceptance is the threshold of co-existing as equals. Bottom line, anyone associated with Black Voices for Trump, I see as weak and self-serving and lacking in integrity. There is a level of self-hatred in their tea.

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BOOHOO big boy what did you think they really think about you "your royal highness" no it's the N word. Georgia? Are you kidding me,? That's all you will ever be to them. Or Mt. Ninja😝🤓😆🤭 you got exactly what you deserve a taste of reality.😝 What did Fred Call Lamont on Sanford and Son,? 😝

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Unfortunately, given the parties involved, the truth will never be known.

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Racism is built into Project 2025

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What is this guy, some big cry baby?!? All I hear from him is 'Boo-hoo, I want an apology', or 'I was the only one & not enough people helped with my legal fees, wah😭'

At this point, doesn't everyone in that group owe pretty much everybody an apology?!? 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Gee, lie with dogs, expect fleas. Do you really think you will be given a protective cloak from the racism? These people see you as an asset, not an ally. Why did you join their side to start?

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Anybody want to tell him? Anybody? Floyd, my man, she’s a white nationalist. If the white part wasn’t important to her, then she wouldn’t stick it in there.

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Ahaa, he wants to be saved by the white nationalist christians! How does it feel buddy to be thrown under the bus? Man without a country!

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