If there ever was a two bit punk, it’s Jesse Watters.

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That's what his mother says.

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Nothing has changed

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Go away.

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Apparently, he did! LOL!

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Jessica Tarlov runs circle around Jesse Watters ! Would love to see her on MTN but guessing not possible with Faux contract? That would surely send Watters into orbit !


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Love her. Can't watch that stupid man

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Jessica Tarlov is wonderful, and I am not watching Jesse's show on State-run media.

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He is so slimy and disgusting. Gross

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Definition of MAGA Members

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No offense to two bits which still has more value than Jesse Watters. Jesse Dimes?

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I'd like to give Waters my two cents: wipe that smirk off your stupid face.

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Another PAB, like Trump. Like if you know what a PAB is! If not, ask Crissy Teigen.

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Even his mother despises him!

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Yes. He makes you just want to smack him in his stupid smug face. I can hardly wait for the day somebody does.

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Second that. I call him out all the time. I write to fox news and challenge him because I wanna smack the smirk right off his p***sy face

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Let the big Mac stroke proceed.... he does it to himself.

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Aka Lord Haw-Haw

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Please that bitch is so far in the closet!! Pfftt!

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Not even two bits. Only barely a one bit pos,pab! Fdjt and president musk!

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Keep up the great work pounding these evildoers. I’m 76 years old, so is my husband. We worked and saved but we do rely on our Social Security. I believe they are going to take a wrecking ball to it. But we will fight these bastards every step of the way.

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I'm 89 yrs old and I worry about my little teeny bit of social security too. I can't get out and do things like I used to but I am a subscriber on Meidas for as long as I live. I look forward to it everyday. It gives me to courage to hope for righteousness once again.

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I’m with you. Stay strong! We will keep fighting this evil together.

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AAAM: I hear you loud and clear!

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DITTO! another paid subscriber retiree here too!

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I admire your strength and stamina. I'm sure you have witnessed some hard times in your life. I too, believe that good will prevail in the end.

God bless

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Good for you. There are 75million others like you that wait on a monthly check.

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Boomer here.

The Boomers are here in force.

Boomers are the OG of civil protest

The black civil rights movement, womens rights, gay rights, the Vietnam War, the Grape Boycott (who remembers the grape boycott?)

Boomers are the OG of Civil protest.

With that said, our spirit is willing but our bodies are weak (we do not have the vim and vigor of our youth). What we boomers CAN do is subscribe, become a paid subscriber to MeidasPlus.

Only $10 a month (cancel at any time)

Our monthly small contribution is just one blade of grass in the great grass roots movement, just one blade of grass. But growing shoulder to shoulder with others we become a great carpet of grass roots exceeding the prairies of the great plains. WE are the great grass roots.

Yes we do call and e-mail and write letters, and sometimes show up for protests if they are in our area. We are helping in the ways we are able to now.

Boomers remember our youth and how WE did change the culture and society.

We know it can be done, we can put Trump in check, we just have to put our shoulders to the task and do now, that which we still CAN do.

If you are not already a subscriber please subscribe.

You will feel good about it.

Only $10 a month (cancel at any time)

You will feel good about it.

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At 66 I'm more the vanguard of GenX, but the Bommer protests is what I grew up seeing as a normal course of affairs, and I know peaceful protest works. I'm not flush and don't get around as well either, but I spend a lot of time encouraging those younger than us about how this actually works. I hate that I'm more useful for cheerleading than playing the game, but it has to be done. The difference I see now is that during Nam most of the protests were done by the younger generation who didn't want to die in a pointless war, or POC demanding they be treated equally. Now the protests are attended by every generation that is mobile enough to be there. It only takes 3.5% of a population to make change, and we'll get there very soon, I think. It's a matter of time and keeping up the effort.

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very encouraging comments for the resistance

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I completely agree with all your observations.

But how did you come up with the 3.5% figure?


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Me too.

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Look up the 3.5% rule

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Okay I will do it.

But please give me some search terms to use.

I can't just google "The 3.5% rule"

I need something more, thank you.

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It's called the 3.5% rule. You don't need more.

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Olderwoman (I'm one, too), I'm not as spry as I used to be, but it's time we stood up (or sat down) for ourselves. I can't march any more. So I just bought a folding camp stool and when the young ones march, I sit. My presence is as important as marching--maybe more so because it's obvious I had to work hard to get there.

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Love this! So true. We can do much good by encouraging those who have the energy to do more.

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We can do much good by supporting them--financially, and by writing and calling our legislators. Everybody must do something!

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Especially if you create a good sign!

I collected protest signs from the women's march in 2017. One of my faves was of a very beautiful, well dressed old woman sitting in a wheelchair holding up a handmade sign that said: "Honey, your gun doesn't make your dick look bigger. It makes you look like a bigger dick."

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My favorite is the one that says "I can't believe we have to do this again 50 years later."

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It's great to hear from all of you. I think that means a lot to all of us and Meidas also.

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Absolutely 💯

We're the Meidas Touch Family by default 💪

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Me! I remember the Grape pickers! Fellow Boomer here! It seems like all the lessons learned from our generation are being lost and we've entered Bizarre-o World (like on Seinfeld).

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17yrs in '65 in the middle of Voter rights protests for Pete's sake..

almost 60 yrs later still protesting for rights, who would've thunk 🤭

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One of the protest sign pix I collected from the 2017 women's march was hand written and held by an old woman in a wheelchair. It read: "Ninety, nasty, and not giving up!"

Another one read: "My arms are tired from holding up this sign since the 1960s"

More for inspiration:

"2/3rds of Trump's wives were immigrants, proving once again we need immigrants to do jobs most Americans wouldn't do."

"Immigrants are more thoroughly vetted than Trump's cabinet"

"So bad even introverts are here"

"My vagina has had better lineups than Trump's inauguration (sad!)"

And this one was held by a young woman dressed as a suffragette: "I time traveled for THIS?"

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Already subbed for a year. Already feeling very good about the idea that I might be helping (just a little) to turn the tide against RWNJ media.

Keep calling out the liars, and keep fighting the good fight.

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Hi Sharon, I just celebrated my 70th birthday and feel the same. It helps me somewhat to know that so many Maga cultists will suffer under the felon! Not much of a consolation, but it does make me smile!😄👍

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My husband is a combat-wounded Vietnam veteran and despite his VA benefits, and pensions from 2 states, we rely on SS, too!

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when i hear of vets my heart goes out to you. went fighting to save your agressors’ asses

. they don’t deserve what you did for them. Karma’s a bitch.

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Amen I paid in over 50 years it will be Red Dawn ! 🥸

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Trump is already manipulating the stock market, changing the tariffs daily, telling his billionaire supporters how to day trade on his inside trading schemes using tariffs. Like in 2008 citizens 401k' will be 201k's. Billionaires draining citizens savings and putting it into their offshore tax haven accounts. Of course the SEC will be 'investigating'. Oh wait the SEC headed by some Trump sycophant. What is really sad is that even Nancy Pelosi joined in with insider trading when legislation was proposed a few years ago to stop it. She actually said that insider trading should be allowed by her and her house members and senate members and presumably the president and cabinet members. She said this was because she is a "Capitalist".

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Well, the Stock Market is not liking anything that is happening. The Dow closed donw over 400 points today. The NASDAQ down almost 500 points and the S&P 500 down over 100 points.

Tesla stock closed down another $15. It had a high at the end of 2023 of over $400 per share and not it's down to $263 per share. Musk's net worth has dropped from over $400 Billion dollars last Fall to 347.7 billion USD today. His worth is not in cash, but on paper, so the value of his stock portfolio and his companies changes his net worth every day.

Target is down as well... the price hikes they announced to cover tariffs, the 40 day boycott and other announcements and they are not performing very well.

So sad for them all.

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They earned it and they deserve even worse. May they continue to crash.

Then Musk no doubt will try to make up for it by stealing more government contracts from his competitors using all the data he downloaded from govt. databases. Most of his money originates from our tax dollars and govt. loans. Huge welfare queen.

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We have seen worse... JFK assassination on Thanksgiving day, 11/22/1963. Assassination of Medgar Evers 6/12/1963, Malcom X 2/21/1965, Martin Luther King, Jr. 4/4/1968, Robert Kennedy 6/6/1968. Then there were the rallies that resulted in shootings, like at Berkley, called "Bloody Thursday" on 5/15/1969. Then there was Kent State, called the Kent State Massacre on 5/4/1970. The 1967 Detroit Riot, the 1968 Democratic National Convention protests, the 1968 King Assassination Riots, the 1967 Watts riots, and the 1968 Protests.

There are more, but this was a decade of severe division in this country, severe unrest and a lot of people took to the streets. We were all young back then and I don't know about you, but I remember a great deal of this chaos, mayhem and unrest. We fought for our rights then and we all, including our young people will fight for them now!

As the "elderly" - we can share all this with everyone to let them know this is not a first by a long shot - after all, it was severe civil unrest and disobedience that formed this country. Does anyone actually believe that the people that live here are a bunch of passive acceptors? If anyone does, they are sadly mistaken!

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I totally agree with you

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We should join the Gray Panthers if they try.

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you made them rich. but ain’t idiots. be strong.

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77 & wholeheartedly agree.

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Just gave your podcast a 5 ⭐️ review. Keep it up boys! This tide will change soon enough when Maggots realize they are not paying less and not making more money and having all their programs that they rely on cut

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Treason is more important. Losing all our worldly goods and investments.

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Treason will be DJTs downfall.

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MAGA people hate immigrants because they believe immigrants get benefits. Redhats thought deportations would leave more money for them? 🙅‍♀️🤦‍♀️

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Ooh I LIKE red hats. Like jack boots. I want to Make that symbol despicable world wide!!

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Someone please make a meme with nazis marching and out red hats on the soldiers. I want that all over the internet. A

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That screen shot tells you all you really need to know about those who swallow the poison peddled by Fox: they are terrified of anyone who is smart, well educated, articulate, unafraid to speak their minds, and “clutches pearls while fainting” a black woman! Keep sticking it to them.

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She needs to be the speaker of the house

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Keep up the good work you do, call these fascists out.

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Thank you. Great to have those phone numbers of republicans.

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May all that is good surround and protect you all. Amen.

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Good for Adam Mockler!! He is an intelligent and well-informed young man and is going to go far!

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Reading Substack every day and think it is absolutely the best source of information out there! Please keep up the good work and stay true to the cause!

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Reading this while listening to Kendrick Lamar.

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Keep up the good fight! We appreciate you!

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The Democrats NEED TO FIGHT FOX NEWS . They need to tell the world that Fox News is a lying Org for the Nazi Trump . And Meidastouch is a Free Trustworthy real News Org who doesn’t Lie or spin the truth to make it a lie

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& I say Meidas Mighty should keep steamrolling them.

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Keep up the good

Work ! 🥸

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Love you guys…I too shall 5 star review you⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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Keep up the great work! I look forward to daily truth!

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Keep up the great work! Thank you!

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I am so glad that I am a part of Meidas mighty. Thank you for all you do!

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