We should wonder what the Orange Menace would be saying if the same force hurricane destroyed Mar-a-Lago. He would be the first to tap into every governmental program available.

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But he would first blame Biden and Harris that they personally, told the hurricane to destroy his precious golf course.

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He DID apply for a ton of disaster relief from (I think) Hurricane Sandy, even though MAL got zero damage.

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Superstorm Sandy happened in October 2012, before rump was in office.

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It would be a happy day if His Roach Motel was 6 feet under water...knowing 45 he's probably all set to run another insurance scam...its worth $$459 million $ will be the screams from Eye golf Shitler!

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He has cheated in the past (shock) when there was little or no damage to his property.

He also so grossly overstated the value of his losses that his insurance companies paid 5-10X what they should have. He even had enough left over to make major upgrades to his shitty houses of crime and ill repute.

He cannot behave legitimately. It would injure him.

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1.2 million dead Americans from Covid-19 - under what other President would such a thing ever happen?

Absolutely NONE. Every other President would have left the Epidemic medical team intact. No other President would have even THOUGHT of disbanding it. And then Trump had no way of stopping it in Wuhan, and he did what? He talked. He lied. He didn't DO ANYTHING.

I am pleased that Meidas Touch is talking about this. The single biggest failure in American history OF ANY KIND. It was like if FDR surrendered to Hitler and Hirohito in 1942. Or Washington surrendering to the Brits in 1777.

Oh - and because the American team was not together to stop Covid-19 in Wuhan, more than 7.5 million people around the world (including the US) died.


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We should give him a second term, because he's really hoping to pass Stalin.

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Climate change is mutating just like covid 19....ignoring the symptoms and scoffing at the treatment in both cases has shown to make matters worse... even A few (1%ers) capitalized on the disasters thru inaction.

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Thank goodness we've got a Real President in office right now!! I don't ever want to think about what another trump administration would do in the face of Any Crisis!! You've put out a Good Read this morning ☕ Brett, Thanks 💯👍💙

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With trump's continuous ABUSE of our precious right of free speech, I want to know why news channels continue to give him airings. It would be terrific if they would put in a translation that mutes his words and says something like, " Former President Trump attempts to comfort victims of natural disaster".

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Trump turns disasters, because they do attract public attention, into self grandising press conferences- his response to 9/11 was "I now have the highest building in NY; his response to COVID was "it will go away, ingest bleach" shunning advice from top medical doctors; and as we saw yesterday, he shows up in North Carolina taunting "Kamala & Biden will do nothing for you, they haven't called any governors yet." I think nature is giving us a hint, Trump is for Trump, he's nothing more than a vulture who picks through the human flesh, using the dead for self serving purposes.

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Too bad Trump didn't bring paper towels to throw.

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I suddenly had this image pop into my head that while King Dingus was on his orange crate spewing off his tepid words about this disaster, that the people in the crowd started to throw rolls of TP at him.

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First, he went to an area where the governor had requested politicians stay away from because it would interfere with rescue and recovery operations. Then he lied about the Biden administration not contacting governors to provide aid for the areas decimated by the hurricane. It is, obviously, all about himself. If people can’t see his selfishness in this visit, they are truly blind.

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They are truly blind.

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Trump has started his own GoFundMe (you can find it on Twitter/X) that's supposed to go to hurricane victims but, given his history of running charities, most of the money will probably end up in his pocket.

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His insecurities are dangerous. He is a psychopath, this has been confirmed by many famous experts in the field. When he loses, it’s time to call to the floor of Congress every Republican member that spread his horribleness.

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We don’t want a liar for president. We want Harris and Walz. 💙💙

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When it doesn't affect him personally or he can't make money or political gain out of it, it just doesn't matter to him and therefore doesn't really exist. It took me a while to get it and I hope the American electorate gets it in time for the election. We must all help, as Meidas does so well, to get the word out.

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Are you enjoying your little Gotcha moment? Too bad it will be short-lived. No one who reads your comment here thinks you're correct, insightful, or even that bright. You're just another Trumper cult member who goes around spewing lies, disinformation, and hate all while thinking they are oh, so clever. The truth is we almost feel sorry for you. Almost. You're, obviously, gullible and have a lower than average IQ. It's what Trump loves about you, but as a Christian (and we know you claim to be one) you should know better than to lie. You're breaking one of your precious 10 Commandments. Not good, not good.

Anyway, I hope you see the light sometime soon. At least before you die and have to spend eternity in Hell with the rest of the MAGA's.

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He also said he brought truckloads of supplies only to find out the truckloads of food, water and other needed items were donated by a nonprofit organization NOT CFDJT…🤬

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Harris for the People!

The halloween season fantasies, lawless depravity & corruption of MAGA leadership has consequences. That the base may "lap it up" is not an excuse, but of course MSM needs to normalize the whining MAGA depravity & create a horse race…ads, eyeballs, $...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmr1owmG2aI https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQt1Na560Mc

Trump's idea of stolen valor? https://youtube.com/shorts/UTJ6ZYEBgHg?si=74JzRZA7LzrrLwy6

Economist Paul Krugman: “It’s amazing how at this point the Trump campaign rests entirely on denouncing things that aren’t happening—[an] imaginary bad economy, imaginary runaway crime…"

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