MTG should be sued for the defamation, just like Rudy was, prove it 100% or STF UP!

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She should be removed if by force out of office. She'd beyond being a disgrace ✌🏻💙

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That’s exactly what I said! Only I think I used more colourful language . Many WTAF, put up or shut the fuck up. 😉😉🤣🤣🤣

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What a colossal a$$!!! I hope Dominion sues the life out of her!! MTG, you are no longer relevant!!

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Along with handsy beetlejuice, pedo-gates, gym jordan, comer pyle, moses mike, lyin cruz, sprint hawley, etc, etc, etcetera. The lot of them voted into the dust bin of history. Never to darken the doors of our democratic republic ever, never ever ever, again.

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Her constituents are to blame for sending her to Congress. Hold them accountable for the QAnon garbage she spews.

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I hate to say it but they're probably as illiterate as she is✌🏻💙

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It's KKK land up there in Rome.

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As I watch and listen from Canada, I hope and pray that there is a colossal blue wave on Nov 5. This madness and chaos that Trump and his lying political hacks are spewing has to stop. It’s tearing the nation apart.

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Would you please be so kind as to send a picture of the massive spigot that prevents us folk on the west coast from getting water? The western portion of the US has been suffering drought for decades. Literally decades. We have been told Canada has been quite selfish and maybe not so nice as Canadians seem. Seeing as you have been keeping all that water for yourselves. 😉🤣🤣🤣🤣

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Dominion sould sue her into oblivion.

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MTG needs voted out for sure!! Vote Blue Georgia!💙

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Ohh don't I wish this Sporked Toed Wort Hog from Hell would just go Away!! Thanks for sharing,Ron, and will reStack ASAP 💯👍💙🌊

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As Mr Sterling said, MTG's claims come after only knowing 1/2 the story. Like the game "Telephone," once the passing on of the message begins, it gets added to and subtracted from, the message winds up being nowhere close to the original message. Ms Greene ought to check herself unless she wishes to be part of a "defamation lawsuit." That woman is incorrigible.🤦🏾

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She doesn’t have an office in her district. She has a PO Box. That way her constituents cannot complain. She too busy doing podcast and dating boyfriend, Brian Glenn. She’s useless. She is a carpetbagger, too. She threw her hat in the ring, but didn’t live in that district. I am supporting Shawn Harris.

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This is precisely the kind of simple, honest mistake that was turned into dastardly fraud by Trump and his minions in 2020. We're not going down that rabbithole again! Thanks for sharing the real story and the real fraud perpetrator here.

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The repeated lies and conspiracies like Marjorie Taylor Greene’s have already been thoroughly debunked, as in this case with the voting machine accusations. As you pointed out, the chaos from 2020, which Trump and Vance are trying to replicate, has been meticulously documented by Jack Smith in his indictment, along with congressional investigations and the public trials. The lengths they've gone to undermine democracy are undeniable.

In response to Greene’s claims, it’s clear that one minor error by a voter was exaggerated into a baseless conspiracy, as these claims so often are. As Gabe Sterling said, errors are natural, but deliberately sowing mistrust in the election system is destructive and dangerous. When faced with these habitual lies, it's critical to remind people of the overwhelming evidence, just as you've done here.

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Once again, the Magats only hear what their tiny brains WANT to hear. They are sooooo easy to manipulate . I think it would be a waste of time to try to tell some of them the truth. MTG should definitely be sued.

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Here we go... 🤬🤦‍♀️

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Hey Marge! Get in line for your defamation lawsuit, and get your checkbook out. Fox had to pay them $787 million.

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It's so obvious that these people have no experience in the administration of anything relevant. The planning, the execution, the tests, the audits, the repeated sampling and the literal TRANSPARENCY of our election process and our officials are by definition, patriotic. Individuals who deliberately seek to deceive are criminal and should not hold elected leadership positions. Period.

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Thank you. I ran a precinct in ATL where there are always lots of immigrants. The idea that it's even possible for someone here, legally or illegally, to be able to register to vote, is just silly.

I've seen Challenged voters for years. Always challenged by one party, and the voter challenged always had a Latino or Muslim sounding names. And I got to see their papers enough to know the challenge was bs.

The whole Challenged Voter law needs to be tossed out.

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Marjorie Taylor Green needs to be in a psychiatric ward for the mentally insane

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Mr. Sterling went through this very same situation in the last election because of people like MTG. We need people like Sterling who will stand up for democracy and won’t allow people like MTG harass and defame the electoral process. She needs to check herself.

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