This isn’t just good news, it’s great news, and shows the public appetite for independent media! The Other Guys had infinite resources and a whole massive publicity apparatus behind them. And look at you guys!

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We are transcending mainstream media the way the computer transcended typewriters. Grass roots media is having it’s best day (so many great progressive channels compared with 5-10 yr ago) we are the heroes we’ve been waiting for.

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👏🏿👏🏿👏🏿 even with the barking dog and crying baby I enjoyed it

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Hearing the baby and the dog made me feel good about watching your videos. It made you a family man who cares about people like me.

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I love it when Ben's baby is crying, and the dog is barking.it makes me smile.

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Me too! I heard her once and I'm like awe baby girl learning early to help dad!

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There is hope for America.

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Everyday the Idiocracy is becoming clearer. Thanks to MT and those of us non-brainwashed to keep hope alive.

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Excellent once again. Now on to #1

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The Meidas Touch Network captures my attention span, my allegiance, and my pocketbook.

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Finally some great news about Trump losing something.

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Awesome!! 👏🏽👏🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

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Way to go Meidas Touch! I read and watch everything you post. You are my news source.

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I'm all in and doubling down on THIS!!

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Great news! Congratulations!!

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Wonderful news!!!

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Great to hear, you deserve top ratings because you're the best. I doubt that donnie and his idiots can fathom the fact that you are successful without $$ from corporations. Everything is about money to them.

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“Even with barking dogs and a crying baby” bahahahah😂

Dead 💀

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You three ROCK!!

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UFC, WWE, MAGA, they’re all just a bunch of meatheads with zero imagination roaring at a ready-made spectacle. Just as Romans once couldn’t get enough of seeing prisoners getting mauled to death by wild animals and other prisoners at the Coliseum during Ancient Rome, Americans today revel in loud, trashy, depraved pageantry and the low intellect required for these events. I’m so very tired and disgusted that this is who “won.”

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