There’s one other thing i think we can do…and that is to get an extension for tax filing. Imagaine if millions of us simply didn’t pay our taxes on April 15th
Glad you mentioned that. I was going to post that very idea elsewhere but I’m glad I’m seeing some support for civil disobedience. DT understands money and confrontation and a tax protest would provide both.
I was thinking the same thing. As long as the DOGE bags have control of the Treasury coffers, we should protest by refusing to pay our federal income taxes. Since the few remaining IRS agents will be busy at the border, a massive “income tax protest” would likely throw some sand in the gears!
I always made my W-2 at work O zero deductions. I never wanted to give Feds. an interest free loan. I suggested that here a couple of times. If necessary I filled estimated taxes every quarter and kept my extra paycheck cash in a CD or high interest savings account.
I will do anything to put a monkey wrench in the trump/Musk/GOP Works.
If inflation goes through the roof, taxes at the end of the year will have mostly have been paid by $$ worth less than at the beginning of the year. Yes?
But, if you don't know how much you owe, conceivably because you didn't get your, say 1099s, how can you pay? You've paid some all along, but not the full bill. Please explain.
Yes! Lets dump the rotted produce not picked by targeted migrants upwind to slime ait'sdonald! Marlo co beach! Doral golf purse upwind the day before the next big tournament! Upwind of the oval when don comes in for a camera shoot and to watchnTV??
Block Donald main entrance of Mar loco with a garbage truck Dump of rotted oranges!! Dump that tea then stir it up for him!! Ugh
He does? People who understand money go bankrupt often? Maybe we need an investigation on those stats. People who understand the complexity of a presidency , the rule of law, and why guardrails are established …like LAW..don’t act like Trump …those are the cons, the conspiracies, the criminals …and real “concepts”.
Oh yes he has a bachelors degree in finance from a credited school! Why doesn't he want to share his grades? Don Jrs grades? Since hes his Dads hiring advisor? Did elon go to college being a privileged white person South African? How did he do I wonder? Not what he says I mean an honest person says?
I remember seeing a story of Trump paying other students who were smarter than him take tests for him…Possible since classes in colleges are fairly large…
That could help maybe? How about Jamie Rawlins class action against Elon for every US citizen having a data breach by Elonia? One here hoping Ben might be interested having the mighty join in! Yes please Sir put me at the top of the list!!
It will take ten years and if it is successful you'll probably receive five dollars after the lawyers get paid. Why doesn't Raskin focus on his job and convince some of the moderate Republicans to grow a spine.
I really don't care if it takes 10 years. I wouldn't be in it for the money. I am 74 so may not be here in 10 years. But, oh the satisfaction of giving him and Musk just a moment if not more of aggravation is so worth it to me. That would do my heart good and i could die with a smile and a one finger salute. I am already below poverty and have nothing else to give. So count me in.
It may take a long time and pay $5 but it is a resistance to tie up Coupmasters' lawyers. Their lawyers are getting bad reps, warnings from judges that lying in court may jeopardize their lawyer licenses.I predict that even fewer lawyers willing to work for trump/Coupmasters will defend them in court. But with Musk's billions, who knows who can be bought.
Oh my god.... my hippie blood just starting pumping again..... love this.... doesn't the extension take us to October 15th? Do we pay quarterlies or can we suspend that too? Why not play the billionaires game.. they do not pay equivalent taxes to their "income"
There are different ways to do this. Just Google file extension of IRS taxes. Go to IRS site to read about it.
I don't owe much this year so I may just not pay CUZ-No taxation without representation and until Constitutional law/order, checks/balances, SCOTUS forced to be ethical and enforce laws of bribes, appearance of partisanship/favor given to a particular group of people while harming the majority, Presidential Pardons are not an invitation to corrupt, overthrow our government of, by, for the people, US Congress work for the country, our Constitution and have an honor to their Oath that compels them to tell the truth, not spread propaganda, act as puppets of trump/Musk/Project 2025 Coupmasters-I won't pay IRS taxes.
My friend and I thought that taking over X. If enough of us sign up and rebuke Musk and his followers with facts until of course, Musk bans us. We could fact-check him on X. He spreads so many lies and hardly anyone stands up to him. It could be done in shifts. So If he had 100 people fact-checking them it could over them. Does anyone else think this could irritate Musk or even work? Most sane people have gotten off X so it's easy for him and his cohorts to use their platform to mess with people. When someone rarely stands up to Musk on X it usually is in the Headlines. So this could be a good publicity stunt. Is anyone interested?
I changed my Twitter Name to "MyName Now on BlueSky" and that got me banned. It would't hurt to have a contra Twitter Campaign as you suggest, times like these you gotta try, try things. Props!
Ben!! Sue that jack ass musk!! A mighty class action based on the breach of the 1986 Ronald Reagan Federal Data Secure Act? Can you picture 4 million mighty lined up to class action sue his Financier Elonia? I can see Donald soiling himself with that one and all night he is a victim rant!!
An important point. You must pay what you owe, but late filing does impact the government's data collection. I usually get a refund, but to be honest, I am wary of sending in a tax return and have been considering an extension until they get Musk out of there.
Yes! Some are saying his hired young lads are mining data for Musks next venture! Owning Texas Data Central! Elon does not care about us, nor has he shown any remorse for the wrongful death of 64 people! Directly relate to his meddling with the FAA! He needs to be questioned about that, not brushed off by Republican congress and senate!!
Yeah. My son just finished doing a business' taxes from 2023! They had an extension. So, since he is too busy now to communicate with me (it's busy season), someone who is a CPA explain how this works.
You still have to pay. An extension to file is NOT an extension to pay. Please be aware of the penalties for not paying a good estimate of what you will owe.
Not paying taxes would affect our State & Local income hurting those who need it most. It sounds great (emotionally satisfying) until we follow it down the rabbit hole. Also, we don't want to become that which we despise, do we?
Everyone has already paid what they owe last year (or should have). I generally think that protests should not be actions that hurt yourself. Think Boston Tea Party.
Been thinking about that. You can send a letter of protest in with your tax return, and no money, but they might come after you for money owed at a high interest rate. Best to ask a professional
A tax extension gives you an extra six months to file your federal tax return. It doesn't extend the date to pay your tax bill if you owe money. You could face penalties if you don't pay your bill on tax day.
I think, for those who work, it would be easier just to change your deductions to zero and put the money aside. I don't work anymore, so can't. Even if you do this for one year, you can always claim you had unusual circumstances in 2025 and that's why you owed so much (in 2026). That way, you don't have to do quarterlies. Anyway, since there will no longer be IRS agents, who's going to check?
Yes! Better idea? Mighty joins in with Raskins (Dem. From Mass.) every citizen class action lawsuit against Elon? Claiming his violation of the 1986 Ronald Reagan Law not to interfere with our Federal Stored personal information?
And? A large amount of legal law abiding protesters to help a Federal Marshall arrest Elon for Contempt of Court? To block the Dept of Defense trying to stop it?? Hey? Wonder if the J6 guys want in on this one? Multibillion lawsuit dived by 4 million Mighty folks = several 100? Hey Elon wants to be a trillionaire so that = several 1000 Yankee dollars. :-$
Exactly!! As a Canadian, I am rooting for Americans to kick his ass! If they want individual states to pay, nit the federal government, THEN you shouldn't have to federal taxes! Show the regime who is actually in charge AMERICAN CITIZENS! 💙💙💙💙
Hey. I will give any Canadian a high five for their efforts!! Its going to hurt Donald. He's transactional you know! And the Canadians stiffed his tariffs!!! That is so incredibly cool!. You have some smart people in Canada! College is free there like your health care? Upstate NY I pay over 3500 dollars for each 3 credit graduate class. Ugh! And he wants to terminate education here? He's a stupid college dad donated fool!
Might work actually! Just thinking the Donald borrows money! His last term it was between 7 to 8 trillion to our Debt! Some are saying he is pushing for fed staff elimation, program elimination to help fund his front row billionaires!! Yep the one where they all were there and Elonia acted like he was tripping on something? I like Jamie Raskins class action all citizen lawsuit!! Elon is not above the law!! Time for him to sing! In sing sing!! Criminal contempt Liar!!
I had that same thought. While it may make a temporary impact, I worry about the possibility that the goons would tap our direct deposit pensions, social security, etc. I am retired and on a fixed income.
Omg yes! This is what I have been saying (in my head). Marching on the streets is good, but the real power is in the purse strings WE hold. Let's see how Donald feels when he gets stiffed for a job not well done (as he likes to do all the time).
There are some people who rely on refunds. I hope this is a wake up call for them to STOP strategizing to get a refund. It's a literal free loan to the government.
As a Navy Veteran, I am enraged that the Constitition that I personally pledged to support and defend is being ignored. They truly want to do away with the guiding document that we the people hold dear.
Thank you for your service. I am grateful for what you did just like my husband was a veteran. I am fighting for him and our children and grandchildren.
My father was a veteran of the Korean War. God bless all that service! Hopefully, we can get the Dictator out of our Country so it can be "Amazing Again"
Strongly agree and Thank you…My Grandfather WW1, My Dad WW2, and My Son served in Afghan and Iraq…All Vets served Honorably…There’s no honor in Trump…I’m with you..take the garbage out and make America Amazing Again❤️🇺🇸
My husband asked a coworker what he thought of the protests that have taken place. He didn't know what my husband was talking about. MSM is doing a fabulous job supporting the oligarchs and ignoring the people they are supposed to keep informed. He Googled the protests and the guy was shocked he had heard nothing about it. My husband told him where to go for truth and facts. MTN and their family of lie busting podcaster. Go Meidas Mighty!
Substack has an educated following and truth is its foundation. Trolls pop in now and then, it’s always a worthy exercise to question our belief systems, recognize cracks -if any are ‘founded’- and correct .At an increasing ripe age I am privileged to understand how much .I .don’t .know .and where to find truth to help improve myself, understand my friends, and ….help best I can those in need. No effort is too small…🫶
It’s an abomination and complete dereliction of duty that MSM did NOT cover the protests. I was branding the journalists as toadies and cowards, but really the blame goes to corporate media. The reporters are just pawns in the hostile takeover of greedy billionaires who own the media from the internet & cable to local radio/TV networks AND written press. The fourth estate has been compromised; right wing propagandists rule the day.
1. Engage Spanish speakers. This will help with building resistance in Mexico and Central America (which is being used as a pawn in the faux immigration emergency).
2. Work with friendly state legislatures. It’s time to have an equivalent to ALEC. States need to have more backbone and autonomy in this time. Federalism ultimately will be the piece that saves the country.
When the world acknowledge that Satan is walking the earth, then the truth will destroy him, as previously done.
The Word is a Verb
Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.
All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.
Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.
Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."
demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.
demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.
It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.
The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.
I AM Got this:
666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures
I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.
Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.
These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.
6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);
6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.
6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.
6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.
Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;
Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter
18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.
It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;
It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;
It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.
Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;
Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;
Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;
Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.
Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.
My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.
The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.
Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;
It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;
The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.
Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.
He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.
The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never just a formality.
Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.
The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.
Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus".
Who said it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle....
TY Teresa. I would point out (also from the ‘fixed income bracket’ ) there were days when $5 couldn’t be found let alone $10 or 100 ..and far too many are there still…..share Substack often as possible on Y’ALLS varying medias,please.
I love The MeidasTouch For All The Hard Work Everyone Has Done. Thank You Ben And All Of You For What You Do. This Is Only The Beginning Because We Will Fight Against The Evil And The Lies. I’m So Glad So Many People From Every Where Are Coming Together And Coming And Fighting Against These Traitors. We All Have To Stand Up And Together To Protect Our American Democracy 💯💯💯💯
There is a protest planned (Protest Against Fascism) for February 23rd in Washington Square Park in NYC. It starts at 12pm. There will be a lot of speakers and performers. A lot of the speakers will be from TT who are very liberal and progressive. Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask because Flu/strep/Norovirus is running rampant.
I would add caution too..reminder…infiltrators , moles, those trolls, whatever, have created havoc , known fact. Be sure to point out someone or note to authorities , suspicious , suspicions. The Buddy System..participation encouraged. 🫶🤞
I love you guys! Thank God you've got our back. There's something that seemed to slide by everyone though. I think that the white, South African immigrants are going to take the government jobs, to assist in taking complete control of the government. What fo you think?
More good news Ben. I am hopeful MTN can spread across the world to defeat this anti-democratic hard right movement. I look forward to engaging with people from other countries and cultures that just want to live free without all the hate and negativity.
There’s one other thing i think we can do…and that is to get an extension for tax filing. Imagaine if millions of us simply didn’t pay our taxes on April 15th
Glad you mentioned that. I was going to post that very idea elsewhere but I’m glad I’m seeing some support for civil disobedience. DT understands money and confrontation and a tax protest would provide both.
I was thinking the same thing. As long as the DOGE bags have control of the Treasury coffers, we should protest by refusing to pay our federal income taxes. Since the few remaining IRS agents will be busy at the border, a massive “income tax protest” would likely throw some sand in the gears!
Great Idea! I read an article about standing up to dictators with civil disobedience. They want all the money so take it away from them.
I saw a post that said to change your deduction at work to zero until this is resolved.
I always made my W-2 at work O zero deductions. I never wanted to give Feds. an interest free loan. I suggested that here a couple of times. If necessary I filled estimated taxes every quarter and kept my extra paycheck cash in a CD or high interest savings account.
I will do anything to put a monkey wrench in the trump/Musk/GOP Works.
If inflation goes through the roof, taxes at the end of the year will have mostly have been paid by $$ worth less than at the beginning of the year. Yes?
Scammer. Reported.
Double each fine to infinity.
How do you get an extension to delay payment of taxes to the IRS?
you can't. you can delay filing but not payment
But, if you don't know how much you owe, conceivably because you didn't get your, say 1099s, how can you pay? You've paid some all along, but not the full bill. Please explain.
we use a CPA and he files a form for the extension. *not tax advice.
We should be LOUD.
This is a billionaire's/millionaire's and those evading (vs. avoiding) to pay their taxes boon.
no taxation without representation
Yes! Lets dump the rotted produce not picked by targeted migrants upwind to slime ait'sdonald! Marlo co beach! Doral golf purse upwind the day before the next big tournament! Upwind of the oval when don comes in for a camera shoot and to watchnTV??
Block Donald main entrance of Mar loco with a garbage truck Dump of rotted oranges!! Dump that tea then stir it up for him!! Ugh
Only the Oligarchs are allowed to get away with criminal activity. They can fail but they can't go to jail.
He does? People who understand money go bankrupt often? Maybe we need an investigation on those stats. People who understand the complexity of a presidency , the rule of law, and why guardrails are established …like LAW..don’t act like Trump …those are the cons, the conspiracies, the criminals …and real “concepts”.
Oh yes he has a bachelors degree in finance from a credited school! Why doesn't he want to share his grades? Don Jrs grades? Since hes his Dads hiring advisor? Did elon go to college being a privileged white person South African? How did he do I wonder? Not what he says I mean an honest person says?
I remember seeing a story of Trump paying other students who were smarter than him take tests for him…Possible since classes in colleges are fairly large…
Isn't that how he met Jeffrey Epstein? Jeffrey wrote some of his exams and essays?
According to his niece, his sister did his homework and essays.
who cares?
I am always amazed how ‘tone’ can be reflected in such writs. And how humor can be wry. The subtleness. Nice, Scott 👏
That could help maybe? How about Jamie Rawlins class action against Elon for every US citizen having a data breach by Elonia? One here hoping Ben might be interested having the mighty join in! Yes please Sir put me at the top of the list!!
I think this is Rep. Jamie Raskin not Rollins who is considering a class action suit.
I'm in immediately.
It will take ten years and if it is successful you'll probably receive five dollars after the lawyers get paid. Why doesn't Raskin focus on his job and convince some of the moderate Republicans to grow a spine.
I really don't care if it takes 10 years. I wouldn't be in it for the money. I am 74 so may not be here in 10 years. But, oh the satisfaction of giving him and Musk just a moment if not more of aggravation is so worth it to me. That would do my heart good and i could die with a smile and a one finger salute. I am already below poverty and have nothing else to give. So count me in.
It may take a long time and pay $5 but it is a resistance to tie up Coupmasters' lawyers. Their lawyers are getting bad reps, warnings from judges that lying in court may jeopardize their lawyer licenses.I predict that even fewer lawyers willing to work for trump/Coupmasters will defend them in court. But with Musk's billions, who knows who can be bought.
I'm counting on MT to let us know when and where protests will begin. Thanks for the tax suggestion. Now, when and where will we take to the streets?
Oh my god.... my hippie blood just starting pumping again..... love this.... doesn't the extension take us to October 15th? Do we pay quarterlies or can we suspend that too? Why not play the billionaires game.. they do not pay equivalent taxes to their "income"
There are different ways to do this. Just Google file extension of IRS taxes. Go to IRS site to read about it.
I don't owe much this year so I may just not pay CUZ-No taxation without representation and until Constitutional law/order, checks/balances, SCOTUS forced to be ethical and enforce laws of bribes, appearance of partisanship/favor given to a particular group of people while harming the majority, Presidential Pardons are not an invitation to corrupt, overthrow our government of, by, for the people, US Congress work for the country, our Constitution and have an honor to their Oath that compels them to tell the truth, not spread propaganda, act as puppets of trump/Musk/Project 2025 Coupmasters-I won't pay IRS taxes.
My friend and I thought that taking over X. If enough of us sign up and rebuke Musk and his followers with facts until of course, Musk bans us. We could fact-check him on X. He spreads so many lies and hardly anyone stands up to him. It could be done in shifts. So If he had 100 people fact-checking them it could over them. Does anyone else think this could irritate Musk or even work? Most sane people have gotten off X so it's easy for him and his cohorts to use their platform to mess with people. When someone rarely stands up to Musk on X it usually is in the Headlines. So this could be a good publicity stunt. Is anyone interested?
I changed my Twitter Name to "MyName Now on BlueSky" and that got me banned. It would't hurt to have a contra Twitter Campaign as you suggest, times like these you gotta try, try things. Props!
Brilliant, olderwoman
Ben!! Sue that jack ass musk!! A mighty class action based on the breach of the 1986 Ronald Reagan Federal Data Secure Act? Can you picture 4 million mighty lined up to class action sue his Financier Elonia? I can see Donald soiling himself with that one and all night he is a victim rant!!
You have to pay your taxes on April 15th even if you file for an extension.
An important point. You must pay what you owe, but late filing does impact the government's data collection. I usually get a refund, but to be honest, I am wary of sending in a tax return and have been considering an extension until they get Musk out of there.
This strikes as something we should all consider, a protest you might say…😉
General Strike.....coast to coast........shut it all down.
I have been saying this exact thing. My only concern is if they would use it as an excuse to declare martial law.
Good point, thanks. Who all can declare Martial Law…oh, we can Google that ! Thinking ‘the courts’ may have to?
YES! General Strike.
Yes! Some are saying his hired young lads are mining data for Musks next venture! Owning Texas Data Central! Elon does not care about us, nor has he shown any remorse for the wrongful death of 64 people! Directly relate to his meddling with the FAA! He needs to be questioned about that, not brushed off by Republican congress and senate!!
True and not always true. I believe you can get a 6 month extension and have a payment plan with IRS.
Are you a tax accountant/lawyers?
I suggest everyone check out IRS website and Google. It is worth a try to throw monkey wrenchs at them all.
Yes, learned this the hard way. Then asking for an extension makes no sense, right?
Well what’s an extension for then?
Yeah. My son just finished doing a business' taxes from 2023! They had an extension. So, since he is too busy now to communicate with me (it's busy season), someone who is a CPA explain how this works.
You still have to pay. An extension to file is NOT an extension to pay. Please be aware of the penalties for not paying a good estimate of what you will owe.
Not paying taxes would affect our State & Local income hurting those who need it most. It sounds great (emotionally satisfying) until we follow it down the rabbit hole. Also, we don't want to become that which we despise, do we?
Everyone has already paid what they owe last year (or should have). I generally think that protests should not be actions that hurt yourself. Think Boston Tea Party.
Been thinking about that. You can send a letter of protest in with your tax return, and no money, but they might come after you for money owed at a high interest rate. Best to ask a professional
A tax extension gives you an extra six months to file your federal tax return. It doesn't extend the date to pay your tax bill if you owe money. You could face penalties if you don't pay your bill on tax day.
I was going to get my taxes done but I will go in and ask for an extension. I was thinking of doing this already.
I think, for those who work, it would be easier just to change your deductions to zero and put the money aside. I don't work anymore, so can't. Even if you do this for one year, you can always claim you had unusual circumstances in 2025 and that's why you owed so much (in 2026). That way, you don't have to do quarterlies. Anyway, since there will no longer be IRS agents, who's going to check?
Yes! Better idea? Mighty joins in with Raskins (Dem. From Mass.) every citizen class action lawsuit against Elon? Claiming his violation of the 1986 Ronald Reagan Law not to interfere with our Federal Stored personal information?
And? A large amount of legal law abiding protesters to help a Federal Marshall arrest Elon for Contempt of Court? To block the Dept of Defense trying to stop it?? Hey? Wonder if the J6 guys want in on this one? Multibillion lawsuit dived by 4 million Mighty folks = several 100? Hey Elon wants to be a trillionaire so that = several 1000 Yankee dollars. :-$
This seems like a popular idea but it's not going to make a difference.
You will still be legally responsible to pay taxes on due date regardless of extension or pay penalty.
Exactly!! As a Canadian, I am rooting for Americans to kick his ass! If they want individual states to pay, nit the federal government, THEN you shouldn't have to federal taxes! Show the regime who is actually in charge AMERICAN CITIZENS! 💙💙💙💙
Hey. I will give any Canadian a high five for their efforts!! Its going to hurt Donald. He's transactional you know! And the Canadians stiffed his tariffs!!! That is so incredibly cool!. You have some smart people in Canada! College is free there like your health care? Upstate NY I pay over 3500 dollars for each 3 credit graduate class. Ugh! And he wants to terminate education here? He's a stupid college dad donated fool!
Might work actually! Just thinking the Donald borrows money! His last term it was between 7 to 8 trillion to our Debt! Some are saying he is pushing for fed staff elimation, program elimination to help fund his front row billionaires!! Yep the one where they all were there and Elonia acted like he was tripping on something? I like Jamie Raskins class action all citizen lawsuit!! Elon is not above the law!! Time for him to sing! In sing sing!! Criminal contempt Liar!!
Just pay your taxes. The only one you're hurting is yourself.
I had that same thought. While it may make a temporary impact, I worry about the possibility that the goons would tap our direct deposit pensions, social security, etc. I am retired and on a fixed income.
Omg yes! This is what I have been saying (in my head). Marching on the streets is good, but the real power is in the purse strings WE hold. Let's see how Donald feels when he gets stiffed for a job not well done (as he likes to do all the time).
There are some people who rely on refunds. I hope this is a wake up call for them to STOP strategizing to get a refund. It's a literal free loan to the government.
Oh now that’s interesting🤔
I was thinking the same thing. Thanks for bringing it up and getting an extension is a great idea!! Imagine if we all got extensions?
An extension is for filing only - not for paying what you owe.
“Like the punk he is”….. 🤣… Well said Ben!!!!
Brain Fog needs to be blocked.
I’ve reported Brain Fog twice and nothing has been done.
MEIDAS, this is an advertisement! Are you here to support MEIDAS? No, Your inappropriate advertisement needs to stop.
As a Navy Veteran, I am enraged that the Constitition that I personally pledged to support and defend is being ignored. They truly want to do away with the guiding document that we the people hold dear.
from S/F Vet
"Foreign and Domestic"
And for now, the greatest threats are domestic.
Thank you for your service, sir.🫶
Thank you for standing up for our Constitution! They really are omitting as much of the Constitution to the greatest extent possible.
Agree, my hubby a Korean War vet with ana clearance is mortified at Trump who never served a day.
Thank you for your Husband’s service…The Draft dodging President has no respect for our Military and doesn’t respect our Constitution..
Thank you for your service. I am grateful for what you did just like my husband was a veteran. I am fighting for him and our children and grandchildren.
My father was a veteran of the Korean War. God bless all that service! Hopefully, we can get the Dictator out of our Country so it can be "Amazing Again"
Strongly agree and Thank you…My Grandfather WW1, My Dad WW2, and My Son served in Afghan and Iraq…All Vets served Honorably…There’s no honor in Trump…I’m with you..take the garbage out and make America Amazing Again❤️🇺🇸
My husband asked a coworker what he thought of the protests that have taken place. He didn't know what my husband was talking about. MSM is doing a fabulous job supporting the oligarchs and ignoring the people they are supposed to keep informed. He Googled the protests and the guy was shocked he had heard nothing about it. My husband told him where to go for truth and facts. MTN and their family of lie busting podcaster. Go Meidas Mighty!
None of those fake lying news channels covered any of that. They should be ashamed of themselves.It’s all about their ratings,money and trump. SMH
Thankfully MSNBC is covering them very well!
Substack has an educated following and truth is its foundation. Trolls pop in now and then, it’s always a worthy exercise to question our belief systems, recognize cracks -if any are ‘founded’- and correct .At an increasing ripe age I am privileged to understand how much .I .don’t .know .and where to find truth to help improve myself, understand my friends, and ….help best I can those in need. No effort is too small…🫶
It’s an abomination and complete dereliction of duty that MSM did NOT cover the protests. I was branding the journalists as toadies and cowards, but really the blame goes to corporate media. The reporters are just pawns in the hostile takeover of greedy billionaires who own the media from the internet & cable to local radio/TV networks AND written press. The fourth estate has been compromised; right wing propagandists rule the day.
Awesome!!! 👏🏽💪🏽 Opening blind eyes.
Good work!
1. Engage Spanish speakers. This will help with building resistance in Mexico and Central America (which is being used as a pawn in the faux immigration emergency).
2. Work with friendly state legislatures. It’s time to have an equivalent to ALEC. States need to have more backbone and autonomy in this time. Federalism ultimately will be the piece that saves the country.
When the world acknowledge that Satan is walking the earth, then the truth will destroy him, as previously done.
The Word is a Verb
Demonic trump, #666, aka the Beast of Revelation 13:18, the Felon, serial Rapist, Treasonous Traitor Terrorists, ordained Blasphemer/Liar, never placed his hand on the Living Word.
All Oaths for the leadership of the USA demands the Oath be taken, not Faking. The living Word can not be reached unless you touch the Living Word. The same Living Word who Justice Robert's laid his hand upon, finalizing the Covenant/contract saying he's accepts the Job.
Demonic trump looked, John Robert's in his eyes knowing that Robert's had already sacrifice himself for him, but Demonic trump treated this as a tv show. It is the reason why he switched from outside. It was easier to hide his Lie.
Therefore, demonic trump has caused USA to fulfill the Scriptures in Revelation 18:2, "fallen is Babylon the great! She has become a dwelling place for demons, a haunt for every unclean spirit, a haunt for every unclean bird, a haunt for every unclean and detestable beast."
demonic trump broke his and America's final contract. His Authority and order's are invalid.
demonic trump lie when he told his son "the Words don't matter Actions do." The Word is always Living, it is the action. Without it the Constitution hold no validation. The "Actions" demand contact, non-negotiable.
It is the reason he's rushing faking his authority.
The Great Eagle/Babylon has fallen.
I AM Got this:
666 revealed as demonic trump, by Scriptures
I AM writing to reveal the revelation of 13:18.
Rev. 13:18 says "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six."
It has been said that God placed 3 sister judges amongst the sky on the behalf of God, in the belt of Orion the Hunter, the same dog constellation of the ancients.
These Judges throughout history has been commonly known as the Watchers and Angels. They are the ones who the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) took their Oath with.
6 of those judges are the RAT (Robert's, Alito, Thomas) and KGB (Kavanaugh, Gorsch, Barrett);
6 of them told the 1st star Judge of the sky, commonly known as Alnitak, as they had told Justice Sonia Sotomayor -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.
6 of them told the 2nd star commonly known as Alnilam , as they had told Justice Elena Kagan -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.
6 of them told the 3rd star commonly known as Mintaka, as they had told Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson -- that demonic trump is without sin, as is the Messiah and God.
Therefore, demonic trump was allowed to walk the earth free from paying the wages of his sins unlike the Messiah. Those 6 Judges paid his dower of 18 votes, and sacrifice their own; which freed him from the punishment from man, Only. That dower does not restore him as ruler ever again;
Being that God is always of order this Riddle was assigned for the 13th chapter
18, to represent that it will be unlucky for those who benefits and beliefs are numbered by those 18 votes.
It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before God and said demonic trump is like God;
It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before the Messiah and said demonic trump is like the Messiah;
It is the same as if those 6 Judges stood before Holy Spirt and said demonic trump is like the Holy Spirt.
Demonic trump is the same, 1st Rider of the Apocalypse described as, the Great Blasphemer. Blasphemy commonly is known as a Liar, which he is perpetual, as if ordain, who came to korrupt and konfuse, and konquer the world;
Demonic trump rode in with Covid, the worse famine the world has ever experienced;
Demonic trump rode in with traditional wars and new types of War, physical and socially, this is the 3rd horse;
Demonic trump also, rode in with Death, by all means possible, like no time before; via, Covid, fires such as, in California and Hawaii, earthquakes and atrocities ..etc. All of these instances has and must come about in his same time period when man has the nuclear ability to kill the world. This is the Apocalypse at it's height during his reign.
Now Revelation 13:5 confirms that it would last for 42 months, which is 3½ years. Demonic trump has already spent that time.
My mission today has now been completed. Next and soon I will provide where in Scriptures it confirms that the Dragon and Beast mentioned in the first Chapter of Revelation 13, is the reaches of Roman Catholic Church, and the Christians-Zionist faiths practice in America and Israel.
The White supremacists are the choose people, by #666 Satan. They are the ⅓ of the white race who has follow the demonic.
Demonic Trump did not place his hand upon the Bible because he knows it has Scriptures that foretold his pass, present and short future, as the Beast, who was freed from Jail, by the Supreme Court that condemned their own souls, by placing their hand upon actual living words; reach out, to complete the chain reaction; Yet, demonic trump choose the Foolish Oath, cutting off the Action of the Word;
It was not the season, why demonic trump tried to hide inside; he knew his time, has already been; Faking now, knowing sin doesn't win;
The Presidency is vacant, he refused to take the Oath. Every direction he gave are unconstitutional, the Supreme Court 6 committed their external life to death, for lying to God, the Messiah & Holy Spirt to meet the terms of God's Word. 6 of them told God, and then went and told the Messiah, and then went and told the Holy Spirt that they are Liars, because Demonic trump is also, without sin. They told the Messiah to chill, that he will choose who can get saved. They told those 3; that their Scriptures are a Lie because Demonic trump will save America first, and Only. Finally they told those 3; God, Messiah and the Holy Ghost that the Oath is negotiable, that it can be signed without, shaking hands with God, the Messiah and the Holy Ghost.
Just as those 6 Judges; RAT KGB, like all Judges had to shake hands with God when agreeing to the Covenant for the job. Instead demonic trump did as all Blasphemer do. He raised his hand to testify, as if he was in court, performed aka Lied, as if ordain; but the Oath is for a Job interview. Again as usual demonic trump failed the art of the deal by replacing it with the art of the Steal.
He thought God wasn't watching his slight of hand, as he told his son; Words don't matter action do. Demonic trump told his rebranded base, by his leadership team, as the "Maga Retarded," that there is nothing to see here, as he went inside to hide. Hoping that less eyes would see his lie/alibi.
The Oath for the Presidency of the United States of America, as is democracy are never just a formality.
Demonic trump failed to honor the reality of doing business, closing the deal, sign,sealed and delivered.
The effect of demonic trump slight of hand has cost, fore Babylon ( USA) the Great has fallen.
Not my gospel.
Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus".
Who said it is easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle....
Is Trump circumcized?
“one in Jesus Christ “ seems discriminatory to me. That doesn’t include Muslims, Hindus, all other faiths, and atheists like me.
The quote is from a different time but I am sure it includes everyone now…
We all need to support Meidas if possible. Thank you for your hard work. I’m very grateful. 😉
Glad to be a member Teresa. Just started today. 🫶
It’s a small price to pay to get the real deal! I’m on a fixed income so I pick and choose wisely! Have a great day Patricia. 😉
TY Teresa. I would point out (also from the ‘fixed income bracket’ ) there were days when $5 couldn’t be found let alone $10 or 100 ..and far too many are there still…..share Substack often as possible on Y’ALLS varying medias,please.
I love The MeidasTouch For All The Hard Work Everyone Has Done. Thank You Ben And All Of You For What You Do. This Is Only The Beginning Because We Will Fight Against The Evil And The Lies. I’m So Glad So Many People From Every Where Are Coming Together And Coming And Fighting Against These Traitors. We All Have To Stand Up And Together To Protect Our American Democracy 💯💯💯💯
There is a protest planned (Protest Against Fascism) for February 23rd in Washington Square Park in NYC. It starts at 12pm. There will be a lot of speakers and performers. A lot of the speakers will be from TT who are very liberal and progressive. Everyone is encouraged to wear a mask because Flu/strep/Norovirus is running rampant.
I would add caution too..reminder…infiltrators , moles, those trolls, whatever, have created havoc , known fact. Be sure to point out someone or note to authorities , suspicious , suspicions. The Buddy System..participation encouraged. 🫶🤞
Any info about a 2/17 Presidents’ Day peaceful protest at 12n in Boston Common? Rumors abound, but we can’t pin down a definite on this.
FYI - Many have reported that FB seemed to squelch info leading up to the recent Boston march on 2/3.
This is a good idea for MeidasTouch. Publicize protests. Don't depend on corporate media to so do.
Heritage Foundation HQ should have round the protests.
This nazi-draconian-fascist institurion needs to be harrased, taunted and tracked constantly.
2025 can still be puit on tic-tock and every form of media
They have a website that has the document. More people should read it.
That one I don't know anything about. I only know about this one because I have friends going and it has permits.
I’m in! We must be able to return to a country that values its Constitution and the proclamation of Justice For ALL.
I love you guys! Thank God you've got our back. There's something that seemed to slide by everyone though. I think that the white, South African immigrants are going to take the government jobs, to assist in taking complete control of the government. What fo you think?
Well said and well done, Ben! Thank you SO much!❤️
Mayor Ben.
Keep hitting out with a left hook the truth & the right jab the facts.
Go the full distance, how ever rounds it takes.
More good news Ben. I am hopeful MTN can spread across the world to defeat this anti-democratic hard right movement. I look forward to engaging with people from other countries and cultures that just want to live free without all the hate and negativity.
Thank you for all you’re doing!!
Love you guys! Love the MeidasMIghty!! 💪💪💪💙🍊🐖💩
GO, GO, GO!! Kept up the good work!!!