Welcome to Substack MeidasTouch!

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Thanks, Michael!

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Great to see MeidasTouch here on Substack!!!

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Great to be here!

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Please please spread the fact that trump will absolutely lie to the American people that the infrastructure bill that Biden passed and all the jobs and projects, trump will take credit for them. Watch the interview and please consider this for your YouTube channel. It’s important. https://youtu.be/zRZD1taQIv0?si=E5kIH6qFQUib96vE

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Hello Everyone,

These guys are good as I never pay for stuff on the internet, but this I will pay for.

Plus I figure they need the money with all the new babies and all.

This older woman has a soft spot for babies.

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Am a left leaning English Brit with a penchant for global issues. Am hoping to improve our nation with well informed information to speak with our members of Parliament without BBC bias.

I have found Meidas Touch a reliable source of balancd perspective. Thanks all over there. Always with love from over here.

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My husband is from Cambridge. He also thinks the BBC is tainted somewhat.

Nice to "meet" you. xx

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I agree, with the exception of the clichéd BBC bias bit.

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Thanks for the comment. It became noticable when the BBC would report on Trump issues, in their effort to be objective they failed to report the less endearing facts, like the 2025 document etc etc. I don't know why they've done this on more than one occasion now and can only assume they don't want to upset our ally, or engage in politics perhaps. It doesn't come easy to criticise the BBC, but in their effort to be neutral they are actually being biased. Appreciate your opinion, vital to function as a caring and compassionate society. Thank you.

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It’s alright BBC. Your allies are already upset by Project 2025. Go for it.

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Thanks Brett, Jordy and Daddy Ben for doing this! 🫶🏻😽🙏

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Hey y'all, Evan Hurst from Wonkette and The Moral High Ground here. Glad to see you on this platform, added y'all to my recs for The Moral High Ground.

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Welcome to Substack. You are definitely amongst many friends here!

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Thank you! The ads on the free site were getting unbearable!

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I am glad to see you on this venue.

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My #1 source for political news! Love the brothers, Popok, Karen, and Cohen. Keep up the good work.

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Blended Families 😎

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Do you have a monthly option for those of us who

are retired and on a fixed income?

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Yes, I just checked. It’s $10 a month!

You have to upgrade from free to Paid membership through your web browser not on the app

I hope this helps! 💙

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This is fabulous, glad you joined us.

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Hey. I am being emailed to become a paid memeber of Meidas+ for $10 a month? Yet I subscribe through Patreon for $6.99. What is the difference? If I subscribe for Meidas+ I would drop Meidas Touch network. Kinda confusing guys

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Congrats Ben or should I say dad.

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So happy you all are here

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