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Triage breaths left calmly starkly as warned ⚠️ by our 1st American president George Washington's last address described cynical evil 😈 clogging your eyes πŸ‘€ IN MY FAITH IN YOUR EYES πŸ‘€ to witness this vessels finite breaths left calmly starkly as mwe presently Succinctly perfecto reject FORCE IN MY DUTY TO BE INFORMED BY OUR WORD'S deficits to understand faster patience is my meditation of my lords amazing creations enlightened my imperfect UNEDUCATED ILLITERATE BRAIN'S assaulted calculations of my breath survival together as mwe presently in the whole wondrously shown in your faithfulness my breath triage pause ⏸️ OF ALL GOOD-FAITHS GOVERNMENT CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC PRINCIPLES FOR EVERY BREATHS LEFT ADORED your eyes πŸ‘€ I needed to understand faster in fleshes weaknesses discernable I am continually liberated by OUR HIGHEST HONOR'S DIED TO BE FREE IN FREEWILL AS WORD'S DEFINITIONS LITERAL SIMPLEST TERM'S EXPLICIT IMPLICIT PURPOSE HEALS MY OATH LIKE YOURS WAS PRICKED TO CHOSE WHILE BREATHING IS NOT FORCE ANYWHERE ANYTIME ANYMORE BECAUSE MWE CONSTITUENTS VOICES REJECT ALL PETULANCE ISIS TACTICS DISTRACTING FOR THIS MOUNT ZION IS FOR ALL GOOD-FAITHS APPLICATIONS TO THE GRACE πŸ‘‘ SHARED BY πŸ‘‘ SHARED CALM BREATHS LEFT BEFORE I CEASE BREATHING AUTOMATICALLY AND AUTONOMOUSLY REGENERATIVE MIRACULOUSLY PROMISED US WILL NEVER SUBMIT TO ATTRITIONS CHAOTIC PETULANT RICH MEN'S VILE INHUMANE petulant fragilest egos sealed in our word's WRITTEN to understand.

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