
wow. thank you, Justin!

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I watched this interview on YouTube yesterday. It was instructive to hear of the process that Justin went through to see clearly what and who Trump really is. Trump has nothing but disdain for the military. He has proven that over and over. I have always been struck by any allegiance military people have for this despicable anti-American psychopath. I hope, Justin, that you can convince others. The phrase, “Thank you for your service” has become almost trite. Words are cheap. As a country we owe it to those in uniform not to send them off on a poorly defined mission. Lots of money was made by unscrupulous non-military participants. The politicians Justin speaks of. Read all about it in the G.W. Bush Administration.

Finally, the country owes the veterans more than words. I believe that the Democratic Party at this juncture will fight for veterans and for the proper services and respect they deserve. Thank you for your service. We said it. Now let us show it.

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The military MUST mobilize as if to fight our enemy on foreign shores. In this case the enemy is within our country. The enemy is the walking Big Mac. Trump. They all have to vote for Harris even if they never vote for a democrat again. The country depends on the military for this blue vote the same as they do to protect our country. We can’t go back. We won’t go back.

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His story needs a wider audience. He should also look at #VoteVets and similar organizations to get his story out to vets. The more their stories are told, the more they wake-up from their nightmare of trumplethinskin. Have a good weekend @MeidaMighty!!

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The Lincoln Project would probably love to have him tell his story. They may be Republicans but they're the old style GOP and very anti-MAGA and Trump.

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I never heard a Democrat not supporting the military? Where did he get that idea is he only part out? Successful business man was never reality for Convict 34! That was a “reality show” front. The Democrats were saying help the military at the same time about higher wages for service members and the Republicans may have used lip service for their base but they never actually worked for higher wages or anything for the military families. Highest military pay raise since 2007 have been 2023 4.6 percent and 2024 5.2 by Democrats. Trump lied in 2018 and said he gave a 10 percent raise to the military but of course he didn’t.

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My understanding is that military bases play Fox News, so the troops are horribly misinformed.

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It is disgraceful and disgusting, how so many voters don’t get informed! Listen to unreliable sources for there info! Like Fox, Newsmax, OAN! They don’t hear or see exactly what is going on with criminal idiots like Trump! So? I knew of Trump collusion with Russia during 2016 election! That’s bad, then I see the lies he told about a self made billionaire! Another lie! He was given 400 million from his dad at time of his death! Filed bankruptcy over 4 times in 20 years! Disgusting so call business man! Then 2x impeach after all these morons put in the office by MAGA morons! Then insurrection? During the office I saw white supremacy friends of the idiot! At riots! Nice people on both sides? He can be supporting to these hate groups as a president? Omg! All that’s here is suckers and losers from our war dead service members in France? I am a veteran! The court appearance several times! Losing all his cases! Gets fines for his own so call business! Owes over 400 million to NY for bank, money, documents, tax fraud! What makes him credible to run this country! Yet? These MAGA morons still support him? Omg!

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Trump is the biggest threat to our democracy. He is incompetent and delusional.

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It’s time to start making noise about JD Futon being the “real” Republican nominee and Donald being just second fiddle. If we create a story about this and Donald hears about it, chances are he’s going to lash out at Vance for trying to steal the spotlight from him. It would be nice to see a rift between them so close to the election.

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13 hrs agoLiked by MeidasTouch Network

Yes!!!! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸💪🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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I applaud your decision.

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Love it. Thank you for this.

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Thanks Justin! I am so sorry for all you have been through. I was life long( not young now) R and I left the party for good J 6 2021 , but I was a never Trump person. I have always seen him as a grifter. Years ago when I went to his casino, I decided then he was fake.

I am so grateful for your speaking out! Thank you for your service.

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Geez this guy likes to talk.

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At least he doesn't spew word salads. He spoke very well and clearly giving strong valid reasons for his change of heart.

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Powerful Message today 💯👍 will reStack for the American people ASAP 🇺🇸💙🌊🌊🌊🌊

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If they still buy all Trumps condemning the Military AND the Wounded Vets. Well then there is no hope for a strong America.

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Triage breaths left calmly starkly as warned ⚠️ by our 1st American president George Washington's last address described cynical evil 😈 clogging your eyes 👀 IN MY FAITH IN YOUR EYES 👀 to witness this vessels finite breaths left calmly starkly as mwe presently Succinctly perfecto reject FORCE IN MY DUTY TO BE INFORMED BY OUR WORD'S deficits to understand faster patience is my meditation of my lords amazing creations enlightened my imperfect UNEDUCATED ILLITERATE BRAIN'S assaulted calculations of my breath survival together as mwe presently in the whole wondrously shown in your faithfulness my breath triage pause ⏸️ OF ALL GOOD-FAITHS GOVERNMENT CONSTITUTIONAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC PRINCIPLES FOR EVERY BREATHS LEFT ADORED your eyes 👀 I needed to understand faster in fleshes weaknesses discernable I am continually liberated by OUR HIGHEST HONOR'S DIED TO BE FREE IN FREEWILL AS WORD'S DEFINITIONS LITERAL SIMPLEST TERM'S EXPLICIT IMPLICIT PURPOSE HEALS MY OATH LIKE YOURS WAS PRICKED TO CHOSE WHILE BREATHING IS NOT FORCE ANYWHERE ANYTIME ANYMORE BECAUSE MWE CONSTITUENTS VOICES REJECT ALL PETULANCE ISIS TACTICS DISTRACTING FOR THIS MOUNT ZION IS FOR ALL GOOD-FAITHS APPLICATIONS TO THE GRACE 👑 SHARED BY 👑 SHARED CALM BREATHS LEFT BEFORE I CEASE BREATHING AUTOMATICALLY AND AUTONOMOUSLY REGENERATIVE MIRACULOUSLY PROMISED US WILL NEVER SUBMIT TO ATTRITIONS CHAOTIC PETULANT RICH MEN'S VILE INHUMANE petulant fragilest egos sealed in our word's WRITTEN to understand.

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