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Iraq and Afghanistan Veteran Urges Veterans to Leave MAGA in Emotional Interview

Justin Yu, a two-time Trump voter, shares his journey from military service to leaving MAGA, calling on fellow veterans to listen closely to Trump’s own words. Enjoy this ad free interview on Meidas+.

In an emotional interview with Leaving MAGA co-founder Rich Logis on the MeidasTouch Network, Justin Yu, a veteran who served in both Iraq and Afghanistan, shared his story of leaving the MAGA movement. Once a strong supporter of Donald Trump, having voted for him twice, Yu detailed his growing disillusionment with Trump’s leadership and his call for fellow veterans to leave MAGA.

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Yu explained that his initial support for Trump came from frustration with career politicians, particularly after witnessing the lies that led to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. “What in the heck are we fighting and dying for?” Yu said, reflecting on how many veterans felt they had been betrayed by politicians during the war on terror. He explained that Trump's non-political background as a businessman seemed appealing at the time, especially to veterans tired of political elites.

However, as time passed, Yu’s faith in Trump began to erode. One of the turning points for him was Trump’s negotiation with the Taliban. Yu emphasized, “Trump released the prisoners, not just any prisoners…the very same ones that [attacked Abbey Gate] when during the pullout in 2021.” He pointed out that these very same individuals were responsible for the tragic attack during the 2021 Afghanistan withdrawal, a decision Yu firmly attributes to Trump.

The ultimate turning point came on January 6th, 2021, during the attack on the U.S. Capitol. “It was enabling a group of individuals to storm the Capitol with the sole purpose of disrupting a legal proceeding that needed to happen,” Yu recounted. Watching the attack unfold live on television, he realized he could no longer support Trump and the MAGA movement.


Yu also addressed fellow veterans who continue to support Trump, urging them to think critically about what the former president truly did for the military. He stressed that many veterans might be overlooking key facts, especially when it comes to Trump’s handling of military and foreign affairs, such as the Taliban negotiations.

Rich Logis, co-founder of Leaving MAGA, remarked on the common trajectory of many veterans who supported Trump but eventually felt betrayed. He praised Yu’s courage in leaving MAGA and speaking out, acknowledging the difficulty of breaking free from such a movement.

Yu's story is part of a growing wave of former Trump supporters, particularly veterans, who are reconsidering their alignment with MAGA. His message was clear: loyalty to the Constitution should come before loyalty to any political figure. Through his personal transformation, Yu hopes to inspire others who are struggling to leave MAGA behind.

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