I couldn’t make it through this period of political turmoil without Legal AF and the Meidas Touch Network. I know there is a lot of work that goes into the rigorous analysis you both provide. Please know it is genuinely appreciated.

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It does set a terrible precedent— if I was a member of the jury I would be angry. As a US citizen I will be appalled if justice is not served.

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everyone that has had charges like Trump should file an appeal as to equal treatment as a victum of two teir justice

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That's what I said bc wtf

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Worth mentioning, ALL FOUR of these January 6 federal civil suits are still alive and unreported on.

One of them is before scotus this week (for cert) and due a reply brief tomorrow from DJT


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Heritage Foundation and Federalist Society are tax exempt enemies of the American people

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Why hasn't the Epstein List been released yet?!

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It’s disgusting that Trump won’t go to jail or have an ankle “bracelet” when sentencing comes down! The rest of us would be sentenced to the max.

The immunity thing is a Supreme Court f- up if immense proportion! When I heard it I threw up in my mouth.

Trump is the most self serving, immoral, criminal, corrupt, dumb, idiotic, lying, piece of s—t, ever elected to the presidency ( There may be others but I’m to young to have witnessed it in my 70 years.). And I don’t want the last four years of my life turning on the news, TV or radio wanting to die a little more because I have to view this moron Trump “F” up our world a little more!!!!!!

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Exactly what

I think. I'm 75

My last hearing his

Voice will kill me.

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Hold on sweetie, he’s older than we are. Get together with other supportive elders (even online).

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And it’s appalling how much support he’s been getting from certain elected officials and under-informed voters.

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Really appreciate you giving us professional understanding of what is happening with the LIAR, Criminal Traitor, Rapist Trump!

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Listen faithfully to all the Meidas Substacks but what the hell???? Nothing, absolutely nothing will happen to him!

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Have you checked out Fanbase? Looks like it may be appropriate for Meidas

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with the 34 convictions , and no jail time is crazy ... These situations cause law abiding citizens to not trust the criminal "no justice" system.

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Even mother nature doesn't want that corrupt felon and longtime FRAUD to be certified on January 6th. Unfortunately he has tainted my Birthday Forever...

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I was born on Dec 7, one year after Pearl Harbor, on top of being in the middle of the holidays. As an adult, I took to saying "No, it's my birthday" and reminding people that making the association is natural, but that just because it pops into their head doesn't mean it has to come out their mouth. It was an effective tactic, done tactfully. But as a kid, it was miserable to have my birthday taken away so thoughtlessly, even by adults who should know better.

As for my own feelings about it, my family ensured that the day was mine, which left me with the sense that Pearl Harbor had nothing to do with me. It didn't taint my BD. And Jan 6 is still just the day the electoral ballots are ritually counted, and have been counted for a long time now. It also just happens to be your Birthday. By the way, Happy Birthday to you, and eff Trump.

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Thank you. I pretty much feel the same. We both have days that will live in infamy.

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Another informative video!!m

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Can someone walk me through listening to podcasts on my iPhone, using words of one syllable or less? I access Substack on a computer, not the app. It's been so long since I last tried this I don't remember any of it, and I'm a semi-Luddite to begin with.

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Not sure the app works on iphone. I use my phone and my computer in entirely different ways, for different kinds of things. I tried the app but found it less than satisfying, so dumped the app. Others may feel differently about this, and may see the app as a useful tool. For me, it felt as if my device was controlling me, something I try to avoid. I'm fine with watching/listening on my computer.

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I'm on a desktop computer--best option for both hands and vision--and an office chair is not a comfortable place to sit for the length of this. I was thinking more of trying to listen to it on the phone while I was doing something else around the house or getting on my neglected exercise bike. If these are available as podcasts and not just videos, that would be different than using the app...I think.

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A question - seems to me that Joe Biden’s main responsibility as President is to protect the American people. That being the case and on the basis that Trump, demonstrably and provably is the main threat to the American Public then it is surely Biden’s duty to have his DOJ or his Generals arrest Trump and have him incarcerated awaiting trial on charges of espionage and conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election. Biden’s actions couldn’t be considered illegal because his act would be in line with his duties as sitting President, which SOTUS has in any event provided him with complete immunity. He could then appoint his own VP as President whilst the trial process is underway. What are you thoughts?

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The sad fact is that Biden doesn't have the balls to do what must be done. He will do nothing but sleepwalk us into tyranny whilst mouthing platitudes about "the peaceful transfer of power".

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Unfortunately Rump is above the law and everyone is intimidated by him, so this is a waste of time.

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