I love your channel but I am broke, can't afford $10 a month, can you make it $5

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This is free to all of our subscribers - and you can always watch on YouTube as well (there will just be a few ads over there)

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“Marshall has made his decision. And, I have made mine! Now, let him try to enforce his.” ~ President, Major General, and Commander in Chief, Andrew Jackson (D) - Tennessee … “Well, Joe … Do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya p’nk!” ~ Inspector “Dirty” Harry Callahan aka Rowdy Yates … “Yee! Haw! Roll ‘em out! ~ Rawhide 🦅

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Patti, I paid for 2 reasons, to avoid the ads, and to support MEIDAS. I sent them $100. I love their work. Ben's interview with President Biden is EPIC.

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If I could afford it, I would gladly support the channel. If I had an extra $100 I would send it. I am on SS so money is very tight, and getting tighter 😞

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Disposable income is just a memory.

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I will be moving up to founder in February to help cover for the Magat attacks that are forthcoming.

What MTN has now must be protected as the going will get tougher after Jan 20...

hide away 5 bucks a month.........you will be pleasantly suprised

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YouTube is free subscription of Meidas Touch and Legal AF 😉

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I am not looking for free, I want to support the channel, I am looking for a way where I can pay $5 a month instead of $10.

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I understand that MT has overhead costs so we can get this news, however being a senior on a small fixed income I can only afford 1-2 subscriptions to Substack reporters and blogs and have hit my financial limit.

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This is free to all of our subscribers - and you can always watch on YouTube as well (there will just be a few ads over there)

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“Marshall has made his decision. And, I have made mine! Now, let him try to enforce his.” ~ President, Major General, and Commander in Chief, Andrew Jackson (D) - Tennessee … “Well, Joe … Do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya p’nk!” ~ Inspector “Dirty” Harry Callahan aka Rowdy Yates … “Yee! Haw! Roll ‘em out! ~ Rawhide 🦅

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When ate Jack Smith's reports going to be published?

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So the tech bros’ disdain for and dismissal of regular of MAGAs seems to mirror Trump’s, just said blatantly out loud in public. If the regular MAGAs truly understood how little Trump thinks of them, perhaps they’d rethink their votes and their MAGA identities.

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Watching the crowd on Steve Bannon's speech (wherever) they ugly countenances of all those white a$$wipes in the room cheering to get Matt Gaetz back, Matt Matt Matt! cheering tells exactly what those scum are. Ugly human beings. They have now gotten permission to be scum publicly.

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I am incensed that you acquiece letting insurrectionists take oaths of office. Don’t let democracy die on our watch. https://truthout.org/articles/trump-is-using-unitary-executive-theory-in-his-bid-to-amass-supreme-power/

January 3-5, Washington, D.C. Details coming soon

https://nowmarch.org/join-the-movement/ts the burden


We need to take a stand. William Baude and Michael Paulsen, Harvard Law Review, "Sweeping Section Three under the Rug: A Comment on Trump v. Anderson:

"Yet equally significant is what the Court did not decide. It did not reject the Colorado Supreme Court’s conclusion that Trump is disqualified from future office, under the standards of Section Three. It did not hold that the events culminating in the January 6 attack on the capitol fell short of the constitutional standard for an “insurrection.” It did not reject the Colorado Supreme Court’s conclusion that Trump had “engaged in” that insurrection. It did not question the Colorado courts’ factual findings concerning Trump’s conduct and intent. And–perhaps contrary to initial appearances, and contrary to the critique of the justices concurring in the judgment only–the Court did not hold that Section Three is legally inoperative without enforcement legislation by Congress. Nothing in the case contradicts the conclusions we reached in our prior scholarship, The Sweep and Force of Section Three, on any of these points.

"The upshot is that Donald Trump remains constitutionally disqualified from the presidency and may not lawfully serve in that office or any other unless Congress removes the disqualification by two-thirds majorities of both houses. Nothing in Trump v. Anderson changes that legal reality. If Donald Trump was constitutionally ineligible to the presidency on March 3, 2024, the day before the Court’s decision, he remained constitutionally ineligible on March 5, the day after its decision. And he remains ineligible today. A variety of potential avenues to enforce that disqualification remain. Sweeping Section Three under the rug thus may merely have postponed the day of ultimate constitutional reckoning."

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Two-thirds of SCOTUS is complicit, in opposition to the clear-as-day Constition's words on the matter, and should be considered domestic enemies (and treated as such).

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Even more reason to stand up.

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“Marshall has made his decision. And, I have made mine! Now, let him try to enforce his.” ~ President, Major General, and Commander in Chief, Andrew Jackson (D) - Tennessee … “Well, Joe … Do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya p’nk!” ~ Inspector “Dirty” Harry Callahan aka Rowdy Yates … “Yee! Haw! Roll ‘em out! ~ Rawhide 🦅

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H1-B visas are a way to establish a class of indentured servants and destroy the bargaining power of American workers.

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Here is a question out of left field. Over Popok's right shoulder, in the background, there is a boater hat. I direct a chorus in the Barbershop Harmony Society, and that hat is associated with Barbershop Quartets. Is Popok a barbershopper?

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I sat down to peruse the news and the first headline that pops up on my notifications is something about Jenner on CNN saying Joe Biden will leave office in disgrace because he pardoned Hunter and commuted sentences of 37 prisoners on death row. Not a word about the criminals Trump pardoned or has promised to pardon. Next was the WaPo urging Liberals not to feel gleeful over the Republican mess and Trump’s supporters “getting what they deserve” because “other people will be hurt, too.” NFS! These guys aren’t bowing down; they’re bending over.

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I'm laughing just like Popock. I suppose I should be appalled, but this circus is hysterical.

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Sadly, a good portion of what Musk said is correct. Here's a staggering stat on Americans. One half of adults in this country read at the level of a 5th grade child. And a fifth of American adults read at the level of a 3rd grader. Gotta call it like I see it. This is NOT an education driven society.

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True, in large part. That still doesn't give that fucking nazi a pass. He needs to fuck all the way off. Now.

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I could not agree with you more! What a phucking mess.....Have a great New Year!

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Back to your original point, I've seen the dumbing-down process in action (and the results) for decades. Frankly, I'm surprised it took this long to get here. 😢

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Thanks, and Happy New Year to you!

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You two are great! Have a Happy New Year Ben and Michael. 🎉🎊💙🇺🇸

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Way back in the 1970's, I think, SUNY New Paltz in mid-state NY was known as a liberal arts, but primarily as an art school. However, under George Pataki as governor, the art school was defunded and he converted that campus to an engineering school that catered to Indian foreign students. That college has been rocking Indian engineering students EXCLUSIVELY ever since. No Americans; no Whites allowed. So, this idea if Musk's has been in place for decades.

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Elon Musk IS racist but will look the other way if it can save HIM money......From S. Africa and believes in Apartheid. East Indians who live in S. Africa are considered to be Black. Ever notice that Musk and Vivek Rama smarmy are NEVER seen together??

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Looks like Trump's honeymoon first 100 days is going to be a nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue.

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Democrats be Democrats. This is really important. How does it get implemented?

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Real news should be free. How else can the public get facts? Think npr

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This is free to all of our subscribers - and you can always watch on YouTube as well (there will just be a few ads over there)

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“Marshall has made his decision. And, I have made mine! Now, let him try to enforce his.” ~ President, Major General, and Commander in Chief, Andrew Jackson (D) - Tennessee … “Well, Joe … Do ya feel lucky? Well, do ya p’nk!” ~ Inspector “Dirty” Harry Callahan aka Rowdy Yates … “Yee! Haw! Roll ‘em out! ~ Rawhide 🦅

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NPR may offer free content, but they still need funding to operate, relying on donations and sponsorships. The same goes for The Meidas Touch—they need Substack paid subscriptions to keep things running or funding via their YouTube channel with the use of Patreon.

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Money is fluid.........it moves from one hand to another.......MTN is an integral part in saving democracy and our way of life.......it must be part of the circular pathway of money. Being fortunate and able to support MTN, during these volitile times is non-debatable for me.

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Agreed. For those with the means it is a necessity. However, like the Meidas Touch noted, they are on YouTube for free for those who can't afford to help and for now parts of this Substack are being offered. Unlike other news agencies, they are trying to do their part to get the necessary information out there without forcing everyone into a financial committment. Not only is it rare, but commendable. They understand that without doing this, all Americans and our allies might not have the important access to all of the information. As such, The Meidas Touch doesn't alienate anyone.

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MTN is being used as source information for the smaller progressive podcasts and news sources.

These days of preparation for Jan 20 and beyond are vital. The MM welcomes and needs every person possible to be onboard. Resistance and pushback against Trumps 2025/authoritarian agenda will require all of us.

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I don't expect free

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