Dear God, Trump must be removed, not impeached removed. He is lawless and in breach of contract in that he signed the oath of office. He is not upholding the constitution.. dear God help us survive Trump’s cruel administration of corrupt greed
And remove the rest of them. If they are left in office they will continue. Put the guilty back in jail where they belong. A PPO written to any of this regime to not step foot in or near the White House ever again. We must protect her at all costs.
Removing him would not solve the problem. I am convinced that he is only a puppet of the Heritage Foundation. Part of their plan would be to cause so much friction between the American citizens and The Orange Turd that the current Trump Cartel would be happily inclined to use the 25th amendment against him and in turn put up their bright star JD Vance - who is a far weaker puppet than he - in power.
The best way is for American voters elect VETO-PROOF House and Senate legislators in 2026 so that any action The Heritage Foundation wants to carry can be largely ignored by the Democratic majorities, and the SCOTUS majority will rather resign or retire than incur the wrath of the people.
YES! Finally someone who gets that Trump is just the figurehead, the electable one, while it is Musk and others in the Cartel -- very apt description -- who are running the show. I'm not even sure Vance is in the mix anymore, other than to be trotted out occasionally to make ridiculous comments.
Yes you are right action needs to be swift and NOW and yes protests are essential but these criminals don't care they need to be arrested immediately no 25th no impeachment no conviction because conviction 2 branches of our government have betrayed us and the other branch is messaging from the twilight zone. The military must step up here or we will really have barbaric slaughter here on every level!
Only if the government drops the contract with Starlink which will be very unlikely. The only way is that reasonable voters who never voted for the Orange Turd, voters who sat on the side because of Gaza or whatever and voters who have a chance to amend their 2024 vote in the interest of American democracy, and heart whatever algorithms Elon Musk planted in the voting machine software which people in Colorado and Georgia stole.
Are you appealing to the "Dear God" who allowed Trump to be re-elected? If so, God's already made his choice and it isn't to support democracy or the Constitution. Remember "God helps him who helps himself?" Well, who "helps himself" more than Trump and his thugs? God is not on our side . . .
Dik....certainly is a dickhead......must have been the loser that changed Diaper Dons Depends when he shit himself on the set of the Apprentice..........the stink and smell must have been horrible.
Thank you! Like I haven't heard that comment before. As far as the Apprentice, so sorry you didn't have anything better to do with your time than watch nonsense like that.
No, not pretending to be from another country. Are you saying that because I have a "non-American" name? Or is this a conspiracy theory you're hatching?
How is he trolling? Because he called out YOUR god??? Your ineffectual god that allowed a criminal, rapist, pedophile, liar, cheater, fraudster, traitor to get re-elected?? How is THAT trolling?? He is "god" has anything to do with it.......
Who's side was god on with American Indians were practically annihalated? And who's side was god on during slavery and Jim Crow? What kind of god does the U.S. have.
You cannot blame God. It was man and man only. God has no control over what others do. We all have a conscience, and it depends how one is raised to follow through with that conscience. Good or bad we make the choice, not God.
I know that. I am stating the hypocracy of introducing the christian god into the narrative. This is not a christian nation and never has been. If it were truly christian, we wouldn't have this evil president in office now.
Absolutely true that this is NOT a christian nation. Nor a muslim, nor atheistic nation; which is precisely what the founding fathers debated and agreed on.
So.....the ultimate hypocrisy!! When something GOOD happens it is because god willed it.....but when something bad happens it was not god......even though that all powerful, all eminant, all knowing god had the power to stop the bad thing from happening???? Typical christian double speak......
Who's the "us" you're referring to? Certainly Trump and his thugs, but what about those of us who voted straight Blue? And reading the Bible? No, thanks, not any more. Those pushing reading the Bible seem more and more to be white Christian nationalists. I am most certainly not one of them, nor am I even a Christian, though I do try to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus along with those of Abraham, Mohammed, Gandhi, and others whose beliefs align with mine.
THEY tell US to read the bible but it looks like THEY are the ones who need to read it........THEY are CINOs who do not follow the teachungs of Jesus. We atheists know more about the bible than THEY do!!
Keep believing in you make believe sky daddy.....the rest of live in a reality based world. AND we do NOT need you or anyone else trying to force your religious beliefs down our throats!!! FREDOM OF and FROM religion......
The death penalty for treason look it up. We need to stop playing around in the Democrats need to get some balls . Because he is going to destroy everything and everyone around the entire world. He's trying to give people who are not elected access to the bank accounts of America Elon Musk. He was not elected to do anything not even a dog catcher. Again treason
I thought treason was the grounds for execution. And every other country you do something like what he did several times over why is he still here breathing and causing problems for the entire world not just Americans
If only the Jewish people had realized earlier that they would have to save themselves. The whole world seemed unwilling or unable to stand up for humanity and decency. While the truth of how evil Hitler and his useful idiots was slithering in past ordinary, decent people too numb with incredulity to understand that their world was on fire and the only way out was action and unity.. we can disect it all at our leisure once we stomp the bastards out. Leave the navel gazing and DO SOMETHING!! Help find a way to shelter and protect independant journalism. And say it’s name: murder. We are not historians. We are living participants who will decide what historians have to sift through later. Get up. Get invested where and how you can! 👊👊👊
I’d like to say they’re collecting intel and trying not to show their hand until they play it. But the reality of the situation is they’re prob just all scared and worried about personal retaliation. Or they just don’t care because they’re also getting fat off of all this.
I think you've got it: Dems "don't care because they're also getting fat off this." Politicians of ALL parties aren't in it to help people -- they're politicians because they like the power and attention and potential for making more money down the line as newscasters, etc. All the pols want to do is keep their jobs. That's why the threat of "primarying" people who don't toe the line is so effective. [Correction: MAYBE Jimmy Carter is the exception and was a pol who actually cared about people.]
I say if they are too afraid then GTF out of the way and let others who will fight.
I mean i get SM messages from jeffries talking about the cost of eggs I replied are you serious there is a COUP HAPPENING as we speak! I said no one cares about eggs !!! Get out there and DO SOMETHING!
Thumbs down......y"all have no clue how the government works......WHAT specifically can the DEMS do?? Seriously...share your wisom on this!!! I won't hold my breath because you do not KNOW.......the DEMS have NO power.....
If you focus on who is corrupt in breaking the law and undermining the constitution, maybe we would get someplace. The democrats are fine, and they're doing what they can. They have amassed lawyers all over this country. Trust me, it's going to turn. The alternative is, we will be a dictatorship or kleptocracy. We are already in a constitutional crisis.
There are people in government who have taken an oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. I would think some human force is going to do whatever is necessary.
Legal pushback to EOs isn’t seeming to make a difference. Any changes already seen are due to compliance without enforcement. Kinda meaning they’re not so much following directive, but acting on permission granted.
Because that's exactly what most/many ARE doing. Started with Biden and his arrogance in refusing to step down as he promised he would. Followed up by Dem leadership waiting years to tell him NO, in line with this whole absurd "legacy" thing about whose turn it is to be Presidential nominee. Continues with the posturing HERE about Trump "losing, imploding," etc. At least I assume the leadership of Meidas is Dem -- maybe they're not.
you are mistaken. The blame lies with the people who refused to impeach him during his first tenure despite voicing his part in the Zelinsky quid pro quo and the J6 insurrection.
You obviously don't know enough about me to make that statement. I worked in D.C. for a Libertarian Think-Tank, was an Assistant U.S. Attorney . . . But as it makes you feel good to think you know everything about someone you've never met, go for it!
sorry you're getting attacked by ignorant people assuming things that are not true and immediately going towards the assumption that if you are not a Smith, or a Johnson or whatever, you must be non-American.
Can't have a decent dialogue and exchange of ideas with this level of intellect. Ignore them
So what is wrong? You’re not offering a position, just shitting on an internet stranger. Not exactly helpful. If you have something constructive to say, go for it. Infighting isn’t going to get us anywhere.
I love this post because it actually gives us a guide for moving in the future. We need a plan and this is a good start. Now we have to get everyone on the same page.
What specifically do you think the Dems can do? They are in the minority in BOTH the House and the Senate......Dem governors ARE standing up to dumpy......the courts can decide to say the actions dt and musk are taking are illegal, but who will enforce their decision? NOT the DOJ....NOT the WHO??
It is very easy to demand someone take action without acknowledging that they have NO power.......
I would like to know too!!! It’s absolutely terrifying that musk has been allowed to do this! We NEVER elected him and he has no right to have access to OUR money 💰 for ANY reason. I am LIVID!
So....WHO do you suggest stops it?? Congress is controlled by rethugs who LIKE this shit (in case you forgot the Dems are in the minority and have NO power). OH I KNOW the RW extremist DOJ will end it??? Or the RW FBI??? The courts can declare this illegal, but again WHO will enforce the judges decision??? PLEASE enlighten us with your wisdom!!!
"I’m old enough to remember when America had the largest and fastest-growing middle class in the world. We adhered to the basic bargain that if someone worked hard and played by the rules, they’d do better than their parents had, and their children would do even better than they.
I remember when CEOs took home 20 times the pay of their workers, not 300 times. When members of Congress acted in the interests of their constituents rather than be bribed by campaign donations to do the bidding of big corporations and the super-wealthy.
I remember when our biggest domestic challenges were civil rights, women’s rights, and gay rights — not the very survival of democracy and the rule of law.
But over the last forty years, starting with Reagan, America went off the rails."
I have no idea what you mean by your comment that I "never have an answer . . . " What's the question? And I am "apart of they"? I don't know what that means, and I'm guessing you don't either.
Isn’t there a way to sue the administration for letting a non government person, unauthorized department access our federal funds payment system. This is our sensitive data that was given out to a security threat willing and without our consent. How is this not being challenged.
Ok, Musk has access to the Treasury and for all intents and purposes, he wants to "LOOT" the U.S. treasury. He wasn't elected, he's not an American and he's committing an egregious crime in the light of day and not trying to hide it. Is there ANYONE that can stop this? A squad of police, national guard, something that hasn't been tainted by Trump? We cannot let him do this and steal peoples Social Security!!!
not only -- He is reading and compiling information for all Government workers and most likely Service members-- he is mining data bases or Your and My Personal HIPPA protected information
WHY IS NOONE TALKING ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION AND CENSORSHIP OF MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC DATA AT FEDERAL HEALTH AGENCIES???? THIS WILL KILL AMERICANS. This data is no longer accessible to the public, to your doctors, to scientists. This includes info on infectious diseases currently threatening Americans, such as the Avian Flu and a large outbreak of tuberculosis in Kansas. It includes the movement of MPox into Europe. It includes the shift in the forms of Avian flu to ones which could be much more dangerous to humans. It includes recalls of food and drugs that are tainted. They’ve removed ALL infuriation pertaining to women’s health and contraception (including which firms of contraception could be dangerous to which women).NONE OF THIS INFORMATION IS NOW AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. They’ve also sent a list of words which must be removed from scientific papers. This includes the word “gender”.
"We will fight shoulder to shoulder, every day, and we will win in the end. The truth will prevail. Love will prevail over hate. Democracy will prevail over fascism."
Because they’re not really interested in efficiency in govt. they hate govt. they want a ceo to run us like a business privatize everything and bring in more money for those at the top. If they were really interested, there are ways to fine tune each individual agency without shutting everything down and corrupting what is left. The govt needs reform but has to be done under legal means. You just dont upend thousands of people careers who help run the govt and give it to incompetent loyalist actors who will waste time and more money. Not very efficient!!
And what IS available, to 'paying players' is personal health & habits tracking information. Access to information we need blocked, right to privacy & consumer recourse stripped away in every Terms of Service. It is so shocking & overwhelming (exactly as intended) it's hard to know how to talk about it. People think it's easier to pretend it isn't happening than get into so much uncertainty, not knowing what can be done. It has to be talked about, for sure. Silence enables abuse.
Mr. Popak, Can there be lawsuit brought on musk for stealing our private information? He's not a government official. I for one do not give him permission to my personal information. It fringes on my rights.
Dear God, Trump must be removed, not impeached removed. He is lawless and in breach of contract in that he signed the oath of office. He is not upholding the constitution.. dear God help us survive Trump’s cruel administration of corrupt greed
And remove the rest of them. If they are left in office they will continue. Put the guilty back in jail where they belong. A PPO written to any of this regime to not step foot in or near the White House ever again. We must protect her at all costs.
Removing him would not solve the problem. I am convinced that he is only a puppet of the Heritage Foundation. Part of their plan would be to cause so much friction between the American citizens and The Orange Turd that the current Trump Cartel would be happily inclined to use the 25th amendment against him and in turn put up their bright star JD Vance - who is a far weaker puppet than he - in power.
The best way is for American voters elect VETO-PROOF House and Senate legislators in 2026 so that any action The Heritage Foundation wants to carry can be largely ignored by the Democratic majorities, and the SCOTUS majority will rather resign or retire than incur the wrath of the people.
YES! Finally someone who gets that Trump is just the figurehead, the electable one, while it is Musk and others in the Cartel -- very apt description -- who are running the show. I'm not even sure Vance is in the mix anymore, other than to be trotted out occasionally to make ridiculous comments.
No, Pete Buddiguej (sp) is NOT a puppet nor apart of the Heritage Foundation. Get Educated ASAP KID!
Who said anything about mayor Pete?
what are you talking about?
WTF are you talking about??
we don't have that long... i don't think we'll make it through 2025... i'll be shocked if we make it through June
Yes you are right action needs to be swift and NOW and yes protests are essential but these criminals don't care they need to be arrested immediately no 25th no impeachment no conviction because conviction 2 branches of our government have betrayed us and the other branch is messaging from the twilight zone. The military must step up here or we will really have barbaric slaughter here on every level!
Can we get an election in 2026 without voter suppression and "Elon doing computers" to change the results like 2024?
Only if the government drops the contract with Starlink which will be very unlikely. The only way is that reasonable voters who never voted for the Orange Turd, voters who sat on the side because of Gaza or whatever and voters who have a chance to amend their 2024 vote in the interest of American democracy, and heart whatever algorithms Elon Musk planted in the voting machine software which people in Colorado and Georgia stole.
We have to remove them all for betraying us! They broke law after law and are all unfit and ALL must be removed immediately
Muks is the problem
No scotus gets arrested and punished for treason
So true, but they like precedents so let’s start one
You are 100% right. What he's doing is straight from project 2025. Everyone should get familiar with it.
Are you appealing to the "Dear God" who allowed Trump to be re-elected? If so, God's already made his choice and it isn't to support democracy or the Constitution. Remember "God helps him who helps himself?" Well, who "helps himself" more than Trump and his thugs? God is not on our side . . .
Dik you are an American Citizen pretending to be from another country. Please Stop TROLLING
Dik....certainly is a dickhead......must have been the loser that changed Diaper Dons Depends when he shit himself on the set of the Apprentice..........the stink and smell must have been horrible.
Thank you! Like I haven't heard that comment before. As far as the Apprentice, so sorry you didn't have anything better to do with your time than watch nonsense like that.
You idiot.....A stagehand who worked on the show saw it!!.......It wasn`t on TV you fc#king moron!!!
Please get some professional help for your anger issues.
No, not pretending to be from another country. Are you saying that because I have a "non-American" name? Or is this a conspiracy theory you're hatching?
I reported him for Trolling
How is he trolling? Because he called out YOUR god??? Your ineffectual god that allowed a criminal, rapist, pedophile, liar, cheater, fraudster, traitor to get re-elected?? How is THAT trolling?? He is "god" has anything to do with it.......
God has nothing to do with any of it! It's just ridiculous.
God is very much on our side. No one paid attention or we would all know. This is in the scriptures. Read your Bible. God will always be with us.
Who's side was god on with American Indians were practically annihalated? And who's side was god on during slavery and Jim Crow? What kind of god does the U.S. have.
You cannot blame God. It was man and man only. God has no control over what others do. We all have a conscience, and it depends how one is raised to follow through with that conscience. Good or bad we make the choice, not God.
I know that. I am stating the hypocracy of introducing the christian god into the narrative. This is not a christian nation and never has been. If it were truly christian, we wouldn't have this evil president in office now.
Absolutely true that this is NOT a christian nation. Nor a muslim, nor atheistic nation; which is precisely what the founding fathers debated and agreed on.
Separation of church and state.
So.....the ultimate hypocrisy!! When something GOOD happens it is because god willed it.....but when something bad happens it was not god......even though that all powerful, all eminant, all knowing god had the power to stop the bad thing from happening???? Typical christian double speak......
Who's the "us" you're referring to? Certainly Trump and his thugs, but what about those of us who voted straight Blue? And reading the Bible? No, thanks, not any more. Those pushing reading the Bible seem more and more to be white Christian nationalists. I am most certainly not one of them, nor am I even a Christian, though I do try to follow the teachings of Christ Jesus along with those of Abraham, Mohammed, Gandhi, and others whose beliefs align with mine.
THEY tell US to read the bible but it looks like THEY are the ones who need to read it........THEY are CINOs who do not follow the teachungs of Jesus. We atheists know more about the bible than THEY do!!
Keep believing in you make believe sky daddy.....the rest of live in a reality based world. AND we do NOT need you or anyone else trying to force your religious beliefs down our throats!!! FREDOM OF and FROM religion......
Not everyone believes in your "god".......keep him/her/it out of it!!!!
The best part is I can put God in anywhere I chose. Your time is coming, you keep denying him.
You cannot put a fictional character anywhere except your delusional head!!
HAHAHAHAHA... you cannot put a fictional character anywhere except your delusional head.....
Whoa! Try reading Psalm 91.
Keep religion out of it. Politics are bad enough
your "god" has nothing to do with it....
The death penalty for treason look it up. We need to stop playing around in the Democrats need to get some balls . Because he is going to destroy everything and everyone around the entire world. He's trying to give people who are not elected access to the bank accounts of America Elon Musk. He was not elected to do anything not even a dog catcher. Again treason
The ONE and ONLY person ever executed for treason against the U.S. was Hipolito Salazar in 1847.
Agreed 💯 I've been saying this from day 1
Me too
I thought treason was the grounds for execution. And every other country you do something like what he did several times over why is he still here breathing and causing problems for the entire world not just Americans
All of them
Good luck on this....
If only the Jewish people had realized earlier that they would have to save themselves. The whole world seemed unwilling or unable to stand up for humanity and decency. While the truth of how evil Hitler and his useful idiots was slithering in past ordinary, decent people too numb with incredulity to understand that their world was on fire and the only way out was action and unity.. we can disect it all at our leisure once we stomp the bastards out. Leave the navel gazing and DO SOMETHING!! Help find a way to shelter and protect independant journalism. And say it’s name: murder. We are not historians. We are living participants who will decide what historians have to sift through later. Get up. Get invested where and how you can! 👊👊👊
I was feeling better after going to church yesterday, but now I’m sad again
I'm happy that some judges are keeping the Constitution alive. Why does it feel like the Dems are only posturing and not standing up??
Erik, WHY,???? Aren't Republicans Not Standing Up Against Trump? Would Like to Know You're Take On This. Thank You!
I’d like to say they’re collecting intel and trying not to show their hand until they play it. But the reality of the situation is they’re prob just all scared and worried about personal retaliation. Or they just don’t care because they’re also getting fat off of all this.
I think you've got it: Dems "don't care because they're also getting fat off this." Politicians of ALL parties aren't in it to help people -- they're politicians because they like the power and attention and potential for making more money down the line as newscasters, etc. All the pols want to do is keep their jobs. That's why the threat of "primarying" people who don't toe the line is so effective. [Correction: MAYBE Jimmy Carter is the exception and was a pol who actually cared about people.]
I don’t agree. I think Dems do care
I believe they’re all in it I’ve seen some from Jamie Raskin has set up a committee for anyone in the gov. that have federal jobs
Not a time to split and blame. Let’s join together and FIGHT
I pray that the latter isn't true.
I say if they are too afraid then GTF out of the way and let others who will fight.
I mean i get SM messages from jeffries talking about the cost of eggs I replied are you serious there is a COUP HAPPENING as we speak! I said no one cares about eggs !!! Get out there and DO SOMETHING!
I agree
They are in on this and will benefit, while the rest of us suffer. And I DO mean SUFFER
Thumbs down......y"all have no clue how the government works......WHAT specifically can the DEMS do?? Seriously...share your wisom on this!!! I won't hold my breath because you do not KNOW.......the DEMS have NO power.....
If you focus on who is corrupt in breaking the law and undermining the constitution, maybe we would get someplace. The democrats are fine, and they're doing what they can. They have amassed lawyers all over this country. Trust me, it's going to turn. The alternative is, we will be a dictatorship or kleptocracy. We are already in a constitutional crisis.
There are people in government who have taken an oath to protect and defend the constitution against all enemies both foreign and domestic. I would think some human force is going to do whatever is necessary.
They’re with you rn too
Very upset over not following Constitution. The emolument clauses , if enacted ,could end corruption in congress and presidency
Some of* the Dems
Yes, I think the corporate dems are standing in the way of others.
thumbs DOWN on this comment...blocking them from doing WHAT???
They should abandon the hearings.. they are going to get in anyway and focus on legal action to all executive orders
Legal pushback to EOs isn’t seeming to make a difference. Any changes already seen are due to compliance without enforcement. Kinda meaning they’re not so much following directive, but acting on permission granted.
Because that's exactly what most/many ARE doing. Started with Biden and his arrogance in refusing to step down as he promised he would. Followed up by Dem leadership waiting years to tell him NO, in line with this whole absurd "legacy" thing about whose turn it is to be Presidential nominee. Continues with the posturing HERE about Trump "losing, imploding," etc. At least I assume the leadership of Meidas is Dem -- maybe they're not.
you are mistaken. The blame lies with the people who refused to impeach him during his first tenure despite voicing his part in the Zelinsky quid pro quo and the J6 insurrection.
Wholeheartedly agree
You obviously know NOTHING about the U.S. CONSTITUTION Or any other aspects of our Government.
You obviously don't know enough about me to make that statement. I worked in D.C. for a Libertarian Think-Tank, was an Assistant U.S. Attorney . . . But as it makes you feel good to think you know everything about someone you've never met, go for it!
Shut the Fc#k up Dickhead!!
sorry you're getting attacked by ignorant people assuming things that are not true and immediately going towards the assumption that if you are not a Smith, or a Johnson or whatever, you must be non-American.
Can't have a decent dialogue and exchange of ideas with this level of intellect. Ignore them
Libertarian??? THAT is why you come here to troll......go away you dumbf*ck.....I am sure Rand Paul would LOVE to talk to you!!!
I'm not thrilled with the post.
Im not thrilled with the attacks
Dik.....lives up to his name....Dickhead
So what is wrong? You’re not offering a position, just shitting on an internet stranger. Not exactly helpful. If you have something constructive to say, go for it. Infighting isn’t going to get us anywhere.
I love this post because it actually gives us a guide for moving in the future. We need a plan and this is a good start. Now we have to get everyone on the same page.
What specifically do you think the Dems can do? They are in the minority in BOTH the House and the Senate......Dem governors ARE standing up to dumpy......the courts can decide to say the actions dt and musk are taking are illegal, but who will enforce their decision? NOT the DOJ....NOT the WHO??
It is very easy to demand someone take action without acknowledging that they have NO power.......
Yet Elon just takes control of our treasury unopposed? Anyone stopping this?
I would like to know too!!! It’s absolutely terrifying that musk has been allowed to do this! We NEVER elected him and he has no right to have access to OUR money 💰 for ANY reason. I am LIVID!
Did he a confidentiality agreement ?? He's not an employee of the government. WTF?
Can't we have him arrested?
Maybe if those in power would obey our laws
BY whom?? The FBI who now under DT?? Someone from Homeland Security who headed by Kristi Noem?? PLEASE....tell us WHO should arrest him???
And he has access to all our info
So....WHO do you suggest stops it?? Congress is controlled by rethugs who LIKE this shit (in case you forgot the Dems are in the minority and have NO power). OH I KNOW the RW extremist DOJ will end it??? Or the RW FBI??? The courts can declare this illegal, but again WHO will enforce the judges decision??? PLEASE enlighten us with your wisdom!!!
That's my question!
"I’m old enough to remember when America had the largest and fastest-growing middle class in the world. We adhered to the basic bargain that if someone worked hard and played by the rules, they’d do better than their parents had, and their children would do even better than they.
I remember when CEOs took home 20 times the pay of their workers, not 300 times. When members of Congress acted in the interests of their constituents rather than be bribed by campaign donations to do the bidding of big corporations and the super-wealthy.
I remember when our biggest domestic challenges were civil rights, women’s rights, and gay rights — not the very survival of democracy and the rule of law.
But over the last forty years, starting with Reagan, America went off the rails."
I remember, those wre the days. Jimmy Carter was a wonderful president. I didn't fully appreciate as a non-political teen ager. Life was so good.
It was also pre- internet and social media giving Russia prime access to inject propaganda and China hacking everything.
You need to be sounding every alarm possible about the Digital Coup that just happened yesterday.
Felon Trump Has Lost His Mind Year's Ago!
Those of You Who Voted For This Moron, Shame On You!
Save your breath. It's unlikely they're reading this.
Dik, you are apart of they, and are sticking around. WHY? You never have an answer, a clear and concise Answer's with FACTS!
I have no idea what you mean by your comment that I "never have an answer . . . " What's the question? And I am "apart of they"? I don't know what that means, and I'm guessing you don't either.
MAGA'S Always Play Dumb
Who says they're playing. But anyway, that's a non sequitur. Or are you saying you're a MAGA because you're dumb?
Dickhead .....go fill your face with a dozen Big Macs
Re-read my comment
Isn’t there a way to sue the administration for letting a non government person, unauthorized department access our federal funds payment system. This is our sensitive data that was given out to a security threat willing and without our consent. How is this not being challenged.
Ok, Musk has access to the Treasury and for all intents and purposes, he wants to "LOOT" the U.S. treasury. He wasn't elected, he's not an American and he's committing an egregious crime in the light of day and not trying to hide it. Is there ANYONE that can stop this? A squad of police, national guard, something that hasn't been tainted by Trump? We cannot let him do this and steal peoples Social Security!!!
not only -- He is reading and compiling information for all Government workers and most likely Service members-- he is mining data bases or Your and My Personal HIPPA protected information
Precisely right.
WHY IS NOONE TALKING ABOUT THE DESTRUCTION AND CENSORSHIP OF MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC DATA AT FEDERAL HEALTH AGENCIES???? THIS WILL KILL AMERICANS. This data is no longer accessible to the public, to your doctors, to scientists. This includes info on infectious diseases currently threatening Americans, such as the Avian Flu and a large outbreak of tuberculosis in Kansas. It includes the movement of MPox into Europe. It includes the shift in the forms of Avian flu to ones which could be much more dangerous to humans. It includes recalls of food and drugs that are tainted. They’ve removed ALL infuriation pertaining to women’s health and contraception (including which firms of contraception could be dangerous to which women).NONE OF THIS INFORMATION IS NOW AVAILABLE TO ANYONE. They’ve also sent a list of words which must be removed from scientific papers. This includes the word “gender”.
"We will fight shoulder to shoulder, every day, and we will win in the end. The truth will prevail. Love will prevail over hate. Democracy will prevail over fascism."
At what cost will we prevail? How long will it take before millions...succumb to this war on us? What is the point in taking down the database? Wtf?
Because they’re not really interested in efficiency in govt. they hate govt. they want a ceo to run us like a business privatize everything and bring in more money for those at the top. If they were really interested, there are ways to fine tune each individual agency without shutting everything down and corrupting what is left. The govt needs reform but has to be done under legal means. You just dont upend thousands of people careers who help run the govt and give it to incompetent loyalist actors who will waste time and more money. Not very efficient!!
And what IS available, to 'paying players' is personal health & habits tracking information. Access to information we need blocked, right to privacy & consumer recourse stripped away in every Terms of Service. It is so shocking & overwhelming (exactly as intended) it's hard to know how to talk about it. People think it's easier to pretend it isn't happening than get into so much uncertainty, not knowing what can be done. It has to be talked about, for sure. Silence enables abuse.
This feels more like a hostile takeover than anything else. I don't think they care about the legal challenges.
Thanks for all that you do. Congrats Popock on expanding to aid those affected by these disasterous actions by T Admin
Since when did the American People vote elon into office? And what's left of OUR government does nothing about it? Pinch me am I dreaming?🤬
Is it legal for EM to have all the access he has as an unelected individual?
NO, it is not.....but who in the dumpy admimistration is there to stop him? NO ONE!!
I already contacted Congress to remove the Orange POS! You should to!
Mr. Popak, Can there be lawsuit brought on musk for stealing our private information? He's not a government official. I for one do not give him permission to my personal information. It fringes on my rights.
courts are busy with all the illegal orders