Keep fighting! I need something to believe in.

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Me three Anna!!! Yesterday really got me down.

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Me Too Anna 💯💯💯

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Jan 4
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Jan 20 is upgrading MTN for me. Win win win top down........support MTN and protest dispicable Donable Lector and his white house of horrors,

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Keep fighting!

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Just curious, what exactly do you think Meidas Touch can single handedly do to stop Trump from being president? The people voted. Trump won. All we have left is to tell the truth and protest. What can Ben, Brett, and Jordy do?

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Never will they be single handed. We are all Meidas Touch. The pen is mightier than the sword. Dissemination of truth and facts will educate and motivate.

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They can continue to call him out on his bullshit and bring us honest reporting from Filipkowski and Popok. We know maga's read/watch MTN - eventually they will see the light....or get more pissed off. Win/win either way.

How about more interviews with anti-trump leaders, congresspersons, etc? I would love an interview with Liz Cheney and/or Adam Kinzinger. 30 minutes would be divine.....

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muckrake and provide access to informative reporting

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Continue to call out the hypocrisy and speak truth to every single lie.

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Megan, they are doing it...spreading the Truth. And a great job at that. Trump duped his voters and we must continue to preach the TRUTH!

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I’m not sure what the sentiment is behind this post and question. I don’t recall ever hearing or seeing that they think their work will stop the Felon.

I hear often how they attribute their success to the community and the more informed we are, perhaps the more motivated we are to FIGHT the egregious intentions, fraudulent endeavors and cruel missions the GOP has against the very people who elected them and the oath they took.

I know MANY of us are angry, frustrated, fearful, or scared. We’re grieving.

I hope you take whatever messages and information MTN provides and that’ll help all of us make informed decisions on how to stand up to the atrocities we’re about to face.

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Just what you said. Keep reporting the truth. That is fighting back. Truth to power.

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Meidas can keep on doing what they do, put the word out.

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Your perspective is of defeat. As someone who has been a lifelong democrat I almost sat out the vote. Until I found MTN and others who share fact based news. There is so misinformation out there by mainstream media. Independent media such as MTN is a great way to obtain information and learn things we may not have known before. All of the people that didn’t vote may vote and turn congress blue at midterms once they are presented accurate information. Facts that show we will soon be living under a tyrant. How Trump supporters haven’t realized this is beyond me. I’m glad I am on the right side of democracy and history.

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I find the post to be disingenuous and inauthentic after years among the Meidas Mighty and the Meiselas Brothers. It’s a group effort of practicing truthful kindness.

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Although I can appreciate the passion within your remarks (some I agree with), this is exactly what the president elect wants us to do, demonstrate. By demonstrating, he can call for martial law out of the gate and put down any demonstration, whether it is peaceful or not with our military. Rallies in fixed places with lots of coverage around the country cannot be stopped and would draw attention. The boycott of the inauguration and all coverage of it will say an awful lot as well. Esper shared what he wanted to do to BLM, this time he has full immunity. If people were killed, he would not be held accountable. Perhaps we should organize conferences like MAGA has ? He has the ability to remove non-profit org protections by calling them terrorists and he will likely do this. He has already had his org. call Southern Poverty terrorists. I do not agree Meidas has laid down.

We may want to start petitions to demand impeachment proceedings for violations of emolument (sec?) or acting as government representation prior to taking office and lying about it (like what Flynn pled guilty for). We should remain free to act to continue the fight. I am convinced frump is begging for his opponents to demonstrate. Thank you for sharing the petition information and keep it coming!

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Dem States AGs are on the offensive preparing multiple suits to file when Trump moves on any constitutional front--there's hope there will be contention on his moves. Media support for calling new admins moves is going to be even more important to fight corporate media propaganda.

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Sacrifices must be made, including lives and liberty. You appear to want a safe journey to democracy which will not be possible. Look to Ukraine and Maidan Square. Look to US history and the human cost of freedom from the British Empire. If one continues to seek shelter and safety, one will not be fully committed.

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Impeachment will not work b/c the votes aren’t there and it will backfire just like the past two times. Besides the outcome if it did work would give us Shady Vance. No thanks. It’s just a matter of time that Putin will tire of trump and his uselessness. Trump ought to be more concerned about being near any open windows!

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Also, the House is controlled by rethugs....THEY are not going to impeach him.....and it takes a 2/3rds majority in the Senate to convict and remove which will NEVER happen.....

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Great historic photos of handsome change makers with the most powerful most effective gracious president in our history 💯💙

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Jan 4
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Listen lunatic.. stop spamming the threads with your nonsense! You do this practically everyday disrupting other posters comments. If you want change THEN GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE AND DO SOMETHING. But stop spamming these threads just because you think you'll make a difference. This is not how you go about it. Get a grip and stop doing this. You're extremely annoying. 😡

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Trump had a Lollipop Party, and MAGAs were the only Suckers!

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yep his base was not invited, just the odd billy friends! all reminding him of their personal agenda they want him to help with financially with us paying for it!!

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When the cult leader has gone to his great reward (sic punishment), incels like Derek will fade into the compost pile of obsolescence. Thank you for everything that you bring to the Meidas Mighty🙏🏾

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When Derek loses his social security and whatever other government help he receives, he will surely wake up. Ya think!?

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He'll blame Joe Biden.

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My Jan 4 comment was in response to a ridiculous post dissing MeidasTouch , which I cannot tolerate. The poster was a MAGATtroll or a bot. Either way, as you can see, they deleted the post and hopefully moved on to something a little kinder.

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Jan 4
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Whew, that’s a massive amount of info/action/plans/ideas/petitions/marches to ask MeidasTouch to direct‼️‼️‼️. There are 4,000,000 subscribers that could each take on whatever they can handle. Maybe if MT were financed by billionaires, they could comply with all your wishes/complaints/hopes. Go easy.

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What a wonderful picture of you all with President Biden. You look right at home there and his statement that you “tell the truth” says it all.

MAGA can’t stand to see anything honest and good. So many miserable people.

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You would never see a picture of Trump and his son like this, this is a great family that will be missed

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As I have said before to those Maggots…BRING IT! I network founded by attorneys? Yea, I think you guys got this. 🤘🏼😜🤘🏼

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Yes 💯💯💯

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I feel very confident about them as well.

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Jan 4
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Hey there girl.........4 times for a post is called overkill..........I get the message. thankz

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Interesting that "Derek" is of the opinion that Biden is "fully senile" and appears to not know the demented one in this conversation is not Joe! It also seems these people still believe all the RW propaganda. Because they want to.

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Jan 4Edited

We’re not backing down and we are going nowhere.

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You are 100% correct

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Yes🤩👍. I’m already to face anything that gets thrown this way. I will never bend the knee. I’ve started getting threats. I say bring it on. They can only murder me once.

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Oh girl, you have TRUE heart ♥️💪🏽

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Thank you. The Meidas Network has been such a life line for me. They give me the energy to fight.

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Same here. Without the MTN and a few other channels I watch, that put out quality, truthful & factual information, I think I’d be prone to worrying about what the future holds more than what I do. On the contrary, I know the future is in God’s hands. Not some low-life peanut butter and jealous maggots 🤣 I couldn’t resist.

They (maggots) can try what they want. But they won’t get away with harming for long under God’s eyes. They will have their day. ALL OF THEM! I speak it, Believe it & Receive it! In Jesus' name. Amen

Words are powerful 💪🏽

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hey if two or three agree and believe....we can see what a whole cult of itchy ears for evil, for an alternative fantasy life instead of their own--vicarious golden toilets in a tower above all--has done with their twisted lies straight from the pit of chthonic darkness. Given the cardinal satanic sin of the pride of life a chance to fester and infect others. In Christianity, liars get thrown into the lake of fire. The blaze of loaded words has already been set. Violence as spectacle in the cloud colosseum...

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😲 Why are you getting threats?!? Are you in the public eye, or are deranged Trump supporters now focusing their insane ire on 'Joe (or Jane) Citizen'?

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I commented on a couple of sites like YouTube and the maga are on Substack. The found me and started sending stuff in the mail. They say stuff like “ you days are coming. I’m getting out of Missouri. Where I live used to be, a major meeting place for the KKK. I see truck toting tRump flags along with our nations flags and they are huge flags . They proudly wave them through town. Pick up trucks with the monster gear

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Yeah, I've had a few encounters on Substack too. Some are bots, and some have migrated from X because there was no one left to troll there. I'm horrified to hear you've actually received threats.

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Awful. Do you have escape plan and a defense weapon?

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My son lives on the west coast. But I’m just acting like everything is perfect. That is difficult to keep my mouth shut. And that where I’m making myself like I’m happy.

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Sorry for not completely stated my point. I’m in a very red state as of now . I’m planning my escape. It’s just going to take a little while.

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I’m saving every dime I have to move to be closer to my son and family

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They are everywhere. But I saw a video on MTN showing Facebook post on the hard right that want to become a posse now . Taking place in Oregon and Washington. Letter was posted, not sure but. The letter talking signing up people to round those bad immigrants are taking over.

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My head space has been a mess since the election

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Ben, you are intelligent, funny and have the best spirit. What the cult doesn't understand is that unlike their feloneous leader, MeidasTouch has actual, competent and proven lawyers. I mean can you see Alina Habba facing off with Karen Friedman-Agnifilo in a courtroom? Omg, I just fell off my chair from laughing so hard.

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You just made me laugh! Given what's coming, thank you...😂

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Then I have done my good deed of the day and that makes me happy. And if you were thinking of Habba vs. Frieman-Agnifilo, I'm sure you imagined Habba wearing her orange man necklace and looking like she bought everything she's wearing from a bargain basement where KFA would be wearing an elegantly-tailored suit, just sufficient jewelry, hair neatly done and actual legal briefs and documents in her proper legal briefcase. Habba would have loose, disheveled papers..most being blank...in a ripped manilla envelope.

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You got it! I'm thinking an orange barbie (like it's been left out in the sun), plastic wig, pink plastic handbag, dressed by my enthusiastic 3 year old (35 now and a talented designer but very generous with the accessories when young) facing the elegant KFA looking sleek, competent and in control. Looking down her nose, just waiting. 😂😂😂

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Spot on!

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Finally something about this mob of deplorables

made me laugh. 💁🏼‍♀️

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Proud of you and your voice of truth, keep it up. The truth always wins💙

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Maga peanut butter and jealous! Love it! 💙

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Funny, and true. 😂

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Oh man, I love peanut butter cookies. I don't get the reference. 🤷🏻‍♀️

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Congratulations on 3.5M subscribers! We are the resistance. 👊🏾

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Derek is a coward just like his cult leader! I was married to a bully and know first hand they are weak, insecure, live in fear and will always back down to someone that shows strength and courage! You guys are our future and together we will overcome! The truth always wins!

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Wasn’t me!

Great photos. We’re all proud of you.

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Jan 4
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YES YES YES..........to the streets and protest..........NOW is the time.

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Wait till that person finds out that Donald Trump is going to bankrupt all of us and he’s not going to have to take us to court to do it.

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