Bye bye and good riddance.

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7 hrs ago·edited 7 hrs ago

The judge is right that this woman appears to show no remorse for her crimes, continued to spread Trump's lies and conspiracy theories, and deserves a prison sentence for all the chaos she created at a cost to the taxpayer. The fact that she hacked an innocent colleague's identify to gain access to voting systems commit her crimes is evidence enough she knew exactly what she was doing was wrong.

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Sorry not sorry. Everyone that got caught is going to jail except trump. And they still defend him? I don't feel sorry for any of them. They deserve just what they got for being part of the goof patrol.

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And that is my gripe, which is why I think he should not get any leniency "for the good of the country." We see how well it worked post-Nixon. Republicans felt emboldened to do all kinds of mess and it birthed Trump. If I would be held accountable so should he and even more so as the ringleader and head instructor. Hell, Manson died in prison when he never participated in the murderin' just instructed others to do so--it chaps my hide that Trump is a free man who gets to run for president. If Dems win we need to sew up the constitutional loophole that allowed this to begin with.

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But but but!…the non-magnetic prison mattress, yer honor 😲

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The chutzpah of these MAGAts!

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Barrett said Peters "was no hero, you are a charlatan."

And that statement could readily be directed to all the tRumpers named in Special Counsel Smith's filing on the Jan6 criminal indictment recently released by the DC court. Indeed, "charlatan" is a top-down description of tRump and all his minions who tried to steal the 2020 election by fraudulent means, and like Peters, will *eventually* feel the sting of justice.

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No remorse. These are whackadoodle lowlifes.

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They have been trained to fall on their sword for Dear Leader.

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Yikes. The lives the orange maniac has destroyed. Tina taking 9 years for the team! I suppose that means she's more loyal than Pence.

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Crazy lying MAGA cult bit*ch

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Draining the swamp one traitor at a time! Buh bye 👋🏻

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Takes soooo damn long, though. This crap will continue until the head planners are locked up

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We have hardly gotten to the head planners yet! What's to be done with Justice Thomases wife? She was on the phone throughout the whole the whole insurrection telling others what to do! And there's Trump's son in law Jared Kushner, making an illegal 'visit' (a person without authorization cannot visit Saudi Arabia) to the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia and coming home with 2 BILLION dollars - as his personal property! We haven't heard from him since!!! There's probably 100 persons yet to be brought before the courts.

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9 years in prison. Does she get it yet that Trump is walking around in silk suits while she's in prison for trying to help him? I doubt it, of course. She had to delude herself big time to even do for Trump and Lindell.

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The article makes it clear that she's another narcissist herself and prison is right where she should be.

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I would love to see Lindell pulled in he can cry in his pillow in prison.

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9 years - so Lindell should get more and also Guiliani and of course Trump should break the records and get a life sentence ! -- Why didn't this happen yet?

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My thing --anyone who doesn't get American frustration about this is not paying attention or lacks empathy.

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So many lives destroyed by their own gullibility. I am never going to understand how any adult can be so enchanted by 45. One more life ultimately destroyed by the death of the Fairness Doctrine. If the RWNJ had not gotten access to our airwaves, so much of this bullshit could have been avoided.

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My heart is happy today. Justice is grand.

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FYI, Karen, where you’re going, the manager is called warden. Take note.

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It’s amazing that the excuses these people can come up with, a magnetic mattress?? I’ve thought of heard it all! lol what an idiot!!

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