Dominion? I hope you’re listening. I doubt she has a billion dollars but hey, whatever crappy box she lives in, I think it’s yours now.

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I doubt she has a friend.

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My thought exactly. The only friend she most likely has is imaginary.

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Margie can lie as easily as the rest of em

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Her double-wide was taken apart by Hurricane Soros - sorry, Hurricane Helene, but no worries, couch-surfing with friends.

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Sounds like her “friend” just didn’t want to admit who they voted for.

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Did "the friend" actually provide any sort of visual evidence? I'm guessing not, as...where is it?

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Or maybe there is something intentional going on here? Wouldn't surprise me.

But hey, M -q- G, go ahead and start spewing the info without proper validation, make sure you do what you can to sabotage confidence and stir up dissent. <= sarcasm.

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MTG IS MAKING UP SH#T. It’s a lying scam or they are major stupid.

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If there was a printout 3x, then SHOW IT!

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I'm going with major stupid!

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Question is why would any MAGAt discuss their ballot with any1?

Even if asked who they vote for is asked, it is so simple to respond "that's nunya..... nunya business"

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Like so many others

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I hope they sue her! She’s probably doing g it on purpose to promote her cult leader🤬

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And tee up 1/6/25 siege.

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And it should be today. Nip it in the bud. May a cease and desist. This won’t go well

For them

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This lying sack of human crap belongs in Prison. Hope she ends up getting sued and loses everything . What Garbage!

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It is entirely possible that her friend does not know how to cast his ballot. She doesn’t have very bright friends.

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Yep. Should put on reading glasses.

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Absolutely. If they are like our machines, on a big ballot and checking boxes, it would be easy to make an error. That is why it forces you to see the final ballot and confirm it. It gives you the chance to make sure you marked it correctly. These people are making me crazy with their conspiracies!

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Those are not conspiracies, those are straight lies and I hope they get sued!

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She’s gonna get sued. Hopefully today

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Well, she's not so bright herself old sporktoes ✌🏻💙

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And, so it begins.


The EVIDENCE has Dropped in the Jan 6 case. Lawyers, politicians, Cult members, and news reporters crashed the PACER website this morning, so we must wait until that is fixed.

Before it crashed, people saw that the Evidence is 1,000 pages, broken up into four (4) parts, each consisting of 250 pages. They include the grand jury evidence, 75 WITNESS INTERVIEWS, lots of texts between co-defendant Mark Meadows and lots of politicos, John Eastman docs, Rudy Giuliani docs, etc.

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deletedOct 18
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What a crock of shit 💩 Large Marge should shut the F up 💩💩💩

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Hope they sue her too

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I am sure there is some bull shit about “campaign rhetoric” that prevents it. I would say they could sue Jones but there probably isn’t enough of him left.

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In other words, voting results are already not in their favor.

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OMG? when will this Sporked Toed Wort Hog from Hell just Shut Up?! Thanks for sharing today,Ron and will reStack ASAP 🥹👍💙🌊

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Karen, I LOVE your new name for MTG -- now, what do you name the other 70 IQ Idiot -- Boebert is just so blah and non-descriptive!!

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Handy Boobert

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Ghetto Bitch Barbie 😜👈

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Bad body bleach blonde Bitchass,brainless, boneheaded stupid.

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Boebert the bimbo

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I am sure there is a Secure Support line to Dominion available to all Voter Precincts to handle and verify this accusation or technical issue with the machine.

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Looks like dominions going to be suing Marjorie for defamation if they are smart they will start the paperwork now to hopefully stop these ridiculous lies, that’s not even how voting works anyone who votes n person knows that and all the companies Trump and the RNC used last time to investigate said it wasn’t true and they found no evidence of fraud, yet here they go again what a bunch of liars they are I’m sick of it and it’s definitely time to turn the page and move on!

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Hope so, hope the sue her for all she has.

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Today would work for me 💁🏼‍♀️

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State of GA has been doing their damnest to sabotage their election. Margie just adding her 2¢. Desperate 2b part of trump's cabinet or just 2b relevant.

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Utter nonsense, of course - just preparing the for her beloved master Darth Trump to bitch about the election being stolen. I hope Dominion sue her for every penny of her wealth.

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Not, “If Trump loses”, WHEN trump loses!

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She’s a liar and a traitor. Just like Trump and Jones.

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It’s the voices in her head talking again. Don’t try to understand her train of thought. That jumped the track long ago. What’s in there now is the weave. Just like her demented cult leader.

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