To be clear, engaging “in sexual activities with underaged girls” is statutory rape.

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Matt Gatez is a sexual abuser, and a despicable dirty pig 🐖 No one wants him in government 👎😈😒

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Drop a quick line to your senator.

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I have done so daily Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, to my Senator Padilla. Even to my Republican House of Representative Kevin Kiley.

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He's a sexual abuser like trump and who else?

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It is the gesture of a narcissist who is lashing out at the country for daring to make him face consequences for leading an insurrection. He is a sociopath. There is nothing in him but impulses and instincts of the lowest kind.

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Low cunning matched with resentment and self loathing or narcissism. I only hope it consumes him quickly.

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There is really NO bottom for the mountainous MAGA garbage can. This is landfill level stuff here. My god, what a nightmare every damn day with these creeps.

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Amen to that!! Many times over!

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That’s why his best friend is serving 11 years, for this same disgusting behavior! You can’t make this up!

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Keep fighting for democracy and the truth ❤️

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Let the victims denounce all predators and aim for a real free world 🌎🌍

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And have their lives threatened? And everything and everyone else involved?

Shit. I would like to think I'd be that brave.

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Call it what it was: RAPE. Not having sex with children... that's not a thing. It's RAPE. Say it in every sentence.

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Allegedly, that word just kills me. The girls were either at the studio or not. The girls were either underage at the time or not. The hosts at Fox News were either aware of the underage girls or not. There are facts and then there are allegations.

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I still cannot believe that our government & we, the people, are literally being hostage by a bunch of narcissistic crooks…we are insane for even allowing trump back in office! In my view, he didn’t ‘win’ this election, he bamboozled, & manipulated the people by instilling fear, misinformation, bullying & threatened people. He was dishonest about everything, he’s a freaking FELON! A felon can’t get a job at a McDonald’s but this idiot can be president!? WTF is wrong with us!?? We all should be out in the streets protesting & every single one of us who doesn’t support this freak go on strike…bring down the whole F system & bring our government to a standstill! Demanding that this FELON be put in jail where he belongs! He’s used foreign interference to illegally get this nomination!! Hello people! Anyone listening? We MUST stop him & all his cronies from reaching the steps of our WH! He should have been indicted for Jan 6 in 2021!

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I'm sure Elon buying voters had nothing to do with anything either 😏

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There is no bottom for the Evil, CORRUPT, Sick in Mind and Spirit MAGA NUTJOBS! We must Unite to stop these horrific people! FIGHT FOR DEMOCRACY BY ANY MEANS NECCECARY!

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I’m not sure how much of a difference it will make. But I wrote in to both my Georgia Senators (Ossoff and Warnock) about the 4 debatable picks 🤡 is trying to assign to his cabinet. I’ve never written to any public official before. But it felt good to let my voice (We the people) be heard. As recommended by Michael Popok.

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Letters and phone calls are good. Keep it up as much as you can. It’s important for them to know the public is engaged and wants them to fight. If there is an Indivisible group in your area, check it out. More voices together has more power.

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I wouldn’t know what to look up on that subject matter. 🤷🏽‍♀️

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Thanks Lisa :)

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Just what we need an AG that's just like his boss. a sexual predator and a pedophile and a liar. Now it's time for the senate to do what they have been elected for, the countries needs instead of the kings.

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Why wouldn't Assolini just appoint all his cabinet nominees as "Acting", just like he did when he was president?

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Matt Gatez is a disgusting pig I can’t understand why this man is still walking around. He is a piece of Shitzzz and this is who trump wants to be in charge as AG. Who will be in charge of Sex Crimes and Sex Trafficking just one of the many parts of departments he will be in charge of being AG. This is beyond sickening look at all the crimes Trump has done it doesn’t surprise me. Kids Teenagers are gonna suffer this is horrifying.

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Good Grief ?! This story keeps getting worse 😱 Good reporting today you Guys, Keep em' Coming and will reStack ASAP 💯👍

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