A metaphor for his campaign and his life: dirty hands

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And a perfect example of how you get your information: some activist just says it and you repeat it.

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The first dirty deed happened way back in the early 70’s when the justice dept sued him for not renting to people of color

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Seriously doubt that was the 1st, the 1st he got busted for, yeah. Career Criminal right there. #Obviously

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How many sexual assaults did he commit? I’ve lost count!

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Then he used a tax abatement meant to go to builders creating low income housing in NYC. That was for Trump Tower. Oh, he also overcharged rooms for the Secret Service later on

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He keeps saying the election was stolen. It wasn’t. He’s a liar. He’s a huuuuge liar! Perhaps the lyingist liar that ever lived! He’s the best liar! No liar has ever lied as much as he has lied!

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Have you read about all the small business owners he never paid causing some to lose their businesses?

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Multiple times.

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Nope. I thought it up all by myself! After 10 years of research

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He packed the Supreme Court with right wing religious zealots who overturned Roe v Wade. Now women are dying as a result. And rape victims are having to carry their rapists’ babies to term.

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Well, Mary at least he’s not a pedo, nor a pedo organizer!

And he didn’t violate our first amendment freedom-of-speech by removing information citizens wished to share online with others within hours of taking office!

Nov.5th we are going to mop the floor with your peeps!!

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He just violates everyone else’s freedom of speech by threatening them. These republicans have to quit drinking the cool aid. I have never voted democrat before but with the crap that the republicans are pulling to restrict the election for legal voters, I will never in the future vote for a republican

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He's got some pedophilia in his history. Remember Jeffrey Epstein? Remember Trump walking into the changing room at his teen beauty pageants? Or doesn't any of that count?

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Don't bet on that one! A woman accused Donald Trump of raping her when she was 13 years old in a lawsuit filed in federal court in New York this week. The lawsuit alleges that the assaults happened at parties hosted by billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, with whom he had a LONG association!

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There was also a Hispanic teenager who disappeared who others maintain was brutally raped by Trump. One of those was the erstwhile 13 year old who filed charges against Trump.

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Easier to "make" minority women "disappear" since the cops don't/won't actually take their case seriously. And tRumpo, while not even a brain cell 'trust', is at least that aware.

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Amen Jennifer!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

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Did you hear about how he devalued his property at tax time and overvalued it when he went for bank loans?

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Not sure how I ended up here (thanks substack...) but I just read this drivel so thought I'd comment, as the memes are also hilarious. Especially this person...

So the fact that the FBI confirmed the authenticity of Ashley Biden's diary where she notes Biden Sr had inappropriate showers with her and that he seems to inappropriately sniff and touch kids and women on camera in front of everyone is somehow OK? The laptop, also confirmed as genuine, now showing his son is also selling influence all over the world and there are hundreds of pics on his laptop showing him smoking illegal drugs and sleeping with hookers is also OK...

Give me a break. Trump is a showman and by any measure, not a particularly nice person, but compared to the Biden's, he's a saint. The reason Dems are losing so badly is that both on a personal and policy level, they are way worse than even Trump. It's sad and laughable at the same time. This is what happens when you don't give people a real choice or even remotely what they want... Now those in power and who supported their propaganda will lose everything they have spent decades building up, and we get an a*sehole like Trump as president. Congratulations, you only have yourselves to blame.

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Project “Veritas” (use of the word “veritas”having as much to do with “truth” as the word “Pravda” does lol) who received the stolen diary are funded by Trump’s foundation. They are notorious for making shit up about individuals and organizations on Trump’s hit list. They’ve been sued for hundreds of thousands of dollars by organizations and individuals they have tried to defame including Planned Parenthood, CNN and the Washington Post. They always have to pay up. LOL. I’m sure they made up whatever they wanted to about the diary to defame the Biden administration. Ashley has always had the utmost respect and admiration for her father. She herself is an exemplary public servant as was Beau. So his third child has not been exemplary. He doesn’t come near the malfeasance that the Trump children and their spouses have. I love how you right wingers always posit false equivalencies as if Trump and his kids are somehow normal. They are not. They are oligarchs and DJT is a wannabe dictator. He has already muzzled Jeff Bezos and he hasn’t even been elected yet. He has 34 felony convictions. Where are Joe Biden’s? Where are Hillary’s ? No comparison whatsoever. He is a liar, a fraud, and tried to stage a coup. And that was all WITH people restraining him. Wait until he appoints 3 more justices to the Supreme Court and surrounds himself with toady generals. Wait until Putin makes ingress into Poland. Does the year 1939 have any meaning for you? Have you EVER cracked a history book? You are full of drivel

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... Talk about desperate. The diary is real, the court said so and so did Ashley, who also confirmed the contents and well. Veritas having it is irrelevant, they didn't even publish anything from it, other outlets did. As for Biden, sniffing and groping women and kids has happened so many times that there are compilation videos... Not to mention he has the cognitive ability of a vegetable. The fact the MSM hid all this from you for 4 years somehow is also OK.

The laptop is of course real too and the contents are horrific and apart from the hookers, kids and drug taking, include hundreds of emails showing Hunter was peddling his father's influence to Russian, Chinese and Ukrainian businessmen to name a few. There are even websites that have helpfully compiled these so you can see the contents for yourself, they're not hard to find at all (if you don't use Google), but somehow the MSM choose not to go there, funny that. Since you mentioned Hillary, she had to make up evidence of Trump and Russia, because there was nothing there. The fact that all of them have not been convicted is not due to their innocence...

Still, I think Trump isn't a great person either and it's sad to see that the most powerful country in the world has to choose between him and Harris of all people, a complete Marxist who slept her way into politics and who nobody voted for, yet is somehow the bastion of democracy and women's rights. The whole thing is an absolute joke, and it's only a matter of time until you deluded people are forced to confront the fact that every election, you're just choosing from 2 evils and sadly, you were so propagandised that you were rooting for the much more evil of the 2...

I don't even blame you, as the news would have you believe that Trump is pure evil, but yet, he believes in the constitution and freedom of speech. Yet, as far as the Dems are concerned, censorship is top of the agenda. Since you "subtly" brought up history too, when has the side that's trying to censor you and take away your freedoms, EVER been the good guys. I'm waiting...

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Trump just said he wants to do away with the constitution. LOL

I research; I don’t trust the mainstream media.

Project Veritas having anything in their grasp is subject to their manipulation.

Don Jr is a cocaine addict as is his crazy girlfriend ( yes I know whose ex wife she is)

Biden is affectionate, not pervy. Ashley never said he was pervy. Sheesh.

The Trump family are grifters to the nth degree and have all their cheap tchotchkes made in countries with cheap sweatshop labor. Trump is going to turn over the country to the project 2025 people. His guru is Steve Bannon and Steve Miller is chomping at the bit to deport our countries day laborers on “trains” his words. There’s 1939 cropping up again. I do not think you have one scintilla of knowledge of history or finance for surely you know that high tariffs will drive inflation.

As for women’s’ rights you bet Kamala represents women voters. Here in Texas people with non viable fetuses are bleeding out, having to carry their rapists’ babies to term all because a minority of irrational religious zealots thinks fetal tissue is a human being.

Kamala had an affair with Willie Brown. So what? She had the intellect and schooling and savvy to climb the ladder with or without his help.

I’d say you need to amend your moniker to Skewed Perception of Reality

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Lady you are a fanatic. I'm not saying Trump is innocent or good, but I'm also not foaming to the point that I'll believe he had dirty hands at McDonald's.

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The citations weren’t about your boy Trump, lol

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Lighten up Cowboy!

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Lol lighten up from someone who wrote two thousand words in response!

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Well, Mary at least he’s not a pedo, nor a pedo organizer!

And he didn’t violate our first amendment freedom-of-speech by removing information citizens wished to share online with others within hours of taking office!

Nov.5th we are going to mop the floor with your peeps!!

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Sorry, Russian: those lies are a bit too stale. Hasn’t Uncle Vlad given you a fresher pile of b.s. to spew…?

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That speaks of nonsense Kim. Say something meaningful.

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https://youtu.be/AUDr_c2PalI Yeah, the "women" there, most looked like GIRLS, not women.

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Yes, I’m very proud of myself! Thank you!

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Oooops! I have to go to work at a real job! More later! Ciao, Bubba!

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He doesn’t like Democracy or the US. He doesn’t care if Putin wants to invade other countries who practice Democracy.

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His best friends are dictators: Viktor Orban, V Putin, and Kim Jong Un.

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And his opponent is proud to have been endorsed by a war criminal. We are screwed no matter who. Quit ranting and go build a nuclear fallout shelter already.

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She’s proud to have been endorsed by someone who threw their career away in an effort to protect democracy. She’s made a point of saying they are not aligned on policy. But they are aligned in preventing fascism

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I'm glad I don't have kids for you to draft to make your war criminal rich.

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Your children that you don’t have would not enjoy fascism. Please familiarize yourself with history. PS not a supporter of Israel under Netanyahu. Not a supporter of Hamas.

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You're right they wouldn't. That's why I don't have them, we already live under fascism.

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I’m anti war except for protecting Europe against Putin’s aggression and that’s Ukraines’s responsibility but we need to help

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You are not anti war. Anti war means anti war, not getting to pick and choose the wars you like and opposing the rest.

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Magats shouldn't be allowed near children.

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I like how I can write a comment condemning both candidates and all you see is that I don't like your candidate and so I must be a magat. We're doomed if Trump or Harris wins. There are more than two parties on the ballot. Do you even read your ballot or do you just look for the D and fill in the bubble?

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Oh and he said he didn’t care when Pence had to literally run and hide until he could be whisked away from the Capitol because an angry mob wanted to hang him

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Well, Mary at least he’s not a pedo, nor a pedo organizer!

And he didn’t violate our first amendment freedom-of-speech by removing information citizens wished to share online with others within hours of taking office!

Nov.5th we are going to mop the floor with your peeps!!

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Or are you just mainlining Faux News?

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Trump is a pedo, as are all of his supporters. Cope.

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Not everyone is a pedo nor acts upon those delusional power trips. It is all a symptom of the symptom. Sin! If we aren’t aware of the need to reform and bow to our Higher power we aren’t aware of the ability to be redeemed.

So you Cope.

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Maybe ALL is slightly overstated, MOST, yeah... I believe MOST, certainly most of the males, and a fair bit on the female supporters.

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Conspiracy theory much? Lol

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Everything he does is staged. As usual, fooling his supporters. And, as usual, he’s a disgusting pig who doesn’t wash his hands even after going to the bathroom, I bet.

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Of course the restaurant was cited for public health violation Trump was on the premises Crossing off McDonald's never going there again

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He carries his bathroom in his pants, doesn't he? If there is anyone who needs to wash his hands before handling other people's food, it's trump.

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He talks about not washing his hands before going into a deal so when he shakes a person's hand, he knows he had his dick in and didn't wash. That gave him a feeling of superiority. I think it was actually in the Art of the Deal.

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wow a real pos 😠

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Everything ALL of our politicians do is mostly staged. The last 4 years of Biden was staged. Biden reads a teleprompter, and when he went off script it was disastrous. Kamala practices her campaign rally’s. They’re rehearsed, every step, every word, repeating the same things over and over and over until you believe whatever trope she’s selling you. We’re all fooled by the political machine of our choosing.

What are you talking?

The McDonald’s stunt by Trump was brilliant, and intended to contrast a likely lie from Kamala that she worked in a McDonald’s. Not a shred of evidence she actually worked in a McDonald’s. More staging, to make herself look like a regular person. Most likely. The entire thing came about in 2019 the last time she ran, and failed, with only 1.14% support, from Democrat electorate.

The only thing that has changed since she ran last time, was the marketing department, and about $1 billion dollars to sell you a knew version of Kamala.

We should all be leery of these games on either side of the aisle.

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At least Kamala follows a teleprompter with complete sentences and doesn't go into a musical stupor; swaying in a musical trance while people are fainting in the isles.

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She's not following the teleprompter, she is dependent on it, controlled by those feeding her the content behind the scenes in complete sentences. Probably required reading in the whole scheme of things. Unlike Trump, who seldom uses one. What you're apparently appalled by is a real human being doing real things without a gaggle of puppet masters or script, unrehearsed. A little comical at times, sure, but it is him and his own actions and words, for better or worse. No excuses and no committee. No marketing department to create catchy buzz words and phrases for him for distribution to the media partners. Just Trump, doing what Trump does best. Dominating the news cycle.

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The mental gymnastics magats can do are amazing.

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I realize that putting together a full paragraph using multiple sentences and proper punctuation to form a complete thought might seem amazing to you, but trust me, it’s not. Literally billions of people around the world accomplish this daily. It might look like mental gymnastics to those less mentally equipped, but the good news is that most of us are capable of improving our mental fortitude. Seriously, don’t despair—it just takes a little work. A single sentence can turn into two, then three, then four, and before you know it, you have a full paragraph expressing a complete thought! If drugs are an issue, you might want to cut back, as they can impede mental capacity. Not saying you’re on drugs, but it seems possible, given your amazement at basic English. You got this, Keith!

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Oh offs. You must be delusional. When the person fainted, he stopped his speech and had them turn on music while the EMT's tended to the patient. But BY ALL MEANS, lie your ass off here...

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What is, "Oh offs"? I tried running it through GPT to see if AI could decipher it, but got nothing. It seems to be gibberish. Not even sure what the insult is, honestly. Someone fainted due to the heat, and he stopped and waited to let EMT's tend to their patient. Ummm, yes, it was the right thing to do.

Do you think he should have kept on with his rally, and ignored the ill person and the EMT's? Is that the dig here?

Seriously. I have no idea what point you're making.

Ultimately, he ended the rally due to the heat, for the sake of his supporters, and at the expense of his rally. Sensible thing to do. He was forced to keep things locked down because crazy liberals are randomly taking pot shots at him. That's why people were over heating. Security wouldn't let him open the doors.

Or maybe I missed something, and this isn't aimed at me, rather the person who's actually making shit up?

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Iwas responding to the person who criticized Trump for playing music and acting like they were ignoring an ill spectator deliberately. They did not ignore the sick person, they were letting the emts tend to the ill spectator...

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Maybe you should practice your English just a tad, Andy. Y’know, before you embarrass yourself so thoroughly with the bothsiderism.

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Cute. George is defending Lennie.

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Only brilliant to the inbred trash that support him.

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That’s a productive comment. Glad to see you can form a complete sentence. Impressive. Have you learned multiplication tables yet? If not, don’t panic, they start teaching that around 3rd grade. You’ll get there. Be patient.

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Hilarious. A Trump pedo trying to act superior. How many underage kids have you diddled magat?

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Admittedly, it doesn't appear to be a very challenging endeavor in your case. But, okay, I'm 'acting' far superior to someone like you, but, that does seem to be a pretty low bar you've set, especially judging by your last sentence. Magat is a bit obvious, and also a nonsensical jumble of letters. I think the word you might have been searching for is, maggot, unless you're going for a phonetic version of the term. I'm guessing? Maybe? Don't like to assume. You got me, though, so good job calling me out. Again, impressive wordsmithing.

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Nope. MAGAt - the MAGA you likely are aware of, maybe not, that's tRumpo's little Fascist 'saying' we just add the t for traitor(s). It's a homophone of maggot, but don't panic, you can't 'catch' it or anything. (I know 'your type' gets all twitchy about anything homo... Tho, in part the meaning is kinda the same too in portions, anyway. But hey! You likely learned a new word... or will once you look it up ;)

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Yes it was staged just like all political events by both parties are. You however missed the point. Trump was poking fun at Kamala’s claim , still unproven that she once worked at Mc Donald’s.

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Why am I not even surprised. He’s gross. 🤮

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Did the Trump campaign pay for the list revenue while the store was closed? Or did the restaurant report that as a campaign contribution? And I think it is illegal for businesses to make contributions.

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I don't think so. Our esteemed SCOTUS enacted Citizens United, which placed no limits on campaign contributions by corporations, judging money as a freedom of expression, thus opening wide the floodgates of corruption and influence peddling. Blame them, and demand that obscenity be deleted from the law of the land.

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What the hell was the propose of this staged stunt?? I had a paper route when I was a kid. What difference does this make?? How running a French fryer is a simple task, that even a totally spoiled little boy can do it for three minutes, at the age of 178?🤡🤮

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Corporate McDonalds should have put a stop to this ridiculous cartoon. I think this tells us how corporate feels about voting with their wallets only for retirement funds.

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Not patronising McDonald's again.

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Nor will I. What a buffoon he is

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Ditto. And ewww!

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How much bidniz is that particular McDonny doing now? Especially after Poopy Hands added to their dangerous health violations were made public.

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trump can't that's a skill trump would fail at.

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those fries still looked frozen to me lol! They probably turned off the fryer in case he messed up. oy

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You are probably so right!!! What a horses ass. I’m not sorry to say, I can’t stand this man as being a human living and breathing in our atmosphere. 🫠Where do these people come from?

I had no idea they existed until his famous escalator ride brought him directly into our lives. Who woulda thunk!!

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The Russians did.

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The purpose was to highlight how VP Harris lied about working at McDonalds.

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So petty—as if he ever had a job like that. It is just a joke for him, a photo op, whereas for many of us a fast food joint was a job! Kamala, who is more like most of us, can relate to regular working people.

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I'd say that was a major fail. Along with McDonny losing business😄😄

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They lost what business I was still giving them. No thanks. Burger King tastes better anyhow, especially the Impossible Whopper.

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Yeah only real exception is the fries, but I prefer the onion rings anyway ;)

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Except she didn't. They just don't have employment records on that lvl from 40 years ago. 7, sure, 40? Not so much. Also adults don't typically put McD's on their resume if it was a HS or college Job past their 1st 'real job'.

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I used to babysit when I was young. Never thought to put it on my resume when older. This was just another photo-op for Cheetolini.

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At his fave 'restaurant'!

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Curious how many staged Repugs actually ate the fries that Donny's poopy hands prepared?

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Let's get this into the corporate media!!! Hahahaha!

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This foolishness grandstand can't do ANYTHING according to the rules

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But you know it might get a few jackasses to vote for him.

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You know, I was on the fence. I was willing to forgive his contributing to one million Covid deaths, raping someone, being a felon, a peeping Tom, the hateful stance on innocent migrants, the fraud, all of the workers he has stiffed for fifty years, the Russian mob members he housed in Trump Tower, grifting the gospel he had printed in an adversarial country, stealing millions of dollars from his own supporters, adultery times who knows how many, an insurrection that injured and wounded so many defenders of our Constitution and his own incited mob, stealing and sharing confidential, national security documents, taking bribes while in office, threatening his own staff members with execution, threatening those that oppose him with the same, saying he will use the military against Americans that oppose him, praising dictators, etc. yeah, I know all of these things about Trump but am still teetering on the fence because Kamala laughs a lot....But!!! Now that he has made fries without gloves or a hair net and not even washing his hands? Well, folks, and oh, almost forgot...he severed a 93 year old widow's waterline in order to make her miserable enough to give up her family farm which, shame on her, was in eyesight of Trump's "beautiful" golf course in Aberdeen Scotland. Yeah, it's close, Kamala does laugh a bit.

The Pros/ Cons ballot choice is leaning just a bit left when I eyeball it. Sorry Donnie. You lose. But you were soooo close.

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Damn you, Steven Jones! Now my poor southern MAGA eyes are bleeding. Happy now? I'm not crying tears anymore but instead BLOOD. I'm gonna need another transfusion soon. Happy now, Mr. Smarty Pants? You just HAD it list it all, didn't you? Okay, it was just the tip of the iceberg, but I STILL say damn you, Steven Jones... Just gorging yourself on so much FACTUAL INFORMATION. What next? Justice? Peace, love and understanding? What the hell did I buy this automatic rifle for? Damn you TA HELL, you Marxist, Communist, socialist libtard who can READ. Now I need my pills! DJ, get my pills! 😛

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I hope the online censors realize you are jesting about the rifle, Mary Ann. Please be more careful so you don't sound threatening about it; some of those actual Fascists can't read or see sarcasm.

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Well, PoopyHands McDonny's MAGA followers are not only AR carriers but users... on rooftops and da bushes. Even trips to DC under McDonny's leadership. How many of the J6 arrested had deadly weapons in their vehicles?

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At least they DO seem to be limiting their targets to their (former) "dear leader;" that's something, almost good abt it ;) (Tjo i don't want him to expire until he's trotted in prison for a few years at least...

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Yeah, what’s that about? That his own people are trying to kill him? I’ve yet to come across any analysis of either shooter. Have you? Is there any consensus on their logic?

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Oops! You are indeed right. Also, the algorithms can’t read sarcasm either. I suspect that Substack isn’t as heavily monitored as far larger social media networks, but who knows. I don’t need the FBI at my door any more than I need a maga nut. Yes, so thank you!

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Brilliant summation!

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I'm glad you are so carefully considering the information. 😄

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They didn't have gloves that tiny for him.

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Everything he does is staged. Always fooling his supporters. How can they believe anything he does or says.

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I can't believe they're dumb enough to fall for it. He's never done an honesr day's work in his life!

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Funny, if icky, but unrelated. This occurred in March. Now if they were cited BECAUSE of Trump, that would have been news worthy.

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The county inspector also noted that food workers, just like Trump on Sunday, were not wearing hair restraints while working food preparation and packaging roles. These health requirements keep hair from getting on food and items that contact food.

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I worked in a Wal-Mart deli and I had to wear a hair restraint and change gloves for each order of meat or cheese that I sliced.

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Look at the photos….

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Perhaps because they were already violators, McDonny having trump spread his vermin around, only gave their violations more notoriety.

Curious how long this particular franchise location will be open.

A case of all publicity NOT being good publicity.

Public reluctant to frequent contaminated eating establishments. Trump being a contributor to contamination. 😕

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Give them time to file the paperwork.

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I knew when I saw the photo of that individual working on the fry stand without proper hygiene measures that I would NOT be visiting that McDonalds. :(p

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Well when he was there those weren’t real customers…….so

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actually they were Trump supporters given a pass to show up while he was there, and he gave all the food away free. In the video that was taken while he was "working ", he said to one family at the drive through, "I don't even care if your order is wrong since I paid for it anyway!"

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But of course he would day that.

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Just shows his deep-seated contempt for them.

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Very unlikely that McDonny got a red cent from the trump campaign. The public demands to see the receipt! Most likely the owner was forced to donate the cost of that debacle to McDonny's campaign.

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Any1 want to take odds if even a farthing changed hands?

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And Trisha you were there and no for a fact Trump said this? GROW UP OR GROW A PAIR!!!

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I don't usually respond to 3rd graders who can't spell, but I'll make an exception here. The entire day was recorded. You DO KNOW who Donald Trump is; right? He doesn't do ANYTHING without first making sure it's going to get him attention...except for the calls to Netanyahu and Putin, when he tells everyone to leave the rooms.

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Uh, that's "KNOW for a fact", not that I actually expect anyone stupid enough to vote for tRumpo the (ass)Clown to KNOW that, actually... but maybe there's hope since you didn't use their nor they're for the 5th word in your statement. I doubt she knows "for a fact", tho I have a vague recollection of something similar, so thinking it was reported/recorded. So if recorded, yeah, within a reasonable doubt, if reported, depends on source, probably.

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I hope he got to eat the results. 😄

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Nevertheless, this particular McDonny's violations have become publically notorious. Remember? Everything Donny touches (fake or otherwise).....

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Of course. Filthy like him.

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It’s always a lie, no matter what he does. His hands were clean enough so he didn’t need to wash his hands and put on gloves like everyone else. Or wear a hair net. And he paid for all the food he gave to rehearsed customers . He doesn’t pay for anything. Please everyone vote Blue !

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Trump's 'hands were clean enough'?

Remember who you speak of: PoopyPantsParasite with tons of grease on his face. 🤪

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This is the perfect venue for a lying Trump side show act as the McDonald's franchise have had health violations and, of course, fat grandpa dementia didn't wear gloves or a hairnet to cover that dead dyed thing on his head. Also, since getting rid of health regulations that cost owners money is part of his phantom platform, his lack of following the rules fits right into the MAGA agenda.

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