I think if they want a free press they need to stand up, speak out and help fight for the first amendment. We The People are having to take it on the chin. They need some battle scars too!
you would think its their most crucial job. But they are either being bought or threatened by the deciever in the white house. Its clear he wants to continue to lie and keep you in the dark.
All 3 local Detroit news stations did cover it for once. One of them (WXYZ/7), sadly, chose to include an interview with a Michigan republican Congressman (who was not there) where he nastily with his best Tony Soprano bravado stated that "the libs" in Michigan and Canada are "just mad that the UAW leaders are supporting 'that one's' tarriffs on Canada. Ruined the entire coverage.
Congress is not acting/not following the Constitution - it will take 10's of thousands on the street frequently to push them to do their jobs against this dictator wanaabee. Grocery and chip/tech supplies have been good but Musk/insurrectionist policy will become real soon.
I wish I had kept in touch with my distant relatives who lived in Calgary, Alberta and my grandmothers’ family from Prince Edward Island. Would love to know how the current generation feels about the crazy loon that Americans voted into the White House. And send my love and respect to our neighbors in the north.
Not all Americans voted for Trump, just the ones who thought he would bring prices down. Aka, the gullible ones.
Believe me Republican Politicians are getting an ear-full of anger from their constituents. The anger is so fierce, these Republicans have shut down their town halls. They can’t take all of that anger nor can they answer the question on why are they allowing Trump and Musk to destroy everything.
Yes, every time I hear "Americans voted for trump", it sets off the hackles on my neck. Not even half of those who voted in America voted for traitor trump!
Yup. And even if you email or send letters to protest the attack on SSA, and other benefits and agencies (if you happen to live in a repub district like I do), there is zero response back. Months before the election and around the time of the Biden IRA, PACT Act legislation I emailed my repug representative and received the usual blah blah blah repug response, which was useless. At least I recently received emails back from my California senators, Padilla and Schiff, voicing my concerns regarding the dismantling of our government agencies which gave me a little hope.
the tRumputinist cult hates any fact and truth. it's why they're the most dangerous cult in the developed world. The developed world must NOT tolerate the dangerous cults because one can NOT be tolerant to/of the intolerants!!
I'm from Alberta (also, originally Calgary). Trump has created a wonderful display of patriotism up hear, one that we don't see all that often. Alberta is a red province and there are some folks who support him and they think that being the 51st state wouldn't be that bad. The rest of us are worried about your loss of democracy. Let's all hope that there is enough resistance from masses of your citizens to overcome their evil agenda. We are rooting for you all.
This shit is happening all over the world. So many countries are split right down the middle. Racism and misogyny does bring people together, sadly. Maybe King Shitpants will bring this country together after all. My Maga father lost it when he realized he was working for Putin. He saw it with his own eyes. He registered as an Independent last week. Wow! Shitpants did what I couldn't.
And damn, we love Canada. ❤️ I'm from Minnesota. I almost sound Canadian. Take my state. Please!
He is certainly is bringing us together, against him, his racism and misogyny. Most Canadians have a live and let live attitude and we see Trump for what he is. He is a fraud, a failed business man and a felon, a con man, a cad and a cheat. It is too bad that some smart law man hadn't nailed his sorry ass to the wall years ago and saved you all the fecking grief.
Yep, your last sentence speaks pretty much everything I want to say. The failure of the law and justice in USA is unprecedented in the most negative sense in the entire developed world's history.
Some of our history professors who focus on tyranny are leaving the US to go teach in Canada. What a horror if they do that and our emperor with no heart or brain "annexes" Canada.
History is repeating in the most dreadful ways almost 100 years post Hitler. I love the protestors and all their creative signs!!! We'll keep it up and we love Canada. Apologies for our boy in diapers.
Lots of Canadians understand and feel bad for what's happening in the states. I read lots of good comments of caring from them on Instagram and tictok. Lots of Americans are apologizing back to for how trump is treating them and other countries. They know that Lots of Americans didn't vote for him . They are shocked how fast everything is being destroyed in just a few short weeks.
Same with Europe. They know the difference between the government, the bots and the people. Even those who voted against their own interests, as angry as people are at them, we know they are to some extent also victims.
We are here sister don't worry we got your love and messages all of us know it ain't the dems doing this . Look what I've been watching and spreading everywhere I can. The whole world is going free or MAGA Russain.
@annedebrams007 in Canada Stay safe. Stay strong with you in spirit.
Hungary erupts with 50,000 protesters demanding Orbán’s resignation over his pro-Russian stance, as global leaders push for a ceasefire in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s cutting-edge drones are reshaping the battlefield, adding a new layer of tension to the geopolitical crisis. Cmon Pro dems SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE !! DO YOUR BIT FOR dEMOCRACY now
Thousands of Russians are fleeing Crimea because of those drone attacks, especially families of top brass military, yet I see no reports on this from the compromised corporate media. You can find it on Ukrainian news sources on YouTube. Putin's in big trouble and our diaper boy is trying to hide it.
You might find you don't like the ideas of your family from Alberta ...they seem to be aligned with MAGA tRumpers in Alberta.....but the PEI family would most like be aligned with the rest of Canada.....Never 51!!!
Hi, I was wondering about that. I understand that Canada has their right wingers too. I was just barely 15 or so in the 60’s when my family visited Canada so in the years following my mom lost contact with the few relatives left and I never pursued it either.
The Democratic parts of USA should have always, always kept the tight ties with the Democratic and/or Liberal parts of Canada (which are, thankfully, the majority) 'cause it makes perfect sense. The perfect sense is that the good Democratic and Liberal people are connected with their such closest neighbors!!
Hi I am an American living right outside Calgary in Okotoks! Most are angry and appalled! There are lots of Americans living here and we are embarrassed!
Yes I have left VMs on my repug representative call line. That’s why I am so sarcastic about the republican representative responses, it’s all double talk about what the “goals “ are to “blah blah blah “ fix the economy and blame “ the previous administration for a failed economy “. Nothing but the usual republican myths and lies.
Our local (Orlando, FL) Spectrum outlet aired a special report on the grim scenario for our National Parks under the Trumpist iron fist. Kudos to them.
I'd only suggest The Meidas Touch Network tries to find a common language with Lights On of Jessica Denson and American Opposition .org (americanopposition.org) because all the NONtRumputinist and better yet ANTItRumputinist Americans need to cooperate with Congressman Al Green (D-TX), Timothy Snyder, Cliff Cash and all TRULY OPPOSITIONARY to this regime but PRO-AMERICAN, PRO-DEMOCRACY, PRO-NATO, PRO-AMERICAN ALLIES forces in order to genuinely delegitimize and disempower the illegitimate tRumputin-eVIlonmusk-jdvance-mikejohnson reign of terror!!
The entire Democratic Party of USA should have stood in solidarity with Congressman Al Green (D-TX)!!
As to the GREAT, WONDERFUL comedian Matt Friend - he is doing exactly what should be done - ridiculing the tRumputin&his terrorists!! It’s one of the most effective ways of fighting them!!
I am a Canadian, vacationing in Europe (you can guess why), and I'm not seeing any of these protests in the main stream news feeds from u.s. or Canada here.....thank goodness for Meidas and Substacks!! I cannot believe Canadian news agencies are ignoring this.
Thank YOU and your fellow Canadians for all of YOUR support. It means the world to us across the border.... and, as that one big sign says, "SORRY, CANADA".
To all my Canadien friends. I wish from the bottom of my heart that I was your next door neighbor. Thank you for all the love and support that you give us. I love you all. I really needed to see the protests and all the love especially today.
Good One carol Thats should go Viral I love it lolll Take care canada knows whats happening there. Be strong the world is in a war with Mago Russia propaganda Big Time stay strong FIGHTING with you.
Same for me. I thought when we voted it OUT in 2020 that we could get back to enjoying our lives and looking forward to a comfortable retirement, knowing our child(ren) would be safe from the toxic MAGA cult of hate.
This is great. But it’s time for a million person march. My heart aches thinking of the injustices this administration is heaping upon people/ kidnapping student protesters for speech isn’t American. Putting people in unmarked vans and disappearing them into some official no man’s land beyond lawyers and justice, locked in a hell hole unreachable by anyone. That’s Communist China, the USSR, North Korea. This is what they did to that student from America in North Korea.
But I think perhaps, a more effective outcome is the slowly sinking stock price of Tesla together with ever shrinking sales month after month.
See that there get the oligarchs attention.
Musk had an all employee virtual meeting on twitter, of course it crashed and there was a long delay. But then he showed up again and literally BEGGED the employees NOT to sell their stock. I doubt there are many things that Elon Musk literally begs for. His life is all about ordering everyone around and buying what he wants. The thought of Elon Musk on his knees begging his employees not to sell their stock, that was joyful.
Thank you so much for sharing my and my partner Ben's photos, Meidas team! The protest was so incredibly moving and meaningful to be apart of. I can't stress enough how much I respect the strength of our neighbors in Canada. Elbows up!!! 🇨🇦🩷🇺🇸
Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I lived in A2 for five years and have many fond memories of both Detroit and of going over to Windsor. Your photos have given hope to a lot of people on both sides of the border. ❤️
I’m American but my mother was born and raised in Windsor. We went over that Ambassador bridge from Detroit to Windsor on many family vacations to visit the relatives. I wish I could have been there today. Thank you for these wonderful photos of Canadian-American solidarity. I’m going to share these with my sisters. It will lift their hearts.
Our countries are stronger together as neighbours, friends and allies. Hell, millions of us have close family living in both countries and we’ve been just fine for many decades, until that orange piece of dirt reared his ugly head. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
My mom's family is also from Canada and we are also in Micigan and crossed the bridge to visit them. I wish I would have known about this love fest today I would have attended.
My mom’s family is also from Ontario, Canada. When I was young we always took our vacations to Canada visiting family. Detroit/Windsor has always been linked due to the Ambassador bridge and the Windsor/ Detroit Tunnel. I cannot count the times I have been over both. We stand with our Canadian neighbors and family. 🇨🇦🇺🇸
April 5th!!! Huge nationwide peaceful protest in every state put together by HandsOff2025. They say they already have 2 million signed up. Grab everyone you can and let’s do this. It takes 11 million to hit the 3.5% goal.
Definitely need as many people as possible. We must make them see our strength. Let's get a broad coalition. All issues are under one issue. . . Freedom!
Why aren't these protests being covered by the national media? It's so important just like the crowds AOC and Bernie are doing. Why isn't the national media covering the fact Musk is trying to buy the Wisconsin Supreme court race?
too much of mainstream media is gop owned or controlled or is totally capitulating to the top thieves .... the govt does not want the general public to see how many of these protests there are, where they are, their size, and all the signs. . . you can see pix on posts like MTN's, and similar (subscriber 0nly supported) news. Want to see Bernie's? = just google "Bernie Fight Oligarchy Tour". Wanna see all over the nation: you CAN see on Rachel Maddow's evening shows, msnbc, M-F, 9pm (EST), repeated at Midnight (EST). This has become a regular segment on her show........ BTW, you think WE're pissed? Can't recall where I saw this a few days ago, but the protests against govt corruption and similar are also happening in Serbia, Hungary, Romania, and Georgia. In Serbia alone 325,000 (yes, that's 325 THOUSAND) people FLOODED this one location all at one time; check it out; I hope we can reach this point!! . https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2g8v32q30o
Thank you, Ben, for highlighting the protests of Democracy Summer! These gestures also boost the photographers whose work you feature. I fantasized, happily and briefly, that the two who captured Detroit and Windsor had become Jim Souzas, documenting an Oval Office returned to sanity and goodness.
Thank you for the great pictures! It’s imperative that people know others are protesting and making their voices heard. It makes us feel that we are not alone, and that the majority of Americans support democracy.
I don’t know how this all ends, but we can’t stop fighting against Fascism.
Snowglazed, you know what, the majority of folks are just fine, honourable decent people. It’s the so called leadership that’s totally screwed up and scared to death. Remember the red emperor has no clothes.
Thank you for covering these! It’s so crucial since our peaceful protests our being completely ignored by national media right now
Local media didn’t even cover our Musk protest.
Call the stations ahead of time and let them know - might make a difference
We need to go to some of the stations to protest! Let them know we think they are complicit.
Isn't their job to let us know?
One would think, yes - but if it garnered attention, I’d do it anyway.
No, it's their job to keep their jobs by catering to their sponsors and not having their licenses yanked by the Dump's FCC.
I think if they want a free press they need to stand up, speak out and help fight for the first amendment. We The People are having to take it on the chin. They need some battle scars too!
They're afraid of the billionaires.
They're afraid of the billionaires.
They are OWNED by the billionaires.
you would think its their most crucial job. But they are either being bought or threatened by the deciever in the white house. Its clear he wants to continue to lie and keep you in the dark.
All 3 local Detroit news stations did cover it for once. One of them (WXYZ/7), sadly, chose to include an interview with a Michigan republican Congressman (who was not there) where he nastily with his best Tony Soprano bravado stated that "the libs" in Michigan and Canada are "just mad that the UAW leaders are supporting 'that one's' tarriffs on Canada. Ruined the entire coverage.
Proof they are fascists!
That was probably the point. Sad!
The owners are thinking no farther ahead than the tax cuts they've been promised!!
Major stations are barely reporting on them.
We need to make them get so big that they can’t be ignored on the news
I think that happened in Denver last night with 34,000 people showing up. God bless Bernie's Sanders and AOC.
Great, where are the lazy Democratic leaders, we must call them out.
Yes, and in Tucson they expected about 3000 and there were over 23,000!!
Congress is not acting/not following the Constitution - it will take 10's of thousands on the street frequently to push them to do their jobs against this dictator wanaabee. Grocery and chip/tech supplies have been good but Musk/insurrectionist policy will become real soon.
Yes, the ANTItRumputinist protests must be more numerous!! But, better something than nothing!!
True. Stay tuned!
Most of are owned by right wing conservatives. They’re not going to show it we have to.
They're afraid of the billionaires.
Not surprised. The republiCRAPS probably kept it hush-hush.
I call them Re-Putin-Cans.
Trump has bought off the national media. That is serious! We have to keep fighting.
I'll bet the FBI did.
It was covered on our Canadian Stations!
They're afraid to, the billionaires now control corporate media. We have the Meidas Touch, screw them.
I wish I had kept in touch with my distant relatives who lived in Calgary, Alberta and my grandmothers’ family from Prince Edward Island. Would love to know how the current generation feels about the crazy loon that Americans voted into the White House. And send my love and respect to our neighbors in the north.
Not all Americans voted for Trump, just the ones who thought he would bring prices down. Aka, the gullible ones.
Believe me Republican Politicians are getting an ear-full of anger from their constituents. The anger is so fierce, these Republicans have shut down their town halls. They can’t take all of that anger nor can they answer the question on why are they allowing Trump and Musk to destroy everything.
Yes, every time I hear "Americans voted for trump", it sets off the hackles on my neck. Not even half of those who voted in America voted for traitor trump!
MaryTR, thank you for reminding everybody that not half of voters voted for dRump.
He won by the smallest margin in history, yet he won all the swing states, also a first in history. Is that not "fishy"?
Big time!! Please, note that Spoonamore's Duty To Warn Letters sent to our Vice President Kamala Harris, then, these sites https://unitedwestand.vote/recount, https://smartelections.us/dropoff, Greg Palast's documentaries, https://electiontruthalliance.org/eta, Thom Hartmann's, Kyle Kulinski's investigative journalism etc... etc... were/are for the reasons!!
Yup. And even if you email or send letters to protest the attack on SSA, and other benefits and agencies (if you happen to live in a repub district like I do), there is zero response back. Months before the election and around the time of the Biden IRA, PACT Act legislation I emailed my repug representative and received the usual blah blah blah repug response, which was useless. At least I recently received emails back from my California senators, Padilla and Schiff, voicing my concerns regarding the dismantling of our government agencies which gave me a little hope.
It doesn't matter if they answer your letters. Drown them in letters. Give them enough letters to fill their office and another room.
I used Scott Dworkin’s substack site for the letters. He has a great listing ready to go. Easy to send multiple emails.
That's because it they answered truthfully, Mr. Moneybags would threaten to back their opponent in the next primary.
Didn't go so well for him in Pennsylvania. Money can't buy you love.
Then their answer should be, "I cannot answer that question." That would
be going ON RECORD with an answer - the going ON RECORD is what they cannot do AND get re-elected, which reveals their fundamental cowardly nature.
the tRumputinist cult hates any fact and truth. it's why they're the most dangerous cult in the developed world. The developed world must NOT tolerate the dangerous cults because one can NOT be tolerant to/of the intolerants!!
the true coward rating ligand who bow down and bend over for a classless clown.
Have they ever accounted for any of their lies and deceit, Its all word salad.
I'm from Alberta (also, originally Calgary). Trump has created a wonderful display of patriotism up hear, one that we don't see all that often. Alberta is a red province and there are some folks who support him and they think that being the 51st state wouldn't be that bad. The rest of us are worried about your loss of democracy. Let's all hope that there is enough resistance from masses of your citizens to overcome their evil agenda. We are rooting for you all.
Thank you. Canada's support for our resistance means a lot to us right now. You are very special and precious to us. Love always, Canada.❤️🇨🇦❤️
I heard they call them Maple Magas.
This shit is happening all over the world. So many countries are split right down the middle. Racism and misogyny does bring people together, sadly. Maybe King Shitpants will bring this country together after all. My Maga father lost it when he realized he was working for Putin. He saw it with his own eyes. He registered as an Independent last week. Wow! Shitpants did what I couldn't.
And damn, we love Canada. ❤️ I'm from Minnesota. I almost sound Canadian. Take my state. Please!
He is certainly is bringing us together, against him, his racism and misogyny. Most Canadians have a live and let live attitude and we see Trump for what he is. He is a fraud, a failed business man and a felon, a con man, a cad and a cheat. It is too bad that some smart law man hadn't nailed his sorry ass to the wall years ago and saved you all the fecking grief.
Yep, your last sentence speaks pretty much everything I want to say. The failure of the law and justice in USA is unprecedented in the most negative sense in the entire developed world's history.
Watch PBS's Frontline to see why this is spreading globally. Truth is power: "The Rise and Fall of Terrogram"
Thank you and thanks for protesting with us. I dont think trump figured there would be any resistance....especially around the world!!! 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇺🇸🇺🇸
Thank you, Suzette! We need all the well wishes we can get, not only from Canada, but from all over the world!
Some of our history professors who focus on tyranny are leaving the US to go teach in Canada. What a horror if they do that and our emperor with no heart or brain "annexes" Canada.
History is repeating in the most dreadful ways almost 100 years post Hitler. I love the protestors and all their creative signs!!! We'll keep it up and we love Canada. Apologies for our boy in diapers.
Lots of Canadians understand and feel bad for what's happening in the states. I read lots of good comments of caring from them on Instagram and tictok. Lots of Americans are apologizing back to for how trump is treating them and other countries. They know that Lots of Americans didn't vote for him . They are shocked how fast everything is being destroyed in just a few short weeks.
Same with Europe. They know the difference between the government, the bots and the people. Even those who voted against their own interests, as angry as people are at them, we know they are to some extent also victims.
We are here sister don't worry we got your love and messages all of us know it ain't the dems doing this . Look what I've been watching and spreading everywhere I can. The whole world is going free or MAGA Russain.
@annedebrams007 in Canada Stay safe. Stay strong with you in spirit.
14 minutes ago (edited)
Hungary erupts with 50,000 protesters demanding Orbán’s resignation over his pro-Russian stance, as global leaders push for a ceasefire in Ukraine. Meanwhile, Ukraine’s cutting-edge drones are reshaping the battlefield, adding a new layer of tension to the geopolitical crisis. Cmon Pro dems SHARE THIS EVERYWHERE !! DO YOUR BIT FOR dEMOCRACY now
Thousands of Russians are fleeing Crimea because of those drone attacks, especially families of top brass military, yet I see no reports on this from the compromised corporate media. You can find it on Ukrainian news sources on YouTube. Putin's in big trouble and our diaper boy is trying to hide it.
You might find you don't like the ideas of your family from Alberta ...they seem to be aligned with MAGA tRumpers in Alberta.....but the PEI family would most like be aligned with the rest of Canada.....Never 51!!!
Hi, I was wondering about that. I understand that Canada has their right wingers too. I was just barely 15 or so in the 60’s when my family visited Canada so in the years following my mom lost contact with the few relatives left and I never pursued it either.
The Democratic parts of USA should have always, always kept the tight ties with the Democratic and/or Liberal parts of Canada (which are, thankfully, the majority) 'cause it makes perfect sense. The perfect sense is that the good Democratic and Liberal people are connected with their such closest neighbors!!
Hi I am an American living right outside Calgary in Okotoks! Most are angry and appalled! There are lots of Americans living here and we are embarrassed!
Call them!
Yes I have left VMs on my repug representative call line. That’s why I am so sarcastic about the republican representative responses, it’s all double talk about what the “goals “ are to “blah blah blah “ fix the economy and blame “ the previous administration for a failed economy “. Nothing but the usual republican myths and lies.
Our local (Orlando, FL) Spectrum outlet aired a special report on the grim scenario for our National Parks under the Trumpist iron fist. Kudos to them.
is this online anywhere? i want to go and engage so they know to keep reporting on it. :)
The Meidas Touch Network is the NEW national media for REAL Americans!!
I'd only suggest The Meidas Touch Network tries to find a common language with Lights On of Jessica Denson and American Opposition .org (americanopposition.org) because all the NONtRumputinist and better yet ANTItRumputinist Americans need to cooperate with Congressman Al Green (D-TX), Timothy Snyder, Cliff Cash and all TRULY OPPOSITIONARY to this regime but PRO-AMERICAN, PRO-DEMOCRACY, PRO-NATO, PRO-AMERICAN ALLIES forces in order to genuinely delegitimize and disempower the illegitimate tRumputin-eVIlonmusk-jdvance-mikejohnson reign of terror!!
The entire Democratic Party of USA should have stood in solidarity with Congressman Al Green (D-TX)!!
As to the GREAT, WONDERFUL comedian Matt Friend - he is doing exactly what should be done - ridiculing the tRumputin&his terrorists!! It’s one of the most effective ways of fighting them!!
So True.
I am a Canadian, vacationing in Europe (you can guess why), and I'm not seeing any of these protests in the main stream news feeds from u.s. or Canada here.....thank goodness for Meidas and Substacks!! I cannot believe Canadian news agencies are ignoring this.
That’s terrible I’m trying to cover you guys on TT thank you for all you do
Wish I could of been in my home state to have participated.....
Thank you from the bottom of this Canadian’s heart. ❤️
Thank YOU and your fellow Canadians for all of YOUR support. It means the world to us across the border.... and, as that one big sign says, "SORRY, CANADA".
Love to Americans from Canadians. Down with Trump & inhumanity.
Thank you! We truly hate what's happening to our country and the people.
Thank you for your support Canada! This is a tough time and we really appreciate the love!
To all my Canadien friends. I wish from the bottom of my heart that I was your next door neighbor. Thank you for all the love and support that you give us. I love you all. I really needed to see the protests and all the love especially today.
Most of us are horrified to admit to being americans right now. I’m doing my part— buying Canadian whiskey.
Good One carol Thats should go Viral I love it lolll Take care canada knows whats happening there. Be strong the world is in a war with Mago Russia propaganda Big Time stay strong FIGHTING with you.
Sounds like the best thing for Trump Derangement (aren't they hilarious with the projection?). Let's stock up on Canadian whiskey! 😁
LoL!! 😆😅🤣😂
We ❤️ you
I hate trump, musk and vance. They are destroying my country, poisoning my kids and grandkids and ruining the 20 years I have left to live.
Same for me. I thought when we voted it OUT in 2020 that we could get back to enjoying our lives and looking forward to a comfortable retirement, knowing our child(ren) would be safe from the toxic MAGA cult of hate.
You are SO not alone in that!
This is great. But it’s time for a million person march. My heart aches thinking of the injustices this administration is heaping upon people/ kidnapping student protesters for speech isn’t American. Putting people in unmarked vans and disappearing them into some official no man’s land beyond lawyers and justice, locked in a hell hole unreachable by anyone. That’s Communist China, the USSR, North Korea. This is what they did to that student from America in North Korea.
A million person march is good, yes to that.
But I think perhaps, a more effective outcome is the slowly sinking stock price of Tesla together with ever shrinking sales month after month.
See that there get the oligarchs attention.
Musk had an all employee virtual meeting on twitter, of course it crashed and there was a long delay. But then he showed up again and literally BEGGED the employees NOT to sell their stock. I doubt there are many things that Elon Musk literally begs for. His life is all about ordering everyone around and buying what he wants. The thought of Elon Musk on his knees begging his employees not to sell their stock, that was joyful.
The Maple Leaf Forever!
The American’s heart too! We ❤️ Canada! The 🍑 felon-in-chief does not speak for the people of the US!
Thank you so much for sharing my and my partner Ben's photos, Meidas team! The protest was so incredibly moving and meaningful to be apart of. I can't stress enough how much I respect the strength of our neighbors in Canada. Elbows up!!! 🇨🇦🩷🇺🇸
Thank you for being there and for allowing us to share these incredible photos with the community!
Thank you so much for sharing your photos. I lived in A2 for five years and have many fond memories of both Detroit and of going over to Windsor. Your photos have given hope to a lot of people on both sides of the border. ❤️
Hello from another Marie! I’m not in A2, but I’m not far away.
Thank you for sharing these photos Britta. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Thank you for sharing, Britta! I was with you in spirit. Though I’m not that far away, I couldn’t attend today.
I’m American but my mother was born and raised in Windsor. We went over that Ambassador bridge from Detroit to Windsor on many family vacations to visit the relatives. I wish I could have been there today. Thank you for these wonderful photos of Canadian-American solidarity. I’m going to share these with my sisters. It will lift their hearts.
Our countries are stronger together as neighbours, friends and allies. Hell, millions of us have close family living in both countries and we’ve been just fine for many decades, until that orange piece of dirt reared his ugly head. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
"orange piece of dirt" is good. Just rolls off the tongue in a nice forceful way! 🫦💨💦
My mom's family is also from Canada and we are also in Micigan and crossed the bridge to visit them. I wish I would have known about this love fest today I would have attended.
My mom’s family is also from Ontario, Canada. When I was young we always took our vacations to Canada visiting family. Detroit/Windsor has always been linked due to the Ambassador bridge and the Windsor/ Detroit Tunnel. I cannot count the times I have been over both. We stand with our Canadian neighbors and family. 🇨🇦🇺🇸
That’s Amazing, I love to see this! We need more!!!
Yes, and gives me inspiration to keep “doing” 👍☮️💙
April 5th!!! Huge nationwide peaceful protest in every state put together by HandsOff2025. They say they already have 2 million signed up. Grab everyone you can and let’s do this. It takes 11 million to hit the 3.5% goal.
Definitely need as many people as possible. We must make them see our strength. Let's get a broad coalition. All issues are under one issue. . . Freedom!
The newest video from a HandsOff2025 organizer said they think it might be as many as 10 million already.
Sarah, I think this is the only way we're going to be victorious. That 3.5% that has been what it takes to overthrow Dictators historically.
And all the other good folks in thread - YES!!
Never EVER surrender to tRumputin&their monstrous worldview!!
Sign up for a protest near you…it’s April 5th at Handsoff2025.com
They are working with other groups like Indivisible.
Thank You guys. 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸💙✊🏽✊🏽✊🏽
Why aren't these protests being covered by the national media? It's so important just like the crowds AOC and Bernie are doing. Why isn't the national media covering the fact Musk is trying to buy the Wisconsin Supreme court race?
too much of mainstream media is gop owned or controlled or is totally capitulating to the top thieves .... the govt does not want the general public to see how many of these protests there are, where they are, their size, and all the signs. . . you can see pix on posts like MTN's, and similar (subscriber 0nly supported) news. Want to see Bernie's? = just google "Bernie Fight Oligarchy Tour". Wanna see all over the nation: you CAN see on Rachel Maddow's evening shows, msnbc, M-F, 9pm (EST), repeated at Midnight (EST). This has become a regular segment on her show........ BTW, you think WE're pissed? Can't recall where I saw this a few days ago, but the protests against govt corruption and similar are also happening in Serbia, Hungary, Romania, and Georgia. In Serbia alone 325,000 (yes, that's 325 THOUSAND) people FLOODED this one location all at one time; check it out; I hope we can reach this point!! . https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cx2g8v32q30o
Yep, I've been watching it all over social media, but I wish broadcast would show it. It's in their interest but they're not.
The national media in the USA is scared to death. Absolutely no guts. 🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Thank you, Ben, for highlighting the protests of Democracy Summer! These gestures also boost the photographers whose work you feature. I fantasized, happily and briefly, that the two who captured Detroit and Windsor had become Jim Souzas, documenting an Oval Office returned to sanity and goodness.
They whispered to us we could not withstand the storm
We whispered back
We are the storm...
Absolutely love this. Get for a protest sign.
Thank you for the great pictures! It’s imperative that people know others are protesting and making their voices heard. It makes us feel that we are not alone, and that the majority of Americans support democracy.
I don’t know how this all ends, but we can’t stop fighting against Fascism.
It’s nowhere to be seen on any other site..Rise UP!!!
Thank you. I was there. It was a great crowd.
Excellent!!!!!!!! There is HOPE in both of our countries!!!
Snowglazed, you know what, the majority of folks are just fine, honourable decent people. It’s the so called leadership that’s totally screwed up and scared to death. Remember the red emperor has no clothes.
Protested Republican Tom Emmer today near his office Bout 200 strong!
Thanks Canada 🇨🇦! This gives us hope. This American ❤️🇨🇦