Meidas Touch Network, Ron Filipkowski, and Substack do an excellent job replacing the spineless legacy media. Keep it going!

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CBS just fired their weatherman because he commented on Elon’s nazi arm gesture. Please go after them too.

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I heard that and was like…WOW. they’re cowards.

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Unbelievable to see how quickly people fall in line... smdh.... of course, we now have the newly released and HIGHLY revved up "brown shirts" all over the place just LOOKING for something to "prove their manhood" with..... (Yesterday I made a donation to Bishop Budde's diocese to show support for her bravery.. It felt good to do that so if anyone else is so inclined, here's the link: . https://edow.org/give/# )

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OH WOW, THANK YOU for that link. on it!!!

On the other stuff you mention, I have two words: NO WORDS.

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Reddit has taken requests from users to kill Twitter links seriously after the Nazi salute: https://www.reddit.com/r/Georgia/s/4iTUPW9LRp

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NO ONE IS COMING FOR ME, UNLESS THEY DON'T WANNA SEE THEIR NEXT B'DAY! I do not listen nor watch TV news anything! Meidas is where I go for TRUTH!

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The people who watch Fox Lying News are definitely in the cult. I think they unfortunately will always be loyal regardless of what trump does. Only an act of God can wake these pitiful people up.

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Or when their wallet and stomachs are empty.

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👆👆👆👆👆👆👆👆what Sandra said.

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It's sad (and frustrating) to realize that they think all this mayhem is "God's work". So much devastation already but they don't try to learn from any place other than faux so... we wait for the eggs to become unaffordable, and Heaven only knows what else, once deportations get going, SNAP and other basic assistance, etc disappear..

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First- FOX is NOT NEWS and stop repeating their propaganda as such. They are equal to the “ national inquirer “ which was John Barton’s favorite toilet paper and also where he learned his dirty tricks. They should not have “ press passes, and should never be referred to as NEWS. Stay on message and stick to it.

Epstein should be front and center everyday, every cycle. How they facilitated him, was friends with him, people have short memories they need these short cartoons rolled out daily.

Muskinstein and how he supports AFD, this salute was not a one off, this was practiced, and again is bushing the boundaries to desensitize people. In Germany he would be arrested. We know Miller and all of them get off on this, and are obsessed with destroying America. BOYCOTT EVERYTHING!

That is our true power.

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I’m subscribed and have donated a number of subscriptions to friends. Let’s keep the energy going and when MAGA wearies of the orange felon Meidas Touch will be there to tell the truth.

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Thank you so much for giving gift subscriptions to others! I simply can't afford to but I'd like to see a pool we could all contribute to for gift subscriptions for others. I know it doesn't sound like much but I could afford $1 a month but not $5 and there probably are others in the same boat I am. Plus even if I had the money I don't have any friends to donate a subscription to. (This is not as pathetic as it sounds...long story).

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Well said Ben. Go Meidas Mighty! ✌️

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I wish I could upgrade to paid but as a retired senior, I don’t have room in my budget. That being said, keep up the good work. We need you.

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Ginni...if you give me your email address, I will gift you a one year subscription. No problem.

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This is so sweet 😭💓

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You’re awesome for doing this ♥️

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Thank you. That is so kind. Is there a way I can send it to you privately?

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Not really sure. I’m pretty new to this app and just trying to figure it out. If you are comfortable with this you can send it to Audreyrehnert@gmail.com

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You are awesome

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I’m with you Ginni. I understand that these great folks can’t do this for free either. Maybe if the price was $10 a year they could get many more subscribers. Who knows, maybe that will happen

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I wish there were a way we could start a pool that many of us could contribute just $1 to that conglomerately could then be used for gift subscriptions or something. I can't afford a whole $5 a month but could do $1. I know that's not that much difference, but for many of us it is. Especially now that our medicine and everything else will be going up.

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Unfortunately, you're right about everything going up. I have one expensive prescription I had looked forward to the price coming down, but now, looks like it's only going to get pricier. Wish certain people realized they're harming actual people while helping those who have WAY more than enough already. Greed is not good.

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I think a lot of these folks who may have sort of used to look good have always been sociopaths and only care about themselves. It's just that now almost the entire GOP embraces them and praises them for it so they are totally out in the open with it. It's not just mass murders who are sociopaths ("A sociopath is someone who has a pattern of antisocial behaviors and attitudes, such as manipulation, aggression, and a lack of empathy.").

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I'm in a similar position so I really tried to spread the word about substack and especially MTN it's basically all we got don't worry about money and I predict you will find some money in a week or two on the street not a lot but some

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Keep doing what you are doing. Go after Fox and expose their lies and propaganda. Thank you Meidas Touch ❤️

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I’m with you 💯. I’ve been telling everyone I can about the MeidasTouch. I don’t watch any of those channels haven’t for months now. I have never watched Fox let alone liked them. I don’t even watch my local channels because they do the exact same thing. Fox will never win because there lies and propaganda will catch up with them just like there Evil Worshiper Trump.

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Agreed, I stopped watching corporate and local news too, and focus on Meidas Touch only for what's going on. If I need a weather report I look out the window. Or my weather app.

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Exactly 👍

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Trump’s miserable attempt to scandalize the country reminds me of the 70’s when people would HOT WIRE cars to restart the engine- but HIS ENGINE IS BROKEN- no one can FIX IT!!

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Dear President Musk… Please 🙏 help send money to California to save our State. Our homes are burning and we know that you and your other billionaire friends love the Silicon Valley. Mommy and Daddy say that your other friend Mr D Trump Hates California. They say that it’s because our Governor was once married to his son’s girlfriend and now Mr Trump doesn’t want to help California. If we don’t get help to stop the fires and rebuild the state then the Silicon Valley won’t exist anymore and your buddy is being a bully. Thank you for reading my letter President Musk. We know that you are a kind man and don’t want to see California 🔥. My family needs a place to live. Maybe Mr Trump would give Californians a room in his palace in Florida to live in while our state cools down!!

Yours truly; Little Sally from Cali!

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So good.

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Viewer supported MTN and TYT have more subscribers and views than all corporate networks combined! Isn’t this what’s called a shifting paradigm?

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Moving away from TYT, but I do ltrust The Damage Report. Also try Brian Tyler Cohen, David Pakman, Pondering Politics, The Bulwark, Luke Beasley.....they are on our side and also fact check. We NEED independent media for the TRUTH!

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I like David Pakman too. Will check out the others you suggested.

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TYT is shifting to the right... yes, they have a lot of subscribers. But losing them as well when they decided to become right-wing sympathizers.

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Get the word out! Fighting! 💪💙

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I share your opinion about corporate media. Fortunately here in AZ we have the local PBS station, KAET. Their early evening/late afternoon news features Horizon with Ted Simons and a balanced focus on AZ news, BBC world news America, and PBS evening news.

Simons is one of the best and balanced interviewers on TV.

Unfortunately, since PBS presents factual news, as well as educational programs, the right wing nut jobs now in power want to shut them down by defunding them. I have increased my support to AZ PBS this year and encourage others to do the same.

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They may be able to cut federal funding, which would be a loss, but they are largely funded by donors who value their voice. I've been a long-time donor, switched to sustaining member of both my local PBS and NPR stations. It's up to us to keep them going.

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I would love it if you would consider a tiered subscription such that retired people, say, could pay a bit less for access. Also, perhaps, students. I know there has to be an elegant solution to get more subscribers but also take into consideration life stages. Where we were once, professionally and economically, we may be no longer. But our interests remain the same. We value you enormously. You need us. Is there not a solution to this?

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Caroline, it is only $10 a month, and you can cancel at any time.

I mean a quarter pounder at McDonalds is now over $7 so comparatively speaking I don't think $10 a month (cancel at any time) is too high.

Maybe put a gift subscription on your gift list for when it is your Birthday or Christmas/Hanukkah ?

Not everybody can, money is always relative, what is a small amount to one person is a significant amount to another person. not everybody can come up with that $10 and I understand that. But I really cannot see them dropping the price lower than $10 a month (cancel at any time when money is extra tight).

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The gloves are off. Game on. Leonard Leo's Project 2025 is in full swing. His malignant narcissist psychopath is loose in the White House. The neoliberal oligarchs are winning. Go after those sons of bitches and expose them. We fight now. We aren't going to lay down like dogs and take this shit. This is insanity on crack!

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I don't think he's involved in Project 2025. His focus for years has been on grooming and promoting right wing judges to the federal judiciary. I believe all of the GOP-appointed SCOTUS justices are Federalist Society members as well as the unqualified South FL plant, Aileen Cannon.

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Mitch McConnell and the GQP have been doing this for decades. I've read Project 2025. I don't agree that he's not involved in Project 2025. Leonard Leo's Federalist cronies got him elected. He is following their autocracy plans to the tee. He's all about revenge. It's about protecting white privilege and their wealth. That's what Leo paid for.

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