Written by Ben Meiselas
Now, this is the type of news I love to report! It’s official, folks—the MeidasTouch Network has taken the lead over Fox in digital ratings. Fox, with its billion-dollar budget and oligarch investors, is LOSING to the MeidasTouch Network, which has NO INVESTORS and grows thanks to subscribers on this Substack.
And the news gets even better.
The MeidasTouch Network is the most-watched network on all of YouTube across ALL categories. We beat every news network, every sports network, every gaming channel, every influencer, every musician, and every other genre in between. Our message is resonating THANKS TO YOU. We are averaging almost 30 million views every 48 hours, and just yesterday alone, we picked up over 70,000 new YouTube subscribers.
Fox is pissed. I have a ton of sources at Fox, and I hear their executives are fuming. They are livid. They absolutely despise us. When Fox took the lead over us two weeks ago, they held multiple executive meetings where they were laughing in our faces. Their executives were taking victory laps. Jesse Watters was allegedly mocking us to his mom—who is a big Meidas fan—that he was beating us, in front of his staff.
Remember when I told you that if we put our heads down and worked hard, we could take back the lead from Fox? Well, we did it—thanks to you!
Let me explain why this is important and why I care about it so much.
Sure, I love to beat Fox and humiliate Fox. I love that Rupert Murdoch can get his billionaire boys’ club to pour limitless money into Fox, and they still can’t beat us. Maybe this is me being petty or competitive or something else, but I love that this people-powered community is beating the billionaire boys’ club.
But more importantly, this matters because we need our message to reach the world. The fact that more people are watching us right now than Fox tells me that real change is in the air. Something is happening. It tells me people are sick and tired of Fox’s hate narratives—the rage-bait. People are tired of being force-fed propaganda that insults their intelligence. People want the truth. People demand the truth. Here in America and across the world, people are seeing Trump for the vile, weak con artist that he is. And now, they’re getting their news first from the MeidasTouch Network.
I don’t believe we are just preaching to the choir. But even if we were, why would that be a bad thing? No one says Fox is wrong for preaching to its choir—do they? So why is it wrong for our choir to grow bigger than their choir and sing louder than their choir? Especially when the values we seek to spread include compassion, empathy, equality, love, peace, respect for our planet, and democracy. Let our choir—the Meidas Mighty—sing louder than any choir out there. Let’s help unite like-minded people across the globe. Let’s help people find their power, their voice, and their courage during these trying times. That’s why growing this network and our platform is so important to me—to empower “we the people” over “they the oligarchs.”
Look, there’s no way around the fact that we’re going to have to wake up and fight each and every day over the next four years. It’s not going to be easy. But already, I see a path to victory emerging. Not just a short-term victory, but a generational win—to send this MAGA virus back into the dustbin of history.
As you’ve seen, we’re fighting with rapid response to anything Trump tries to flood the zone with. But we don’t just “respond.” As I’m sure you’ve noticed, we also go on the offense and bring the fight to Trump and MAGA every single day. Additionally, thanks to you, we are hard at work creating the structures not just for short-term results but for generational change. You have helped us immensely by becoming a subscriber to this Substack. We owe this all to you, frankly.
In these difficult times, I think it’s good to take a moment and celebrate a win every now and then. Today, you, the Meidas Mighty, scored a massive win over Fox. For real—tell everyone you know that you beat Fox, because it’s true. No lies detected. You beat them bad. Your passion beat their billionaires. Kind of badass, don’t you think?
Great work, Meidas Mighty. Let’s keep growing. To those who are new, please subscribe now to this Substack.
We have zero outside investors, so we are able to beat Fox thanks in large part to our paid subscribers to this Substack, who have helped us grow this network and build the infrastructure we need.
Remember to keep checking the MeidasTouch Network YouTube channel throughout the day for daily news updates.
We’re trying to hit a new subscriber goal today of 300 new subscribers to this Substack.
Thanks for subscribing. We appreciate you so much.
Awesome news! Keep up the good work. I refuse to watch news on tv. I only watch independents like yourself.
So happy to support you all and be a part of this movement. Also always happy to partake in anything that makes Fox News and Murdoch squirm