This is exactly how WW1 started!

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Here is what is happening, and why they are letting Trump say all those insane things on the world stage (they will declare him incompetent and replace him with Vance):

(I did not write this)

"Elon Musk and Peter Thiel cofounded a company that became PayPal.

Other executives at PayPal went on to found or lead other huge tech companies including YouTube, LinkedIn, Reddit, Affirm, and many VC firms.

This group became known as the PayPal mafia because they basically controlled Silicon Valley.

Peter Thiel mentored a young JD Vance and helped him get set up in his first VC firm.

Peter Thiel and the PayPal mafia funded JD Vance's successful Senate run. Amazing because he had absolutely zero political experience.

Thiel and Musk all but forced Trump to choose JD Vance as VP in exchange for funding his presidential campaign.

The three of them, plus a lot of other tech billionaires subscribe to an ideology called the Dark Enlightenment espoused by this super weird, creepy dude: Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug.

Yarvin preaches that the media and academia represent "The Cathedral" that secretly controls power and must be dismantled.

He advocates for a corporate run, monarchy, led by a CEO-Dictator. If Trump is gone from office, perhaps by Vance organizing a 25th Amendment removal due to claims about Trump’s cognitive decline, Vance moves in and that process begins.

Remember, it was just a couple of years ago when Musk said Trump was too old to even be a CEO, let alone the president.

Yarvin says that Democracy is an "outdated software" and openly opposes it and that:

- Government agencies should be dismantled and The U.S. should be broken up into "patchworks" controlled by tech oligarchs.

- That the elite tech billionaires should rule because they have the intelligence to "fix" society

- That the "masses are asses" too dumb to govern themselves.

The strategy is to gut the government via R.A.G.E - Retire All Govt Employees to make government incapable of operating.

Then to replace government with private corporations.

To eliminate elections because they are "obsolete"

To use distraction and chaos to prevent public resistance.

Trump is their useful tool to be disposed of as soon as they can wrest control.

This is why Elon wears a black MAGA hat. They are not Trump supporters, they are "Dark MAGA"

This isn't a hypothetical. The plan is already in motion:

- Musk, Thiel, and their network are actively dismantling democratic institutions.

- JD Vance, the “MAGA heir,” is being positioned to help implement this transition.

- The public is too distracted to realize what’s happening.

- If successful, democracy in America will be permanently replaced by a corporate-run authoritarian state." -unknown

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That sounds feasible. We really need to step up.

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I was raging about this to family and friends before, during the traitor rapey felon’s first term- the ultimate goal of his agenda was to remove all restrictions/legislation/ regulations and rule by whatever came into his conspiracy bent orbit, never mind the damage to the country. However a few sane people in his administration stood up for the rule of law and the constitution. But now It’s all or nothing for the republican traitors and the rapey felon/ muskrat and they are living their best wet dream with voters succumbing to 24/7 propaganda and giving them the blank check.

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Right. Been onto this since JD was selected.

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I'm ok with them using the 25 Amendment BUT I don't think JD Vance would be a better choice

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He was planted there in order to capture the USA for the billionaire parasitic elite……….

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What is the source for this?

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It’s a compilation. You can learn more about it here:

Future Finance: How Billionaires Plan to Destroy America: https://youtu.be/R6KaBe7zPqY

And here:

Purpose of DOGE: Dismantle Existing System of Governance & Build Back Spiderweb AI Infrastructure: https://old.bitchute.com/video/EUer0GMfzKvl/

This is real, it is happening, it has to end.

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Correct. Every bit what you laid out. Having known this for a little while, you nailed it spot on, including removing Trump through 25A. Must has since rubbed elbows with Putin on the complete and total destruction. If ppl only knew. Ppl are going into camps, soon.

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Trump is illegitimate. 14th Amendment, paragraph 3. Musk and DOGE are ultra vires. Plus he and all of his opertives are a threat to national security. Most probably, to any degree of probability, they are liars and imcopentent.

Trump was Putin's Manchurian candidate. Yesterday, he ordered DOD to plan for an invasion of Panama. Adventures in Greenland can break NATO. Attacks our most loyal and trusted allies, i.e. Canada, Mexico, UK, EU. Markets crashing. All to the benefit of Putin and to the detriment of our country.

Big march today in DC..

22 Republican senators and dozens of Republican House members voted to fund Ukraine. Some of them call Trump a liar.

When he put tariffs on China, they blocked sales of beef. The entire industry is in panic. So should 20 Republican senators that represent cow country. Even Rand Paul fears for the boubon industry and called out Trump.

Impeach. Feathers of Hope. https://jerryweiss.substack.com/p/remove-impeach-impeach

Call. https://act.commoncause.org/call_campaigns/tell-congress-stop-the-musk-budget/?source=email-share

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Trump going to seriously round up perceived enemies. The vengeance tour is launch ing

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Except musk wasn't a co-founder of PayPal.

PayPal was founded in 1998 by Max Levchin, Peter Thiel, and Luke Nosek, initially as a company called Confinity. This information has been out there for YEARS.

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You're absolutely correct, Terry. Here's a more detailed timeline:

1999: Elon Musk co-founded X.com, an online financial services company, along with other individuals.

2000: X.com merged with Confinity, another online payment company.

2001: The merged company was renamed PayPal.

2002: eBay acquired PayPal for $1.5 billion.

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Read Gil Duran's work on this at thenerdreich.com. He also shares many resources, and one bro even wrote a book about the plan - The Network State. Loads of legit sources are documenting this. Gil Duran found out Meta wasn't allowing his posts to be shared (I think that is fixed now?) - gee I wonder why?

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Totally plausible. This explanation helps clarify what is going on and how it hangs together…. The larger strategy

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I think that he wants to start WWIII.

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He wants to use the military against the people. He wants an uprising....so he can try and stamp out all dissent at once.

He was cheering during the Kent State shootings.

He was happy when the tanks ran over the a students in China.

He was thrilled that the government burned down the children in Waco.

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I agree.

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That’s correct.

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I love your network. However, you play Trump too much. I’m with you because you tell the truth, but referring to Trump and hearing his voice, makes me want to scream. I want to listen to you and not him.

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Hmm, Mary Trump has the perfect solution. She does the Old voice change. Give her a listen on Spotify or YouTube. It's hilarious.

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Yes I Agree, before I even got to your post I was thinking the same thing. I don't want to see or hear him

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Schumer must go. We need better leadership!

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Trump has a 6th grade mind,

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Orange Hitler loves "the uneducted".....so he loves himself!!!

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Great one, WJB!

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And education

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He attended school, but he really didn’t learn anything, and when he was in university, his sister Marianne, the judge who recently died, took all his tests. He went to big universities with auditorium size classrooms, and auditorium. Seating and professors were not there to babysit and there were no lanyards back then. And Donald Trump’s father had a lot of money and could pay off these schools just to get him a degree because he’s stupid as stupid can be. I’ve read so much about Donald Trump after he came down that escalator I started with one book. It was astonishing. Shocking. Unbelievable so I read another at another at another until I read about six or seven books and each one confirmed with the last one said Donald Trump is just a stupid minimally educated Grifter, and conman

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but a very clever and self serving conman who is only getting more and more bloated with his own self image of Mr. Bigman. Mafia style power and coercion. And very focused on not having to pay any consequences for his grift.

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That is an insult to sixth graders who are articulate and thoughtful. He is far more like a reactive two year old who repeats the same phrases and words over and over again and throws tantrums when he doesn’t get what he wants.

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No I think it's second grade. Remember, he can't read.

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Fdt… he really needs to be on medication

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I’m not sure there r meds that could work for him…… and I think he’s taken lots of meds- like snort snort u know. Or adderal by the handfuls

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It is known most malignant narcissists are virtually impossible to treat and obtain a recovered outcome. But Amendment 25 feels workable about now

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Yes. He’s completely shameless and has zero self awareness.

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In a psyche ward!

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If only……

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Takes too much as it is. Although, it's probably not legal.

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Totally $$$!!

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True. And the lies never stop.

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With the Dow up 600 points today at this point, it’s time we all start saying out loud what we all know: the markets are driven by GAMBLERS, gamblers and huge investors who knew what was going to happen with Trump, and are betting heavily on it and buying the same stocks they just dumped to make huge profits, while us little investors can only freak out. So, Meidas, it’s time to frame the entire con for what it always is: the rich get richer, we get fucked.

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Jesus Christ someone take the car keys to America away from Trump.

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D.O.G.E. Must be fired!

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I hope they keep doing it. I want to see his obese, stinking ass sweat.

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Just wanna see he paid taxes. Ever. Or maybe where his income is from

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Lunatics fringe!

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Someone needs to put this guy n a nursing home. Preferably a state run that the finds were just cutoff.

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I love you guys,but I can't stand hearing trump voice or hearing his demented words.

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The only one who wins if tRump is allowed to annex all these countries is Putin. It would let Russia run all over the northern and southern Hemisphere without any checks and balances.

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Happening now: Veterans protest against the criminal in the WH: Watch live now: https://www.youtube.com/live/XeIi3z0OYMQ?si=qSOhITiTD1cv6mJd

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I am a paid long-term supporter on both Substack and YouTube. The robust platforms you have built for your content is a major accomplishment. I have tried to contact you multiple times over the last few weeks about the possibility of greatly expanding the number of contributors that could be guests for MTN. I've not had any reply to a very specific proposal that includes a list of 150 possible contributors. All of them currently are Substack authors. I am only trying to provide constructive input on making MTN more powerful and influential in the effort to rebuild media strength for pro democracy, pro health, pro science, pro rule of law news, and opinion.

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