How about we save a lot of money and just cancel all Elon Musk’s grant could save $8 million a day

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Amen! Recall Biebart and MTG save that money.

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Bro “the American people disagree with [protesters]”?? Does she think the protesters are Canadian? Also polling shows about 60% of Americans are against the firing of government employees.

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Exactly! This is like nonsense to fire so many people. It is to create a sense of turmoil and the Americans lose focus and feel desperate. But not now because he is there for the 2nd time but we are also more smart about what he can do and say now in this 2nd time. So there we go!

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This is a government not a business

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I stated yesterday that the markets and court rulings will make Felon Trump cave in!

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Elons rockets blew up yesterday….. karma!

Elon should stick to rockets and not in American politics!

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He is just as reckless with rockets and satellites as he is with people of the world some happen to be our respected federal workers. How about taking the ketamine away from the guy and getting him in a rehab program? He openly admits the ketamine addiction. Look it up.

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He should board the next one.

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Not even mention how he is polluting In Texas where the X rockets are launched. He is creating a mess in the environment and communities.

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You had me at "He is creating a mess"

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He apparently thinks he is Werner Von Braun (reincarnated)

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To do what? And what about Musk? Musk is engineering all of this.

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Every dog has it's day.

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The killer stench of Project 2025 is always exhaled when Trump/Musk move their lips.

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I have hope that you're right because all these people understand is money. What I'm also worried about, though, is whether any of these court rulings will be enforced. He was convicted before, but no sentence came through, and now he's quickly moving to dismantle the judicial system with all these firings...uncertain times!

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Fuck him

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I want to fire MTG

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MTG doesn’t deserve her job and is unfit to do your job

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Agreed. She’s an absolute psycho b.

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The government should be supplying a straight-jacket and padded cell for Marg Toilet Green

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Marjorie Taylor Green needs to do her job. She doesn’t do her job. She doesn’t protect the people and this is not what the people wanted

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And yet her voters keep reelecting her. IMPO her District voters have been conditioned to fill in the R at the top of the ballot even after she showed Hunter's dic pics on national TV. Her voters reelected her twice her back to Congress. OR, they believe that being a performance artist and getting on national TV because she does something really stupid is what being a member of Congress is all about and that is why they reelected her twice

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She's a great liason between Congress and DOGE. Kinda like the liason between Zelensky and Trump.

Yo do what we say. Congress isn't invited to the negotiations of their charges.

Zelensky wasn't invited to the table for his own country.

Can we say DICTATOR!!

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It's happening right in front of our eye.

Have any of you seen Lexington in April? The 19th is a pretty remarkable day. There is no other place that can conjur the patriots of old.

Somebody with the know how should think about what I just said!!

Perhaps Trump memorabilia in the harbor Dec 13th, or perhaps cell phones or a Tesla or two...

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Billionaires don't want a democracy...plain and simple!

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MTG does not deserve her paycheck!

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Trump Musk are firing veteran employees !?! Shame on them.😬 MYG…You don’t deserve your job.😡

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I get so annoyed at the MAGA Republicans saying and their mainstream media megaphones criticizing the Dems. Decorum,when the entire Republican regime have no shred of decorum, as evidenced by their support of a criminal felon and their in our face defense of his lawlessness and craping all over our Constitution! The Dems. In my opinion should continue to bombard the American public with the so obvious fact that Medicaid, Medicare, and SS are in the crosshairs of the Republicans. Do not let them gaslight and lie about what they are planning for our country! The Dems message should be Medicare and Medicaid planned Republican cuts!

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I'm an American and I don't agree with her. I don't know what Americans she's talking to other than the one in the mirror.

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there are lots of little Margy lovers in America...lots of Americans think like her...she and Boebert are shining examples of what's wrong with America..

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I'm the daughter of a WWII vet. Mother of an active-duty military son. I am sick as SHIT of these frat boys running loose with no guardrails. What the hell? And there is not one single Republican with a smattering of courage to now, when their country is at the highest risk of social, economic and international collapse, stand for doing the right thing. My favorite part: Alina Hobbit saying "We care about veterans tremendously." You mean the guy who stood thumbs-up on sacred ground at Arlington? The guy who dodged the rain so his toupee wouldn't fall off his disgusting head in France, calling fallen soldiers suckers and losers? Just need clarification on the "caring tremendously" bit of that statement.

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Well said! All the MAGA Republicans criminals know how to do is blame the Dems. For their own ineptness!

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Haba is such an idiot.

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That applies to everyone Trump hires.

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Did someone finally tell him that he’s the one that negotiated the US MCA deal? The other day he said the person that negotiated that was horrible.

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