The Meidas Mighty prove that love trumps Trump, puppies and kittens outdraw his clueless speech, and that the age of the invertebrate legacy media has ended. Congratulations for raising nearly $90K for the Humane Society!
I think dogs hate Donald. It’s good he doesn’t have a dog. Can you picture him as a child, hurting animals? (You know the kid with the magnifying glass who delighted in burning ants and other bugs. . .)Dogs have a Sixth Sense about people. Trust them. They know. The bully child is a bully adult. I do not wish him on any dog.
Dogs can tell almost instantly if you are a not total Trumphole......
I did decades of home service and heard over and 0ver......"that dog never goes up to strangers like that..."......(we had a rescue dog of our own).....
How they can tell..........never stops amazing me to this day.
Trump is the lowest form of humanity........animal abuse and human abuse are one in the same.
I have to congratulate the "Meidas Mighty" for the media coup!
Something I read from Heather Cox Richardson's column this morning is something, I believe, that should be shouted to the rooftops! THIS looks very much like Trump is ADMITTING that Musk RIGGED the vote-counts in Swing-States. It's what I, and many others, have been saying since November! Here's Trump's DIRECT QUOTE:
After praising Elon Musk, he (Trump) told the crowd “He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody. Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good…. Thank you to Elon.”
He has the mind set of King George III, but is a cheap imitation at best.. True American revolutionaries, my Great Grandfather was one of them, don't like the kind of crap he is spewing.
Trump doesn't just think he's untouchable -- he IS untouchable. Sad but true, Trump is one of the Americans who is above the law. As you point out, there is no one left to go after him. "We the People" don't have enough checks and balances left intact after the disasters of Garland and SCOTUS to do anything meaningful.
So very wrong. WE are the taxpayers of every single government employee-local-state-federal. WE can refuse to pay taxes, lower the dependents claimed on our W-2, maximize our withholding on IRS forms. WE are the bodies that work for employers, big and small. A General Strike for a day or two will serve as a warning to wealthy oligarch and governments that WE are done waiting for the next trial, the next elections. WE are the engine of commerce with our purchasing power. WE can boycott products, Red States, certain people's products. MONEY equals POWER in today's world. Anything that shakes the money making, greed, abuse of labor, stingy wages and benefits will reshape
Wall Street, banking, retail, industry. WE are at the stage where WE must choose like those who fought for freedom from King George III and taxation without fair representation-"Give me liberty or give me death." I will not tolerate being a female with less rights over her body than males. I will not tolerate an immune US President able to do things that are illegal for all the rest of us. I will not tolerate an indecent, lying, propagandistic, insurrectionist, puppet GOP Party in the majority in Congress. I will not tolerate a corrupt, partisan, unethical US Supreme Court that reverses precedents as if there are no fatal consequences for the American citizens and the World. I'm done being so well informed about what is happening now. Enough has happened to warrant my outrage at American voters and the current administration. Voters just don't seem to care anymore. I think the worst has to happen for them to realize what they lost. But. I'm ready when you are.
You make a lot of really good points about the things you won't tolerate. However, what have you done about those things that have been effective? Ex: You "will not tolerate being a female with less (sic) rights over her body than males." What have you done about it? Has it been effective? Has it helped other women? What about the Supreme Court? Are you capable of doing anything effective about it? If so, wonderful. Provide a concrete plan of action and start gathering followers. But if you're only "ready when [others] are," you're going to be waiting a long time.
Well. I'm glad you asked. Part of minimizing my IRS taxes. I maximized my deductions. I gave sizable sums to non-profit qualified charities. Planned Parenthood, National Women's Law Center, Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity, I make food once a month for VT Dismas-a half-way house for parolees, I called, wrote postcards, letters before 2020, 2024 Elections, I will debate anyone who wants to talk facts about economics, politics, US Government. I have kept informed, too informed about every important fact about the attack on our democracy, institutions, corruption, researched actions that can or should be made to counter, lies, insurrection, corruption, grifting, puppets and puppeteers. There is not much I cannot respond to that is of importance. I fought for women's rights, I'm the first female in my direct line of female ancestors to be born with the right to vote, I voted and fought for civil rights, voting rights, fairness and justice for ALL. I have almost always voted for Democrats during my long life. I saw the changes those votes helped make to only watch this hideous hologram of our country and democratic, law/order, Constitutional republic. THIS must not stand!
I applaud your efforts but ask again: what's actually working? What have you done that has been effective? Same example: You "fought for women's rights." The Dobbs decision came down 2 years ago -- have all women regained the right to decide what to do with their bodies? You've done a lot of good works, yet we now have Trump and his thugs running America.
Returning the challenge: I haven't worked for Habitat for Humanity but have done nearly the same things you have, though my food prep and delivery goes to Meals on Wheels. I also spend many hours a month doing pro bono legal work for veterans, indigenous peoples, and abused/neglected men, women, and children, especially the elderly. Has my work helped? Individuals and families, yes -- but I doubt it has had any effect on saving democracy.
Since the election I’ve been saying there was something ‘off’ about the results. No candidate has ever won all 7 swing states, and I have trouble believing that he actually did it. He’s said things about not needing votes, and the election was ‘rigged’. We know he always accuses others of what he is guilty of doing. During the campaign, there were large numbers of registrations for Democrats, why then didn’t they vote for Democrats?
it seemed weird that there were so many ballots that had voted for felon47 but voted all Democratic down ballot. they all HATE the Dems so much so why would they do that? just my thought.
I'm with you! Why has there not been any review of the voting results in ALL states? I find it hard to believe that after the last (feels like forever) decade of him shooting off his mouth that there were enough people out there that said YES, this is what we want for the future of our country, this man who can't tell the truth because he makes it up as he goes. This felon and rapist, yep, we want this guy? Please, something smells rotten in Denmark!
I thought I read that somewhere, but I wasn't sure - thanks - he can't resist telling the truth because he is like a guilty schoolboy. I don't have too much faith in anyone pursuing that admission tho. Seems to me that all his enemies except this group are just feeling so demoralized they can't stop from going into a depressed funk. That's how I feel myself - half of me wants to escape back to UK, my home country, & the other half wants to just pretend it's not happening & hope I can survive the next 4 years. Problem is he will try to prevent anyone else taking 'his' job when that time comes - if there is even any voting allowed at all in 2028 ! That's assuming that I'm not actually thrown out of here anyway since I am a "Resident Alien", not yet a citizen !
Sadly, in the lead-up to this I saw many, many people in here considering moving to Canada, and I offered them advice and links, having done it myself 21 years ago. My MAGA Dad, during our arguments, would always say "what do you care, you live in Canada!" (as tho being an AMERICAN CITIZEN AS WELL isn't enough reason).
But now? NOW?? AM I safe here? Gee, Dad. Maybe THIS is why I care. The wrecking ball that is Drumpf's fat, flaming ass is headed for the entire planet. We should ALL care, because there practically IS nowhere to run.
(If I ever have to abandon ship, I'm going to New Zealand if possible!)
Trump can't resist telling the truth? How many lies has he told over the last 10+ years that anyone's been counting? I think it's less that he can't resist telling the truth than that he can't remember what lies he's told. Sheer number of lies or continuing cognitive decline or both?
Agree about the lies; however, he is a consummate braggart too! If he keeps going the way he has started Secret Service better triple their coverage of him.
He is irrelevant in the world? That's wishful thinking on your part. In terms of the chaos, danger, and criminal activity you write about, he's probably the most relevant person in the world.
It's comments like that make him seem relevant. He is irrelevant to those who make him that. GO MEIDASMIGHTY pointing out how irrelevant he is is all we can do to STOP this. . People are not relating or listening to his BS. That's close enough to the definition of irrelevant . He is only relevant to those who think like him
IHIPNEWS....the fantastic team of Jennifer and Angie did a huge bit on Trump talking about the etc.........That the Orange Felon ADMITTED to rigging the vote with MUSK!!!
Trump said this again later in his 1/19/25 speech, too, so not just once. Plus, there was that "secret" Trump said he and Mike "Evil Elf" Johnson had before the election. Johnson also just gave an interview with Bari Weiss, self-loathing lesbian, lying about his interaction with Biden, claiming Biden had no idea what he was doing when he paused LNG exports to non-Free Trade Agreement countries, in an attempt to call all Biden's acts, like EOs, into question.
He alluded to something like this before, saying he had a secret. He just talks so much shit that it's impossible to know what isn't lies. He told his voters he only wanted their vote, while also saying it's a joke to bait the press. He said people wouldn't have to worry about voting again... & we'll never be able to sort it out because so many people decided that being held to one's word isn't important, that lying is a skill of merit.
It's important that we not be in denial about what is right in front of us, to doubt our own eyes. That's what pathological narcissists do, warp reality. The election interference thing didn't go away. It didn't after Bush II, either, they were planning their next move. Making voting more difficult probably wouldn't be enough. They have accused us of hacking the system & accusations are usually confessions. They have even more weight controlling local level safeguards now. Nothing makes sense, though, because hand counting was being pushed where I am even after this election.
Sometimes I think the objective isn't even having all the wealth & control, but to drive everyone insane. They were already locking down every conceivable avenue of financial exploitation, it seems like pushing people to violence is deliberate. Trump seems to get off on that just as much as money.
I wish trump voters felt duped right now but I doubt it because they are filled with too much anger, misogyny, hatred, and or greed to even know the difference I bet☹️
They will eventually we just have to hang in there they're going to find out that these people lie to them don't stop and everything they're doing is causing them more pain from the pocketbook I think there's going to be a massive Uprising in about 6 months to a year
I sure hope so!!! We, the People must fight back!!! We must have mass demonstrations, litigation, and do whatever it takes to thwart his agenda. This is our mandate and must be our legacy!!!
I know my neighbor trump fan was focused on how his business was much better when Trump was in office before. ohhhh will he be in for an awakening now ordering car parts from Cananda, Mexico a double tariff yep who's going to benefit? Donald gonna line his pockets on us again? he already is!
I have never, in the 13 years of my marriage, heard my husband offer to donate to anything other than animal causes. Last night, he said, “Do those guys need money?” (Meaning MTN), and I said, “Yes.” Today, I subscribed here to support you and the truth. You have won over a man who was, until the 2020 election, a staunch Republican, with your amazing reporting.
My husband (together since 1978) has gone more & more to the right.
He is a lifelong student of history, especially WW2 history. Has many books about propaganda & how it works. He is yet to watch DJT!? He only reads the heavily propaganda-influenced "news" as presented by the far right.
He is very kind. We have had friends (our son's or my friends) of all colors, backgrounds, stay in our home. Yet, he has not seen the danger in The Emperor Who Has No Dignity & those who control him.
I fight for truth, democracy, equality.
We shall turn this nation back to the direction we are meant to go!
Congrats to the Meidas Touch Network staff and to the Meidas Mighty. Let’s keep growing this Substack and bringing it to DJT and his whole grifting crew. DJT is a moron, a tool and not a sharp one, and his ketamine abusing oligarch buddies are just that. They’re scared of a petty old feeble man. Let’s do this! 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸
DT is setting our country aside from the commitments his Bad Boy Billionaires see as spending their money.
Generosity, kindness, benevolence and integrity are no longer in the forefront of what we stand for.. wealth, greed, intolerance, retribution and isolation are the leadership drivers of a weak leader.
In his eyes , money , acquisition and the illusion of power are at the center of his being.
It’s gonna be a rough ride.
Wondering when the price of eggs and gas will come down? When will the cost of living normalize? Will the media even cover any of it at all..
Unfortunately, what has been normalized are all the negatives mentioned above. Our psyches are too devoted to Big Money, and only a vast spiritual awakening, which kindles all the positives above, will bring about a change in our priorities.
Ben- I am subscribed to the Meidas Family and I would love to be able to donate even more- but I am a poor Senior Citizen and spend all my money on rent ( i live in California )!! I want to do as much as possible to support the RESISTANCE and I wish that you could give me an opportunity to help others to join and see what the Mighty Movement stands for. I have a pittance of income, but I have lived a long life- so I have seen much and I am willing to contribute to the cause in any way possible.
That's the way to start a scam and make sure the people who actually need help won't get it. How are you going to check on someone's personal financial situation? Take a look at some of the GoFundMe scams and you'll see people willing to lie about anything. If you know someone who would like to subscribe but can't afford it, give them a gift subscription. You'll know your money went toward what YOU intended.
I'm proud to part of a compassionate & humane network and trust that it will continue to grow as the Orange Monster continues his quest to destroy a great country. Brexit severely damaged the UK where I live, and I am afraid that MAGA will do worse to our friends over the pond. Remember that in unity lies strength and do not let this nightmare take away your resolve - you have many friends around the world.
Thank you, Nigel, for your encouraging words for us MeidasMighty here in the United States. I love your country, its traditions, pageantry and history. I hope I can visit your beautiful country one day.
Congratulations on a wonderful day! And great job for the Humane Society. Let's keep making that sucker as miserable as possible! Love to all my Mighty family!
MSM fully normalized this convicted felon yesterday Ben .. we have a long way to go to restore order. I'm also ashamed to say my two senators are enabling this criminal enterprise although their fundraising emails say otherwise.
I am with you on that. WE now have MEGA senators, governor, and MEGA legislature all telling LIES of how their policies may appear to be desirable, it is to defund and enslave most Americans to the Oligarchs that have paid for their elected positions.
Rick Scott and Marco Rubio are my senators…. They voted Trumpy the first term and are kiss asses for money and power. Rubio now is Secretary of State and I abhor his voting record and think he is a pet of Donald’s only because he will like all of them do his bidding.. Desantis put a girl with good ole boy family members in deep in Florida. She stood by Desantis while he filed unconstitutional lawsuits galore. She sued the federal government, she will be a yes vote with prolife dogma in the Senate… Florida special election will be who knows.. Desantis hasn’t called the special elections for Florida’s representatives. He called one for April 1 yes that day is interesting to fill Gaetz, and Waltz seats in Congress… Florida is all in for Trumpism.. sickening!!
I spent quite a bit of time in Florida. Rick Scott is an obsequious toady who can barely put a sentence together. And that’s besides being a Medicare criminal.
Congratulations To My Meidas Family🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥Let’s Keep Calling out Trump and His Goons Every step of the Way
The Meidas Mighty prove that love trumps Trump, puppies and kittens outdraw his clueless speech, and that the age of the invertebrate legacy media has ended. Congratulations for raising nearly $90K for the Humane Society!
yep and Donald hates Dogs!! ha ha lol!!
I think dogs hate Donald. It’s good he doesn’t have a dog. Can you picture him as a child, hurting animals? (You know the kid with the magnifying glass who delighted in burning ants and other bugs. . .)Dogs have a Sixth Sense about people. Trust them. They know. The bully child is a bully adult. I do not wish him on any dog.
Yes I know mine just sensing my feelings if the idiot came by would not be good nope
Our dogs are smarter. More loyal. Care about us, more than this JO ever did. Or wiil
Dogs can tell almost instantly if you are a not total Trumphole......
I did decades of home service and heard over and 0ver......"that dog never goes up to strangers like that..."......(we had a rescue dog of our own).....
How they can tell..........never stops amazing me to this day.
Trump is the lowest form of humanity........animal abuse and human abuse are one in the same.
With his mental illness he would torture dog’s before killing. Ivana had a dog she spoke about how cruel he was to her pet in her book.
Cats also have a keen sense!
Ok fer dinner 😋👍🦴
"invertebrates legacy" blah❗️He'll Yeah😃💙
I have to congratulate the "Meidas Mighty" for the media coup!
Something I read from Heather Cox Richardson's column this morning is something, I believe, that should be shouted to the rooftops! THIS looks very much like Trump is ADMITTING that Musk RIGGED the vote-counts in Swing-States. It's what I, and many others, have been saying since November! Here's Trump's DIRECT QUOTE:
After praising Elon Musk, he (Trump) told the crowd “He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody. Those vote counting computers. And we ended up winning Pennsylvania like in a landslide. So it was pretty good…. Thank you to Elon.”
He admitted it because he thinks he's untouchable. Who's going to go after him? His own DOJ? HIs own Congress?
He has the mind set of King George III, but is a cheap imitation at best.. True American revolutionaries, my Great Grandfather was one of them, don't like the kind of crap he is spewing.
George III was also insane.
Trump doesn't just think he's untouchable -- he IS untouchable. Sad but true, Trump is one of the Americans who is above the law. As you point out, there is no one left to go after him. "We the People" don't have enough checks and balances left intact after the disasters of Garland and SCOTUS to do anything meaningful.
So very wrong. WE are the taxpayers of every single government employee-local-state-federal. WE can refuse to pay taxes, lower the dependents claimed on our W-2, maximize our withholding on IRS forms. WE are the bodies that work for employers, big and small. A General Strike for a day or two will serve as a warning to wealthy oligarch and governments that WE are done waiting for the next trial, the next elections. WE are the engine of commerce with our purchasing power. WE can boycott products, Red States, certain people's products. MONEY equals POWER in today's world. Anything that shakes the money making, greed, abuse of labor, stingy wages and benefits will reshape
Wall Street, banking, retail, industry. WE are at the stage where WE must choose like those who fought for freedom from King George III and taxation without fair representation-"Give me liberty or give me death." I will not tolerate being a female with less rights over her body than males. I will not tolerate an immune US President able to do things that are illegal for all the rest of us. I will not tolerate an indecent, lying, propagandistic, insurrectionist, puppet GOP Party in the majority in Congress. I will not tolerate a corrupt, partisan, unethical US Supreme Court that reverses precedents as if there are no fatal consequences for the American citizens and the World. I'm done being so well informed about what is happening now. Enough has happened to warrant my outrage at American voters and the current administration. Voters just don't seem to care anymore. I think the worst has to happen for them to realize what they lost. But. I'm ready when you are.
You make a lot of really good points about the things you won't tolerate. However, what have you done about those things that have been effective? Ex: You "will not tolerate being a female with less (sic) rights over her body than males." What have you done about it? Has it been effective? Has it helped other women? What about the Supreme Court? Are you capable of doing anything effective about it? If so, wonderful. Provide a concrete plan of action and start gathering followers. But if you're only "ready when [others] are," you're going to be waiting a long time.
Well. I'm glad you asked. Part of minimizing my IRS taxes. I maximized my deductions. I gave sizable sums to non-profit qualified charities. Planned Parenthood, National Women's Law Center, Green Mountain Habitat for Humanity, I make food once a month for VT Dismas-a half-way house for parolees, I called, wrote postcards, letters before 2020, 2024 Elections, I will debate anyone who wants to talk facts about economics, politics, US Government. I have kept informed, too informed about every important fact about the attack on our democracy, institutions, corruption, researched actions that can or should be made to counter, lies, insurrection, corruption, grifting, puppets and puppeteers. There is not much I cannot respond to that is of importance. I fought for women's rights, I'm the first female in my direct line of female ancestors to be born with the right to vote, I voted and fought for civil rights, voting rights, fairness and justice for ALL. I have almost always voted for Democrats during my long life. I saw the changes those votes helped make to only watch this hideous hologram of our country and democratic, law/order, Constitutional republic. THIS must not stand!
I return the challenge to ask what have you done?
I applaud your efforts but ask again: what's actually working? What have you done that has been effective? Same example: You "fought for women's rights." The Dobbs decision came down 2 years ago -- have all women regained the right to decide what to do with their bodies? You've done a lot of good works, yet we now have Trump and his thugs running America.
Returning the challenge: I haven't worked for Habitat for Humanity but have done nearly the same things you have, though my food prep and delivery goes to Meals on Wheels. I also spend many hours a month doing pro bono legal work for veterans, indigenous peoples, and abused/neglected men, women, and children, especially the elderly. Has my work helped? Individuals and families, yes -- but I doubt it has had any effect on saving democracy.
I have always voted in elections and most primaries AND---
See below.
Since the election I’ve been saying there was something ‘off’ about the results. No candidate has ever won all 7 swing states, and I have trouble believing that he actually did it. He’s said things about not needing votes, and the election was ‘rigged’. We know he always accuses others of what he is guilty of doing. During the campaign, there were large numbers of registrations for Democrats, why then didn’t they vote for Democrats?
it seemed weird that there were so many ballots that had voted for felon47 but voted all Democratic down ballot. they all HATE the Dems so much so why would they do that? just my thought.
Agree. Why didn’t the Dems challenge??? After the “bomb threats” it all should have been challenged.
I'm with you! Why has there not been any review of the voting results in ALL states? I find it hard to believe that after the last (feels like forever) decade of him shooting off his mouth that there were enough people out there that said YES, this is what we want for the future of our country, this man who can't tell the truth because he makes it up as he goes. This felon and rapist, yep, we want this guy? Please, something smells rotten in Denmark!
Check out smartelections on Substack for some great analysis.
He didn't he admitted it yesterday Elon basically he lived in The Northeast for about a month and a half and he bought and paid and stole the election
I thought I read that somewhere, but I wasn't sure - thanks - he can't resist telling the truth because he is like a guilty schoolboy. I don't have too much faith in anyone pursuing that admission tho. Seems to me that all his enemies except this group are just feeling so demoralized they can't stop from going into a depressed funk. That's how I feel myself - half of me wants to escape back to UK, my home country, & the other half wants to just pretend it's not happening & hope I can survive the next 4 years. Problem is he will try to prevent anyone else taking 'his' job when that time comes - if there is even any voting allowed at all in 2028 ! That's assuming that I'm not actually thrown out of here anyway since I am a "Resident Alien", not yet a citizen !
If I were a citizen of another country I'd be packing my bags right now. This will not be a safe place to live.
Sadly, in the lead-up to this I saw many, many people in here considering moving to Canada, and I offered them advice and links, having done it myself 21 years ago. My MAGA Dad, during our arguments, would always say "what do you care, you live in Canada!" (as tho being an AMERICAN CITIZEN AS WELL isn't enough reason).
But now? NOW?? AM I safe here? Gee, Dad. Maybe THIS is why I care. The wrecking ball that is Drumpf's fat, flaming ass is headed for the entire planet. We should ALL care, because there practically IS nowhere to run.
(If I ever have to abandon ship, I'm going to New Zealand if possible!)
Me too.
Trump can't resist telling the truth? How many lies has he told over the last 10+ years that anyone's been counting? I think it's less that he can't resist telling the truth than that he can't remember what lies he's told. Sheer number of lies or continuing cognitive decline or both?
Agree about the lies; however, he is a consummate braggart too! If he keeps going the way he has started Secret Service better triple their coverage of him.
I was married to a pathological liar. He would fib even if the truth sounded better.
Fact check central reported from 2015 thru 2020 he told well over a million lies. I would guess another million in the last four years.
I feel for you. There will be many like you I’m sure. If you decide to come here get in touch 🇬🇧Bristol🇬🇧
He cheated. HE lies
He is irrelevant in the world already
But he is going to cause chaos and danger. WE ALL ARE GONNA PAY
For the criminal cabal of the Cheeto. .
He is irrelevant in the world? That's wishful thinking on your part. In terms of the chaos, danger, and criminal activity you write about, he's probably the most relevant person in the world.
It's comments like that make him seem relevant. He is irrelevant to those who make him that. GO MEIDASMIGHTY pointing out how irrelevant he is is all we can do to STOP this. . People are not relating or listening to his BS. That's close enough to the definition of irrelevant . He is only relevant to those who think like him
IHIPNEWS....the fantastic team of Jennifer and Angie did a huge bit on Trump talking about the etc.........That the Orange Felon ADMITTED to rigging the vote with MUSK!!!
They always give NO QUARTER!!!
Trump said this again later in his 1/19/25 speech, too, so not just once. Plus, there was that "secret" Trump said he and Mike "Evil Elf" Johnson had before the election. Johnson also just gave an interview with Bari Weiss, self-loathing lesbian, lying about his interaction with Biden, claiming Biden had no idea what he was doing when he paused LNG exports to non-Free Trade Agreement countries, in an attempt to call all Biden's acts, like EOs, into question.
He alluded to something like this before, saying he had a secret. He just talks so much shit that it's impossible to know what isn't lies. He told his voters he only wanted their vote, while also saying it's a joke to bait the press. He said people wouldn't have to worry about voting again... & we'll never be able to sort it out because so many people decided that being held to one's word isn't important, that lying is a skill of merit.
It's important that we not be in denial about what is right in front of us, to doubt our own eyes. That's what pathological narcissists do, warp reality. The election interference thing didn't go away. It didn't after Bush II, either, they were planning their next move. Making voting more difficult probably wouldn't be enough. They have accused us of hacking the system & accusations are usually confessions. They have even more weight controlling local level safeguards now. Nothing makes sense, though, because hand counting was being pushed where I am even after this election.
Sometimes I think the objective isn't even having all the wealth & control, but to drive everyone insane. They were already locking down every conceivable avenue of financial exploitation, it seems like pushing people to violence is deliberate. Trump seems to get off on that just as much as money.
I wish trump voters felt duped right now but I doubt it because they are filled with too much anger, misogyny, hatred, and or greed to even know the difference I bet☹️
It's called a cult. Sad but true. Demonstrates the power of media brainwashing.
They got exactly what they wanted a man that pushes their hate filled agenda.
Very true! I guess they will have to give up their "bacon and eggs"...!
NEW SONG ALERT: Hope They Enjoy Cheaper Eggs......
They will eventually we just have to hang in there they're going to find out that these people lie to them don't stop and everything they're doing is causing them more pain from the pocketbook I think there's going to be a massive Uprising in about 6 months to a year
I sure hope so!!! We, the People must fight back!!! We must have mass demonstrations, litigation, and do whatever it takes to thwart his agenda. This is our mandate and must be our legacy!!!
I know my neighbor trump fan was focused on how his business was much better when Trump was in office before. ohhhh will he be in for an awakening now ordering car parts from Cananda, Mexico a double tariff yep who's going to benefit? Donald gonna line his pockets on us again? he already is!
The Puppy and Kitten Inauguration brought me so much JOY 💙! So proud of this network!
I have never, in the 13 years of my marriage, heard my husband offer to donate to anything other than animal causes. Last night, he said, “Do those guys need money?” (Meaning MTN), and I said, “Yes.” Today, I subscribed here to support you and the truth. You have won over a man who was, until the 2020 election, a staunch Republican, with your amazing reporting.
My husband (together since 1978) has gone more & more to the right.
He is a lifelong student of history, especially WW2 history. Has many books about propaganda & how it works. He is yet to watch DJT!? He only reads the heavily propaganda-influenced "news" as presented by the far right.
He is very kind. We have had friends (our son's or my friends) of all colors, backgrounds, stay in our home. Yet, he has not seen the danger in The Emperor Who Has No Dignity & those who control him.
I fight for truth, democracy, equality.
We shall turn this nation back to the direction we are meant to go!
Congrats to the Meidas Touch Network staff and to the Meidas Mighty. Let’s keep growing this Substack and bringing it to DJT and his whole grifting crew. DJT is a moron, a tool and not a sharp one, and his ketamine abusing oligarch buddies are just that. They’re scared of a petty old feeble man. Let’s do this! 💙🇺🇸💙🇺🇸
DT is setting our country aside from the commitments his Bad Boy Billionaires see as spending their money.
Generosity, kindness, benevolence and integrity are no longer in the forefront of what we stand for.. wealth, greed, intolerance, retribution and isolation are the leadership drivers of a weak leader.
In his eyes , money , acquisition and the illusion of power are at the center of his being.
It’s gonna be a rough ride.
Wondering when the price of eggs and gas will come down? When will the cost of living normalize? Will the media even cover any of it at all..
Unfortunately, what has been normalized are all the negatives mentioned above. Our psyches are too devoted to Big Money, and only a vast spiritual awakening, which kindles all the positives above, will bring about a change in our priorities.
Perhaps at last their minds will turn...
Yes, we worship the buck here, and that is the root of many of our problems.
Ben- I am subscribed to the Meidas Family and I would love to be able to donate even more- but I am a poor Senior Citizen and spend all my money on rent ( i live in California )!! I want to do as much as possible to support the RESISTANCE and I wish that you could give me an opportunity to help others to join and see what the Mighty Movement stands for. I have a pittance of income, but I have lived a long life- so I have seen much and I am willing to contribute to the cause in any way possible. ( Mickey )!
Just help them hold the light!!!!
Start working on starting a boycott of Trumpian related products????
Lots of resistance ground work needs to be done now..........
Just an idea - could other people sponsor those who are in your situation?
That's the way to start a scam and make sure the people who actually need help won't get it. How are you going to check on someone's personal financial situation? Take a look at some of the GoFundMe scams and you'll see people willing to lie about anything. If you know someone who would like to subscribe but can't afford it, give them a gift subscription. You'll know your money went toward what YOU intended.
Thank you Ben. Watching your day 1. Recap with 2nd morning coffee. Amen we have MTN
I'm proud to part of a compassionate & humane network and trust that it will continue to grow as the Orange Monster continues his quest to destroy a great country. Brexit severely damaged the UK where I live, and I am afraid that MAGA will do worse to our friends over the pond. Remember that in unity lies strength and do not let this nightmare take away your resolve - you have many friends around the world.
Totally. Us Brits have got your back 🇬🇧💙🇬🇧
Thank you, Nigel, for your encouraging words for us MeidasMighty here in the United States. I love your country, its traditions, pageantry and history. I hope I can visit your beautiful country one day.
Congratulations on a wonderful day! And great job for the Humane Society. Let's keep making that sucker as miserable as possible! Love to all my Mighty family!
The puppy and kitty inauguration festivities were amazing. Just what was needed.
BRAVO!!!! Not afraid. Never will be afraid.
I fear for the people he is targeting, but I have no personal fear either. I want to fight against this regime. He will NEVER be my president!
Woo Hoo! Let’s Go! Meidas Mighty Rocks!
MSM fully normalized this convicted felon yesterday Ben .. we have a long way to go to restore order. I'm also ashamed to say my two senators are enabling this criminal enterprise although their fundraising emails say otherwise.
I am with you on that. WE now have MEGA senators, governor, and MEGA legislature all telling LIES of how their policies may appear to be desirable, it is to defund and enslave most Americans to the Oligarchs that have paid for their elected positions.
Rick Scott and Marco Rubio are my senators…. They voted Trumpy the first term and are kiss asses for money and power. Rubio now is Secretary of State and I abhor his voting record and think he is a pet of Donald’s only because he will like all of them do his bidding.. Desantis put a girl with good ole boy family members in deep in Florida. She stood by Desantis while he filed unconstitutional lawsuits galore. She sued the federal government, she will be a yes vote with prolife dogma in the Senate… Florida special election will be who knows.. Desantis hasn’t called the special elections for Florida’s representatives. He called one for April 1 yes that day is interesting to fill Gaetz, and Waltz seats in Congress… Florida is all in for Trumpism.. sickening!!
I spent quite a bit of time in Florida. Rick Scott is an obsequious toady who can barely put a sentence together. And that’s besides being a Medicare criminal.
I am in that boat beside you. Florida has gone completely down the rabbit hole.