"Eternal vigilance is the price of freedom."

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So true and an excellent reminder.

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So sad though that we are here at this stage….sickening

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And resisting running to politicians that are billionaire owned, etc

The fact that trump is dismantling our country means that Democrats are also liars and work for billionaires too!

We need to stop running to the politicians for help! THOSE DAYS ARE GONE!

Why would you run to them to solve the problems THEY CREATED!

Please unite! We need to plan! Resist.Rebel.Retell every day the truths of the dysfunction and danger!

Pull your IRAs immediately! Savings accounts! Get your money now! Expected to happen this week!

Please! Please! Please!

Stock nonperishables, water, Tp, and snacks! Prices are going up!

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It’s true it appears democrats we have elected are cowering to Trump and burying their heads in the sand. Only a couple seem to be representing us and speaking out I’m saddened and disgusted

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could it be that their voices too are silenced by mainstream media (MSM)? I've been hearing from my HR-rep. I don't believe they're just standing by. not yet- #ETTD hold-on-friends

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They have, are being and will continue to be silenced by corporate mainstream media. Look what they did to Biden for four years! The media is owned & controlled by billionaires who have no interest in facts or truth. Consider the recent downfall of the Washington Post, LA Times, NYTimes, CNN, even MSNBC has been hit with lost ratings... Support independent journalists & news outlets!

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eat the rich

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Whatever they're doing today, it's not going to be enough. They allowed our legal system to be totally corrupted. When you have no legal avenue to Justice what do you think is going to happen?

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Its nothing NEW. How do you think we got to here? We got here because the majority of American citizens put their blinders on plugged up their ears and paid no attention to any of us who were saying as early as 2018, "Hello ! We're being taken over by fascists!"

Oh and I said it over and over again to to my elected representatives in the federal government to my local representatives to my neighbors my friends my family newspapers emails blogs.

So why the hell are y'all acting like this is something that suddenly appeared?

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Agreed! We've got to quit looking for scapegoats and start looking for ways to push back. Looking for news and info outlets that aren't run by the broligarchs, so far I still have faith in MTN, Substacks, Bluesky, DKos, and Mother Jones - have I missed some? If you can give a dollar, then give a dollar; if you can write a letter then do that, Remind our politicians that they are still going to need voters when tRump is out of options. There are many lawsuits currently being filed - and even with federal ones, the entity filing gets to choose the district. Unlike when tRuskists have filed in the districts they know belong to them (think Texas, Georgia and Florida).

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Heather Cox Richardson, Texas Paul Shroder, Adam Kinzinger, The Contrarian, Aaron Parnas, Robert Reisch, Olivia Juliana.

There are alot of resistors.

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Some of us don’t have brilliant words or plans of action. We Clean up the messes and pray for peace and teach our children what we were taught, MYOB, which very frequently means duck, stay out of the way of bullets, armored vehicles, angry fists, dark storms of vengeance…

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We wait for clear leadership that needs our humble skills …

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Yes, the silence of the Dems is deafening. But think about what happened to Nancy Pelosi's husband when Dumpster called her out. It is so dangerous to speak out against Dumpster, the mob boss.

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To quasi repeat something my Aunt and Uncle had posted on their corkboard by their front door…”Rebel against the rising tide of Authority! “ The original said against “conformity.” This administration is neither authorized nor conforming to any sort of previous norms. Impeach trump NOW! Before he does further and irreparable damage. trump is UNFIT and DANGEROUS!

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Panicking and pulling all your money out of your IRA seems like a bad idea. Taking note that the balance is likely to drop is another thing.

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I agree John! It’s a “sky is falling” response that ultimately will hurt everyone.

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Suit yourself!!! While your dollars are worth dollars, please stock on water, nonperishdables,etc!

Plan for a long dark time!

Or you can play safe, not rush! You know the drill FAFO!

Maybe you can take a little peek at the table of contents of P2025, new name is Project (?) Liberty!

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I don’t have enough money to not worry, but I’ve been a cautious investor & at my advanced age I don’t invest in stocks anymore. My money is in FDIC insured accounts & all I can do now is hope the Fed remains intact.

Kids, invest wisely with a sharp eye on the institutions you are trusting to advise you. Never invest in something that you do not understand. There will be failures & missed opportunities but you will learn from each one. Your own health is your greatest asset so don’t neglect it.

We should all stand strong & not comply with illegal or immoral orders.

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Spot on sir!

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While I agree that some of the Dem Politicians and Leaders are not fighting hard enough and/or acting as if it's still the old days there are other strong factors at play here. The MSM, for one, is at the top of my list. They are nothing more than a Trump/Fascist propaganda outlet now. Another factor is poor communication from Dem Leadership and politicians who continue to be on the defensive trying to win over the MSM and voters who, for some reason, hang out in Diners that will never vote for them anyway. They pay consultants so much money that honestly people on this site could come up with better slogans that might actually work. Voter apathy and let's not forget, misogyny and racism is very much a strong motivator for the Trumpers who, let's face it, are the republican party. Oh and I am NOT pulling my money out of my IRA or Savings account.

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The lack of commercial media coverage of any Democratic Party politicians/leaders is one huge way you/we are left with the thoughts that they are "not fighting hard enough" etc. No coverage - no information. That's why MrT has so many media moguls on his "team".

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I'm a worried mom. My son is in a special ops training in a branch of the military... I'm scared. I told him if he was asked to do immoral things, we would help him, but I worry about what the orange buffoon will ask my boy to do. He's an adopted grandson and the child of my heart. It's tough being a retiree and dealing with the fear of what he may need to do, under any administration... THIS administration is terrifying to me.

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Most diversified portfolios don't overreact to politics.

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Your choice! Maybe read TOC of Project 2025!

And the interview with and about John Vought! This Project, now called Republican PLAN TO DESTROY AMERICA! Vought wrote some of it! Proud MAGA!Jeffries, Schumer and a couple more !millionaire boys finally get it enough to explain to us! There's references to our losses throughout the noise and at the very end the tension rises and the end is prediction of time and terror!

They plan to crash THEIR market is another part of the plan! And when people default on their mortgages, billionaires will pay pennies on the dollar to buy back the stocks that we will all lose! I'm not sure about ALL THE EMPTY HOMES!


Our officials will not be helping us, but the villionaires are benefiting more each day! Democrats are feeding at the trough.

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Glad you have enough money not to worry

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I believe he is said he does not have enough money to not worry. Let's remember, we are all on the same side here. We may have different ideas but united we win (maybe) but divided we always lose elections.

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It's the support of cypto by them, we can't allow it to replace the US Dollar. I don't think it can but they are pushing. Keep it simple "Say NO to CrypTOE" repeat often.

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Exactly what is supposed to happen this week?

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This week? Nothing new. We'll just get to see another parade of fascists installed in our government and our rights starting to be stripped away

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C’mon Annie… we’ve got high speed communication in our hands! Let’s phone call & leave msgs for EACH of our Representatives in the House and both of our Senators in that Chamber!

Once you’ve got the phone numbers /email addresses for each person’s office,Reps & Senators, leave messages every day!

Get some email addresses online and dash off brief (5-7 lines max) salutations w your questions/concerns on that day…

Try this out & report back in a week or two! Nothing may have changed… or some shift may become perceptible in the ‘tone’ of the responses.

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God I hope you’re wrong !

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Gotta remember we’re not alone on the web! Everyone carries a cellphone & most are connected far beyond their geographic ‘stomping grounds’ 🤗

Leave msgs every day of the work week! Ck back once a day. I expect you’ll be surprised!

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I have to think that this is another spurious call for panic.

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You wanna give us some context and sources for this reactionary “advice”? Monitoring one’s money is always wise. What exactly do you believe is going to happen this week?

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Theres not a single new thing happening this week to promote that kind of monetary panic other than the continuing inside job coup filling our government with Fascists. But apparently some people have been in a coma? On top of Mount everest? Under a rock? that they think this is something new. I secured my finances in 2018. But I didn't take every last penny out of every Bank and start stashing money under my mattress.

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What is the information spurring this comment regarding pulling your money?

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Oh. You haven't noticed theres been a inside coup job taking place within our government installing fascists for 8 years ?

So glad you're confident they won't grab your money or that you have enough of it not to worry. But I don't think we're at the point that the poster who suggested you pull all your money out of the banks is necessary just yet.

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Explain why we should withdraw all our funds now, please?

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I did all that 2019 when I realized the fascists were going to take over the country in a silent coup from within. Before you do all that, read up on Nazi Germany & Fascist Italy. You'll get plenty of pointers. Meanwhile, I don't understand why people are suddenly complaining about nothing being DONE by elected Democrats. A whole lot of us apparently have been screaming into the void for years because it's apparent people were too busy being so centered to pay any attention to the fact that democracy was being stabbed to death like Caesar. Now everybody wants to scream and yell? Y'all too late. Like the Jewish German citizens & their republic democracy minded German citizens, we should all be heading for the Swiss Alps.

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Sad,but i kinda agree. Except no one is driving me out of my home . Running away didn't help Germany. It wo t help the USA. THE people have to take a stand. What if none of us paid our taxes?

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My thoughts are that they've done relatively fck all. It's as though they're standing around twiddling their thumbs! It's an ineffective party. Both parties are corrupt but I do believe the Republicans are far more so. I'm no longer a dem!

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Calm down! I will always vote Democrat as opposed to Republican! Republicans are why we are in this mess!

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Jan 27
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Really? Nothing new. Just the continuance of the slow silent fascist coup taking place from within the government.

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Is it? What happened to skill sets?

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They want us to freak out and retaliate. They want us fighting with each other. We have to all stick together and keep spreading out the network. Support one another.

We will beat MAGA once and for all.

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You are on point that is what they want but we have to stand up for ourselves and each other and our democracy. 💯💙🙏🏾💙💯

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YES we have to stand up and stand together

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Ahhhh. Good positive message BUT that has been said and said and said and said and said. I saw & I see NO ACTION. And all words & no action is exactly how we got here.

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no one is coming to save us... #together

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Stop trying to divide us.

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Who trump yeah he’s doing a grand job of it

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We cannot lower ourselves to there standards. Why Maga block so many reports as there members so involved in corruption cannot separate it if comes to a senate hearing. Not surprising very reluctant to shoot there foot off and call witnesses who received a heap of pornographic texts from these moral hypocritical senators. Morality for others and not them and like there orange fool of a leader all destined to crash and burn.

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Oh there will be crashing & burning but The Felon & fascists who now have ALL the power, won't be the ones doing it. They're counting on us being just like sheep, acting as if the government is in a "business as ususl" state, being herded into a barn with the doors locked behind. With lots of evil criminal fascists holding gallons of petrol & hundreds of matches outside.

If we keep just talking, democracy & ourselves will be destroyed.

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Well said!! 👏👏

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What's happened to the protesters that were on the streets several days ago 🤔? They should be happening 24/7 and I mean 24 hours a day! Doing shift protesting but instead a big fat nuthin'! They ought to be ongoing all across the country but zip,zero,nada is happening instead. Did they run outta steam? Were their concerns dealt with? Where are they? Youuuuuu whoooo??? They seemed to appear and then disappear...Poof! Were they just a ruse?

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Now is not the time to take the moral high ground. MAGA has started a war on us: our values, our morals, and even our freedom.

We can't play by the rules of the Marquis of Queensbury while the other side has thrown out the rulebook. We must be willing to engage in a street fight.

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it's going to get a hell of a lot worse before we begin to see even a little bit of better. Your words about not knowing how much to give the FBI and mistrust for the agency given his hold is chilling and unfortunately true.

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Resist!!m demand to see the warrants! (They don't have any!)

Video wrongdoing or just video ICE kidnappings and harassment. They HATE being taped because they know that they're wrong! Post their faces!

Get your money, especially IRAs! You will be robbed of within. Days!

You need nonperishables, water, snacks, TP! Load up and prepare for survival!

Simple things like this.... Kinda takes away confidence and power

Repeat the real truths every day!

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Hold your horses, JoAnn.

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Im sorry! Im Just a dumb woman! I don't. Know any better!

Please forgive me all knowing man!!!

Everyone else please get your survival gear and First aid kits! Lots and lots if water, snacks, nonperishables, TP!

And take your money.before they close Federal Reserve and end FDIC !

Get ready! Politicians are useless! They've proven for decades!

We ALL need to work together to find our way through the. Dark!

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Prepper :)

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Jan 27
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Project 2025! House Republic ans

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Pbs, ml Jeffries weekly news briefings, house Republican contract against America, 4 days ago!

Schumer, project 2025, pbs, author Vought same day!

Unfortunately these people ARE JUST GETTING TO THIS, the report came out in July, that release was what prompted the "assassination" attempt!

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Project 2025 kills the Federal Reserve... And FDIC! It's been discussed lately because They're finally reading this document and CARE ABOUT. THEIR MONEY!

There is a discussion of the Republican Plan to destroy America! pbs last week about the writer of P2025 regarding the evils that we're going to fight! Vought wrote this section about killing the Federal Reserve and thereby the FDIC!

It's terrifying and is discussed for about 26 minutes!

I'm too tired to go through Meidas, Substack, and my other sources.


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Please be safe! Thanks for all the work you do!

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This is so horrible and unfortunately, not unexpected. I’m so grateful to you and your brothers for keeping us in the loop. Great job thwarting the cyberattack. Saying prayers for your continued safety.

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Even though we don't know what kind of America this is anymore, we still know right from wrong and clarity from denial.

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So true 💙🙏🏾💯

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This exact sort of thing happened to me a few months ago! The lengths they’ll go to try and stop us. And this is only the stuff we are willing to talk about… Never stop fighting!

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So excited to be among the smartest & best prepared people! Keep it up! Feeling strong today!

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Me Too 💯💯🙏🏾

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Publicly flag this person…release the name ,location and all information to public to shame and show others they will be found

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These people have no shame nor do they get humiliated.

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True... but they can be justifiably intimidated by the public exposure itself. It can be a great deterrent to such cowards, to take away their anonymity.

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Report to Interpol? We will need to bypass the feds and look for ‘real’ law enforcers. This endangers the DID , and the leadership under Trump will be ineffective at best.

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Hi Katherine... What is DID?

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A typo I overlooked as I am

Recovering from eye surgery. DOD (Dept of Defense) has to be in scramble mode because the new CIC is a sell-out and the new secretary is by no means qualified—and he has to know it. A soldier with so little credibility and no self discipline whatsoever should have refused the nomination. We are in serious trouble just trying to keep classified docents out of a traitor’s hands. And that just became a lot harder to do.

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Am grateful for your courage and undaunted spirit in theses days of MAGA evil.

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I am proud to be a part of this amazing 🤩 community and thank you, your brothers and all of the members of the MTN team for providing the facts!! Especially in this time of crisis which has so much misinformation and disinformation!! Stay safe! Shoutout for democracy 🇺🇸💙✌️‼️

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I am very, very sorry that the entire might just touch. Community is at risk from these very radical Maga. The amount of hate that is spewed over right wing media is astounding. Although I live in a very blue area in a very blue state, I have been very appalled by what I’ve seen on social media from former coworkers, acquaintances and people that I have long belief to be long-term friends. They are just absolutely irrational and hateful how did so many good people get so badly brainwashed at present I’ve suspended all attempts to correct any of their misbelief. I just can’t put up with the vitriol. I have found it impossible to present them with facts when their belief structure is so so strong. Thank you for all that you do for us.

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We have a strong platform to insure truth not die. Once when the loser say injured or inferior people should be allowed to die without medical help. I commented don should follow his own advice and do everyone a favour. Tube blocked it as hate speech although ok for don to spew as much as he wants. This platform will not hide the truth and that terrifies the orange loser fool. Lose his support and jail not far away for this traitor.

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"...we have a strong platform to insure truth not die!!!!"!..... BRAVO BOB!!!

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You do nobody any favors to point a target at yourself. We need to be as wise as serpents, not just as harmless as doves.

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I suggest that you alter your route to your coffee shop on Sundays. Your description of your travels has always made me nervous.

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Makes me nervous every Sunday!

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So happy that our family lives far from cities!! Wish everyone did!

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Yes, and film against backgrounds that are not location-specific. Recall that with Google Maps, et al, locations can be determined way too easily. Use military-style protection techniques in your cybersecurity and personal protection protocols.

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I think everyone should at this point, don’t be predictable

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Bring it Magassholes…mega assholes. I’m sorry that your families have to deal with this shit. It’s worth it though. We stand with you all. I hope someone at the FBI can do the right thing and keep this under the radar from Shitzinpants for a while.

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Love you guys! Keep up the great work!!!

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I have a suggestion..instead of saying the U.S. is at war with X countries, let’s normalize saying “45 is at war with X country.”Let’s not include the U.S. people. We the people are tired of this president! Its been week one and I am tired of so much hate, and idiocracy!!

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Please be safe. We appreciate all you do to navigate this. They are lowest form of scum.

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