MeidasTouch 22-Year-Old Host Adam Mockler Is Crushing It!
Mockler Leads Major DC Panel on New Media
It’s great to see the next generation of MeidasTouch hosts being recognized for their leadership in rebuilding broken media, like 22-year-old MeidasTouch host Adam Mockler.
MTN host Adam Mockler is taking the country by storm. He has built his own YouTube channel, which will soon hit 1 million subscribers. His iconic coverage of events like the DNC and his debates with Trump supporters like Mike Lindell have been viewed hundreds of millions of times. Adam Mockler, and Mockler Media, is a joint venture with MeidasTouch, and he is a major pillar in our growth. We all rise together.
On Monday, Adam was invited to speak at a Washington, DC, panel hosted by Courier News, focused on the growth of independent media. Mockler represented MeidasTouch Network on the panel and did an incredible job describing the growth of MTN and how MTN is helping others build their own media platforms. Another MeidasTouch host, Leigh McGowan (who you may know as PoliticsGirl), was also on the panel.
The focus of Mockler’s speech was his and our shared philosophy: independent media should not be hyper-focused on finding wealthy investors to fund them. Independent media should not saddle itself with huge debt or other burdens and entanglements that interfere with its reporting. The priority for independent journalism, like MTN, must be solely focused on putting out fearless reporting day after day and hour after hour. Independent media must never forget who its real stakeholders are: its audience.
Corporate media is failing because it values its shareholders and corporate interests over its audience. In contrast, our stakeholders are the MeidasTouch audience—the Meidas Mighty.
Independent media must not fall into the trap of chasing the structures of the past that inevitably lead them into the corporate abyss. Instead, independent media needs to redefine and rebuild the structures that will allow journalism to thrive, free from the shackles of corporate greed and self-interest. Mockler brought this powerful message to DC.
I often tell this story about Fox News. Fox was not built overnight. The plague of Fox, which has caused such massive harm to America, began with a white paper by Roger Ailes in the late 1970s after Nixon resigned. It was designed as a way to protect future Nixons from the truth and accountability.
That white paper by Ailes found a foreign benefactor in an Australian named Rupert Murdoch, and the network was built brick by brick throughout the 1990s.
Even before the launch of Fox in 1996, its existence as a partisan news network was made possible by the policies of Ronald Reagan, who removed regulations like the “Fairness Doctrine,” which had ensured television networks operated with some measure of balance and impartiality.
Our goal at MeidasTouch is to be the anti-Fox—or the antidote to Fox. Our mission is to spread the truth with more force than Fox spreads its lies. We can neutralize their lies with truth if we reach more people with facts.
It seems simple, but this is a generational task. MeidasTouch is not just preparing for the content we put out today or tomorrow. Sure, rapid response and breaking news are important, but more is needed. MeidasTouch is acutely aware and focused on the generational task ahead, and we have great optimism for the future of journalism with leaders like Adam Mockler.
You can help us with that generational task and make history with us by sharing our network and our content. Also, if you are able, become a paid subscriber of this Substack now.
Check out this clip of Adam Mockler’s panel presentation here:
You're SO right - Adam is amazing and puts older, more experienced so-called newscasters to shame.
It’s been great watching Adam shine brightly on the network!