Trump is only the distraction. Musk is running things. Thank you for all you do Meidas!

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Trump don’t care anymore. Musk gave him the presidency, so he will be okay with Musk doing whatever he wants as long as Musk doesn’t upstage the big narcissist.

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Musk is already upstaging Trump.

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yep, when TIME magazine put musk behind the Resolution desk and made it the cover...(We need to do much MUCH more like this; apparently trump was furious - whatta surprise.)

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Agreed. Donald sold us out allowing Musk to buy his power!! Donald and team our "giddy" with what Musk is doing while Donald playing golf!! Donald sold us all out letting Musk with no clue what's he's doing damage our fed system?? 2025 plan that Donald did not know about and disagrees with most of it!!

Does the bufoon know what he signed the first day? He's stupid! There are over 60 people not with us due to Donald allowing a staff pull out of the faa!! How will he react if they forget to check air force 1 tires?? Or forget to pack diapers for him??

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I can’t help the feeling that not only the orange felon is in Putin‘s pocket, but Mukus-Musk is, too!

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Musk has been having private conversations with Putin since 2022 and went to Moscow twice to meet with Putin. Musk is as much a traitor as felon 47 is.

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totally; vlad puppeting both.

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What all do they do?

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Republicans need to grow some balls and stand up to trump and musk before they destroy America. Sooner rather than later.

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They can't grow what they never had.

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I think they had their balls remove on Nov 6th

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they were missing that part of their anatomy when mcconnell 1) made them all sign an agreement NOT to support ANY of Obama's bills and they did as ordered, and 2) when mcconnell - after stating that the Jan. 6 insurrection was an abomination & he knew trump was responsible - refused to even put the 2nd impeachment over that act up for a vote...................... was it because he already knew his spineless members were too scared to SHOW their true feelings via vote? was it because HE was too spineless to go for it??? All of the above? IF THE GOP HAD NIPPED THE ORANGE PROBLEM IN THE BUD BACK THEN WE WOULD NOT BE IN TODAY'S DEPLORABLE SITUATION. Hope they are proud of themselves. . . . They have one last opportunity to do the right thing... and oughta be thinking about their children and grandchildren... and/or the sacrifices their own ancestors made in the fight for FREEDOM. . Ugh!!!

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Call and leave your message at your representative's office in DC and voice your disgust at their inaction of the illegal DOGE firings and impoundment of approved spending. They do measure responses left on the phone system.

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100%, criminals will commit crime all day until they are stopped.

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You're assuming that the Republicans care about America being destroyed. With very few exceptions, they don't care. Their jobs are safe -- that's what matters to them.

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But that's the problem..... as during Hitler's reign, far too many people thought "it wouldn't happen to them" . . . . and then it did..... Why are so many Americans ignorant about this???? Or why don't they pay attn to the way trump rolls? He demands utmost loyalty but the minute anyone even diplomatically suggests a different perspective than his, or tries to (again, diplomatically) tries to explain a possible negative ramification of one of trump's ideas, that person is fired and otherwise thrown under the bus. ALL THE TIME.

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Everyone in a Rep. district needs to remind their Senators and Congresspersons that if they want their political careers to outlast tRump's reign, they better start remembering that they need voters. MAGA won't save them.

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This will never happen. They are afraid of him. One word from Dumpster will destroy all re-election chances. One word from Dumpster will send violent magats to threaten all (politicians and their families) who speak out and vote against him. Think of Paul Pelosi and his fractured skull.

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Trump can't handle 2 dimensional text. Let's stop dreaming about 4 dimensional chess.

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That's the best comparison I've read. And unfortunately, so many voted for a false idol.

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Monday and Thursday nights are made for the Meidas Touch Podcast. and being with the Mighty meidas touch family. We know trump is a weak pathetic loser who thinks he is the king. And musk is behind the curtain running things. we need to stand together honk the horn, be loud, protest, you name it. Never surrender, stand our ground

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How as Americans can we get you guys press passes in the WH?

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Why! If they ask one question that makes #45 "uncomfortable", he'll take away their access, just like he did to Jim Accosta last time.

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Meanwhile, MAGA is losing jobs and lives to the bull they’ve been told and still no tariff, no Gaza, no exportation increase and we haven’t even gotten to the tax cuts yet.

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Trump only talks BS

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but far too many people actually listen....

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Price of eggs going down???? As a measure of current economy success, there are no eggs at my market. Bird Flu is a conspiracy....tell that to the hens. Let's make this very real..price of eggs is going up,up,up!!

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WHEN you can find them..

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Shop Walmart.com and select the pickup at store option. They have the best supply chain on the ground. You shouldn’t need to fly eggs. Depending on the price of eggs and how far you want to drive to get to the store. Matter fact if you use the membership option and consistently buy their database will alert the customers.

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There are also eggs AND at the normal prices in my local 2-branch market. It may be that location makes a diff.... the eggs I mention are generally from local entities, not big producers. I used the "WHEN you can find them" to make a point that this IS an issue in many areas, esp. areas full of trump supporters who need to wake up.

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Think about the massive increase in UNEMPLOYMENT numbers, and the $$$ paid when those folks apply for UE Insurance.... or the $$$$ that is "said" same people will receive if they take the buyout. (And who believes THAT "promise" will be honored??) Think about all the $$$ being spent by ICE, who, after all the "photo opp" action and massive round up of mostly all the wrong people, with actual deportations running way behind what Biden have already been doing. Think about the $$$$$$$$ being wasted using those giant military planes to move captured people around instead of the standard commercial planes customarily used for same purpose and MUCH lower expense. Think about all the infrastructure going in - providing high paying jobs (construction itself then afterwards) that musk has put a stop to. The entire economy was HUMMING and now it's going into the dumpster. ANYTHING to trash anything good Obama or Biden may have done. But I forget... we have a "stable genius" at the helm! We finally have someone who uses "common sense" in control. We should be fine.

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God bless you. You are soooo correct! As if we didn’t spend the last 8 years trying to convict this utter corrupt madness in the courts of this land. OUR DUTY NOW IS TO BRING CHARGES AGAINST ALL IMPLICATED OR YOUR CHILDREN WILL HAVE TO IN YEARS TO COME. THIS IS CORRUPTION AND ITS EVIL AGAINST US AND THE WORLD.

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Truth will prevail if we join together for our Nation United we are invisible no matter your political affiliation you belong to. It's our Constitution our Country, it does not matter whether you are black, white or yellow we are Americans. Canada has given a great example as to what united we can do. Thank you Canada. Thank you. Please don't faint. Let's show the world how strong we can be. Let's show these derelicts, sociopath, power seeking narcissist that enough is enough…don't buy or use products from these companies, block Twitter 🚫 X

Cancel subscriptions of tv, newspapers . Media that support Don't watch the football games. March 28th don't buy from Walmart, Target, or Amazon. That hurts their pockets.. write your elected officials tell them how you feel.

You can find their e mail on line Please stay strong we have many joining thru MeidasTouch, Meidastouch@substack.com, Jim Acosta and many others. We are all together ❤️

God is on our side


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Love you guys. Sanity must prevail 💛

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Deport me to Canada please

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This may be out of context of this particular discussion,and probably naive, but why aren't people who are committing crimes being arrested or detained?

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I keep thinking about what would happen if civil servants had pulled the same illegal actions. In the meantime more and more $-#7@ keeps being stolen or corrupted. Who knows the myriad of ways that can be used now and in the future.

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Feb 7
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Cyber-cracking of a protected federal system. “Cracking” defines the criminal breaking-into aspect. It takes more technical sophistication.

Btw, Putin is laughing at all of us that we lack the brass nuts to rid ourselves of the whole traitorous lot of them. We prattle about being a strong, principled nation, but where is the proof of it?

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Check this out re details in plain English of the DOGE cyberbreach of privacy of protected data:


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the people who would do the arresting are IN the new justice dept! If they are new hires, ok, they think orange. If they are holdovers from Biden, I would not wanna be in their shoes. Bottom line: doesn't seem to be anyone who COULD do any arrests..

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Why can't he be impeached? Though with the Rs in majority, it would never happen.

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We're waiting for the displaced Federal workers and others to miss a mortgage payment and car payment or college tuition payment or two. There will be no talking to them by the Diaper brigade.

These people will be livid and they will be organizing against the BS train with poop conductor Trump in the driver's seat. What does MAGA think it can do against scores of angry ex-federal workers taking to the streets and intent on revenge?

They are underestimating the people who've built their careers working in the USG. They are underestimating the anger of the people being kicked out who are "this close to" retirement. They are underestimating the scores of people who have loved ones in the US military, US Law Enforcement, and the USG who are getting the shaft from Trump.

Oh, there will be a price to pay for what MAGA is doing--the likes of which are going to be unimaginable--for them. When TSHTF Trump will retreat to where--his bunker? Perhaps he'll be the honored guest in ZookeyBug's underground stronghouse. Or, maybe Putrid will offer him solace and shelter in Russia.

Who knows? What I suspect is that MAGA is actually creating its own ugly demise. They just don't realize it--yet. Trump will screw them over just the same as he's screwed over his wives, friends, business partners and his very own siblings! Believe it? Or, not!

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So let me get this right - we lose our rights, our benefits, our constitution and we are supposed to elect Trump for a third term so we can suffer forever.

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Trump doesn't need to be re-elected. The fix is already in -- he'll just refuse to go or be proclaimed Dear Leader for Life -- or After-Life.

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Pretty sure that's what he meant BEFORE the 11/5/24 election when he kept saying, "Vote vote vote. All you gotta do is vote for me once, then you'll never have to vote for me again."

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Hopefully after life. Sooner than later

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That’s a frightening thought, but something Trump and Musk would go ahead and do. Trump doesn’t care about his MAGA Cult, he only looks after himself.

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Ghita from Denmark love Meidas Touch, and i am so proud of being a part of this amazing network. You are the reason that sane people does`t go crazy because of all the fake news.

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Trump Issues Executive Order Mandating "Stollen" as Official Spelling of "Stole"


February 7, 2025

In a move that scholars are calling “a bold reimagining of the English language,” former Vice President Donald Trump issued an executive order Friday declaring that the correct spelling of "stole" is now officially "stollen," a change he insists will "save America’s beautiful, beautiful words from the radical left."


Trump wrote in a hastily typed Truth Social post later amending it to read "STOLLEN!!" after users pointed out the initial post still contained words spelled correctly. "Sleepy Joe and his corrupt handlers want you to believe the word is spelled their way, but real Americans know the truth. We’re bringing back strong, tremendous spelling. Everyone says so. Lincoln spelled it this way, folks, very bigly!"

The executive order, titled "Making English Great Again (MEGA)", will require all federal documents, textbooks, and elementary school spelling bees to adopt the revised spelling, with violators subject to deportation to "somewhere bad, like California." Trump’s team has also announced plans to reclassify "stollen," the German Christmas bread, as a "low-energy, weak pastry" unfit for patriotic consumption.

Language experts were quick to weigh in on the decision, with Oxford Dictionary editors calling it "a grammatical Pearl Harbor" and Merriam-Webster responding with a single, exhausted sigh. Meanwhile, German bakers worldwide have reported a surge in confused Americans attempting to buy loaves of bread in order to return them to the U.S. Treasury.

At press time, Trump was reportedly drafting a follow-up executive order demanding that dictionaries replace "indicted" with "perfect, totally innocent man."

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This is not normal !! It is complete insanity!!

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Feb 7
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If you can prove this to court evidentiary standards, get Meidas to file suit. But if this is just wishful thinking -- like all the stuff MAGA came up with re 2020 -- then stop with the conspiracy theories. Does no one any good.

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Listening to this is the only thing that keeps me sane!

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Let us not forget, there’s more of us than them, and there’s strength in numbers. Strength in spirit is not the same as strength in monetary numbers. You can’t kill spirits.

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I used to work in IT. Once they're in they're downloading everything and putting in a secret "back door" to be able to access any system whenever they want, even if the courts get them out. We are screwed and they all need to be arrested and stopped NOW!

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