Meidas Mighty = Truth, Facts, Empathy, Compassion, Strength, Sanity, Inclusiveness, Resilience, Diversity, Understanding, Intelligence, Morals, Values, Support, Determination, Patriotism, Community. TRUTH TO POWER.

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Jan 28
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No....I am not kidding, Peter!

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Trump is not a friend. Friends do not lie.

Take care ♾️

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Trump wants to wreck the economy so he and his PE patrons can buy up American assets for pennies on the dollar. PE did this in real estate after 2008 financial collapse. Past is prologue. Trump knows he has two years before midterms and his focused on maximum destruction to bring Americans to our knees and can clean us out.

Meanwhile, climate catastrophe. Pity the children.

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Maybe he'll touch himself enough that ETTD will take care of the problem!😂😂😂😂

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Jim Acosta had an excellent farewell message. Hopefully he will be joining MTN 🙏

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Don't let it overwhelm you, that is what he wants. He is trying to make us believe this is normal, it is not. When you step away from the mic, step away for an hour. Take care of yourselves.

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Only the ultra rich would say that higher prices are a good thing. Before they spout ridiculous comments like that maybe they should step into the shoes of average Americans!! Just another excuse for greed and incompetence!!

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Couldn't have happened to a more deserving group of assholes! 😂😂😂

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Why isn't he d e a d?

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I'm wondering that, too!

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Cause someone had bad aim…

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add eVIlonmusk to the list!

enough is enough!

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Evil doesn't die off easily or quickly. Do not panic. Stay calm and wait.

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Donald Trump is quite quickly destroying our standing in the world. Sooner than later we will no longer be a Super Power. All President Biden's hard work is disappearing. This is disastrous for the Country and the World.

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“Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about things that matter.”

The quote is attributable to a 1965 sermon Martin Luther King Jr. gave the day after “Bloody Sunday,” when civil rights protestors were attacked and beaten by police on the Edmund Pettus Bridge. In a period rife with ugliness and hate, King exhorted his beleaguered congregation to live with moral courage when faced with grave wrongs or die with soul-killing silence long before you take your last breath.

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Higher prices are a “good thing”. Imagine that. Let’s just start with eggs shall we? How is that a good thing? I wonder if Trump knows millions of chickens are being slaughtered. How are higher priced cars “a good thing” if most people can’t afford them? Most people in this country aren’t getting chauffeured around. They actually need vehicles to drive. Higher prices for consumers aren’t a good thing unless you have money to burn.

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tRumputinists are avowed evilly spiteful capricious contrarians to any common sense, cultists. it's impossible to live with them in the one and the same country in this shape and form. they can be allowed to rule ONLY their own cult supporters, NOBODY ELSE!!!

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Tesla China just recalled 1.2 million Swastikkkars. Tesla stock will tank while the banks sell off Ego Muskkkypits' debt. Oh, and in a recent internal X email,

Ego Muskkkypits wrote that there's negligible growth for Witter, he has zero confidence and the future's dim

(I paraphrase).

Everything Elon touches dies #EETT.

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Question is….when the hell will anyone in charge step up and say NO!!! No! And play their games back. Don’t ever vote with them! Tell the people to hurt the country where it counts…their pocket books! They want to stop federal funding ? Should we stop paying our federal taxes ??!

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I wonder about paying taxes as well. I think the IRS is going to be in complete disarray.

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Yes and the XRS. external revenue service. It will help line cons pockets? No it's no way to track what he does with more fraud that he has 34 felonies now!!

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Oh well! I guess they want chaos, let’s give them chaos! Let’s become the most petty country until they listen to us.

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It sounds good but why? Lets make our voted in leadership say no!! I don't want to struggle for this fat pig while he is.playing golf all day!!

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The real Patriots!

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I hope all these other countries don’t allow a convicted felon into their countries. Trump can only get into 37 countries by permission. So when there’s a G7 summit, Trump can’t attend

Unless they give him permission because convicted felons are not allowed to enter.

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France allowed him to go to the re-opening of Notre Dame......these countries need to enforce their "NO Felons Allowed" laws!!

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Yes, allowing that convicted sexual offender felon into Notre Dame was sacrilegious!

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He won't attend

It is in Canada 🇨🇦

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Not allowed in Canada either without permission. And the way he’s treating us I hope Canada has the B****s not to let him in

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Google it, it explains it all.

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Trump is not allowed in Canada (convicted felon)

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