How in the hell do we get rid of this monster??? I just can’t believe this country is supposed to just lay down and start drinking the kool aid😑😑😑 I’m so disappointed in the authorities in this country who are bowing to a Tyrant a dictator and doing nothing to save this nation πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ‘ΊπŸ˜ˆ

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We use words and fight back. The majority always wins!

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That’s what I thought during the campaign but it didn’t work 😑😑

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As Anderson Clayton, our awesome Dem State Party chair here in NC said after the election, "Sometimes God's own thunder can't make people do the right thing." But the pain and suffering coming their way just might open their eyes. Most of the federal jobs getting axed are in red states; grocery shelves here in NC are already low on produce, and coffee prices have skyrocketed. Sometimes pain is the only teacher.

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unfortunately I don't think the people who love trump really understands. too brainwashed

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They probably didn't during the campaign, but they're about to get a lesson. The hard way.

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If people elevate someone or something above the Holy one, they are actually committing the greatest act of betrayal possible. May we never be traitors to our Lord.

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Personally, I'd much rather that politicians keep their religious views to themselves. Our Founders gave us a secular government for a reason.

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exactly thank you. separate of church and state. learn that in school civics class

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Jan 31Edited
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Brain fog is relative

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We can blame Trump and his Project 2025 along with the idiots who decided to stay home instead of voting. Lots of blame to go around. The interesting thing is many of the non-voters are the ones crying about the outcome of November 6. They can all kick rocks.

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I have more colorful advice for them......but it could include rocks.

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😁🫠yes many things they can kick.. bricks...

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They can kick rocks, and they can find it in themselves to decide what kind of country they want to live in. Educate and go forward..

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I sincerely hope Dems are ready to stop it with the blame game, and get their act together...

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Republicans dear. You can't think straight. Not blaming you for believing the lies. A lot of people did.

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Many TrumπŸ’© voters call crying about prices now skyrocketing and fearing their stocks tanking. Insiders doing it again in Congress.

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It didn't work because many did not vote. Many voted for trump out of revenge for the wars in other countries. In all my years of voting 14 presidents in this is the first election I have ever seen in electoral States that all the votes were for one person. I feel it was rigged, it's bs!

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Because when people are brainwashed it's like they live in a dillusional world. One day something changes in them and it's all most like they snap out of a trance. I know many now that regret voting for this monster. Now WE work together and get them all out. We work together to live in Peace.

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My neighbor is psychotic now because of the stock market and the prices of everything have went up and she thinks he's a communist loving president.

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Condom bombs, lmaf πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚. One ingredient for a bomb is your household bleach. Duh!

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Greg Palast spoke about how technically Harris did win both popular majority and electoral college but over 4.5M votes were tossed out due to challenges, provisional ballots tossed, voters not notified of said throwing out. It’s called voter oppression and the establishment did fight hard enough to prevent it. Mr. Palast does a great job breaking it down. He was on the Tom Hamm podcast, Roland Martin Podcast, Secular Talk podcast and you can find his documentary on his website with his name .com. Why aren’t we talking about it and doing something about it?

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That’s because she didn’t have enough time

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But the majority doesn't win in a dictatorship which is what the Republicans are creating. We must have a better way to fight this corruption.

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Dictatorship my ass! I grew up this way. It is wrong all my morals and beliefs are nothing of these monsters. We win by the numbers, watch and see what happens. History always tries to repeat itself. We loose by laying down and keeping quiet! We fight back write, text, e-mail, and call all your States representatives. This is why they are there, they listen and report, they have answers. They listen to anything you have to say. They listen to concerns and worries. Ask what can you do to stop this?

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My sentiments, exactly.

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SEND HARD COPY LETTERS VIA THE USPS to every representative and senator

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πŸ’™πŸ’™. America. MπŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ the orange.

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Vote vote vote 2026

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Yes definitely. We must. But we cannot wait that long to do something!

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Send letters to all the representatives in the house and all the senators. So state that they should STAND FIRM on the US CONSTITUTION and not bow down to one man who wants to remove it. UNITED WE STAND; DIVIDED WE FALL. Keep is simple as they seem to not be able to use their own minds. They keep saying THIS IS WHAT THE PEOPLE WANT. If they are inundated with mail stating otherwise [hard copy via USPS] they will have to pay attention to the people. After you send to your representative and senator; DO NOT STOP there .... SEND the SAME LETTER to ALL of the House Representative and ALL the Senators. EVERYONE MUST DO THIS. It's the only way they will actually know what WE, THE PEOPLE want. Sending letters is how it was done in the past and it will work today. EMAILS can be ignored and/or deleted. It's really hard to ignore physical letters arriving at the Capitol in mail bags delivered by USPS.

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No emails are not ignored or deleted. Omg, why would you even say that? I have emailed and always get a response back. CALL on the phone it's even faster.

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I get the standard. Thank you and we're working as hard as we can letter from my representatives.

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I am too. The greed oligarchs are a big source of the problem.

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We must keep the pressure on by supporting MTN and The Contrarian as well as other heroes for a year and a half and then all vow to elect a majority in congress!!!!!!!!!!

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Trump is a mob boss!!! And, you'd better believe he's taking bribes left and right. It's all about the money. People mean nada. Thank you for not letting up on calling him out again and again. We depend on the MTN to keep us informed. Thank you for all you do, Ben, Brett, Jordy!!!

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It's not good enough to thanks MTN for what they do. We, the People MUST SPEAK UP. SEND PHYSICAL LETTERS vis USPS to ALL the House representative and senators. It's the ONLY way they will see and hear what we, the people want!!!! It's how it was done in the past and it can and will work again.

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God bless the French!!!!!

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(Washington plane crash: Donald Trump on why 'diversity' was involved in the incident......


Trump stated that he has "common sense". No, Felon Traitor Trump, you do not have "common sense"; you have "CONMAN CENTS"!!!

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He doesn't have the common sense of the average toddler. The toddlers do less whining as well.

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He has NO COMMON SENSE. He is an incompetent. My IQ is higher than his. I am not a politician, but I can see the writing on the wall. Blaming Biden and Obama for his own mistakes.

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Trump has "CONMAN CENTS", not "COMMON SENSE!!!"

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Trump having common sense? BAHAHAHA πŸ˜‚ πŸ˜‚

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Trump has "CONMAN CENTS", not "COMMON SENSE"!!!

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Great pun, love it.

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Con- man sense was what he meant.

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WHY is Elon Musk, not an elected politician or even a politician per say have the RIGHT to just go in and change anything he wants? I seriously want someone to explain to me!

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DJT gave him the right. He is in charge of DOGE [not MTG]. He's doing whatever he wants. He did the same to Twitter when he bought it. Laid everyone off with no notice. Then forced them to interview with him to get their jobs back. The Chaos has only begun. Buckle up and hang on because it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

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But WHY??

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I believe the helicopter crashed into the airliner, not the other way 'round. I think we will come to discover the chopper pilots reported to controllers they saw the airplane but in fact had the wrong aircraft in sight -- one which had just taken off.

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My field is aviation safety. Washington National (DCA) is one of the most problematic airports in the U.S. There were warnings after a near miss last year. Against the objections of the FAA and of Democratic senators from VA and MD, last year Sen Ted Cruz and others required the FAA to add 5 flights to the already overcrowded DCA airport so they would get more direct flights home and not have to go to Dulles or Baltimore airports. The requirement was put into the FAA Reauthorization Act last year. That is one of the most important causal factors in this loss. The FAA knew there were problems there but were not able to do the most effective thing, which would have been to keep traffic levels manageable.

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Exactly Hank....that airport space is extremely dangerous. There are thousands of lights in eyes of helo pilot....city lights from DC, Crystal City, autos on the bridge, etc. The right wing pols bowed to wishes of certain airline to increase flights from DCA too. Sen. Kaine tried to stop increase. The airspace around DCA is just a real dangerous. Airport space with way too much congestion.

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Please let the Republicans know that bending a knee because they are afraid that they will be primaried by a Trump/Musk they should be a be afraid of the MILLIONS of republicans that will primary them for not finding the SPINE to stand up to Trump.

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DemLabs just announced an ICE watch tool. Please share


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add this fool, Patel, to the tRUMP rogues gallery of biggest piles of pig-sh*t ever assembled ....the guy is a self promoting lier and grifter ( the pin he wears all the time, except for his hearing says it all )....just add him to the list of totally unqualified subhumans now infesting our highest levels of government.

the BS just hasn't stopped for the past 11 days and counting....add now tRUMP's disgusting response to the horrific plane collision over DC...everyone in this country needs to wake up fast and get into full on resistance mode against these corrupt, vile, criminals and grifters....wake up Dems and take off the kid gloves, it's time for bare knuckle fighting....I want to send out my deep felt sadness and sorrow to all the families who lost their loved ones in this awful incident...it's just a shame that the orange skinned lizard freakazoid wasn't on that flight.

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Trump fired top people at airports Air control !! This crash is on trump!! 😑😑😑😑🀯🀯🀯🀯

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They pay no taxes

They and taking our rights away

They are not followers of JESUS, they are followers of hate.

Johnson, Green, Bobbert, just some.

They are obsessed with girls vaginas, Johnson had removed from the internet the β€œPURITY BALL” photos of him and his daughter, where these men are inappropriately hugging their pubescent daughters, from behind! They are evil and sick!

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This new concentration camp is just some sort of money making scheme on the backs of innocent people. Not a surprise.

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trump is lying and gas lighting AGAIN!! Don’t believe this garbage!! He already fired people on airline safety boards the first day!! A million people died from COVID due to trump’s INCOMPETENCE (ON PURPOSE) as he wanted to tear America down!! Now he is doing it AGAIN! STOP THIS INSANE THING NOW!!

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The Mighty Meiselas Brothers, I just love the way this sounds πŸ€— Thanks so much for sharing your podcast, for all the folks who can't afford to Pay for their News, and will reStack ASAP πŸ™πŸ’―πŸ‘πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

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I'm old enough to remember when these same people blamed 'the gays!!!' for every national disaster and tragedy. Broken, despicable people filled with hate taking ZERO responsibility for the consequences of their hateful behavior.

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if course wants "merit-based" hiring of the best -- he really does think his base is stupid and the Senate confirms that thinking every day!

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Idiot just imposed tariffs. We get to pay more for everything.

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