Too bad he is such an old-school politician. He should resign on Saturday, Kamela can then step up and they can then declare a national emergency (which is literally is) and SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY from the take over of billionaires who will strip us all of any rights, any future, any health care, any ability to earn a decent living, and ensure that education remains only for the well heeled, The rest can live in poverty, ignorance, despair, and disease.
I still say Biden should join the other past presidents and not attend the event. Can you just see Trumps face if Biden is not there to hand over the key to the Whitehouse and Trump and Melania had to go up the stairs with no one to greet them. Plus Trump would not get the satisfaction of seeing Biden get on the helicopter and fly away. How humiliating lol
You mean worst living human 😂.. Biden was replaced by the worst living human. Stalin comes to mind, as well as another person I won't mention because I have a lot of ancestors and family that were affected World War II by a certain person we all remember..
41% approval is appalling to me. How can that many approve the most horrific person ever elected to the presidency???? Huge failure apparently on Dems ability to communicate effectively! Huge success on right-wing media’s ability to communicate effectively their lies and misinformation. Appalling!!!
Just saying, is it possible that’s really the only factual amount of votes he got, 41%
and there was some hanky Panky on voting day? I keep asking myself that because I cannot believe he is going to be president. It blows my mind!! I cannot believe there would ever be people that cannot see through the lies and bluster. We are smarter than this. It’s insanity!!!!
Sorry Shelley. but in fact the USofA as seen from the outside see that you, as a country, are not that smart, rather a large part of your population are dumb as a stump. As well, it is pitiful that over 85 million did not vote.
Yes. As an American I cannot disagree. We are the dumbest people on the planet. Thanks mostly to the media that has bought up by the billionaire class, and the demonizing of socialists and communists over 80 years, so that say those words, and there is a knee-jerk negative reaction prior to any facts being given.
I am convinced there was fraud, the minute I heard Musk was involved. And then there was his bribing people to register/vote for Drumpf (his family's real name. BTW). Our Democratic leaders failed us by not immediately demanding recounts and forensic audits.
It's not who they voted for, it's who COUNTS THE VOTES that declares the winner. Insist on watching the ballots' trail. There is no other safeguard of an election than the eyes of the voters.
I too reject that this was a 'fairly won' election. Sure, some folks stayed home, but the fact that there is all kinds of Republican maneuvers, both legal and illegal, that skewed the vote, will likely be revealed a number of years down the road. (Watch out for reports by Greg Palast, author of 'The Best Democracy Money Can Buy' who continues to investigate and reveal the truth.
Many of us could see this clearly. Why were recounts and audits NOT done? To hell with "optics"--this is for saving our democracy. None of the results makes sense, no matter how our-subservent-to-the-oligarchy media tries to spin it.
We on the left have to speak up. This platform is on the side of truth and it is our responsibility to look at the votes to reveal what happened. Not years from now when it’s too late. Right? Scared to death?? Yes because it is not the path for the democracy we fight for everyday. So now what???? Do we lay down and suck our thumbs to pacify ourselves for four “plus” years or fight legally and keep talking and keep moving forward to get justice? I choose justice!!!! Thank you Meidas Plus!!!! Thank you
The hanky panky is the voter suppression that so many republican led state legislatures have written into their state laws. They allow anyone to accuse you of fraud or claim you are ineligible, they have legislated gerrymandering into a high art to stack the deck against minorities, they have restricted polling places and hours in minority communities, and required excessive identification practices. They have even legislated restrictions on the powers of their governors when a Democrat was elected. Individual voter fraud is a myth, but extreme id requirements are becoming more and more common. They have even tried to force Calif to adopt draconian id rules to recieve FEMA aid, even though calif already requires a picture id to register. They don't think a drivers license is acceptable id. They want a birth certificate and a second id. A married woman's birth certificate only has her maiden name, so of course it won't be good enough unless she can produce a marriage license.. i don't know where the hell either of mine are.. after 70 years, and several moves, things get lost, misplaced, misfiled. That is where voter hanky panky comes from. Stop draconian id laws. Stop gerrymandering. Allow equal access to voting locations and methods. Do not allow someone to take another person off voter rolls without proof or investigation. Voting is our most fundamental right. It is the right of all citizens, not just wealthy white men with a grievance because they lost their former status as uncontested rulers of us lesser human beings.
I've "seen" Los Angeles "votes" being "counted". What a CHARADE! AND NO ONE BUT ME WAS WATCHING !!! 30 feet away behind bullet proof glass! Trays stacked with thousands of cards lined up and fed into oblivion, never touched since marked.
We're total SUCKERS if we think we have legitimate elections. Turn a dial to whatever the mechanism is set to win. Now, where's that dial???
We must not forget that the billionaire class has bought up all the media, to further their goal (profits), and thus NONE of them are really dedicated to truth telling. Old people in this country still rely on TV and newspaper news (which utterly fails) and so they are NOT hearing the truth. And the Dems stubbornly refuse to listen to those who have advised them what needs to be done, and continue to listen to the political advisor class that has kept us as losers. Thank you Meidas for your dedication to America, democracy and the truth.
Show people playing musical instruments before polite and appreciative cows, a new YouTube addiction of mine. If we can’t touch the lush green grass, at least we can see it.
Trump addicted his followers to the toxic fluff of his cheap entertainment and misinformation. He also encourages MAGA to spew hate. In a decade, Trump has jeered at empathy and made the world crueler.
I have crossed the border into Canada many times and never once did it occur to me that Canada should be invaded. I am so sorry this imperialist weirdo got in. He makes me ashamed to be American.
Bad approval rating. That should tell you right there, there is a rat in the voting system. And I have a feeling, it's a muskrat. I still believe in my heart of hearts that Kamala should have won.
Absolutely. Musk has people who would know how to hack the machines. Snowden is a traitor, pure and simple. No way he won the 7 most crucial states. And he won the popular vote? No way in unholy hell.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for NOT airing the crap show on the 20th. I will be celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. birthday (even though I did this on the 15th also) I will be in ALLLLLLLLL black (even under garments) , my American flag is & will remain at 1/2 mast in honor of President Carter. MTN & Meidas Mighties is my backbone in everyday news. I am lost without you all.
HURRAY!!! "After careful consideration and consultation with constitutional experts, President Biden – like the American Bar Association last year – concluded that the ERA had met all the requirements for inclusion in the Constitution. He decided that the Oath of Office he took upon assuming the presidency – the Oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” – meant that he should formally announce that conclusion to the world.--The Contrarian
I’m 79 widow disabled live in a quiet suburb near Chicago. I get deliveries from a local grocery store yesterday the man that drove up when he was walking up o my door. He was n his 50s I said you’ve been here before your muslin he said yes I said it’s wonderful what happened there he raised his hands like in payer put them over his head and kept saying I LOVE AMERICA I LOVE AMERICA. It was moving I said Trump is trying t take credit he started shaking his head no Trump. As he was leaving I said we are one he said yes one. It was a great moment
We are the laughing stock of the world! How can we vote not once but twice for a child molester? A tax evader? So ignorant that he had to hide his school grades? Too many ignorant voters? Too many misogynistic voters? We could have had Kamala Harris as President! Instead we have elon musk!
Too bad President Biden has to leave the White House and be replaced by one of the worst humans ever!
Did u c all those people he wanted at his inauguration?
Sadly I can’t get past who will be seated in the front row!
Too bad he is such an old-school politician. He should resign on Saturday, Kamela can then step up and they can then declare a national emergency (which is literally is) and SAVE OUR DEMOCRACY from the take over of billionaires who will strip us all of any rights, any future, any health care, any ability to earn a decent living, and ensure that education remains only for the well heeled, The rest can live in poverty, ignorance, despair, and disease.
Never going to happen! Kamala would NEVER do it either. We live in a democracy.
You’re right, but I’d love a little shock and chaos to balance a little of what he has put us rational people through for so long ✋🇺🇸🤩
Puhleeze spare me the shock! TYVM
We'll be looking back at THE GOOD OLE DAYS, as Joe departs.
I still say Biden should join the other past presidents and not attend the event. Can you just see Trumps face if Biden is not there to hand over the key to the Whitehouse and Trump and Melania had to go up the stairs with no one to greet them. Plus Trump would not get the satisfaction of seeing Biden get on the helicopter and fly away. How humiliating lol
I love this flight of fancy, nice to envision ❤️🤩🇺🇸
You mean worst living human 😂.. Biden was replaced by the worst living human. Stalin comes to mind, as well as another person I won't mention because I have a lot of ancestors and family that were affected World War II by a certain person we all remember..
I believe I said one of the worst humans.
41% approval is appalling to me. How can that many approve the most horrific person ever elected to the presidency???? Huge failure apparently on Dems ability to communicate effectively! Huge success on right-wing media’s ability to communicate effectively their lies and misinformation. Appalling!!!
Just saying, is it possible that’s really the only factual amount of votes he got, 41%
and there was some hanky Panky on voting day? I keep asking myself that because I cannot believe he is going to be president. It blows my mind!! I cannot believe there would ever be people that cannot see through the lies and bluster. We are smarter than this. It’s insanity!!!!
Sorry Shelley. but in fact the USofA as seen from the outside see that you, as a country, are not that smart, rather a large part of your population are dumb as a stump. As well, it is pitiful that over 85 million did not vote.
Yes. As an American I cannot disagree. We are the dumbest people on the planet. Thanks mostly to the media that has bought up by the billionaire class, and the demonizing of socialists and communists over 80 years, so that say those words, and there is a knee-jerk negative reaction prior to any facts being given.
I am certainly there was voter fraud that happened and the proof was probably what exploded in space during the couple of Space X explosions.
I am convinced there was fraud, the minute I heard Musk was involved. And then there was his bribing people to register/vote for Drumpf (his family's real name. BTW). Our Democratic leaders failed us by not immediately demanding recounts and forensic audits.
They absolutely did but did not want to come across like them. 🙄
That may be, but the result is they're handing us over to tyranny.
I sure wondered about those numbers, and waited for the necessary recount. HCPB! It's the only way. Let's re-up all local precincts, ok with you all?
It's not who they voted for, it's who COUNTS THE VOTES that declares the winner. Insist on watching the ballots' trail. There is no other safeguard of an election than the eyes of the voters.
Good questions you ask. I believe there was hanky panky on voting day. How could so many vote Dems in, yet also vote for Trump?
Exactly not reasonable. Not possible. Something smells fishy to me.
Like a Mt. Everest of rotting fish.
I too reject that this was a 'fairly won' election. Sure, some folks stayed home, but the fact that there is all kinds of Republican maneuvers, both legal and illegal, that skewed the vote, will likely be revealed a number of years down the road. (Watch out for reports by Greg Palast, author of 'The Best Democracy Money Can Buy' who continues to investigate and reveal the truth.
Many of us could see this clearly. Why were recounts and audits NOT done? To hell with "optics"--this is for saving our democracy. None of the results makes sense, no matter how our-subservent-to-the-oligarchy media tries to spin it.
We on the left have to speak up. This platform is on the side of truth and it is our responsibility to look at the votes to reveal what happened. Not years from now when it’s too late. Right? Scared to death?? Yes because it is not the path for the democracy we fight for everyday. So now what???? Do we lay down and suck our thumbs to pacify ourselves for four “plus” years or fight legally and keep talking and keep moving forward to get justice? I choose justice!!!! Thank you Meidas Plus!!!! Thank you
Yes Puppies
The hanky panky is the voter suppression that so many republican led state legislatures have written into their state laws. They allow anyone to accuse you of fraud or claim you are ineligible, they have legislated gerrymandering into a high art to stack the deck against minorities, they have restricted polling places and hours in minority communities, and required excessive identification practices. They have even legislated restrictions on the powers of their governors when a Democrat was elected. Individual voter fraud is a myth, but extreme id requirements are becoming more and more common. They have even tried to force Calif to adopt draconian id rules to recieve FEMA aid, even though calif already requires a picture id to register. They don't think a drivers license is acceptable id. They want a birth certificate and a second id. A married woman's birth certificate only has her maiden name, so of course it won't be good enough unless she can produce a marriage license.. i don't know where the hell either of mine are.. after 70 years, and several moves, things get lost, misplaced, misfiled. That is where voter hanky panky comes from. Stop draconian id laws. Stop gerrymandering. Allow equal access to voting locations and methods. Do not allow someone to take another person off voter rolls without proof or investigation. Voting is our most fundamental right. It is the right of all citizens, not just wealthy white men with a grievance because they lost their former status as uncontested rulers of us lesser human beings.
he should be heading to the big house, not the white house.
I've "seen" Los Angeles "votes" being "counted". What a CHARADE! AND NO ONE BUT ME WAS WATCHING !!! 30 feet away behind bullet proof glass! Trays stacked with thousands of cards lined up and fed into oblivion, never touched since marked.
We're total SUCKERS if we think we have legitimate elections. Turn a dial to whatever the mechanism is set to win. Now, where's that dial???
We must not forget that the billionaire class has bought up all the media, to further their goal (profits), and thus NONE of them are really dedicated to truth telling. Old people in this country still rely on TV and newspaper news (which utterly fails) and so they are NOT hearing the truth. And the Dems stubbornly refuse to listen to those who have advised them what needs to be done, and continue to listen to the political advisor class that has kept us as losers. Thank you Meidas for your dedication to America, democracy and the truth.
It was over 50%.
Monday is Presidents’ Day. Please post lots of stuff with recognizing President Biden and alllll he did for the American people.
Glad you’re not airing inauguration. No one wants to watch that clown show.
I'm not. I have seen and heard enough of him to last several lifetimes.
You should show puppies and kittens videos.
Show people playing musical instruments before polite and appreciative cows, a new YouTube addiction of mine. If we can’t touch the lush green grass, at least we can see it.
Totally agree with you not to stream inauguration!
I love your platform. I am Danish, and hate Trump, but love all of You. Thank You for your great work <3
We feel the same here in Canada 🇨🇦!!!
So glad our friends In other countries can see thru trumps BS. Half of our own people can't
It's very heartbreaking what he's done to everybody he is destroying these poor people that don't know any better
Trump addicted his followers to the toxic fluff of his cheap entertainment and misinformation. He also encourages MAGA to spew hate. In a decade, Trump has jeered at empathy and made the world crueler.
We are so sorry that this crazy, infantile man is so aggressive to your country!
I have crossed the border into Canada many times and never once did it occur to me that Canada should be invaded. I am so sorry this imperialist weirdo got in. He makes me ashamed to be American.
Everyone should HATE him. He is an Anti America Cancer and a pathetic excuse for a human being.
Instead of showing the inauguration, do a program, en detail, of all that the Biden administration did in 4 years…
Also good. But puppies ( and kittens) that talk might get more bipartisan viewing.
Bad approval rating. That should tell you right there, there is a rat in the voting system. And I have a feeling, it's a muskrat. I still believe in my heart of hearts that Kamala should have won.
Yes. Muskrat and Snowden
working together? There has to be something wrong. Winning all 7 crucial states?? And the popular vote? No way.
Exactly Helloooooooooooo 😡🤬😡😡🤬🤬
Absolutely. Musk has people who would know how to hack the machines. Snowden is a traitor, pure and simple. No way he won the 7 most crucial states. And he won the popular vote? No way in unholy hell.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for NOT airing the crap show on the 20th. I will be celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. birthday (even though I did this on the 15th also) I will be in ALLLLLLLLL black (even under garments) , my American flag is & will remain at 1/2 mast in honor of President Carter. MTN & Meidas Mighties is my backbone in everyday news. I am lost without you all.
HURRAY!!! "After careful consideration and consultation with constitutional experts, President Biden – like the American Bar Association last year – concluded that the ERA had met all the requirements for inclusion in the Constitution. He decided that the Oath of Office he took upon assuming the presidency – the Oath to “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” – meant that he should formally announce that conclusion to the world.--The Contrarian
Did they??
Did they what?
Did they publish the ERA....
Ask Biden. Ask the Repricklicans.
Hey agent Orange!!!
America hates you!
Canada hates you!
Greenland hates you!
Mexico hates you!
Panama hates you!
The whole world hates you!!!!!
And your maggots hate you too😂😂😂😂!!!!!!!
So true! Don't want to look at his orange mug on the 20th. He makes America and our neighbors sick!!
I want to just to relax in a trump free zone.
I hate you too. Have you tried eating a quesadilla? I've heard it helps clowns.
You've been reported for harassment 🤬😡🤬😡
I bet. Hate pants and all.
If she didn't, I just did,
Now I'm blocking you as well.
Monday is also MLK, Jr.'s day. Let's celebrate that rather than covering the maga fete.
Thanks for sharing this Free Podcast you guys. IT Really Helps folks who can't afford to Pay for their News 🙏 and will reStack ASAP 💯👍
I’m 79 widow disabled live in a quiet suburb near Chicago. I get deliveries from a local grocery store yesterday the man that drove up when he was walking up o my door. He was n his 50s I said you’ve been here before your muslin he said yes I said it’s wonderful what happened there he raised his hands like in payer put them over his head and kept saying I LOVE AMERICA I LOVE AMERICA. It was moving I said Trump is trying t take credit he started shaking his head no Trump. As he was leaving I said we are one he said yes one. It was a great moment
😭 made my day too; thank you for sharing it with us
Hi Meidas brothers. Keep up the excellent work!! Keep hitting the Fascist Bastard and his MAGA ignorant cult.
- A Maple Mighty.
We are the laughing stock of the world! How can we vote not once but twice for a child molester? A tax evader? So ignorant that he had to hide his school grades? Too many ignorant voters? Too many misogynistic voters? We could have had Kamala Harris as President! Instead we have elon musk!