Thank God for you guys! I’m deleting my FB, IG, WhatsApp today. Can’t live with myself if I keep any of those sites. THIS (and #BlueSky!) is where I get my news!

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Who owns BlueSky?

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Former owner was Jack Dorsey, co-founder and former CEO of Twitter.

He stepped down from the board in May 2024 and deleted his account in September. Which is why everyone who has an IQ higher than a 3rd grader has made #BlueSky their home 🦋

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BlueSky is a paid-for service...wish I could afford it; however, living on (and too often beyond) a SSI fixed retirement income, some months even $10 is unaffordable. I want to speak truth-to-power, ardently! Yet, sometimes just speaking to the electric company about my bill takes precedent.

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Bluesky is NOT a paid service. It is totally FREE.

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I don't pay for it.

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It is free at least I don’t pay for it.

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I'm on BlueSky and it's a breath of fresh air compared to X.

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Agreed 🦋

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Jay Graber and other employees.

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No more Amazon for me!

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Nor me. Wiped my accounts.

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And tt... instagram.

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Yup. Instagram too. If Meta owns it, I want no part of it. pELON either.

Fuck em all.

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Also check out Spoutible if you're looking for a new "twitter."

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Shame on this country, booing former presidents. This is what Trump has brought to us. He's turned us into a cesspool.

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How dumb of former presidents etc for allowing themselves to be treated like trophies and roadkill - who sent them to the arena? Why THERE?

Just stay away - do/make something else!

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When you elect a clown you get a circus....

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Thank you for all you do... you are literally saving my life and saving me from insanity

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The Maga stupid . Hi I’m a maga politician vote for me and the stupid do. Vote for people who will steal your money and screw you over and you are stupid and the stupid do it willingly. Same stupid people who send money to TV Preachers you know the ones just send me $2000 and your blessed and saved. Trump says just send me money and your groceries will be cheaper (sure if you live in China LOL.) NBC loser main stream media full of non journalists

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Absolutely no class the MAGA scum booing the Past Democrat Presidents. They disgust me to no end

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Watch Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel, Seth, Colbert and the Daily show. You need to laugh …..thru your tears perhaps.

Believe me, you need to.

I danced while “Rome” burned once……. It will help you.

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Mojitos are good also, but specially vodka…..if you only knew how funny that is.

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Jan 21Edited

That sorry inaug was a low budget Lawrence Welk show including the top of the ceiling pan down to the cruxifix formed by the seating configuration (Praise Be! His truth is marching on!). Orange Tyrant survived 2 assassination attempts and still refused to change his ways, even equating himself to God. I ain't no evangelical but that's tempting fate. His end will be swift and bad.

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"In a fitting sign of the times, the legacy media spent a portion of Monday afternoon struggling to say whether Elon Musk offered a fascist salute during his remarks at a Trump event." Marc Elias

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Boo-ing at the inauguration? Guess the capitol is just a frat house now? No class

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The MEIDAS MIGHTY WILL PREVAIL ESPECIALLY IN THE MEDIA WORLD BECAUSE THEY ARE TELLING TRUTH AND DON’T BOW DOWN TO CORPORATE MEDIA LOSERS . Attention corporate America if you support mainstream media you will be boycotted as much as possible until you tell the truth and quit pumping up Trump and his Maga Minions You billionaires like Musk Bezos Zuckerberg will be boycotted as well. This is just getting traction but mark my words corporate America but your business will be boycotted as you support Trump and his minions. Eventually the negative PR WILL HURT YOU. Let’s start with Tesla and Facebook, instagram and Amazon. We’ll all feel better dumping these companies.

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Thank you Brett Ben and Jordy for providing us accurate news! Great job on the Humane Society fundraiser. Keep up the great work!

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Booing at former Presidents and VP is inexcusable but what would one expect from the uneducated MAGA

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Feces on the walls.

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Thank you all! You are the only news I watch with Demacracy Now. Prayers for you safety and strength! Katy ARCWP

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It's obvious MAGA has no class.

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"We seem to recall Jesus cautioning, that camels have an easier time passing through needles, than rich men do entering the gates of Heaven. Dunno' if that extends to Donnie and his many crypto bros, but we have our suspicions..."

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"Hamburgler" Melania will never get through the eye of of the needle with that black UFO hat on........Matthew 7:22-23..........."did we not prophesy in your name......cast out demons......do many deeds in your name........Then I will declare to them....I never knew you......go away from me you evildoers."..........Gods message to the false Christofascist fake Christian Nationalists that attended yesterday.

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If you have FB or Instagram, you need to delete and block Trump and his goonies because they have you automatically following him. Or just deactivate and delete accounts. Remember to be a good citizen and report their accounts, too.

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Even if you only post to your friends?

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No one should use the products of these traitors to democracy.

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