Written by Ben Meiselas
First, the good news. The MeidasTouch Network is now the 2nd most-watched YouTube channel in America, according to the latest Playboard charts just released. We beat Megyn Kelly (4th place), the NBA (5th place), and major networks like CBS (11th place) and ABC (12th place). That is something you should be very proud of, MeidasMighty. Those are multibillion-dollar corporate news networks you are beating.
Now, here’s the news that slightly irks me. Fox News took the lead again on the charts over MeidasTouch. They are in first place once again. Fox has been spending hundreds of millions of dollars on their digital platforms after finding out we were beating them when Meidas was number one. Unlike Fox, we do zero advertising, and unlike Fox, which has billionaire investors, we have zero investors.
The fact that MeidasTouch is so close to Fox in ratings this week, given that we are 100 percent independent, is still a great accomplishment this community should be proud of. That said, I am very competitive. I don’t like being in second place to Fox. Last week, as you will recall, we were in first place. I want to beat them again.
So here’s my ask to you:
Please tell at least five people you know to subscribe to the MeidasTouch YouTube channel and this Substack.
If you can, please become a paid subscriber to this Substack now to help us grow and continue building this infrastructure.
We love you, MeidasMighty. Let’s keep making history together.
ok, MTN, I'm happy for your success, but I'm beginning to worry about your obsession with beating Fox. It sounds a lot like trump's obsession with crowd size. And I'm also a little wary of size reporting vs. the fact that you're reporting is true and good. Theirs is not.
That's all I care about.
I am subscribed and will ask 5. Thanks Ben